
Brazil and Thailand Become First Malaria-endemic Countries to Launch New Single-dose Radical Cure Medicine to Prevent the Relapse of Plasmodium Vivax Malaria

Brazil and Thailand Become First Malaria-endemic Countries to Launch New Single-dose Radical Cure Medicine to Prevent the Relapse of Plasmodium Vivax Malaria

葛蘭素史克 ·  07/05 00:00
  • Launch of single-dose tafenoquine, co-administered with chloroquine, is another step closer to global elimination of malaria
  • The development and launch of this new treatment is the result of a partnership between GSK and Medicines for Malaria Venture
  • 單劑替非奎寧聯合氯喹的推出,讓消除瘧疾的全球行動又向前邁進了一步
  • 這種新治療方式的開發和推出是GSK和藥物瘧疾創新聯盟的合作結果

GSK plc (LSE/NYSE: GSK) and Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) today announce that the first single-dose medicine for the prevention of relapse of Plasmodium vivax (P. vivax) malaria – tafenoquine, co-administered with chloroquine for radical cure, has now been launched in both Thailand and Brazil, in support of malaria elimination efforts.

GSK和藥物瘧疾創新聯盟今天宣佈,針對Plasmodium vivax(P. vivax)瘧疾復發的預防首個單劑型藥物——替非奎寧聯合氯喹達到根治目的。該藥品目前已在泰國和巴西上市銷售,以支持消除瘧疾行動

P. vivax is the dominant malaria parasite in most countries outside of sub-Saharan Africa1. It is characterised by clinical relapses, with patients repeatedly falling sick unless the latent liver-stage infection is treated. This takes a considerable physical, economic and social toll on patients and communities, perpetuating cycles of poverty. In some cases, relapses can lead to severe malaria and death. Relapses also increase the disease burden and the potential for onward transmission, ultimately impeding global efforts to eliminate malaria.

P. vivax是非撒哈拉以外大多數國家中最常見的瘧原蟲。患者反覆感染臨床性復發,除非治療患者的潛在肝階段感染。這對患者和社區產生了可觀的身體、經濟和社會損失,使貧困循環不已。在某些情況下,復發會導致嚴重瘧疾和死亡。復發還增加了疾病負擔和潛在傳播,最終妨礙全球消除瘧疾的努力

Tafenoquine is an 8-aminoquinoline, antimalarial drug targeting the liver-stage of P. vivax malaria. When used in combination with chloroquine for the blood-stage infection, tafenoquine provides what is known as radical cure: the treatment of both the blood- and liver-stages of the disease. Tafenoquine, like all 8-aminoquinolines, has the potential to cause acute haemolytic anaemia in people with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, therefore a G6PD test must be performed before prescribing.

替非奎寧是一種用於針對P. vivax瘧疾的肝階段的8-氨基喹啉抗瘧藥。與氯喹治療血階段感染結合使用時,替非奎寧提供所謂的根治治療:治療疾病的血液和肝臟階段。替非奎寧和所有8-氨基喹啉類似物一樣,有可能引起葡萄糖-6-磷酸脫氫酶(G6PD)缺乏症患者的急性溶血性貧血,因此在處方之前必須進行G6PD檢測

The Ministries of Health in both Thailand and Brazil sponsored feasibility studies on the routine use of tafenoquine after point-of-care G6PD testing within their public health systems, with the support of MMV. Evidence from these real-world studies has informed their decisions to introduce these anti-malarial tools in their drive to help eliminate malaria.


Thomas Breuer, Chief Global Health Officer, GSK said: "Today's news underscores GSK's long-standing commitment to malaria and we are proud that tafenoquine, co-administered with chloroquine, the first radical cure medicine for P. vivax malaria is now launched in both Brazil and Thailand, taking us another step closer to our shared goal of eliminating malaria. Working together with MMV and PATH through the Partnership for Vivax Elimination (PAVE) to optimize this new treatment option has been fundamental to countries being able to introduce this new tool."

