
Spotlight on Authentic AI: Developers Making Real Contributions Beyond AI Washing Claims

Spotlight on Authentic AI: Developers Making Real Contributions Beyond AI Washing Claims

PR Newswire ·  06/28 11:07

USA News Group Commentary
Issued on behalf of Scope AI Corp.

代表Scope AI公司發佈

VANCOUVER, BC, June 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- With the advent of the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution, so too comes a major shift across multiple industries. In creative industries, AI is leading to new tools, but also job cuts. Billionaire Steve Cohen and his Point72 Ventures recently laid off its fintech team, in a pivot towards AI. Several investment firms are making this shift as well, including Capital Group, UBS, and SoftBank. Even Goldman Sachs has deployed its first Generative AI tool across the firm for code generation to its thousands of developers by the end of the month. However, another new wrinkle has arrived on the scene, with new allegations of what's being called "AI washing", where proprietors claim to be using AI, when in fact their transactions require significant human oversight. Working behind the scenes for real contributions to the AI space are several developers, including Scope AI Corp. (CSE: SCPE) (OTCQB: SCPCF), SoundHound AI, Inc. (NASDAQ: SOUN, SOUNW), Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE: BABA), Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: META), and International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) (NYSE: IBM).

隨着人工智能(AI)革命的到來,多個行業都出現了重大變革。在創新科技行業中,人工智能帶來了新的工具,但也帶來了裁員。億萬富翁史蒂夫·科恩和他的Point72 Ventures最近在向人工智能轉型時解僱了其金融科技團隊。包括Capital Group和SoftBank在內的幾家投資公司也在進行這種轉型。即將到來的又有一個新變化:新的指控稱業者在聲稱使用人工智能,而實際上這些交易需要人工干預。一些開發人員正在幕後對人工智能空間進行實際貢獻,包括SoundHound AI,Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:SOUN,SOUNW),阿里巴巴集團(NYSE:BABA),Meta Platforms,Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:META)以及國際商業機器公司(IBM)(NYSE:IBM)。隨着機器學習技術的不斷髮展,Scope AI Corp.(CSE:SCPE)(OTCQB:SCPCF)已經進行了品牌改造,並將市場重心轉向了廣告、遊戲和神經網絡等關鍵領域,利用其先進的通用企業機器學習(GEM)平台。該公司正在推進其GEM平台,幫助企業創建定製化的目標檢測和視覺信息系統,充分利用了神經網絡的全部功能。這些戰略性的努力旨在徹底改變廣告個性化、增強遊戲體驗,並擴大神經網絡的各種應用。近期,該公司推出了GEM的重大更新,旨在更好地支持廣告代理和遊戲行業。這些增強功能集中於改善廣告內容以及通過高級神經網絡功能改善遊戲玩法。到五月底,Point72 VenturesCapital GroupSoftBank, 瑞銀高盛SoundHound AI, Inc. (納斯達克股票代碼:SOUN,SOUNW),國際商業機器公司(IBM)(紐交所股票代碼:IBM)正在進行Gem創業板的技術更新在廣告、遊戲和神經網絡等行業板塊進行進一步的技術優化,以支持其GEM平台他們持續發展GEM,旨在使企業能夠創建定製的目標檢測和視覺信息系統,充分利用神經網絡的潛力。 (CSE: SCPE) (OTCQB: SCPCF)SoundHound AI,Inc.是這個企業的全球領導者。正在利用其通用企業機器學習平台進一步推廣廣告個性化、遊戲體驗和神經網絡應用等關鍵領域阿里巴巴集團控股有限公司(紐交所: BABA), Meta Platforms, Inc.(納斯達克: META),以及國際商業機器公司(IBM)可以將代表着創新科技的字眼譯爲太空概念

As machine learning technology continues to advance, Scope AI Corp. (CSE: SCPE) (OTCQB: SCPCF) has rebranded and shifted its market focus towards key industries such as advertising, gaming, and neural networks, utilizing its sophisticated GEM (General Enterprise Machine Learning) platform.

