
Pure Leaf and Lindsay Lohan Want You to Revitalize With a Workday "Tea Break"

Pure Leaf and Lindsay Lohan Want You to Revitalize With a Workday "Tea Break"

Pure Leaf和Lindsay Lohan希望您通過工作日“茶歇”來恢復活力
百事可樂 ·  06/27 00:00

Pure Leaf Tea Break campaign encourages workers to challenge today's hustle culture with a centuries-old workplace ritual – a quality tea break – and the first bottle is on Pure Leaf Iced Tea.

Pure Leaf Tea Break 活動鼓勵員工挑戰當今的疾馳文化,體驗一個源遠流傳的辦公室慣例——優質的茶歇,以及享用 Pure Leaf 冰茶的第一瓶。Pure Leaf 冰茶。

PURCHASE, N.Y., June 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Workplace burnout has been felt for generations, but in a recent survey by Pure Leaf, the brand discovered that today's workers need to refresh and revitalize more than ever. Why? Three in five workers struggle to take breaks during the workday, and more than half of workers feel too busy or interrupted by work to take a refreshing break*. Nearly two-thirds of workers feel mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted*. However, sixty-three percent (63%) of workers surveyed noted that when they do take quality breaks, they come back recharged for what's next*. Pure Leaf is here to help you unlock high-quality tea breaks to revitalize you during the workday with expertly crafted, real-brewed iced tea with a bold tea taste and naturally occurring caffeine. Starting today, Pure Leaf is teaming up with the multi-talented Lindsay Lohan to promote tea break culture across America.

2024年6月27日,紐約州購買(PRNewswire)——工作疲勞感一代又一代人都深有體會,但在 Pure Leaf 最近的一項調查中,該品牌發現當今的員工比以往任何時候都更需要恢復活力。爲什麼?三分之二的員工在工作日內難以休息,超過一半的員工感覺忙碌或被工作打斷而無法享受一次令人耳目一新的茶歇。將近三分之二的員工感到精神、身體和情緒都筋疲力盡。然而,63%受訪的員工指出,當他們質量上乘地休息時,他們能爲接下來的工作打起精神。Pure Leaf 正在幫助您解鎖高質量的茶歇,在工作時間內爲您恢復活力,專家手工製作,真正的沖泡冰茶,帶有濃郁的茶香和天然咖啡因。從今天開始,Pure Leaf 將與多才多藝的 Lindsay Lohan 攜手推廣美國的茶歇文化。Lindsay Lohan推廣美國的茶歇文化。

