
ETS Appoints Ken Eisner as Managing Director of Higher Education to Workforce

ETS Appoints Ken Eisner as Managing Director of Higher Education to Workforce

ETS任命Ken Eisner爲高等教育到職場的董事總經理
PR Newswire ·  07/02 11:00

Former Amazon Global Director to oversee products that connect education with career readiness


PRINCETON, N.J., July 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ETS announced today that Ken Eisner has been named Managing Director of Higher Education to Workforce. In this new role, Eisner will manage all aspects of products aimed at higher education and career readiness, including product ideation, development, marketing, sales and operations.

新澤西州普林斯頓,2024年7月2日 /PRNewswire/ — ETS今天宣佈,肯·艾斯納被任命爲勞動力高等教育董事總經理。在這個新職位上,艾斯納將管理旨在提高高等教育和職業準備的產品的各個方面,包括產品構思、開發、營銷、銷售和運營。

2012 | Kristina Sherk Photography |
2012 | 克里斯蒂娜·謝爾克攝影 |

"As part of our vision to power human progress and promote skill proficiency, ETS is committed to bold new solutions that address the biggest challenges in higher education and career readiness," said Gollash. "Ken brings a 'think big' mentality and proven success not just in building highly scalable solutions for these markets but also in driving their adoption globally. We're thrilled to welcome him to ETS and excited about what we can accomplish under his leadership."

戈拉什說:“作爲我們推動人類進步和提高技能水平的願景的一部分,ETS致力於提供大膽的新解決方案,以應對高等教育和職業準備方面的最大挑戰。”“Ken帶來了'大膽思考'的心態,不僅在爲這些市場構建高度可擴展的解決方案方面,而且在推動其在全球的採用方面也取得了成功。我們很高興歡迎他加入 ETS,也對我們在他的領導下能夠取得的成就感到興奮。”

Led by Eisner, ETS plans to significantly increase its higher education and career readiness offerings to address mounting challenges and opportunities in the space. In addition to leading the GRE, the market-leading graduate school admissions test, Eisner will be creating new solutions and partnerships that enable learners entering and moving through higher education to be prepared for the careers of the future. Eisner will continue to sit on the Council of Graduate Schools advisory board and act as a Senior Advisor to Good Harbor Partners and New Markets Venture Partners, among other advisory positions.

在艾斯納的領導下,ETS計劃大幅增加其高等教育和職業準備課程,以應對該領域日益增加的挑戰和機遇。除了領導市場領先的研究生入學考試GRE外,艾斯納還將創建新的解決方案和合作夥伴關係,使進入和接受高等教育的學習者爲未來的職業生涯做好準備。艾斯納將繼續擔任研究生院委員會顧問委員會成員,並擔任Good Harbor Partners和新市場風險合夥人的高級顧問以及其他顧問職位。

"With higher education at a critical juncture, driven in large part by the evolution of the workforce, I believe that ETS is well-suited to play a foundational role at the intersection of the supply and demand of labor," said Eisner. "ETS leads the world in research-backed assessments and is home to rich learner data that enables us to build solutions that the market demands. At Amazon, I learned from the very best customer-obsessed builders in the world, and I'm excited to bring that mentality to ETS."


Eisner was previously Global Director of education programs at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and of learning systems at Amazon. While at AWS, Eisner founded and scaled AWS Educate, Amazon's global program to provide students with pathways into cloud jobs. Based on a breakthrough skills taxonomy called the Cloud Competency Framework (CCF), AWS Educate recruited over 1 million students, tens of thousands of educators and more than 3,500 educational institutions and developed countrywide and statewide partnerships to realign curriculum to the CCF. AWS Educate received various awards, including Eisner's recognition as AWS Public Sector's Impact Person of the Year in 2018. Eisner holds a BA from Cornell University and an MPP and MBA with honors from Georgetown University.

艾斯納曾是亞馬遜網絡服務(AWS)教育項目和亞馬遜學習系統的全球總監。在AWS任職期間,艾斯納創立並擴大了AWS Educate的規模,這是亞馬遜的全球計劃,旨在爲學生提供進入雲工作的途徑。基於一種名爲雲能力框架 (CCF) 的突破性技能分類法,AWS Educate 招募了超過 100 萬名學生、數萬名教育工作者和 3,500 多家教育機構,並在全國和全州範圍內建立了合作伙伴關係,以調整課程與 CCF 的關係。AWS Educate獲得了各種獎項,包括艾斯納在2018年被評爲AWS公共部門年度影響力人物。艾斯納擁有康奈爾大學學士學位和喬治敦大學榮譽工商管理碩士和工商管理碩士學位。

About ETS

關於 ETS

ETS is a global education and talent solutions organization enabling lifelong learners to be future ready. We advance the science of measurement to build the benchmarks for fair and valid skill assessment. We are committed to powering human progress by promoting skill proficiency, empowering upward mobility and unlocking more opportunities for everyone, everywhere. Our assessment products – including the TOEFL, TOEIC, GRE and Praxis Assessments – as well as our innovative solutions and subsidiaries help 50 million people each year to clarify their strengths and find opportunities for growth in education, work and beyond. We continue to operate around the world, with offices in 25 locations and operations in 200 countries and territories.

ETS 是一家全球教育和人才解決方案組織,幫助終身學習者爲未來做好準備。我們推動測量科學的發展,爲公平有效的技能評估建立基準。我們致力於通過提高技能熟練程度、增強向上流動性以及爲世界各地的每個人解鎖更多機會,推動人類進步。我們的評估產品——包括託福、託業、GRE和Praxis評估——以及我們的創新解決方案和子公司每年幫助5000萬人闡明自己的優勢,尋找教育、工作及其他領域的發展機會。我們繼續在全球開展業務,在 25 個地點設有辦事處,在 200 個國家和地區開展業務。



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