隨着機器學習技術的不斷髮展,Scope AI Corp.(CSE:SCPE)(OTCQB:SCPCF)已經進行了品牌改造,並將市場重心轉向了廣告、arvr遊戲和神經網絡等關鍵領域,利用其先進的通用企業機器學習(GEM)平台。該公司正在推進其GEM平台,幫助企業創建定製化的目標檢測和視覺信息系統,充分利用了神經網絡的全部功能。這些戰略性的努力旨在徹底改變廣告個性化、增強遊戲體驗,並擴大神經網絡的各種應用。近期,Scope AI Corp.正在進行GEM的重大技術更新,旨在更好地支持廣告代理和遊戲行業,以及其他相關業務領域。正在利用其先進的通用企業機器學習(GEM)平台,推進目標檢測和視覺信息系統的定製化開發這些策略性的努力的目標是:徹底改變廣告個性化、增強arvr遊戲體驗和擴大神經網絡應用的各種可能。在最近的一次更新黨,將會完善廣告內容、遊戲玩法、在高盛的財務體系中整合以及在紐約證券交易所和創業板中的擴展等方面的功能,目的是爲了最大化企業的利潤和影響力

Scope AI is progressing its GEM platform to assist businesses in creating customized object detection and visual information systems, harnessing the full capabilities of neural networks. These strategic efforts aim to revolutionize advertising personalization, enhance gaming experiences, and expand various applications of neural networks.


In recent developments, Scope AI has launched significant updates to GEM, designed to better support advertising agencies and the gaming industry. These enhancements concentrate on refining advertising content and improving gameplay through advanced neural network functionalities. By the end of May, Scope AI had collaborated with several leading ad agencies and ad networks to identify and address the main challenges in evaluating ad creative effectiveness, page layouts, and the associated testing costs and complexities.


"Our approach is to start with the pain points of our potential users and build solutions based on those insights," said James Young, CEO of Scope AI Corp. "We believe in understanding the real-world challenges faced by our partners, rather than falling into the common software trap of 'build it and they will come.' This collaboration ensures that GEM is not just another tool, but a solution that addresses the specific needs of the advertising community."

“我們的方法是從我們潛在用戶的痛點出發,根據這些洞察來構建解決方案,”Scope AI Corp的CEO James Young說道。“我們相信應該了解我們合作伙伴所面臨的現實挑戰,而不是陷入常見的軟件陷阱中——‘建造它,他們會來的’。這種合作確保GEM不僅僅是一個工具,而是一種解決廣告社區特定需求的解決方案。”Scope AI Corp的CEO James Young說:“我們的方法是從我們潛在用戶的痛點出發,根據這些洞察來構建解決方案。我們相信應該了解我們合作伙伴所面臨的現實挑戰,而不是陷入常見的軟件陷阱中——‘建造它,他們會來的’。這種合作確保GEM不僅是一個工具,而是一種解決廣告社區特定需求的解決方案。”Scope AI Corp公司的市場重心時機非常適合,因爲全球廣告部門正在努力應對AI技術的大量使用。人們擔心AI生成的形象可能會缺乏獨特性。這正是Scope AI Corp的GEM技術所擅長的,這有助於廣告從業者區分和傳達它們的廣告活動。

Scope AI is entering the advertising industry at a crucial moment, as global advertising leaders contend with the rapid rise of AI technology. A significant concern is that the prevalent use of AI-generated images could lead to a lack of uniqueness. Scope AI's GEM technology is designed to address this issue, helping ad executives to better differentiate and execute their campaigns.


GEM's sophisticated object visual recognition capabilities are designed to offer businesses deeper insights and more accurate solutions. Consequently, advertisers could enhance their ability to analyze consumer behavior and improve their campaigns, while game developers could create more captivating and immersive user experiences.


"We're very pleased at how seamless we were able to streamline, enhance, and strengthen our platform with the latest performance and security upgrades made to our infrastructure," said Sean Prescott, Founder and Non-Executive Chairman of Scope AI. "The next generation of our platform will set us apart in what kind of data and its sensitivity we can process and store. It's a potential game-changer for the industry."