  • Pure Leaf Tea Break Starring Lindsay Lohan: As an actress, producer, and mother, Lindsay exemplifies the power of prioritizing breaks to recharge and come back even stronger. In Pure Leaf's new spot, Lindsay brings this notion to life, encouraging employees throughout her office to take an unapologetic, delightful, relaxing, much-deserved tea break.
    "We owe it to ourselves to take a moment each day to pause, recharge, and revitalize," says Lindsay Lohan. "I'm proud to partner with Pure Leaf to promote the importance of taking a daily tea break because no matter what you do, we all deserve the time to reset and refresh. For me, prioritizing breaks is essential for all of the roles I juggle, allowing me to return stronger and more restored."
  • A complimentary bottle of Pure Leaf** Iced Tea for your next tea break. The nationwide promotion begins today, June 27th, and runs through July 25th.
  • offers drafted "away on a tea break" messages, data from the brand's "State of the Break" report, details on claiming a free bottle of Pure Leaf and research-backed tips in partnership with Mind Share Partners for making the most of your tea break.
  • Pure Leaf Tea Break Grant Program***: To support the cultural shift toward better breaks at an organizational level, Pure Leaf is launching the Pure Leaf Tea Break Grant program also in partnership with Mind Share Partners. This initiative will provide funding for small businesses and non-profits to implement break initiatives aimed at promoting employee revitalization.
  • Pure Leaf茶歇,由演員、製片人和母親Lindsay主演:作爲一名演員、製片人和母親,Lindsay展現了優先休息來充電並更加強大的力量。在Pure Leaf的新廣告中,Lindsay將這個概念變爲現實,鼓勵她辦公室內的員工進行毫不含糊、令人愉悅、放鬆和應得的茶歇。
    “我們應該每天花一點時間暫停、恢復和重振精神,”Lindsay Lohan說。“我很自豪能與 Pure Leaf 合作,推動每天喝茶歇的重要性,因爲無論做什麼,我們都值得花時間重置和提神。對我來說,優先考慮休息對我所扮演的所有角色都至關重要,讓我可以更加強壯、更有恢復力。”
  • 免費送一瓶 Pure Leaf 冰茶,供您下次茶歇時享用。這項全美推廣從今天開始,即 6 月 27 日,持續到 7 月 25 日。** 提供了“正在進行茶歇”消息、該品牌“茶歇狀況”報告的數據、領取免費 Pure Leaf 產品的詳細信息以及與 Mind Share Partners 合作的研究支持的提示,幫助您充分利用您的茶歇時間。
  •提供草擬的“離開喝茶中”的郵件,品牌“休息狀況”報告的數據,領取一瓶免費的Pure Leaf,並提供在與Mind Share Partners合作的情況下研究支持的提示。Mind Share Partners用於充分利用茶歇的資訊,您還可以在社交媒體上關注@PureLeaf以獲得更多活動內容。
  • Pure Leaf 茶歇 Grant Program***:爲了支持企業文化向更好的休息方式轉變,Pure Leaf與Mind Share Partners合作推出了Pure Leaf茶歇補助計劃。這一計劃將向小型企業和非盈利組織提供資金,以實施旨在促進員工復興的休息舉措。

"At Pure Leaf, we are intentional about how we craft our delicious real brewed iced teas so you can feel refreshed and revitalized. We know a lot of people are not taking enough quality breaks during the workday, so we're launching the Pure Leaf Tea Break to remind people that a moment to reset is very important and revitalization is just a sip away with our delicious, iced teas made from a few high-quality, simple ingredients, and naturally occurring caffeine from tea leaves," says Julie Raheja-Perera, General Manager/VP - Pepsi Lipton Partnership North America.

“在 Pure Leaf,我們在製作美味的真正沖泡冰茶時,非常注重技藝,讓您感到煥然一新。我們知道很多人在工作日內沒有充分休息,所以我們推出了 Pure Leaf 茶歇,爲人們提供前所未有的提神方式,讓人們時刻都能感到充滿活力。我們的冰茶由一些高質量、簡單的材料和茶葉自然的咖啡因製成,含有豐富的茶香。”Julie Raheja-Perera, Pepsi Lipton Partnership North America 的總經理/副總裁說道。“

For more information on Pure Leaf's campaign and to claim a free revitalizing Pure Leaf Iced Tea, visit You can also follow @PureLeaf on social media for more campaign content. Small businesses and 501(c)(3) nonprofits interested in applying for the Pure Leaf Tea Break Grant program can find more details and Official Rules at

有關Pure Leaf活動的更多信息以及領取免費提神的Pure Leaf冰茶,請訪問。對於有興趣申請Pure Leaf茶歇補助計劃的小型企業和501(c)(3)非營利組織,請訪問

*The "State of the Break" survey was conducted by an independent research firm, Edelman Data & Intelligence, among 1,010 full-time employed or self-employed workers across the U.S. from May 7 to May 17, 2024. This survey was 10 minutes in length and conducted online in the English language.

*這項“茶歇狀況”調查由獨立調查公司Edelman Data & Intelligence在2024年5月7日至5月17日之間,對全美範圍內1010名全職或自僱員工進行了問卷調查。本調查爲在線英語調查,長度爲10分鐘。

**Free Pure Leaf products via cash back up to $3.00. Tax and bottle deposit not included in the offer. MSG & data rates may apply. Purchase and redemption required between 6/27 and 7/25. Limit 1 offer per person. Offer subject to terms and conditions at US only. Void where prohibited.

