
Eddie Bauer and Lucyd Unveil Groundbreaking Smart Eyewear Collection

Eddie Bauer and Lucyd Unveil Groundbreaking Smart Eyewear Collection

Eddie Bauer和Lucyd揭示了突破性的智能眼鏡系列
Innovative Eyewear ·  06/27 00:00

Lucyd Eyewear Introduces New Eddie Bauer Audio-Enabled ChatGPT Smart Eyewear Collection in U.S.

Lucyd眼鏡在美國推出新的Eddie Bauer音頻啓用ChatGPT智能眼鏡系列。

Innovative Eyewear, Inc. ("Innovative Eyewear" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: LUCY; LUCYW), the developer of smart eyewear under the Lucyd, Nautica, Eddie Bauer and Reebok brands, is thrilled to announce the launch of its the Eddie Bauer Smart Eyewear collection powered by Lucyd. This new line includes voice access to ChatGPT and introduces the world's first rimless smart eyewear design.

創新眼鏡公司(“創新眼鏡”或“公司”)(NASDAQ: LUCYW),是Lucyd,Nautica,Eddie Bauer和Reebok品牌下智能眼鏡的開發者,非常高興地宣佈其Eddie Bauer智能眼鏡系列的推出創新眼鏡公司; LUCYW), 根據 Lucyd、Nautica、Eddie Bauer 和 Reebok 品牌推出智能眼鏡開展了激動人心的啓動。 Eddie Bauer智能眼鏡系列由Lucyd提供技術支持該新系列具備語音訪問ChatGPT,並引入了世界上第一批無框智能眼鏡設計。Eddie Bauer智能眼鏡系列包括四種不同的風格,涵蓋極化的太陽鏡鏡片,以實現最佳的戶外表現。該系列展示了第一批無框智能眼鏡設計,將公司尖端技術與輕質和極簡主義的美感無縫融合。配備100英尺範圍內藍牙、超清晰麥克風和四聲道揚聲器,用於音樂和通話功能,每副眼鏡配備公司的專利充電座,確保眼鏡及最多三個USB充電設備的輕鬆和方便充電,爲全天的冒險提供能力。

The Eddie Bauer Smart Eyewear collection features four distinct styles, encompassing polarized sunglass lenses for optimal outdoor performance. The line showcases the first rimless smart eyewear design, seamlessly integrating the Company's cutting-edge technology into a lightweight and minimalist aesthetic. Powered with 100ft range Bluetooth, ultra-clear microphones and quadrasonic speakers for music and call capabilities, each pair comes equipped with the Company's patent-pending charging dock, ensuring effortless and convenient recharging of the glasses and up to three other USB-charged devices for all day adventure.

Eddie Bauer作爲一個標誌性和經典的時尚品牌,在戶外服裝領域擁有100年的傳統,通過Lucyd的專有創新技術將眼鏡推向了新的高度。創新眼鏡公司的首席執行官哈里森·格羅斯說:“我們相信Eddie Bauer智能眼鏡系列的推出標誌着我們推動眼鏡創新方面的重要里程碑。通過引入史上第一款無框智能眼鏡,我們相信我們不僅提升了時尚,還重新定義了可穿戴技術的可能性。””,創做功能與設計匹配的倡導者Eddie Bauer通過此新眼鏡系列集合了二者,爲體現他所象徵的現代探險者提供服務。“我們相信這是我們迄今爲止最爲高端的產品,彙集了高端的飾面,經過驗證的框架輪廓和強大的技術附件,可爲用戶提供如無兩的智能眼鏡體驗。我們很高興向Eddie Bauer的品牌粉絲介紹Eddie Bauer創新旅程的下一站。創新是Eddie Bauer品牌價值觀的核心,我們很高興能夠與Innovative Eyewear合作,繼續通過智能眼鏡的推出來傳承這一品牌價值觀。”,道出了Eddie Bauer兼容創新與時尚設計的承諾。

Known as an iconic and classic fashion brand that has a 100-year legacy in the outdoor apparel realm, Eddie Bauer is taking eyewear to new heights with this new eyewear collection powered by Lucyd's proprietary innovative technology. "We believe the launch of our Eddie Bauer Smart Eyewear line marks a significant milestone in our mission to push the boundaries of eyewear innovation. By introducing the first-ever rimless smart eyewear, we believe we are not only elevating style, but also redefining the possibilities of wearable technology," said Harrison Gross, CEO of Innovative Eyewear Inc.