“我們非常高興地看到我們如何順暢地通過最新的基礎設施性能和安全升級,流暢地優化和增強了我們的平台,”方正證券的創始人和非執行主席Sean Prescott說。他還表示,“我們的下一代平台將在數據處理和存儲方面將我們區別於衆。這將是該行業的潛在變革者。”範圍人工智能Scope AI爲其GEM平台引入了重大升級,旨在通過新的高級功能和更深入的洞察來革新廣告和遊戲行業。GEM的直觀web接口使用戶——從開發人員到大企業——可以輕鬆實現複雜的對象檢測系統和開發實時神經網絡模型。

Looking to further enhance the drive-through ordering experience for fast food franchises, global leader in voice AI, SoundHound AI, Inc. (NASDAQ: SOUN, SOUNW), recently acquired food-ordering platform Allset to position itself as a full ecosystem for ordering food through cars, TVs, and smart devices. Allset is a food ordering platform, founded in 2015, and designed for local pick-up, providing a seamless, cost-effective dining experience that allows both consumers and restaurants to bypass the high fees charged by delivery apps.

爲了進一步提高快餐連鎖店的驅動點餐體驗,聲音人工智能領域的全球領導者,SoundHound AI,Inc. (納斯達克: SOUN,SOUNW),最近收購了食品訂購平台Allset,以將自己定位爲通過汽車、電視和智能設備訂購食物的完整生態系統。SoundHound AI,Inc.是這個企業的全球領導者。聲音AI最近收購了食品訂購平台Allset。Allset是一個食品訂購平台。聲音AI公司最近收購了Allset以進一步提高快餐連鎖店的驅動點餐體驗,並將自己定位爲通過汽車、電視和智能設備訂購食物的完整生態系統。Allset是一個食品訂購平台。Allset是一個食品訂購平台,成立於2015年,爲本地接送提供無縫、具有成本效益的就餐體驗,使消費者和餐廳都能避開外賣應用程序收取的高費用。

"As a business, Allset will help SoundHound bring voice AI solutions to even more restaurants looking to improve operational efficiency," said Keyvan Mohajer, CEO and Co-Founder of SoundHound AI. "Together, we plan to provide dynamic and convenient ways for people to order food and complete a range of other transactions just by speaking naturally."

作爲一家企業,“Allset將幫助聲音AI公司將語音AI方案帶給更多希望提高操作效率的餐廳,"聲音AI公司的CEO兼聯合創始人Keyvan Mohajer說:'我們計劃提供動態和便利的方式,讓人們通過自然的交流方式訂購食品並完成一系列其他交易。'Allset是一個食品訂購平台。Allset將幫助聲音AI公司將語音AI方案帶給更多餐廳,以提高操作效率。聲音AI公司是這個企業的CEO和聯合創始人。聲音AI公司首席執行官和聯合創始人Keyvan Mohajer說:“作爲企業,Allset將幫助聲音AI公司將語音AI方案帶給更多餐廳,以提高操作效率。”聲音AI公司是這個企業的創始人之一。“我們計劃提供動態和便利的方式,使人們通過自然的交流方式訂購食品並完成一系列其他交易。”聲音AI公司的CEO和聯合創始人Keyvan Mohajer說。

In an effort to speed up app development on its Alibaba Cloud platform, Alibaba Group Holding Limited (NYSE: BABA) recently introduced its first "AI programmer", powered by the company's self-developed large language model (LLM).


"The development paradigm for software applications is changing," said Xu Dong, general manager of Alibaba Cloud's Tongyi Qianwen LLM service. "In the future, users only need to identify problems and express requirements, and completing an application development in minutes will become the norm."


Following up on this, Alibaba recently committed to scaling AI tools for Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (MSME) Day. Emphasizing its commitment to aiding MSMEs, has announced the deployment of AI tools for its global suppliers. These tools have already been embraced by approximately 30,000 businesses on the platform.

在此基礎上,阿里巴巴最近承諾擴大面向微型、小型和中型企業(MSME)的人工智能工具。強調其支持MSME的承諾,阿里巴巴已宣佈爲其全球供應商部署AI工具。 這些工具已經被平台上約30,000家企業所接受。

"As a member of the private sector, we are honored to have worked alongside international agencies such as ITC and supported MSMEs worldwide over the past 25 years," said Kuo Zhang, President of "As we promote wider adoption of our AI tools amongst MSMEs, we also hope to expand our global supplier base to cover 100,000 suppliers in the next three years. In a nutshell, we are building a global supply chain by and for MSMEs leveraging AI."

