
Meta's Ray-Ban Smart Glasses Face New Rival Powered By OpenAI's ChatGPT

Meta's Ray-Ban Smart Glasses Face New Rival Powered By OpenAI's ChatGPT

Benzinga ·  06/29 02:42

Meta Platforms Inc.'s Ray-Ban smart glasses have a new competitor on the horizon, and this one comes powered with OpenAI's ChatGPT technology, with a camera to give it the power of vision.

Meta Platforms公司的智能眼鏡Ray-Ban即將迎來一位新的競爭對手,這款新眼鏡將搭載OpenAI的ChatGPT技術和特斯拉-攝像頭,具有視覺功能。

What Happened: Solos, a smart glasses manufacturer, is set to launch a camera-equipped version of its smart glasses, the AirGo Vision, later this year.

據悉,智能眼鏡製造商Solos計劃在今年晚些時候推出AirGo Vision智能眼鏡的配備一款搭載攝像頭的版本。

The glasses will be powered by Microsoft Corp.-backed OpenAI's new GPT-4o AI model, enabling the camera to recognize objects and answer questions about the user's surroundings.


The AirGo Vision will also feature a swappable frame system, allowing users to switch out the camera when necessary. The glasses will also be equipped with notification LEDs for incoming calls or emails.

AirGo Vision智能眼鏡還擁有可更換的邊框系統,用戶可以在必要時更換攝像頭。智能眼鏡還配有指示燈,以提醒來電或郵件的到來。

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Solos said that the glasses can be integrated with Alphabet Inc.'s Google Gemini and Anthropic's Claude AI models.

Solos表示,這款智能眼鏡可以與Alphabet公司的Google Gemini和Anthropic公司的Claude AI模型集成。

The price and release date for the AirGo Vision have not yet been disclosed, but they are expected to be higher than the $249.99 price tag for the camera-less version, which is set to be released in July.

AirGo Vision智能眼鏡的價格和發佈日期尚未公佈,但預計將高於249.99美元的無攝像頭版本,該版本預計將於7月發佈。

Why It Matters: The AirGo Vision is set to challenge Meta's Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses, which currently dominate the market.

AirGo Vision智能眼鏡將挑戰目前佔據市場主導地位的Meta Platforms公司的Ray-Ban Meta智能眼鏡。

Meta's smart glasses, launched in 2023, were the first to feature built-in Meta AI, allowing users to interact with the AI hands-free. This was a significant technological advancement in the smart glasses industry.

Meta Platforms公司的智能眼鏡於2023年推出,成爲首款內置Meta AI的智能眼鏡,使用戶能夠無需使用手指與人工智能交互。這是智能眼鏡行業的重大技術進步。

Earlier this year, Meta announced plans to introduce AI features, such as translation and object identification, to its smart glasses. The company's AI features had been in early access since December.

今年早些時候,Meta Platforms公司宣佈計劃爲其智能眼鏡引入翻譯和物品識別等人工智能功能。該公司的人工智能功能自去年12月開始提供早期試用。

With the introduction of the AirGo Vision, Solos is poised to challenge Meta's dominance in the smart glasses market, offering a viable alternative with advanced AI capabilities.

隨着AirGo Vision智能眼鏡的推出,Solos有望挑戰Meta在智能眼鏡市場上的統治地位,並提供具有先進人工智能功能的可行替代方案。

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Photo courtesy: Solos


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