GSK首席全球衛生官托馬斯·布雷爾表示:“今天的消息強調了GSK長期以來對瘧疾的承諾,我們非常自豪於替非奎寧和氯喹的聯合使用成爲針對P. vivax瘧疾的首個根治藥物並已在泰國和巴西上市銷售,這使我們又向共同的消除瘧疾目標邁進了一步。與MMV和PATH一起通過Vivax消除夥伴關係(PAVE)合作優化這種新的治療方案對國家引入這個新工具來說是至關重要的

Dr Marcus Lacerda, Tropical Medicine Foundation Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado (FMT-HVD) and Principal Investigator for the Tafenoquine Rollout STudy (TRuST), said: "The launch of tafenoquine in Brazil marks a significant step forward in our country's mission to eliminate malaria by 2035. We recognize the unique challenges faced by vulnerable communities, including Indigenous populations, who are disproportionately affected by malaria. This treatment option helps to address these challenges head-on and we are determined to ensure that it reaches those who need it the most."


In response to the ongoing public health emergency within the Yanomami Special Indigenous Health District (DSEI), where P. vivax malaria accounts for almost seventy percent of all malaria cases, the government of Brazil accelerated the introduction of tafenoquine in March 2024. The roll out of this new testing and treatment option has now begun within the wider public health system (SUS).


In Thailand, reported cases of malaria have increased significantly in recent years, more than doubling between 2021 and 20222. The region bordering Myanmar accounts for most of these additional cases, where displaced populations from the neighbouring country can more easily access healthcare. This has increased the demand for malaria diagnosis and treatment resources in Thailand2 and the roll-out of tafenoquine will have significant impact.


Dr Martin Fitchet, CEO of MMV said: "Seeing this medicine get into the hands of patients who need it is a cause for celebration. This demonstrates real leadership by the governments of Brazil and Thailand in bringing innovation to accelerate the elimination of malaria, MMV is proud to have collaborated with GSK and PATH on the development of this important medicine."


Approvals for tafenoquine have been granted in the US, Australia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Guyana, Peru, Thailand, Colombia and the Philippines, and the drug is undergoing marketing authorisation evaluation in a number of other countries where P. vivax is endemic. Submissions have included evidence on the safety and efficacy; real world feasibility; a qualitative study on patient and health worker perceptions of G6PD testing and single-dose tafenoquine; a cost-effectiveness analysis and a budget impact analysis.


About Tafenoquine


Tafenoquine is an 8-aminoquinoline derivative with activity against all stages of the P. vivax lifecycle, including hypnozoites. It was first synthesised by scientists at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in 1978. GSK's legacy in the research and development of tafenoquine as a potential medicine for malaria commenced over 20 years ago. In 2008, GSK entered into a collaboration with the not-for-profit drug research partnership, MMV, to develop tafenoquine as an anti-relapse medicine for patients infected with P. vivax. The tafenoquine clinical programme is part of GSK's global health programme aimed at improving healthcare for vulnerable populations. The STANDARD G6PD test was developed in collaboration between SD Biosensor and PATH. The handheld device provides a measure of a patient's G6PD enzyme activity levels in two minutes based on a drop of blood from a finger-prick.

替非奎寧是活性針對Plasmodium vivax生命週期各個階段,包括休眠孢子體的8-氨基喹啉衍生物。它最初是由沃爾特里德陸軍研究所的科學家在1978年合成的。GSK超過20年前開始對替非奎寧研發成爲患有Plasmodium vivax感染的抗復發藥物的歷史。替非奎寧臨床計劃是GSK全球健康計劃的一部分,旨在改善弱勢人群的醫療保健。標準G6PD測試是SD Biosensor和PATH合作開發的。手持裝置基於手指採血提供患者G6PD酶活性水平的測量結果,兩分鐘即可返回

Important safety information


Tafenoquine can cause hemolytic anaemia in patients with G6PD deficiency. The most common side effects are difficulty sleeping, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Allergic hypersensitivity reactions can occur after taking the drug. Please refer to the Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) summary for important dosage, administration, and safety information available at this link: kozenis-cmi-au.pdf (