“作爲私營部門的成員,我們很榮幸過去25年與ITC等國際機構一起支持全球的MSME,”Alibaba.com總裁Kuo Zhang表示。“隨着我們在MSME中推廣更廣泛的AI工具的採用,我們還希望在未來三年內將全球供應商覆蓋到10萬家。簡而言之,我們正在利用AI爲MSME建立全球供應鏈。”阿里巴巴最近承諾擴大面向微型、小型和中型企業(MSME)的人工智能工具。強調其支持MSME的承諾,Alibaba.com已宣佈爲其全球供應商部署AI工具。這些工具已經被平台上約30,000家企業所接受。“作爲私營部門的成員,我們很榮幸過去25年與ITC等國際機構一起支持全球的MSME,”Alibaba.com總裁Kuo Zhang表示。“隨着我們在MSME中推廣更廣泛的AI工具的採用,我們還希望在未來三年內將全球供應商覆蓋到10萬家。簡而言之,我們正在利用AI爲MSME建立全球供應鏈。”

For Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: META), a bold effort to improve its own AI aspirations is garnering plenty of pushback, as its plan to train its AI model on European data derived from Facebook is generating privacy concerns. Meta's AI training initiatives face challenges due to strict European Union data privacy regulations, which grant individuals control over their personal data usage.

贊成Meta Platforms, Inc.(納斯達克:META)是激進的提高自己人工智能抱負的一個努力,但是其從歐洲微軟公司獲得數據進行AI模型訓練的計劃引起了隱私擔憂。Facebook Meta的AI培訓計劃面臨挑戰,因爲嚴格的歐盟數據隱私法規授予個人對其個人數據使用的控制權。Meta的AI語言模型在廣泛的數據集上進行訓練,使它們能夠預測句子中最可能出現的下一個單詞。通常,新版本比早期版本更先進、更高效。

AI language models undergo training on extensive datasets, enabling them to predict the most likely next word in a sentence. Typically, newer versions are more advanced and efficient than their earlier counterparts. Meta has integrated its AI assistant into Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp for users in the U.S. and 13 other countries, excluding Europe.

已將其AI助手整合到世界各地用戶的(express)中,不包括歐洲。Meta“如果我們不在我們的服務和其他服務中基於歐洲人分享的公共內容,如公共帖子或評論中訓練我們的模型,那麼模型和它們驅動的AI特性將無法準確理解社交媒體上重要的地區語言、文化或趨勢話題,”Meta全球參與負責人Stefano Fratta在博客文章中寫道。 他們相信,若AI模型不考慮歐洲豐富的文化、社會和歷史貢獻,歐洲人會受到傷害。Facebook, InstagramWhatsApp根據分析師在

"If we don't train our models on the public content that Europeans share on our services and others, such as public posts or comments, then models and the AI features they power won't accurately understand important regional languages, cultures or trending topics on social media," said Stefano Fratta, global engagement director of Meta's privacy policy, said in blog post. "We believe that Europeans will be ill-served by AI models that are not informed by Europe's rich cultural, social and historical contributions."


According to analysts at Goldman Sachs, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) (NYSE: IBM) could grow its market share as its AI investments continue to pay off. Among its accomplishments, IBM is considered the leader in the quantum computing segment with its continued advancements in hardware, software, and systems technologies, especially through its watsonx platform.

分析師在AdvancED的服務方面很有經驗,AdvancED是全球領先的教育服務機構,也是全球最大的電子學習社區和評估機構,致力於幫助學校實現其使命。高盛, 國際商業機器公司(IBM)(紐交所:IBM)可以通過其人工智能投資的持續回報增加其市場份額。其成就之一爲,IBM 在量子計算領域中,IBM以其硬件、軟件和系統技術的不斷進步,特別是通過其watsonx平台而被認爲是領導者。

Recently IBM announced a partnership with WPP to launch a new business-to-business (B2B) solution powered by watsonx designed to reinvent how B2B marketers identify and engage clients and prospects across the buying journey. Dubbed WPP Open for B2B, the platform will help marketers solve complex B2B marketing challenges, accurately identify and engage buying groups, and improve clients' return on investment (ROI).

