
Kinross Gold Commences Drilling at Riley Gold's PWC Gold Project (Cortez District - Nevada)

Kinross Gold Commences Drilling at Riley Gold's PWC Gold Project (Cortez District - Nevada)

newsfile ·  07/10 07:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 10, 2024) - Riley Gold Corp. (TSXV: RLYG) (OTCQB: RLYGF) ("Riley Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that drilling is underway at the Company's Pipeline West/Clipper Gold Project ("PWC") by Kinross Gold U.S.A., Inc. ("Kinross"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX: K) (NYSE: KGC).

溫哥華,卑詩省—(Newsfile Corp.-2024年7月10日)-Riley Gold Corporation.(tsxv: RLYG) (OTCQB:RLYGF)(以下稱“Riley Gold”或“公司”)非常高興地宣佈,金羅斯金礦業有限公司(Kinross Gold U.S.A., Inc.)(“金羅斯”)已經開始在公司的Pipeline West/Clipper金礦項目(PWC)中進行鑽探,金羅斯是金羅斯金公司(Kinross Gold Corporation)(TSX: K)(NYSE: KGC)的全資子公司。

Riley Gold entered into an exploration and venture option agreement (the "Agreement") with Kinross on March 13, 2024. The Agreement grants Kinross the right to earn up to a 75% interest in Riley Gold's PWC project by spending a minimum of US$20 million (see news release dated March 14, 2024 for details). PWC is located in Lander County, Nevada and consists of approximately 24.7 km2 in the heart of the significant gold producing Cortez District (Battle Mountain - Eureka Trend). Kinross is funding and operating PWC and has a strategic 9.9% (on a partially diluted basis) equity interest in the Company acquired through a private placement.

2024年3月13日,Riley Gold與Kinross簽署了一份探測和冒險授權協議(“協議”)。該協議授予金羅斯權利通過最少花費2000萬美元的方式賺取Riley Gold PWC項目的最高75%利益。(詳見2024年3月14日新聞稿)。PWC位於內華達州蘭德縣,佔地面積約爲24.7平方公里,位於重要的產金地區Cortez District (Battle Mountain - Eureka Trend) 的中心位置。金羅斯正在PWC項目上進行資金支持和操作,並通過私募定向增發,持有公司的9.9% (按部分稀釋基礎計算)股權。

"We are excited to have partnered with Kinross and to have drilling underway at PWC. Technical meetings have identified exciting targets, based on geological and geophysical data interpretation, in areas that have never been drill tested. Having a partner with a proven track record of gold production from two mines in Nevada (Round Mountain and Bald Mountain) is extremely valuable from a technical and operational standpoint. Our PWC project is within the Cortez District that has a significant history of gold production and current reserves. PWC adjoins Nevada Gold Mines LLC ("NGM"), a joint venture between Barrick Gold Corp. and Newmont Corporation, that has current production within their Cortez/Pipeline complex," commented Todd Hilditch, CEO of Riley Gold.

Riley Gold的首席執行官Todd Hilditch評論道:“我們很高興與金羅斯合作,在PWC進行鑽探。技術會議確定了令人興奮的目標,這些目標基於地質和地球物理數據解釋,而這些數據所在的區域以前從未受到過鑽探的測試。與一家在內華達從兩個礦山生產黃金的有着豐富黃金生產記錄的合作伙伴,無論是從技術還是操作的角度來看都具有非常高的價值,而我們的PWC項目位於Cortez District,這裏有着豐富的黃金生產歷史和現有儲備。PWC毗鄰巴里克黃金公司(Barrick Gold Corp.)和紐曼礦業公司(Newmont Corporation)的Cortez/Pipeline綜合體,它們在目前已有生產。

Technical Committee Formation - Mr. Paul Dobak Represents Riley Gold

技術委員會組建-保羅·多巴克代表Riley Gold

The PWC project technical committee is led by Kinross and includes members from both Kinross and Riley Gold. The appointed lead Riley Gold technical committee member is Mr. Paul Dobak, who joined the Company on April 4, 2024 (see press release dated April 8 for his bio) as a member of Riley's technical advisory committee. Mr. Dobak has a wealth of experience in the mineral exploration field, particularly within the Cortez Trend where the PWC project is located and where he was involved in the discovery of the Goldrush and Fourmile gold deposits as Chief Geologist - North America for Barrick Gold. Mr. Dobak has additional direct practical experience in Nevada's style of mineralization and deposits having held positions of increasing responsibility with Barrick for 25 years and senior positions with other major mining companies for 15 years prior to that.

PWC項目技術委員會由金羅斯領導,包括來自金羅斯和Riley Gold的成員。Riley Gold技術委員會的主要成員由保羅·多巴克先生擔任,他於2024年4月4日加入公司(詳見4月8日的新聞稿),擔任Riley技術諮詢委員會的成員。多巴克先生在礦產勘探領域擁有豐富的經驗,特別是在PWC項目所在的Cortez Trend地區,他曾作爲巴里克黃金公司北美首席地質師參與了Goldrush和Fourmile金礦牀的發現。多巴克在巴里克公司任職了25年,在其他主要礦業公司的高級職位工作了15年,具有內華達州礦化風格和礦牀的直接實踐經驗。

Recent Work, Drill Program and Cortez District Highlights


Drilling will target previously untested favourable lower plate carbonate host rocks of the Wenban and Roberts Mountains Formations at explorable depths. The Wenban Formation is the primary host to all the >5.0-million-ounce gold deposits in the Cortez District. Geologic work completed by Riley Gold and Kinross since the PWC acquisition includes: surface geologic mapping, soil geochemistry and controlled-source audio-frequency magnetotelluric ("CSAMT") surveys. In addition, re-interpretation of historic drill hole, gravity, magnetic and CSAMT data has been completed and used for developing 2024 drill targets. The primary target is a large, disseminated gold deposit peripheral to the Gold Acres stock, which is the geologic setting for the NGM Pipeline gold deposit. Permitting for the initial work and drilling was submitted by Kinross to the Bureau of Land Management and approved.