這種新的眼鏡系列充分體現了Eddie Bauer將時尚與功能融合,迎合了現代冒險家的生活方式。Innovative Eyewear Inc.創始人兼首席執行官哈里森Gross表示:“我們相信這款Eddie Bauer智能眼鏡系列的推出標誌着我們在眼鏡創新方面的里程碑。 通過引入史上第一款無框智能眼鏡,我們相信不僅提升了時尚,還重新定義了可穿戴技術的可能性。”稍早時候,Authentic品牌集團(Authentic)已經同意這項協議,允許Lucyd提供技術支持。

This new eyewear collection exemplifies Eddie Bauer's commitment to merging fashion and function, catering to the modern, adventurous lifestyle that Eddie Bauer embodies. "We believe this is our most premium product to-date, with a combination of high-end finishes, tried and true frame contours and powerful tech accessories to deliver a smartglass experience like no other. We are pleased to introduce Eddie Bauer's next adventure in innovation to its audience of brand fans. Innovation is at the core of Eddie Bauer's brand values, and we are thrilled to continue that mission through the Smart Eyewear launch, in partnership with Innovative Eyewear," said Sierra McPhillips, Vice President of Brand at Authentic.

這種新型眼鏡系列體現了Eddie Bauer將時尚和功能合二爲一的承諾,迎合了Eddie Bauer所代表的現代冒險主義生活方式。 Authentic品牌副總裁Sierra McPhillips表示:“我們相信這是我們迄今爲止的一款最高端的產品,集合了高端的飾面、驗證實的框架輪廓和強大的技術配件,可爲用戶提供獨有的智能玻璃體驗。我們很高興向Eddie Bauer的品牌粉絲介紹Eddie Bauer創新之旅的下一步。創新是Eddie Bauer品牌價值觀的核心,我們很高興能夠與Innovative Eyewear合作,在帶來Eddie Bauer智能眼鏡系列的同時,繼承了Eddie Bauer品牌持之以恒的創新使命。”

Famously known for inventing and popularizing the iconic goose down jacket worn by many in the outdoors as they journeyed through major global travel destinations like the Appalachian mountains, Antarctic or Mount Everest, Eddie Bauer products have a history of helping millions of people achieve the impossible, through a combination of durability, utility and innovation. "We're seeking to continue that incredible tradition with our Eddie Bauer smart eyewear collection in collaboration with Lucyd. Done through an agreement with Authentic Brands Group (Authentic), this new smart eyewear line is offering men and women stylish, cutting-edge Smart sunglass and RX frames that bring ChatGPT to users' ears via audio verbal cues," said Harrison Gross, founder and CEO of Innovative Eyewear Inc.

Eddie Bauer以發明並普及了帶鵝絨填充的著名羽絨服而聞名。許多人在全球旅行目的地(如阿帕拉契亞山,南極洲或珠穆朗瑪峯)中的戶外旅行中穿着Eddie Bauer的羽絨服,該公司的產品憑藉耐用性、實用性和創新性幫助了數百萬人實現了不可能的任務。 創新眼鏡公司的創始人兼首席執行官哈里森·格羅斯說:“我們正與Lucyd合作,通過該協議提供壓軸的、切實可行的設計,創造極富個性的配件。這一新的智能眼鏡系列提供男性和女性時尚、前沿的智能太陽鏡和RX眼鏡,通過語音提示將ChatGPT帶到用戶耳邊,並得以享受前所未有的聽覺體驗。”

Lucyd has led the industry as the first smart eyewear platform powered with ChatGPT, making the world's most revolutionary Artificial Intelligence handsfree. "With simple audio commands, 12-hour battery life, bluetooth, and built-in microphones and speakers, our Smart eyewear products are designed so that users can play music right in their ear, as well as take calls, or ask ChatGPT or Siri a question," Gross continued.