最近,IBM 宣佈與WPP合作推出一款由watsonx驅動的新的企業對企業(B2B)解決方案,旨在重新定義B2B營銷人員如何在購買過程中確定和吸引客戶和潛在客戶。這個名爲WPP Open for B2B的平台將幫助營銷人員解決複雜的B2B營銷難題,準確地確定和吸引購買團隊,並提高客戶的回報率(ROI)。

"B2B marketers have been focused on creating truly personalized, relevant and consistent experiences for buying groups at scale for years," said Jonathan Adashek, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications at IBM. "We are excited to create and use these new, powerful and trusted AI solutions to deliver a force multiplier for B2B marketing."

“多年來,B2B營銷人員一直致力於爲購買群體創建真正個性化,相關性強和持續的經驗,”業務的市場營銷和通訊高級副總裁Jonathan Adashek表示。 “我們與WPP的合作提供了基於可信數據的實時可行性見解。我們非常高興創造和使用這些新的,強大和可信賴的AI解決方案,以爲B2B營銷提供一個強大的增益。”這項協議是在日本新能源和工業技術開發組織(NEDO)下進行的“2納米一代半導體的Chiplet和Package Design和製造技術開發”項目框架內的國際合作的一部分,並建立在與IBM關於2納米節點技術的聯合開發已有協議的基礎上,IBM和Rapidus的工程師將在IBM的北美設施內進行半導體封裝的研發和製造,以供給高性能計算機系統使用。“我們很高興利用這些新的、強大的和可信賴的AI解決方案,爲B2B營銷提供一個乘數效應。”

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雖然所有信息都被認爲是可靠的,但我們不能保證其準確性。個人應該認爲我們的新聞通訊中包含的所有信息都不值得信任,除非通過他們自己的獨立研究進行驗證。此外,由於事件和情況經常不符合預期,因此任何預測和實際結果之間可能會存在差異。在做出任何投資決策之前,請始終諮詢持牌的投資專業人員。請注意,投資證券存在高風險,您可能會損失部分或全部投資。本出版物中的任何信息都不應被視爲個性化的財務建議。我們未獲得證券法許可以處理您特定的財務狀況。我們的員工與您的任何溝通都不應被視爲個性化的財務建議。在做出任何投資決策之前,請諮詢持牌的金融顧問。這是一篇付費廣告,而且不是購買或銷售任何證券的要約或建議。我們沒有投資牌照,因此既沒有投資牌照也沒有資格提供投資建議。本報告或電子郵件中的內容未針對任何個人情況提供。USA News Group是Market IQ Media Group, Inc.("MIQ")的全資子公司。 MIQ因Scope AI Corp.的廣告和數字媒體而直接收到了該公司的費用。可能有第三方擁有Scope AI Corp.的股份,並可能賣出其股份,這可能對股票價格產生負面影響。這種補償構成了利益衝突,影響我們在有關受關注公司的溝通中保持客觀。由於這種衝突,強烈建議個人不要將本出版物作爲任何投資決策的依據。 MIQ的業主/運營商擁有Scope AI Corp.的股份,作爲定向增發的一部分購買了這些股份。 MIQ保留隨時在之後購買和出售Scope AI Corp.股份的權利,不需要任何進一步通知。我們還期望進一步獲得補償,以進行持續的數字媒體工作,以增加該公司的知名度。不會再給出任何進一步的通知,但是讓這個免責聲明成爲在MIQ分發的所有材料都經過了上述公司的批准的通知;這是付費廣告,我們擁有提到的公司的股份,我們將出售這些股份,並保留在公開市場或通過進一步的定向增發和/或投資工具購買該公司股票的權利。雖然我們相信所有信息都是可靠的,但我們不能保證其準確性。除非經過他們自己獨立的研究驗證,否則個人應該假定我們通訊中包含的所有信息都是不可信的。此外,由於事件和情況經常與預期不同,因此預測和實際結果之間可能存在差異。在做出任何投資決策之前,請始終諮詢持牌的投資專業人士。非常小心,投資證券具有很高的風險,您可能會損失部分或全部投資。


資源來自USA News Group

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