


PR Newswire ·  06/27 12:14

So You're Not An "IT" Athlete, New Beverage Campaign Says, "So F**king What?! Keep Going!"


AUSTIN, Texas, June 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Lucky Energy drink launches its new ad campaign, 'Athletes,' which takes aim at society's unrelatable, hyper depiction of athletic success and the pressures faced to achieve excellence. In 'Athletes,' the brand champions everyday amateur sports aficionados—the fans who do it simply for the love of the game—reminding them that Lucky Energy is there to fuel their athletic prowess.

德克薩斯州奧斯汀,2024年6月27日/美通社/- 今天,聲稱提供能源的Lucky Energy飲料推出了其新的廣告活動“運動員”,旨在針對社會對體育成功的不切實際和過於繁瑣的描述以及達到卓越的壓力。在‘運動員’中,該品牌會爲運動迷們提供支持,他們僅僅因爲對比賽的熱愛而做出這些努力,提醒他們Lucky Energy有助於提高他們的運動能力。Lucky Energy飲料推出了新的廣告活動‘運動員’,旨在針對社會對體育成功的不切實際和過於繁瑣的描述以及達到卓越的壓力。在‘運動員’中,該品牌會爲運動迷們提供支持,他們僅僅因爲對比賽的熱愛而做出這些努力,提醒他們Lucky Energy有助於提高他們的運動能力。由Lucky Energy的內部創意團隊開發,“運動員”將通過Connected TV、Instagram、TikTok和YouTube等平台展現。

Developed by Lucky Energy's in-house creative team, 'Athletes' will live on Connected TV, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. The campaign can be viewed HERE.

由Lucky Energy的內部創意團隊開發,“運動員”將通過Connected TV、Instagram、TikTok和YouTube等平台展現。這裏.

Lucky Energy 'Athlete' Campaign Video
Lucky Energy“運動員”廣告視頻

"With 'Athletes,' we recognize the person who belly-flops into the pool while diving, misses the uncontested dunk, and falls off the balance beam. Everyday athletes are rarely celebrated, especially in the energy/sports drinks category, so we felt it necessary to spotlight them. While we admire and revere professional athletes [with reason], we can't forget about the billions of other sports enthusiasts whose names we don't know, who aren't splashed on posters on our walls, who do it for the love of the game - like the talent in our ad, Jonathan L Clark IV. You may not expect it, but he's a triple threat - he's a high school teacher, coach, and world-class dunker. Clark, along with athletes around the globe, stumbles, falls and needs the energy to get back up and keep going. It's a relatable sentiment that we feel hits with real people who may not always be the best, but they go hard," says Hamid Saify, Chief Marketing Officer at Lucky Energy. "We are a cleaner, inclusive energy drink company determined to power everyone's athletic efforts."

“通過“運動員”,我們認識到,那些肚子先着地跳入水中、錯失不受防守的灌籃機會、摔倒下來的人也需要關注,因爲每天的運動員很少被過度表揚,尤其在提高能量/運動飲料的種類上也很少,所以我們覺得有必要讓他們成爲聚光燈下的焦點。雖然我們也欣賞和尊重職業運動員[有理由的],但我們不能忘記另外數十億的其他運動愛好者,我們不知道他們的名字,沒有他們的海報掛在我們的牆上,他們像我們廣告中的天賦一樣只是出於對比賽的熱愛--Jonathan L Clark IV就是其中之一。你也許沒有想到,但他是三件事合一的全能選手:高中老師、教練和世界級扣將。與全球的運動員一起,Clark跌倒、摔倒並需要精力才能站起來,再繼續前進。這是一個讓我們感到親切的情感,我們認爲它能打動真實的人,這些人可能並不總是最好的,但他們會拼盡全力, ”Lucky Energy首席營銷官Hamid Saify說。 “我們是一家更清潔、更包容的能量飲料公司,致力於推動每個人的運動努力。”Jonathan L Clark IV。你可能不會想到,但他是個三重威脅型選手——他是一名高中老師、教練和世界級扣將。Clark與全球的運動員一起,跌倒、摔倒並需要精力才能站起來,再繼續前進。這是一個讓我們感到親切的情感,我們認爲它能打動真實的人,這些人可能並不總是最好的,但他們會拼盡全力。繼續前進所以我們欣賞和尊重職業運動員[有理由的],但我們不能忘記其他億萬運動愛好者,我們不知道他們的名字,沒有他們的海報掛在我們的牆上,他們像我們廣告中的天賦一樣只是出於對比賽的熱愛,”Lucky Energy首席營銷官Hamid Saify說。 “我們是一家更清潔、更包容的能量飲料公司,致力於推動每個人的運動努力。”

Richard Laver founded Lucky Energy after experiencing tragic lows and dizzying heights; he launched the company to inspire people to persevere and keep going as he learned to do. He's the youngest survivor of the Delta 191 flight that killed his father and 136 others. After surviving the crash at just 12 years old, he suffered from depression and was homeless by 27. He eventually found the love of his life, Michelle, but during the premature birth of their first child, Kate, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and would need a feeding tube for nourishment. Through a medley of medical complications, he founded Kate Farms (now the #1 recommended plant-based tube-feeding formula) to save her life. In thinking about his next chapter, Laver landed on creating a cleaner alternative to the energy drinks on the market.