With a focus on accessibility and convenience, the collection will soon be available through various retail channels, including department stores, sports retailers, brick-and-mortar locations, and local optical stores. Consumers can order Eddie Bauer Smart Eyewear now at with a variety of prescription and custom lens options.

該系列將通過多種零售渠道,包括百貨商店、運動零售商、實體門店和當地眼鏡店等渠道銷售。消費者現在可以在其官網上訂購Eddie Bauer智能眼鏡,並可根據需要選擇多種處方和定製鏡片選項。https://Lucyd.coEddie Bauer x Lucyd智能眼鏡系列提供高保真藍牙5.2音頻、單次充電12小時的音樂播放時長、99%的再生紙盒包裝、專有的自適應鉸鏈和多種品牌配件(包括無線充電器、人造皮套、清潔布和紙套等),所有配件都帶有Eddie Bauer標誌。

Eddie Bauer x Lucyd eyewear styles offer premiere features including hi-fi Bluetooth 5.2 audio, 12 hours of music per charge, 99% post-consumer recycled packaging, patent-pending auto-adjusting hinges, and several branded accessories including a cordless charging dock, leatherette case, cleaning cloth and a slipcase, all with the iconic Eddie Bauer logo.

Eddie Bauer智能眼鏡由Lucyd提供技術支持,包含以下風格:

Eddie Bauer Smart Glasses Powered by Lucyd Eyewear Styles:

速度 - ($229)這款深綠色的通勤者靈感來自Eddie Bauer最受歡迎的輪廓,是一款易於佩戴且熟悉的款式,提供11種不同的鏡片尺寸,提供偏振的UV400保護,搭配新型鈦鼻託、五桶鉸鏈、藍牙、12小時電池壽命、開放揚聲器和麥克風,最終提供額外的耐用性和出色的性能。

  1. Velocity – ($229) This forest-green wayfarer is inspired by a fan favorite Eddie Bauer silhouette. This easy-to-wear and familiar style is available in 11 distinct lens colors offering polarized UV400 protection, accompanied by a new titanium nose pad, five barrel hinges, Bluetooth, 12-hour battery life, open-air speakers & microphones, ultimately providing extra durability and superior performance.

  2. Explorer – ($229) This unique eyewear style boasts a number of functional and stylish features that provide an unbeatable combination of design and utility. This full-coverage frame is ideal for driving in the open air, whether it's to a beach, park or mountain top, offering a great look and feel on a sunny day.

  3. Navigator – ($249) This lux pilot aviator sunglass style features brushed black titanium hardware and ceramic nose pads embossed with the iconic Eddie Bauer goose. Lightweight, comfortable and stylish, and perfect as your go-to pair for prescription wear or sunglass use. These unique nylon Smart sunglasses are also available in nine unique polarized UV400 lens colors. All four Eddie Bauer by Lucyd Smart Eyewear designs come with a charging doc and cable, providing 12 hours of battery life.

  4. Horizon – ($249) Introducing the first-ever rimless smartglass in the world, and a stepping-stone into the future of both Eddie Bauer and Lucyd. This incredible frame blends a luxurious, sleek floating lens, with durable matte-finished titanium hardware and sleek style. This unique style features polarized UV400 rimless lenses, making a great sunglass or prescription eyewear product that is sure to protect users eyes from harmful UV rays. Comes with a charging cordless charging doc, standard charger, and leather case, providing 12 hours of battery life on one single charge.

