
Electric Royalties Provides Four Updates on Its Lithium, Copper, Cobalt, and Tin Royalties

Electric Royalties Provides Four Updates on Its Lithium, Copper, Cobalt, and Tin Royalties

Electric Royalties提供其鋰礦、銅、鈷和錫元素版稅的四個更新。
Accesswire ·  07/03 19:45

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 3, 2024 / Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSXV:ELEC)(OTCQB:ELECF) ("Electric Royalties" or the "Company") is pleased to provide the following update on its royalty portfolio.

溫哥華,卑詩省/ACCESSWIRE/2024年7月3日/Electric Royalties Ltd.(TSXV:ELEC)(OTCQB:ELECF)("Electric Royalties"或"公司")很高興提供其版權組合的以下更新。

Brendan Yurik, CEO of Electric Royalties, commented: "We are looking forward to the successful business combination by the operator of our Penouta royalty so that production under its section B permit can commence while the reinstatement of the section C permit is pursued. Commencement of production would bring new revenue to the Company, as we hold a 1.5% gross revenue royalty interest, and tin prices are up approximately 30%1 since production halted in October 2023. We are also excited to see continued updates at Seymour Lake, one of the most advanced lithium projects in Ontario, progressing towards completion of a feasibility study and permitting. And all developments across our portfolio of 40 royalties continue to come at no additional cost to Electric Royalties."

Electric Royalties首席執行官Brendan Yurik評論道: "我們期待我們Penouta版稅運營商的成功業務組合,使得其b部分許可下的生產得以開始,同時追求第C部分許可的恢復。生產的開始將爲公司帶來新的收入,因爲我們持有1.5%的毛收入版稅利益,而錫價格上漲了約30%。自2023年10月停產以來,現在我們也很高興看到安大略省最先進的鋰礦項目Seymour Lake的持續更新,進展向完成可行性研究和許可證。我們的40項版稅組合的所有發展都不會對Electric Royalties產生任何額外費用。1自2024年5月28日公司上次更新以來的亮點:

Highlights since the Company's previous update on May 28, 2024:

Penouta錫鉭礦(1.5%毛收入版稅):2024年6月13日,Strategic Minerals Europe Corp。(NEO:SNTA)(OTCQB:SNTAF)("戰略")宣佈西班牙Galicia州Xustiza of Galicia("TSXG")維持其暫停授予Strategic Minerals Penouta礦山第C部分許可的決定。暫停與環保團體Ecoloxistas en Acción提交的投訴有關,該投訴要求當地礦山管理機構Xunta de Galicia撤銷於2022年5月授予戰略的C部分許可,戰略並不贊同TSXG的決定,並正在探索法律途徑來推翻它,並加快重啓第C部分許可的程序,其中包括可能向西班牙最高法院提出上訴。

  • Penouta Tin-Tantalum Mine (1.5% Gross Revenue Royalty) - On June 13, 2024, Strategic Minerals Europe Corp. (NEO:SNTA)(OTCQB:SNTAF) ("Strategic") announced that the Superior Court of Xustiza of Galicia (the "TSXG") upheld its decision to suspend the section C permit for Strategic Minerals' Penouta Mine in Spain. The suspension relates to a complaint filed by environmentalist group Ecoloxistas en Acción against the local mining authority, Xunta de Galicia, requesting the revocation of the section C permit granted to Strategic in May 2022. Strategic disagrees with the TSXG's decision and is exploring legal avenues to reverse it and to expedite the reinstatement of the section C permit, including a potential appeal to the Supreme Court of Spain.