。Richard Laver在經歷了悲慘的低谷和眩暈的高峰之後,創立了Lucky Energy公司,以鼓勵人們堅持不懈,繼續前進。他是僅有的一位在Delta 191墜毀事故中倖存的最年輕的倖存者,他的父親和136人遇難。在倖存下來之後,他12歲時患上了抑鬱症,並在27歲時無家可歸。他最終找到了他的真愛米歇爾,但在他們的第一個孩子凱特早產期間,她被診斷出患有腦性癱瘓,需要通過餵養管獲得營養。通過各種醫療複雜性,他創立了Kate Farms(現爲#1建議的基於植物的管飼配方),以挽救她的生命。在考慮他的下一個階段時,Laver落在了創造市場上這種更加清潔替代品的想法上。Delta 191致同

To learn more about 'Athletes', visit and follow @luckyfckenergy on social media. For press inquiries, please get in touch with Valeria Carrasco directly at [email protected].

要了解更多有關'運動員'的信息,請訪問網站,並關注社交媒體@luckyfckenergy。如有媒體垂詢,請直接與瓦萊里亞•卡拉斯科(Valeria Carrasco)聯繫,郵箱爲[email protected]。

ABOUT Lucky Energy Drink
Lucky Energy is a cleaner, better-for-you energy drink company founded by serial beverage entrepreneur Richard Laver. The brand creates high-quality products to motivate people to keep going. The product line features five flavors—with 5 super ingredients, including maca and beta-alanine, 0 sugar, 0 aftertaste, and only 5 calories. Products are available on Amazon. For more information, visit and follow @luckyfckenergy on social media.

關於Lucky Energy飲料
Lucky Energy是一家由連續飲料創業家Richard Laver創立的更清潔、更適合您的能量飲料公司。該品牌生產高質量的產品,以激勵人們繼續前進。產品系列包括五種口味——包括馬卡和β-丙氨酸等5種超級成分、0糖分、0餘味和僅有5卡路里。產品在亞馬遜上有售。要了解更多信息,請訪問網站,並關注社交媒體@luckyfckenergy。繼續前進。產品系列包括五種口味——包括馬卡和β-丙氨酸等5種超級成分、0糖分、0餘味和僅有5卡路里。產品在亞馬遜上有售。要了解更多信息,請訪問網站,並關注社交媒體@luckyfckenergy。

'Athletes' Credits:
Jonathan Clark - @jclarkthejumper
Halle Sullivan - @halle.luja
Joey Johnson - @joeysjohnson
Chris Genovese
Joseph McNabb - @josephbmcnabb
Bobby Nahill - @bn.selftapes
Cole Wadsworth - @wadsworth_cole

喬納森·克拉克 - @jclarkthejumper
哈莉·沙利文 - @halle.luja
喬伊·約翰遜 - @joeysjohnson
約瑟夫·麥克納布 - @josephbmcnabb
鮑比·納希爾 - @bn.selftapes
科爾·沃茲沃斯 - @wadsworth_cole

Camera- Guerrilla Gear - @guerrillagear
Director- Blake Studwell - @blakestudwell
Line Producer- Frank Amoroso - @foxyfrankpics
Key Grip-Justin Cipriani - @online_justin
MUA-Audrey Hood - @doohyerdua
DP/Steadi-James Persinger - @thatjamezguy
Gaffer-Dennis Albert - @dennisalbert_
AC-Vish Bakshi - @vishvesh_bakshi
Casting-Jordan Blair Brown
2nd AC-Chris Gomez - @cagandcam
Sound Mix-Eddie Castro
Editor-Alex Lewis - @alewisfilms
Editor-Mike Rich- @mikerichmedia
Special thanks Life University

特斯拉-攝像頭 - Guerrilla Gear - @guerrillagear
董事 - Blake Studwell - @blakestudwell
製片人 - Frank Amoroso - @foxyfrankpics
主相機 - Justin Cipriani - @online_justin
化妝師 - 奧德麗·胡德 - @doohyerdua
攝影師/掛機 - 詹姆斯·派辛傑 - @thatjamezguy
照明師 - 丹尼斯·阿爾伯特 - @dennisalbert_
攝影助理 - 維什·巴克什 - @vishvesh_bakshi
選角 - 喬丹·布萊爾·布朗
第二攝影機 - 克里斯·戈麥斯 - @cagandcam
音效混合 - 埃迪·卡斯特羅
編輯 - Alex Lewis- @alewisfilms
編輯 - Mike Rich- @mikerichmedia

SOURCE Lucky Beverage Company

源自Lucky Beverage Company

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