
Scott Speed to Join Travis Pastrana and The Subaru Family Huckster at 2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed

Scott Speed to Join Travis Pastrana and The Subaru Family Huckster at 2024 Goodwood Festival of Speed

PR Newswire ·  07/01 12:45

WEST SUSSEX, England, July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Following a star turn in Gymkhana 2022 and jaw dropping blasts up the hill in Goodwood's 2022 and 2023 Shootout Hillclimbs, absolute legend Travis Pastrana and the Subaru Family Huckster return to thrill the crowds at the Goodwood Festival of Speed on July 11-14. This time around, they're bringing some friends.

繼在2022年Gymkhana表現出色,最近又在Goodwood 2022和2023 Shootout Hillclimbs上驚豔亮相,絕對傳奇人物Travis Pastrana和Subaru Family Huckster將於7月11日至14日的Goodwood Festival of Speed再度爲人們帶來驚喜。這一次,他們還帶來了一些好朋友。Subaru的賽車手兼傳奇人物Travis Pastrana將搭乘Subaru Family Huckster回歸Goodwood Festival of Speed,震撼並驚豔車迷。Subaru Motorsports USA車手Scott Speed將與Travis Pastrana一同參加Goodwood Festival of Speed的雙車爬坡挑戰活動。

Scott Speed joins Travis Pastrana at Goodwood Festival of Speed in two-car hillclimb effort

Subaru Motorsports USA車手Scott Speed將在2024年駕駛一輛全新的Subaru超跑車在Goodwood Festival上進行爬坡挑戰。

Post this
Subaru Motorsports USA driver Scott Speed will send an all-new Subaru supercar up the hill in 2024
Subaru Motorsports USA的賽車手Scott Speed將在2024年驅動全新的Subaru超級跑車征戰爬坡賽事。
Subaru Motorsports Driver and all-around legend Travis Pastrana returns to the Goodwood Festival of Speed to shock and amaze fans in the Subaru Family Huckster
Subaru的賽車手和傳奇人物Travis Pastrana將回歸Goodwood Festival of Speed,騎乘Subaru Family Huckster震撼並驚豔車迷。

Subaru Motorsports USA driver Scott Speed, the four-time rallycross champion who was instrumental in the development of the team's winning rallycross machines, will join Pastrana racing up the famed hill. Speed's successful and diverse racing resume doesn't exactly need an introduction, including wheel time in Formula One, NASCAR, and many, many more. This July, he'll pilot a never seen before machine known internally as "Project Midnight."

Subaru Motorsports USA車手、四次拉力賽冠軍Scott Speed對車隊贏得拉力賽機器的發展功不可沒,他還曾在F1、NASCAR等多個比賽中發揮着重要作用,提交一輛內部稱爲“午夜計劃”的全新車型。

Making its debut at this year's Festival of Speed, the as-yet unreleased beast is unlike anything Subaru Motorsports USA has ever brought to Goodwood – or for that matter, anywhere. Its mission statement is a radical departure from that of the Family Huckster, but the genetic wild streak is unmistakable, both in appearance and ferocity. Project Midnight is sure to shock the crowd in a completely different way as it fires up the hill – and to make a healthy contrast and a worthy stablemate to the Family Huckster.

這款尚未發佈的神獸將在今年的Goddwood Festival of Speed上首次亮相,與Subaru Family Huckster有着截然不同的使命,但其野性的基因和外觀都不容忽視。

Still, fans eagerly await the return of Travis Pastrana and the Subaru Family Huckster to the hill in 2024. As the broadcast announcer described it when it pulled up to the line last year: "Now here's a really...strange machine." An outrageous 1983 Subaru GL wagon with carbon fiber panels, active aero, and an 862-horsepower turbocharged Subaru Boxer engine under the hood, the Huckster has quickly become a massive crowd-favorite at the Goodwood Festival, with Pastrana laying down improbable Shootout times that put it among the fastest racing and experimental cars in the world. In 2023, the Family Huckster finished second overall (first in class) only behind the $4-million McLaren Solus GT track car, earning Pastrana his second podium finish at the hillclimb.