**Pure Leaf 將免費提供商品,享受現金返還最高3美元。不包括稅和瓶子按金。不含信息業務和數據費用。購買和兌現期限爲2024年6月27日至7月25日。每人限領取一次。在PureLeaf.com上閱讀條款和條件。美國境內限制使用。美國境內限制使用。

***No purchase necessary. The Pure Leaf "Tea Breaks" Grant Program is sponsored by Pepsi-Cola Company. Entrants must be legal residents of the 50 US & DC, 18 & older (19 & older in AL/NE), who are employed by an eligible small business or nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization (as defined in the Official Rules as Eligible Organization). Prizes awarded to Eligible Organizations only. Begins 9:00 a.m. ET on 6/27/24 and ends 11:59 p.m. ET on 8/22/24. For Official Rules, eligibility, prize descriptions, how to enter, and complete details, visit

***無需購買。由背賽公司贊助的 Pure Leaf “茶歇”Grant Program 需要參加者是美國50個州和哥倫比亞特區的合法居民,年滿18歲或以上(阿拉巴馬州和內布拉斯加州爲19歲或以上),在符合條件的小型企業或非營利性組織(在官方規則中定義爲合格組織)工作。獎品僅授予合格的組織。從2024年6月27日美東時間上午9:00開始,至2024年8月22日美東時間晚上11:59結束。有關官方規則、資格、獎品說明、如何參加以及完整信息,請訪問。

PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $86 billion in net revenue in 2022, driven by a complementary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes Lay's, Doritos, Cheetos, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Quaker, and SodaStream. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales. Guiding PepsiCo is our vision to Be the Global Leader in Beverages and Convenient Foods by Winning with pep+ (PepsiCo Positive). pep+ is our strategic end-to-end transformation that puts sustainability and human capital at the center of how we will create value and growth by operating within planetary boundaries and inspiring positive change for planet and people. For more information, visit, and follow on X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @PepsiCo.

全球超過200個國家和地區的消費者每天都享用百事可樂的產品超過10億次。2022年,百事可樂的淨收入超過860億美元,其盈利主要來自飲料和方便食品組合,包括Lay's、Doritos、Cheetos、Gatorade、Pepsi-Cola、Mountain Dew、Quaker和SodaStream等品牌。百事可樂的產品組合包括許多享受到喜愛的食品和飲料,其中很多擁有超過10億美元的年度零售銷售額。百事可樂的願景是通過贏得pep+(百事可樂積極)來成爲飲料和方便食品的全球領導者。pep+是百事可樂的全面戰略轉型,將可持續發展和人力資本置於核心地位,通過在地球邊界內運營並激勵積極變革以創建價值和實現增長。欲了解更多信息,請訪問,並在X (Twitter), Instagram, FacebookLinkedIn @百事可樂。

Mind Share Partners is a nonprofit that is changing the culture of workplace mental health so that both employees and organizations can thrive. They help employers create mentally healthy workplaces through consulting, training, and national movement building based on the belief that challenges like anxiety, burnout, and depression are not just an individual employee's responsibility, they're a collective responsibility. That's why their time-tested approach hinges on changing company culture—and using an equity lens to do so.

關於Mind Share Partners
Mind Share Partners是一個非營利組織,正在改變職場心理健康的文化,以便員工和組織都能夠茁壯成長。他們通過諮詢、培訓和基於平等原則的全國性運動幫助僱主創建心理健康的工作場所,因爲他們相信像焦慮、倦怠和抑鬱這樣的挑戰不僅是個體員工的責任,也是集體責任。這就是爲什麼他們經過時間考驗的方法在於改變公司文化-並使用平等性視角來實現這一目標。

Media Contact
Chloe Hager | Edelman

Chloe Hager | 艾德曼公司


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