
Dave O'Hara Joins Rohirrim Advisory Board

Dave O'Hara Joins Rohirrim Advisory Board

戴夫·奧哈拉加入 Rohirrim 諮詢委員會
PR Newswire ·  07/02 08:00

O'Hara brings three decades of technology and M&A experience to Rohirrim


RESTON, Va., July 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rohirrim, the leading RFP AI automation platform, welcomes Dave O'Hara to its Board of Directors. O'Hara brings to the Rohirrim executive team 23+ years of senior leadership experience with Microsoft.

弗吉尼亞州雷斯頓,2024年7月2日/ PRNewswire / -Rohirrim,領先的RFP人工智能自動化平台,歡迎Dave O'Hara加入其董事會。O'Hara爲Rohirrim的高管團隊帶來了23年以上的技術領導經驗。在微軟的任期內,O'Hara擔任商業財務總監以及高級領導團隊成員。在此之前,他擔任微軟廣告的首席運營官和業務發展副總裁。他是通過2001年收購Great Plains加入微軟的。O'Hara先前曾在AppNexus、Caradigm和Intelligent Insights等技術公司的董事會任職。

"I am very excited to join the Rohirrim board. Rohirrim has a powerful AI platform for multiple enterprise products."

"我非常高興加入Rohirrim董事會。 Rohirrim擁有用於多種企業產品的強大AI平台。"

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Rohirrim uses its patented, first-ever, organization-specific generative-AI technology to develop groundbreaking products that aim to reimagine how people work, particularly when it comes to time-intensive, repetitive, and manual tasks. Rohirrim was born out of the need to improve the work-life balance of proposal teams and has stayed true to its vision in the continuous pursuit of new ways to make people's work lives better.
Rohirrim運用其專利的組織特定生成AI技術開發突破性產品,旨在重新定義人們工作的方式,特別是在處理耗時、重複和手動任務時。 Rohirrim始終秉持着改善提案團隊工作與生活平衡的願景,並在不斷追求新的方式來使人們的工作生活更好。

During his tenure with Microsoft, O'Hara served as Commercial Chief Financial Officer and a member of the senior leadership team. Prior to that, he served as the Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft Advertising and a VP of Business Development. He came to Microsoft through the acquisition of Great Plains in 2001. O'Hara has previously served on the board of directors for technology companies AppNexus, Caradigm, and Intelligent Insights.

"Dave不僅僅是一位業內資深人士,還是一位實力派人物,他的專業知識對於驅動Rohirrim的增長至關重要。他將對特定於組織的生成AI的未來產生巨大影響。"分享了Rohirrim的創始人兼首席執行官Steven Aberle。 "擁有30年的金融和技術經驗,Dave擁有創新的思維模式和建立成功的長期合作伙伴關係的熱情。我們期待與Dave密切合作,擴展Rohirrim的影響範圍並繼續建設我們不斷壯大的團隊。"

"Dave is more than just an industry veteran, he's a powerhouse whose expertise will be crucial in driving growth for Rohirrim. He will have a tremendous impact on the future of organization-specific generative AI." shared Steven Aberle, Rohirrim Founder and CEO. "With 30 years of experience in finance and technology, Dave has an innovative mindset and passion for building successful, long-term partnerships. We look forward to working closely with Dave as we expand Rohirrim's reach and continue to build our growing team."

在Rohirrim的RohanRFP中,使用了專利的組織特定生成AI技術,以在一小部分時間內解鎖組織數據的力量,幫助創建複雜的長格式文檔。 RohanRFP易於使用的UX和無縫的工作流程是爲其用例量身定製的,但RohanRFP成爲該領域的明顯領導者的原因是其安全水平和部署的靈活性。 RohanRFP中處理的客戶信息符合CMMC、SOC2等合規標準。部署模型選項使客戶可以選擇讓Rohirrim爲其管理和維護基礎架構,或在其自己的防火牆後託管RohanRFP以獲得更高的控制和定製。

Rohirrim's RohanRFP uses patented organization-specific generative AI technology to unlock the power of an organization's data and help create complex, long-form documents in a fraction of the time. The easy-to-use UX, and the seamless workflows of RohanRFP were purpose-built for their use cases, but what makes RohanRFP the clear leader in the space are the level of security and flexibility of deployment. Customers' information that is handled in RohanRFP meets the compliance standards of CMMC, SOC2, among others. Deployment model options give customers the choice to either have Rohirrim manage and maintain the underlying infrastructure for them, or to host RohanRFP behind their own firewall for added control and customization.

"我非常高興加入Rohirrim董事會。 Rohirrim擁有用於多種企業產品的強大AI平台。"說O'Hara。"通過親身經歷生成AI的增長和發展,我期待着看到Rohirrim的客戶從這個解決方案中受益,以在記錄時間內產生高質量的提案。"

"I am very excited to join the Rohirrim board. Rohirrim has a powerful AI platform for multiple enterprise products." said O'Hara. "Witnessing firsthand the growth and development of generative AI, I am looking forward to seeing Rohirrim's customers benefit from this solution to produce high-quality proposals in record time."


By generating the first draft of an RFP in a fraction of the time, proposal teams have more time to focus on what they do best: storytelling and persuasion, making their proposal responses more compelling and competitive. By reducing costs and increasing the volume of RFP submissions, RohanRFP can have a profound impact on an organization's business growth.

關於Rohirrim:Rohirrim使用其專利的組織特定生成AI技術開發突破性產品,旨在重新定義人們工作的方式,特別是在處理耗時、重複和手動任務時。 Rohirrim始終秉持着改善提案團隊工作與生活平衡的願景,並在不斷追求新的方式來使人們的工作生活更好。 在

About Rohirrim
Rohirrim uses its patented, first-ever, organization-specific generative-AI technology to develop groundbreaking products that aim to reimagine how people work, particularly when it comes to time-intensive, repetitive, and manual tasks. Rohirrim was born out of the need to improve the work-life balance of proposal teams and has stayed true to its vision in the continuous pursuit of new ways to make people's work lives better. Learn more at .

Farah van Caloen.

Media Contact:
Farah van Caloen
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SOURCE Rohirrim


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