  • 2024年6月13日,Strategic Minerals Europe Corp. (NEO:SNTA)(OTCQB:SNTAF)(以下簡稱“Strategic”)宣佈西班牙Penouta礦山C許可證被暫停,由Galicia Court of Justice (TSXG)做出決定。這項暫停與環保組織Ecoloxistas en Acción針對當地礦業局Xunta de Galicia的投訴有關,該組織請求撤銷於2022年5月授予Strategic的C許可證。Strategic不同意TSXG的決定,並正在尋求法律途徑以撤銷該決定,並加速恢復C許可證,包括向西班牙最高法院提出上訴。

Strategic stated that the TSXG decision does not impact the section B permit at Penouta, which allows for the mining of tailings and waste deposits. Upon completion of Strategic's previously announced business combination with IberAmerican Lithium Corp. ("Iber"), mining activities pursuant to the section B permit are expected to resume in an effort to generate near-term cash flow.

Strategic表示,TSXG的決定不會影響Penouta的B許可證,該許可證允許採礦尾礦和廢棄物儲藏。在完成Strategic與IberAmerican Lithium Corp.(“Iber”)的先前宣佈的業務合併後,根據B許可證開展采礦活動有望恢復,以產生短期現金流。

On June 17, 2024, Strategic and Iber announced an amended and restated business combination agreement, which they originally entered into on March 19, 2024, to extend the termination date until July 31, 2024, among other terms.

Seymour Lake鋰項目(1.5%淨熔爐版稅)--2024年6月4日,Green Technology Metals Limited(ASX: GT1)("Green Technology Metals")在加拿大安大略省提供了關於Seymour Lake項目的更新。 Green Technology Metals報告說,Seymour Lake的可行性研究正在按計劃進行,並預計將於2024年下半年完成。許可證獲得程序也在進行中,旨在在今年年底之前獲得所有必要的許可證和批准,開始冬季砍伐木材並開始建設的初步工作。 Green Technology Metals已經制定了一個分階段的融資和夥伴關係策略,在18個月的發展時間內滿足計劃的Seymour Lake礦山的初期資本需求。

  • Seymour Lake Lithium Project (1.5% Net Smelter Royalty) - On June 4, 2024, Green Technology Metals Limited (ASX: GT1) ("Green Technology Metals") provided an update on the Seymour Lake Project in Ontario, Canada. Green Technology Metals reported that the Feasibility Study for Seymour Lake is progressing on schedule and is expected to be completed by H2 2024. The permitting process is also progressing with the aim of obtaining all required permits and approvals by the end of the year, commence timber harvesting in the winter months, and begin early works for construction. Green Technology Metals has put in place a finance and partnering strategy staged over an 18-month development timeframe to meet initial capital needs for the planned Seymour Lake Mine.

  • 2024年6月4日,Green Technology Metals Limited (ASX: GT1)(以下簡稱“Green Technology Metals”)發佈了有關加拿大安大略省Seymour Lake項目的最新進展。Green Technology Metals報告稱,Seymour Lake的可行性研究正在按進度進行,預計將在2024年下半年完成。許可進程也在進行中,旨在獲得所有所需的許可證和批准,以便在冬季開始伐木,並開始建設的早期工作。Green Technology Metals已經制定了一個資金和合作策略,分階段開展18個月的發展計劃,以滿足計劃的Seymour Lake礦山的初期資本需求。

On June 18, 2024, Green Technology Metals announced that a 3,000-meter, five-hole extensional diamond drill program has commenced at Seymour Lake to test the potential for underground resource expansion down dip at the North Aubry with the goal to extend the mine life and enhance the economics of the Seymour Lake Mine.

2024年6月18日,Green Technology Metals宣佈,開展了長爲3000米、由五個孔的金剛石擴展鑽探項目,以檢驗North Aubry下傾的地下資源擴展潛力,以擴展礦山壽命並提高Seymour Lake礦山的經濟效益。

Electric Royalties is relying on the information provided by Green Technology Metals.

Electric Royalties依賴Green Technology Metals提供的信息。

  • Millennium Copper-Cobalt Project (0.5% Gross Revenue Royalty) - On June 4, 2024, Metal Bank Limited (ASX:MBK) ("Metal Bank") announced that a drilling program is now underway at the Millennium Project in Queensland, Australia. Initial scout drilling toward the Fountain Range-Quamby Fault Zone completed in 2022 identified anomalous copper mineralization in the footwall and to the north-west of the existing Millennium resource; however, the region further west towards the fault and the fault itself was not tested due to access issues. According to Metal Bank, exposure in the Fault Zone area is limited due to post-mineralization cover by Quamby Conglomerate alluvials.