About Plasmodium vivax malaria

關於Plasmodium vivax瘧疾

The Plasmodium parasite is a complex organism with a lifecycle spanning both humans and mosquitoes. After an infected mosquito bite, the P. vivax parasite infects the blood and causes an acute malaria episode. It also has the ability to lie dormant in the liver (in a form known as hypnozoite) from where it periodically reactivates to cause relapses of P. vivax malaria. Hence, a single P. vivax infection can give rise to multiple episodes of malaria, in the absence of a new mosquito bite. These relapses can occur weeks, months or even years after the initial infection. The dormant liver forms of the parasite cannot be readily treated with most anti-malarial treatments active against the blood-stage parasite. The current treatment (primaquine) for the dormant liver stage must be taken for 7 to 14 days to be effective, a regimen that is associated with poor compliance in unsupervised patients 3,4,5.

瘧原蟲是一種複雜的寄生生物,其生命週期涵蓋了人類和蚊子兩個階段。感染了瘧疾蚊叮咬的人體後,P. vivax瘧原蟲會感染血液並引起急性瘧疾。它還具有在肝臟中處於休眠狀態的能力(稱爲休眠體),從那裏定期重新激活以引起P. vivax瘧疾的復發。因此,在沒有新的蚊子叮咬的情況下,單個P. vivax感染可能導致多次瘧疾發作。在缺少針對血級寄生蟲活動的抗瘧疾治療的情況下,這些復發會在幾周、幾個月甚至幾年後發生。目前(primaquine)針對休眠的肝階段的治療必須持續7至14天才有效,這是與無監督患者相關的非常糟糕的治療方案

The use of a medicine that targets the dormant liver forms of the parasite, co-administered with a medicine to treat the blood stage, is known as radical cure.


P. vivax malaria has a significant public health and economic impact, primarily in South-Asia, South-East Asia, Latin America and the horn of Africa. The disease is estimated to cause around 8.5 million clinical infections every year. The clinical features of P. vivax malaria include fever, chills, vomiting, malaise, headache and muscle pain, and in some cases, can lead to severe malaria and be fatal.

P. vivax瘧疾在南亞、東南亞、拉丁美洲和非洲之角地區具有重要的公共衛生和經濟影響。該疾病估計每年導致約850萬例臨床感染。P. vivax瘧疾的臨床特點包括髮熱、寒戰、嘔吐、畏厭、頭痛和肌肉疼痛,在某些情況下,可能導致嚴重瘧疾並致命

About GSK


GSK is a global biopharma company with a purpose to unite science, technology, and talent to get ahead of disease together. Find out more at


About Medicines for Malaria Venture


MMV is a Swiss-based not-for-profit organization working to deliver a portfolio of accessible medicines with the power to treat, prevent and eliminate malaria. Born in 1999, out of a need for greater health equity, we close critical gaps in research, development and access – working "end-to-end" to expand the use of existing antimalarials and innovate new compounds to protect public health. This starts with women and children.


It's working. As of 2023, MMV-supported products have effectively treated an estimated 680 million people and saved around 15.4 million lives. We cannot stop now.


With a quarter of a billion malaria cases and more than 600,000 deaths reported in 2022, progress towards disease elimination has stalled. MMV is part of an ecosystem of partners determined to change this. Bringing public and private sector partners together, we pioneer new solutions that align with local and global health priorities and promote the equitable development of effective and affordable products that work to help end malaria and advance health for all.


For more information, visit .


About PAVE


PAVE is the PArtnership for Vivax Elimination led by MMV and PATH bringing together National Malaria Programmes, researchers, funders, and other organizations to eliminate P. vivax malaria. The goal of PAVE is to support countries in accelerating the elimination of P. vivax malaria.


Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements


GSK cautions investors that any forward-looking statements or projections made by GSK, including those made in this announcement, are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Such factors include, but are not limited to, those described under Item 3.D "Risk factors" in GSK's Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2023, and GSK's Q1 Results for 2024.


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