
What's happening at Beam Global (BEEM)?

What's happening at Beam Global (BEEM)?

Beam Global (BEEM)有什麼動態?
Stocks Telegraph ·  07/09 00:09
  • Remarkable Growth and Market Expansion of Beam Global

  • Expansion into European Markets

  • Promising Outlook and Future Innovations

  • Beam Global的顯着增長和市場擴張

  • 擴展到歐洲市場

  • 展望光明和未來創新

Remarkable Growth and Market Expansion of Beam Global

Beam Global的顯着增長和市場擴張

Beam Global reported record Q2 new orders amounting to $10.6 million, marking a 128% year-over-year increase. The company has expanded its government contracts, receiving new and repeat orders from state agencies in Massachusetts, California, North Carolina, and Nevada, as well as from 15 local government entities.

Beam Global報告創紀錄的Q2新訂單達1060萬美元,同比增長128%。該公司已擴大其政府合同,從馬薩諸塞州、加利福尼亞州、北卡羅來納州和內華達州的州機構以及15個地方政府機構獲得新的和重複的訂單。

Beam Global's U.S. commercial sector also experienced significant growth, with Q2 commercial orders increasing by 66% compared to the previous year. The continued expansion of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure by U.S. government and commercial customers supports sustainability initiatives, community and workplace programs, fleet electrification, and emergency preparedness.

Beam Global的美國商業部門也經歷了顯着增長,Q2商業訂單同比增長了66%。美國政府和商業客戶不斷擴大電動汽車(EV)充電基礎設施的擴張,支持可持續性計劃、社區和工作場所項目、車隊電氣化和應急準備。

Expansion into European Markets


In Europe, Beam Global achieved a significant milestone by shipping its first EV ARC systems to Cyprus for the UK Ministry of Defense, marking its initial entry into the European market. Over half of the Q2 EV ARC orders came from new customers, including two major California public transportation providers and a global supplier of advanced mobility products and systems.

在歐洲,Beam Global通過向塞浦路斯運輸其首批EV ARC系統,爲英國國防部標誌着其首次進入歐洲市場。Q2 EV ARC訂單中超過一半來自新客戶,包括兩家加利福尼亞州主要公共交通服務提供商和一家全球先進移動產品和系統供應商。

The customer base also expanded to include the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) and a data center leader, attracted by Beam Global's security and grid relief features. BEEM manufactured a record number of ARC Mobility trailers, enhancing customers' ability to rapidly relocate their EV ARC systems.

客戶群還擴大到包括薩克拉門託市公共事業區(SMUD)和領先的數據中心,吸引了Beam Global安全和電網緩解功能。BEEm製造了創紀錄數量的ARC移動拖車,增強了客戶快速重定位其EV ARC系統的能力。

Promising Outlook and Future Innovations


Beam Global has had a strong start to 2024, with the company beginning to see the impact of its European expansion. Notably, it secured its first million-dollar order in Europe within five months of establishing its European operations, a milestone that took five years to achieve in the U.S. The first and second quarters saw a healthy mix of repeat and new customers, with the commercial business continuing to expand.

Beam Global在2024年有一個強勁的開端,該公司開始看到其歐洲擴張的影響。值得注意的是,它在成立歐洲業務的五個月內就在歐洲獲得了第一個百萬美元訂單,而這一里程碑在美國則需要五年才能實現。第一季度和第二季度看到了一些新老客戶的健康組合,商業業務繼續擴張。

Beam Global is preparing to introduce a new sustainable curbside EV charging infrastructure product and has several new products in the patent pipeline. Moreover, despite recent negative and contradictory reporting within the EV industry, Beam Global remains optimistic about its progress and long-term growth potential.

Beam Global正在準備推出一款新的可持續路邊電動汽車充電基礎設施產品,並有幾款新產品在專利管道中。此外,儘管在EV行業內最近出現了消極和矛盾的報道,Beam Global仍對其進展和長期增長潛力保持樂觀。

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