鑽探將針對以前未經過測試有利的下板岩碳酸鹽巖宿主岩石,即溫班和羅伯茨山形成地層的鑽探。溫班構造巖是Cortez District中所有超過5億盎司黃金的礦牀的主體宿主岩石。Riley Gold和Kinross自從收購PWC以來進行的地質工作包括:地表地質測繪、土壤地球化學和受控源聲頻磁電測深探查(CSAMT)。此外,歷史鑽孔、重力、磁性和CSAMt數據的重新解釋已經完成,並用於制定2024年的鑽探目標。主要目標是大規模的分散黃金礦石,位於Gold Acres股票的四周,這是NGm Pipeline金礦牀的地質背景。金羅斯已向土地管理局提交了最初的工作和鑽探許可,並獲得批准。

About PWC:


PWC constitutes a very prospective exploration property for Carlin-type, disseminated and replacement gold deposits. PWC consists of a land package totaling approximately 24.7 square kms of unpatented mining claims and patented fee lands adjoining NGM. PWC is situated along the Cortez Structural Zone of the exceptionally productive Cortez Trend within the Battle Mountain - Eureka Trend in north central Nevada (Figure 1). The Cortez and Pipeline complexes (adjoining Riley's PWC project boundary) are top producers within Nevada, a State that has consistently produced between 4-5 million ounces of gold a year.

PWC對於Carlin型的分散和置換黃金礦牀非常具有前景。PWC包括一塊總面積約爲24.7平方公里的土地包,其中包括未經專利的採礦權和差別制定的專利費用地,毗鄰NGm。 PWC位於內華達州中北部的Battle Mountain - Eureka Trend中的Cortez Trend走廊,是一個極其富含黃金的產金區域。(請參見1號圖)與Riley的PWC項目邊界相鄰的Cortez和Pipeline綜合體是內華達州最大的黃金生產廠家。

Qualified Person


This news release has been reviewed and approved by Richard DeLong, P.Geo., Director of Riley Gold and a 'qualified person', as defined by National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿已由Richard DeLong, P.Geo.,Riley Gold的董事和按43-101國家合法的人員進行了審查和批准。

About Riley Gold Corp.

關於Riley Gold Corp.

Riley Gold is an exploration and development company focused in Nevada, USA, with assets that include the Pipeline West/Clipper Gold Project located in the Battle Mountain Eureka Trend (within the Cortez District) and the Tokop Gold Project located within the Walker Lane Trend. Riley Gold's founders and leadership team have a proven track record of maximizing shareholder value during each phase of the mining life cycle: exploration, development, and production.

Riley Gold是一家專注於內華達州的勘探和開發公司,擁有一系列資產,包括位於Battle Mountain Eureka Trend(位於Cortez區)的Pipeline West/Clipper Gold項目和位於Walker Lane Trend的Tokop Gold項目。Riley Gold的創始人和管理團隊在礦業生命週期的每個階段:勘探、開發和生產中都有證明的股東價值最大化的記錄。



Todd Hilditch
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: (604) 443-3831

Todd Hilditch 電話:(604) 443-3831
電話:(604) 443-3831

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This press release contains statements which constitute "forward looking information" under applicable Canadian securities laws, including statements regarding plans, intentions, beliefs and current expectations of the Company. The words "may", "would", "could", "will", "intend", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect" and similar expressions, as they relate to the Company, or its management, are intended to identify such forward-looking information. Although Riley Gold believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them because Riley Gold can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties and the Company's future business activities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking information as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, fluctuations in market prices, successes of the operations of the Company, continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions and the ability to obtain the requisite approvals of the TSX Venture Exchange when necessary. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking information is not a guarantee of future business activities and involves risks and uncertainties. Additional information on these and other factors that could affect Riley Gold operations and financial results are included in reports on file with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and may be accessed through the SEDAR+ website ().There can be no assurances that such information will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. The Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking information except as required under the applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿包含“前瞻性信息”成立的聲明,適用於適用的加拿大證券法律,包括關於公司計劃、意圖、信念和當前預期的聲明。這些與Riley Gold或其管理層相關的詞語,比如“可能”、“將”、“能夠”、“將要”、“打算”、“計劃”、“預期”和類似表述,旨在識別這些前瞻性信息。雖然Riley Gold認爲這些前瞻性聲明所反映的期望是合理的,但不應過分依賴它們,因爲Riley Gold無法保證這些預期的結果是正確的。由於前瞻性聲明涉及到未來事件和情況,它們本質上涉及到固有的風險和不確定性,而且公司未來的商業活動可能會由於各種因素與前瞻性信息中所述的不同,包括市場價格波動、公司經營的成功、資本和融資的持續可用性、總體經濟、市場或營商狀況以及必要時取得TSX Venture Exchange批准的能力。投資者應該注意到,任何前瞻性信息都不能保證未來的商業活動,並涉及風險和不確定性。這些和其他能影響Riley Gold運營和財務業績的因素的更多信息都包含在加拿大證券監管機構的文件中,並可通過SEDAR網站()訪問。公司無法保證此類信息將證明準確,因此讀者應該依靠其自己的不確定性評估。除非根據適用的證券法律規定,在不必要時公司不會更新任何前瞻性信息。

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