
Feel the Power With Goliath's Revolutionary New Power Saber: The Ultimate in Galactic Battle Play

Feel the Power With Goliath's Revolutionary New Power Saber: The Ultimate in Galactic Battle Play

感受到力量,使用Goliath革命性的新Power Saber:全銀河戰鬥遊戲中的終極武器
PR Newswire ·  07/03 09:00

Goliath confirms speculation surrounding their latest innovation, revealing THE WORLD'S FIRST EVER FULLY AUTO-EXTENDING AND RETRACTING SABER and its upcoming release date ahead of San Diego Comic Con


HATTEM, Netherlands, July 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Goliath, the internationally renowned, family-owned toy and game company unveils today the long-awaited Power Saber - the FIRST EVER of its kind to automatically fully extend and retract, giving fans the ultimate and most realistic immersive play experience. Power Saber will be launching globally at retailers on July 21 and making its debut to fans ahead of San Diego Comic Con at an exclusive party hosted by Den of Geeks on July 25.

荷蘭哈特姆,2024 年 7 月 3 日 /PRNewswire/- 龐然大物,這家國際知名的家族玩具和遊戲公司今天推出了期待已久的遊戲 Power Saber -首款自動完全伸縮的同類遊戲,爲粉絲們提供終極、最真實的沉浸式遊戲體驗。Power Saber將於7月21日在全球零售商上市,並在7月25日由Den of Geeks主辦的聖地亞哥動漫展獨家派對上首次向粉絲們首次亮相。

Goliath logo (CNW Group/Goliath Games)
巨人徽標(CNW 集團/Goliath Games)
Power Saber logo (CNW Group/Goliath Games)
Power Saber 徽標(CNW 集團/Goliath Games)
Power Saber Photo Credit: Goliath (CNW Group/Goliath Games)
Power Saber 照片來源:Goliath(CNW Group/Goliath Games)

Available in red or green, this incomparable action-packed toy saber features a strong light source and motion-based SFX, including a flash-on clash feature and an in-hilt LED. Fans can easily extend the Power Saber to 35''/90cm and get ready for battle! After victory is yours, the Power Saber can be carried in the belt clip for easy transport, or displayed on the included stand. Designed with durability in mind that can withstand dueling and active play, its premium feel and smooth reliable extension and retraction make it the perfect choice for fans of all ages to have at their side.

這款無與倫比的動感十足的玩具軍刀有紅色或綠色可供選擇,具有強光源和基於動作的特效,包括閃光碰撞功能和刀柄內置 LED。粉絲們可以輕鬆地將 Power Saber 延長到 35 英寸/90 厘米,爲戰鬥做好準備!勝利歸你後,Power Saber 可以放在皮帶夾中攜帶,便於攜帶,也可以展示在隨附的支架上。在設計時充分考慮了耐用性,可以承受決鬥和活躍的遊戲,其優質的手感以及流暢可靠的伸縮和縮回使其成爲所有年齡段的粉絲站在他們身邊的完美選擇。

Power Saber is designed for fans 6+ and will retail for $59.99 USD on Amazon, Walmart, Target starting July 21.

Power Saber專爲6歲以上的粉絲設計,將於7月21日起在亞馬遜、沃爾瑪和塔吉特的零售價爲59.99美元。

"As we continue to execute our strategy to become a Toy Powerhouse, we are beyond excited to launch Power Saber," says Brian Weiss, President of Goliath North America, Global Head of Toys. "Having a saber with the ability to fully extend and retract is an innovation that is truly magical and has been impossible until now. After multiple patents and years of development we are ready to share the most innovative saber technology and unite the saber world, enjoy!"

Goliath北美總裁、玩具全球主管布萊恩·魏斯表示:“在我們繼續執行成爲玩具強國的戰略的同時,我們對推出Power Saber感到非常興奮。”“擁有一把能夠完全伸展和縮回的軍刀是一項真正神奇的創新,而且迄今爲止是不可能的。經過多項專利和多年的發展,我們準備分享最具創新性的軍刀技術,團結軍刀世界,盡情享受吧!”

2024 alone has been a year of steady growth for Goliath. Earlier this year the company announced its worldwide license and distribution agreement with Funko Games, as well as its expansive category launch into toys. The launch of Power Saber marks another pivotal milestone for the company as it further cements the company's position as a predominant player in the global toys and game industry.

對於歌利亞來說,僅2024年就是穩步增長的一年。今年早些時候,該公司宣佈了與之簽訂的全球許可和分銷協議 Funko Games,以及它的 玩具領域擴大了產品類別。Power Saber的推出標誌着該公司的又一個關鍵里程碑,因爲它進一步鞏固了公司作爲全球玩具和遊戲行業主導者的地位。

To learn more about the newest product offerings, including product details and photos, entertainment, and the latest news from Goliath please visit

要了解有關最新產品的更多信息,包括產品詳情和照片、娛樂以及來自 Goliath 的最新消息,請訪問

About Goliath Group
Goliath, the largest global family-owned games manufacturer, is proud to be the home to some of the industry's top selling and family favorite games for over 40 years. Flagship family classic games include Sequence, Gooey Looey, The Floor is Lava and Pop! the Pig but the fun doesn't stop there, the global range includes top licenses The Traitors and Murdle along with the recent distribution of Funko Games opening up exciting play to older fans. Play is at the heart of Goliath which expands into the global toy aisles from miniature baking with Tasty Tinies through to lasagne loving Garfield plush and collectables. Founded & headquartered in the Netherlands, Goliath now operates out of 15 offices around the world, 5 of which are innovation centers that could be creating the next must-have of the season.

關於 Goliath Group
全球最大的家族遊戲製造商Goliath很榮幸成爲40多年來一些業內最暢銷和最受家庭歡迎的遊戲的發源地。旗艦系列經典遊戲包括 Sequence、Gooey Looey、The Floor is Lava 和 Pop!Pig 但樂趣還不止於此,全球範圍包括頂級許可證《叛徒》和《默德爾》,以及最近發行的 Funko Games 爲年長的粉絲開啓了精彩的遊戲體驗。遊戲是 Goliath 的核心,它已擴展到全球玩具過道,從 Tasty Tinies 的微型烘焙到熱愛千層麪的 Garfield 毛絨玩具和收藏品。Goliath成立並總部設在荷蘭,現在在全球設有15個辦事處,其中5個是創新中心,可能會創造本季的下一個必備品。

To learn more about Goliath, visit us at .

要了解有關 Goliath 的更多信息,請訪問我們的網址 。

SOURCE Goliath Games

來源 Goliath Games

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