  • 當前的鑽探計劃包括兩個孔,以測試Fault Zone - 其中一個直接位於出露的銅氧化物豐腴的硅質斷屑石之下 - 加上鑽石芯擴展或上一個鑽探孔的"尾"從現有資源的中央區域。

The current drilling program includes two holes to test the Fault Zone - one of which is directly under significant exposure of outcropping copper oxide in a polyphase siliceous fault breccia - plus a diamond core extension or 'tail' to an existing RC pre-collar hole from previous drilling in the Central Area of the existing resource.

Electric Royalties依靠Metal Bank提供的信息,無法驗證研究細節。

Electric Royalties is relying on the information provided by Metal Bank and is unable to verify the details of the studies.

Cancet鋰項目 (1.0%淨熔爐版稅) - 2024年6月17日,Winsome Resources Limited (ASX: WR1) 宣佈,通過流通股份配售和機構股份配售,已承諾提供2,500萬澳元的資金。預計資金中的約150萬澳元將分配用於魁北克省Cancet項目的優先目標的加速跟進鑽探,探礦,重力,剝離和溝道採樣以及符合條件的員工支出。

  • Cancet Lithium Project (1.0% Net Smelter Royalty) - On June 17, 2024, Winsome Resources Limited (ASX:WR1) announced firm commitments of A$25 million in funding via a flow-through share placement and an institutional share placement. Approximately A$1.5 million of the funds is expected to be allocated towards expedited follow-up drilling at priority targets, prospecting, gravity, stripping and channel sampling, and eligible staffing expenses at the Cancet Project in Québec, Canada.

  • Electric Royalties依靠Winsome Resources Limited提供的信息。

Electric Royalties is relying on the information provided by Winsome Resources Limited.

David Gaunt,P.Geo.,Electric Royalties的不獨立的有資格人員已經審查並批准了本發佈的技術信息。

David Gaunt, P.Geo., a qualified person who is not independent of Electric Royalties, has reviewed and approved the technical information in this release.

讀者可參考公司在SEDAR+上的最新文件以及其他在OTC Markets上提供的信息,以獲得適用的所有風險因素和其潛在影響的更全面的討論,這些信息的副本可以通過公司的個人資料頁面訪問。



About Electric Royalties Ltd.

關於Electric Royalties Ltd.

Electric Royalties is a royalty company established to take advantage of the demand for a wide range of commodities (lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel, zinc and copper) that will benefit from the drive toward electrification of a variety of consumer products: cars, rechargeable batteries, large scale energy storage, renewable energy generation and other applications.

Electric Royalties是一家專門利用對各種商品(鋰、釩、錳、錫、石墨、鈷、鎳、鋅和銅)的需求來建立版權的公司,這些商品將受益於消費產品(汽車、可充電電池、大型能源存儲、可再生能源發電和其他應用程序)邁向電氣化的驅動力。Electric vehicle sales, battery production capacity and renewable energy generation are slated to increase significantly over the next several years and with it, the demand for these targeted commodities. 這創造了一個獨特的機會,可以投資併購買礦山和項目的版權,以供應所需的材料來推動電力革命。

Electric vehicle sales, battery production capacity and renewable energy generation are slated to increase significantly over the next several years and with it, the demand for these targeted commodities. This creates a unique opportunity to invest in and acquire royalties over the mines and projects that will supply the materials needed to fuel the electric revolution.

