
Beyond Celiac Coalition and FDA Discuss Major Patient Barriers to Accelerate Clinical Trials for Celiac Disease

Beyond Celiac Coalition and FDA Discuss Major Patient Barriers to Accelerate Clinical Trials for Celiac Disease

Beyond Celiac聯合FDA討論加速治療乳糜瀉的重要患者障礙
PR Newswire ·  13:45

PHILADELPHIA, July 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Beyond Celiac Coalition, a precompetitive partnership of multidisciplinary stakeholders involved in the development of potential treatments for celiac disease, met recently with the FDA to discuss a collaborative approach to making therapeutic trials for celiac disease more patient-centric while maintaining scientific rigor.

費城,2024年7月2日 /PRNewswire/ — Beyond Celiac Coalition是參與開發乳糜瀉潛在療法的多學科利益相關者組成的競爭前夥伴關係,最近與美國食品藥品管理局會面,討論一種合作方法,在保持科學嚴謹性的同時,使乳糜瀉的治療試驗更加以患者爲中心。

Participating in clinical trials is necessary to accelerate research for treatment breakthroughs and a cure. Yet clinical trials for celiac disease often struggle because currently most studies require participants to undergo procedures or activities deemed too invasive or debilitating by many patients.


"This was a pivotal meeting because key stakeholders heard directly from people living with celiac disease about how the disease and the gluten-free diet affect their quality of life," Alice Bast, Founder and CEO of Beyond Celiac, says.

Beyond Celiac 創始人兼首席執行官愛麗絲·巴斯特說:“這是一次關鍵會議,因爲主要利益相關者直接聽取了乳糜瀉患者關於該疾病和無麩質飲食如何影響他們的生活質量的信息。”

Another key discussion point was about the use of gluten in clinical trials. "It will be difficult to get a drug approved without introducing patients to gluten in clinical trials. However, we recognize that this is a burden for clinical trial participants. There is no one right way to use gluten in clinical trials. It was educational for everyone to hear many perspectives on this topic," said Debra Silberg, MD, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at Beyond Celiac.

另一個關鍵討論點是關於在臨床試驗中使用麩質。“在臨床試驗中,如果不向患者介紹麩質,就很難獲得藥物的批准。但是,我們認識到這是臨床試驗參與者的負擔。在臨床試驗中沒有一種使用麩質的正確方法。聽到關於這個話題的許多觀點對每個人來說都很有教育意義。” Beyond Celiac 首席科學官醫學博士、博士黛布拉·西爾伯格說。

This was the first time the Beyond Celiac Coalition convened all stakeholders including patients to meet with FDA representatives to discuss the seriousness of celiac disease and the goals for therapies. The purpose of the Beyond Celiac Coalition is to bring together members from the pharmaceutical and biotech industry; academic researchers and clinicians; and gastrointestinal professional societies to identify and address significant barriers to developing treatments for celiac disease.

這是Beyond Celiac Coaliac聯盟首次召集包括患者在內的所有利益相關者與美國食品藥品管理局代表會面,討論乳糜瀉的嚴重性和治療目標。Beyond Celiac Coaliac聯盟的目的是彙集來自制藥和生物技術行業的成員、學術研究人員和臨床醫生以及胃腸道專業協會,以確定和解決開發乳糜瀉治療方法的重大障礙。

Beyond Celiac Coalition patient organization and professional society members include the American Gastroenterological Association, Beyond Celiac and the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN). Academic and clinician members include Robert P. Anderson, MD; Lisa Fahey, MD; Edwin Liu, MD; Joseph A. Murray, MD; Marie Robert, MD; Jocelyn Silvester, MD, PhD; Marisa Stahl, MD, and Adam C. Stein, MD. The industry members are Anokion, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co, Sanofi, Takeda Pharmaceuticals and Teva Pharmaceuticals, a U.S. affiliate of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.

Beyond Celiac Coalition患者組織和專業協會成員包括美國胃腸病協會、Beyond Celiac和北美兒科胃腸病學、肝病學和營養學會(NASPGHAN)。學術和臨床醫生成員包括醫學博士羅伯特·安德森、醫學博士麗莎·法希、醫學博士埃德溫·劉、醫學博士約瑟夫·默裏、醫學博士瑪麗·羅伯特、醫學博士喬斯林·西爾維斯特、醫學博士瑪麗莎·西爾維斯特、醫學博士瑪麗莎·斯塔爾和醫學博士亞當·斯坦。行業成員包括Anokion、Chugai Pharmaceuticals Co、賽諾菲、武田製藥和梯瓦製藥工業有限公司在美國的子公司梯瓦製藥。

Although celiac disease is a common disease with a significant unmet need, there is no medical treatment or cure. Following a strict gluten-free diet is the only way the 3.2 million Americans with celiac disease can control it. However, many people get inadvertent exposure to gluten even if they are very careful. "If more Americans understood how dangerous gluten can be for a person with celiac disease, it would be a big step forward for those with celiac disease to be able to eat without fear of unknowingly eating gluten," Bast adds.


About Beyond Celiac
Founded in 2003, Beyond Celiac is the leading catalyst for a celiac disease cure in the United States, serving as a patient advocacy and research-driven organization working to drive diagnosis and accelerate the discovery of new treatments. By engaging with the top scientists in the field, making the right investments in research and supporting the broad community of those with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, Beyond Celiac envisions a world in which people can live healthy lives and eat without fear – a world Beyond Celiac.

關於 Beyond Celiac
Beyond Celiac 成立於 2003 年,是美國乳糜瀉治療的主要催化劑,是一家以患者權益和研究爲導向的組織,致力於推動診斷和加速新療法的發現。Beyond Celiac 通過與該領域的頂尖科學家合作、對研究進行正確的投資以及爲廣大患有乳糜瀉和麩質敏感的人群提供支持,設想了一個人們可以過上健康生活和無所畏懼地飲食的世界——一個超越乳糜瀉的世界。

Media Contact:
Juliann Kaiser, 770.643.1807
[email protected]

Juliann Kaiser,770.643.1807

Angela Crist, 419.306.4770
[email protected]


SOURCE Beyond Celiac

來源 Beyond Celiac

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