車迷們已經迫不及待地等待着Travis Pastrana和Subaru Family Huckster在2024年的爬坡賽中重返賽場。去年當這輛車駛向起點時,廣播的評論員形容它是:“一輛非常……奇怪的車。” 這輛令人驚歎的1983年SubaruGL車配有碳纖維面板、主動空氣動力學,引擎艙內還搭載着一臺862馬力的渦輪增壓Subaru Boxer發動機,Huckster迅速成爲Goodwood Festival上的大熱門賽車之一,Pastrana在亞組比賽中的驚人表現將其歸入全球最快的賽車和實驗車之列。

What happens when the Family Huckster and Project Midnight are set loose on the English countryside? Whatever the outcomes, it promises to be loud, fast, and a whole lot of fun. For more on the July 11-14 Goodwood Festival of Speed, check out the website at and stay tuned to Subaru Motorsports USA on Facebook, on Instagram @subarumotorsportsusa, and TikTok @subarumotorsportsusa for more!

Subaru Family Huckster和Project Midnight在英國鄉村漫步時會發生什麼?不管結果如何,它肯定會很吵、很快,也會很有趣。欲知更多關於7月11日至14日Goodwood Festival of Speed的情況,請登錄官網,並關注Subaru Motorsports USA的Facebook帳戶、Instagram帳戶subarumotorsportsusa以及TikTok帳戶subarumotorsportsusa。

About Subaru Motorsports USA
Subaru Motorsports USA is directed by Subaru of America, Inc., managed by Vermont SportsCar and proudly supported by MOTUL, Yokohama Tires, R53 Suspension, Triple-R Lights, DirtFish Rally School, Sparco USA, weBoost and Peplink. Follow the team online at .

Follow Subaru Motorsports USA on Facebook, on Instagram @subarumotorsportsusa, and on TikTok @subarumotorsportsusa.

About Subaru of America, Inc.
Subaru of America, Inc. (SOA) is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Subaru Corporation of Japan. Headquartered at a zero-landfill office in Camden, N.J., the company markets and distributes Subaru vehicles, parts, and accessories through a network of more than 630 retailers across the United States. All Subaru products are manufactured in zero-landfill plants and Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. is the only U.S. automobile manufacturing plant to be designated a backyard wildlife habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. SOA is guided by the Subaru Love Promise, which is the company's vision to show love and respect to everyone, and to support its communities and customers nationwide. Over the past 20 years, SOA and the SOA Foundation have donated more than $300 million to causes the Subaru family cares about, and its employees have logged nearly 88,000 volunteer hours. As a company, Subaru believes it is important to do its part in making a positive impact in the world because it is the right thing to do. For additional information visit Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

關於Subaru Motorsports USA
Subaru Motorsports USA由美國Subaru公司指導,由Vermont SportsCar管理,並得到MOTUL、Yokohama Tires、R53 Suspension、Triple-R Lights、DirtFish Rally School、Sparco USA、weBoost和Peplink的大力支持。

請關注Subaru Motorsports USA官方Facebook賬號、Instagram賬號subarumotorsportsusa以及TikTok帳戶subarumotorsportsusa。

Subaru of America,Inc.(SOA) 是Subaru Corporation的美國子公司。 總部位於新澤西州Camden市的零填埋辦公室,公司通過超過630家零售商在全美市場銷售Subaru汽車、零部件和配件。 所有Subaru產品均在零廢棄工廠生產,Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc.是美國唯一一個被國家野生動物聯盟指定爲野生動物棲息地車間的汽車生產工廠。 SOA以Subaru愛心承諾爲指導,即公司的願景是向每個人表達愛和尊重,並支持其在全國的社區和客戶。 在過去的20年中,SOA和SOA基金會已經捐贈了超過3億美元的款項支持Subaru家族關心的事業,員工們積極參加志願活動,志願工作時數已近88,000小時。 作爲一家企業,Subaru認爲,做出積極的社會影響是一種責任。更多信息,請訪問。請關注我們的Facebook和Instagram頁面。

James Tate
Motorsports Marketing Manager
Subaru of America, Inc.
(856) 488-8622
[email protected]

James Tate
Subaru of America, Inc.
(856) 488-8622
[email protected]

Dominick Infante
Director, Corporate Communications
Subaru of America, Inc.
(856) 488-8615
[email protected]

Subaru of America, Inc.
(856) 488-8615
[email protected]

SOURCE Subaru of America, Inc.

據Subaru of America, Inc.稱

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