Electric Royalties在全球擁有40個鋰、釩、錳、錫、石墨、鈷、鎳、鋅和銅的版權,並在加拿大安大略省擁有32個鋰物業的權益。該公司專注於獲取先進階段和運營項目的版權,以建立位於低地緣政治風險管轄區的多元化組合,爲投資者提供通過以下所需的底層商品重建未來幾十年朝向全球經濟去碳化的全球基礎設施的曝光。

Electric Royalties has a growing portfolio of 40 royalties in lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel, zinc and copper across the world and interests in 32 lithium properties in Ontario, Canada. The Company is focused predominantly on acquiring royalties on advanced stage and operating projects to build a diversified portfolio located in jurisdictions with low geopolitical risk, which offers investors exposure to the clean energy transition via the underlying commodities required to rebuild the global infrastructure over the next several decades toward a decarbonized global economy.

Electric Royalties擁有在全球範圍內的鋰、釩、錳、錫、石墨、鈷、鎳、鋅和銅的日益增長的組合,並在加拿大安大略省擁有32個鋰物業的權益。該公司專注於獲取先進階段和運營項目的版權,以構建位於低地緣政治風險區的多元化組合,爲投資者提供通過以下得到所需的曝光商品重建全球基礎設施的經濟過渡,該經濟過渡將在未來幾十年中逐漸去碳化。

For further information, please contact:


Brendan Yurik
CEO, Electric Royalties Ltd.
Phone: (604) 364‐3540

Brendan Yurik
Electric Royalties Ltd. 首席執行官
電話: (604) 364‐3540

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange), nor any other regulatory body or securities exchange platform, accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策中所定義的那樣),以及任何其他監管機構或證券交易平台,均不對本報告的足夠性或準確性承擔責任。

Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information and Other Company Information


This news release includes forward-looking information and forward-looking statements (collectively, "forward-looking information") with respect to the Company within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. This news release includes information regarding other companies and projects owned by such other companies in which the Company holds a royalty interest, based on previously disclosed public information disclosed by those companies and the Company is not responsible for the accuracy of that information, and that all information provided herein is subject to this Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information and Other Company Information. Forward looking information is typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. This information represents predictions and actual events or results may differ materially. Forward-looking information may relate to the Company's future outlook and anticipated events and may include statements regarding the financial results, future financial position, expected growth of cash flows, business strategy, budgets, projected costs, projected capital expenditures, taxes, plans, objectives, industry trends and growth opportunities of the Company and the projects in which it holds royalty interests.

本新聞稿包含有關公司的前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述(統稱爲“前瞻性信息”),涉及該公司在加拿大證券法意義上所述的內容關於其他公司和該類公司擁有的項目,其中該公司持有特許權益並非基於該公司及其已披露的公開信息披露,並且該公司不對該信息的準確性負責。 前瞻性信息通常由諸如:trust、expect、anticipate、intend、estimate、postulate及類似表達的語句,“或爲”,表示對未來事件的參考。這些信息代表預測,實際事件或結果可能有所不同。 前瞻性信息可能涉及公司的未來前景和預期事件,可能包括有關公司的財務結果,未來的財務狀況,預期的現金流增長,業務策略,預算,預期的成本,預期的資本支出,稅收,計劃,請可見該公司擁有版權利益的行業趨勢和增長機會。

While management considers these assumptions to be reasonable, based on information available, they may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company or these projects to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, but are not limited to risks associated with general economic conditions; adverse industry events; marketing costs; loss of markets; future legislative and regulatory developments involving the renewable energy industry; inability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favourable terms; the mining industry generally, recent market volatility, income tax and regulatory matters; the ability of the Company or the owners of these projects to implement their business strategies including expansion plans; competition; currency and interest rate fluctuations, and the other risks.


The reader is referred to the Company's most recent filings on SEDAR+ as well as other information filed with the OTC Markets for a more complete discussion of all applicable risk factors and their potential effects, copies of which may be accessed through the Company's profile page at and at

讀者可參考公司在SEDAR+上的最新文件和其他提交給場外交易市場的信息,以獲取所有適用的風險因素及其潛在影響的更完整討論,其副本可通過公司的個人資料頁面進行訪問。sedarplus.ca以及來源:Electric Royalties Ltd..

SOURCE: Electric Royalties Ltd.

來源:Electric Royalties Ltd。

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