  1. 速度Eddie Bauer智能眼鏡系列

  2. Explorer這款獨特的眼鏡風格具有多種實用和時尚特點,提供了設計和實用性的無與倫比的結合。這款全面覆蓋的框架非常適合在開闊的空氣中駕駛,無論是去海灘、公園還是登山,都能在陽光明媚的日子裏提供出色的外觀和感覺。

  3. Navigator – ($249) 這款豪華的飛行員飛行員太陽鏡風格採用刷黑鈦金屬硬件和陶瓷鼻墊。輕盈、舒適、時尚,是配戴處方眼鏡或太陽鏡的理想之選。這些獨特的尼龍智能太陽鏡還提供九種獨特的極化UV400鏡片顏色。所有四個Eddie Bauer by Lucyd Smart Eyewear designs Smart藍牙音頻眼鏡均配備充電器和電纜,提供12小時的電池壽命。Horizon – ($249) 介紹世界上第一款無框智能眼鏡,是Eddie Bauer和Lucyd未來的一個里程碑。這款不可思議的框架將奢華、時尚的浮動鏡片與耐用的啞光鈦金屬硬件和時尚的風格相結合。這款獨特的款式採用極化UV400無框鏡片,是一款非常適合成爲太陽鏡或處方眼鏡產品,能夠確保用戶眼睛免受有害的紫外線侵害。配有無線充電器、標準充電器和皮革包,一次充電提供12小時的電池壽命。

  4. Innovative Eyewear是一家無線充電器、以Lucyd、Nautica、Eddie Bauer和Reebok品牌推出創新的、ChatGPT-powered智能眼鏡的開發者和零售商。忠實於我們升級您的眼鏡的使命,我們的藍牙音頻眼鏡可以讓用戶安全、人體工程學地連接到他們的數字生活,並提供數百種框架和鏡片組合,以滿足光學市場的需求。若要了解Eddie Bauer Powered by Lucyd Smart Eyewear系列的更多信息,並探索未來的眼鏡技術,請訪問和關注Lucyd的Instagram。

About Innovative Eyewear, Inc.

今天宣佈,旗下品牌包括 Lucyd、Nautica、Eddie Bauer 和Reebok,是Lucyd智能眼鏡的開發者,推出了一款名爲 LUCY 的 Bixby 應用程序,可讓眼鏡上的ChatGPT語音控制功能更加方便,且無需使用手進行操作。這是第一次將這項功能帶給三星手機用戶,無論是用 Lucyd 眼鏡連接到他們的三星設備還是在自己的設備上,所有Bixby的用戶現在都可以與ChatGPT交流。公司預計,這種無縫、語音控制的新AI功能將爲三星手機和平板電腦用戶提供衆多新型的實用工具,例如實時翻譯和幾乎任何主題的詳細研究能力。

Innovative Eyewear is a developer and retailer of cutting-edge, ChatGPT enabled smart eyewear, under the Lucyd, Nautica, Eddie Bauer & Reebok brands. True to our mission to Upgrade Your Eyewear, our Bluetooth audio glasses allow users to stay safely and ergonomically connected to their digital lives, and are offered in hundreds of frame and lens combinations to meet the needs of the optical market. To learn more about the Eddie Bauer Powered by Lucyd Smart Eyewear collection and explore the future of eyewear technology, please visit and follow Lucyd on Instagram.

關於Eddie Bauer,對於超過100年來,戶外品牌Eddie Bauer鼓舞、使能和賦予人們用能持久的產品來實現他們的冒險精神。他們的性能外套、服裝、鞋履、配飾和裝備可在和美國、加拿大、德國和其他國際市場的260多家門店購買。關注Eddie Bauer的www.Lucyd.coInstagram。

About Eddie Bauer

For more than 100 years, outdoor brand Eddie Bauer has been inspiring, enabling, and empowering people to live their adventure with products that are built to last. Their performance outerwear, apparel, footwear, accessories, and gear are available at and more than 260 stores in the U.S., Canada, Germany, and other international markets. Follow Eddie Bauer on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

所有板塊eddiebauer.com以及其他Instagram, 臉書 推特.

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