
WELL Health Announces Approval for Historic $44M Project, the Largest DIGITAL Project Ever Awarded to Advance AI-powered Tech Enablement for Care Providers

WELL Health Announces Approval for Historic $44M Project, the Largest DIGITAL Project Ever Awarded to Advance AI-powered Tech Enablement for Care Providers

WELL Health宣佈獲得歷史性4400萬美元項目的批准,這是爲促進人工智能科技使醫療服務提供者能夠更好地實現數字化而獲得的最大項目。
PR Newswire ·  07/10 13:15
  • WELL Health and its consortium partners have been awarded the largest DIGITAL project to date for Health Compass II, an initiative that will continue the advancement of AI and interoperability in Canadian healthcare.
  • WELL Health will not only serve as the lead commercialization partner and first customer, but will also provide expertise and interoperability to each consortium partner for an unprecedented opportunity to innovate and develop new AI tools to better support and enable healthcare providers to enhance patient outcomes.
  • As part of the approval, DIGITAL will fund just over one third of all project costs related to this project over a period of 4 years. These funds are appropriated by the Federal Government of Canada to support technology innovation.
  • WELL Health和其貢獻者集團已被授予最大的醫療羅盤II數字化項目,該倡議將繼續推動加拿大醫療保健中的人工智能和互操作性的發展。
  • WELL Health不僅將作爲首席商業合作伙伴和第一位客戶,而且將爲每個貢獻者集團提供專業知識和互操作性,爲創新和開發新的AI工具提供了前所未有的機會,以更好地支持和促進醫療保健提供者的患者結果的提高。
  • 作爲批准的一部分,DIGITAL將爲該項目與之相關的所有項目費用的三分之一斥資四年。這些資金由加拿大聯邦政府撥款支持技術創新。

VANCOUVER, BC and TORONTO, July 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - WELL Health Technologies Corp. (TSX: WELL) (OTCQX: WHTCF) (the "Company" or "WELL"), a leading company focused on consolidating and modernizing clinical and digital assets within the healthcare sector, is thrilled to announce the approval and advancement of a groundbreaking $44M project, which will receive $15.3M in funding from DIGITAL to support investments in R&D and commercialization from other partners for phase 2 of the Health Compass project, known as Health Compass II. This monumental funding represents the largest project DIGITAL, Canada's Global Innovation Cluster for digital technologies, has awarded to date in any funding category, marking a significant milestone in the commitment and advancement of AI and interoperability in healthcare.

2024年7月10日,BC的溫哥華和多倫多/PRNewswire WELL Health Technologies Corp.(TSX:WELL)(OTCQX:WHTCF)(以下簡稱"公司"或"WELL"),這是一家致力於整合和現代化臨床和數字資產的領先公司,非常高興地宣佈獲得了一項創紀錄的4400萬美元項目的批准和推進,該項目將獲得DIGITAL 1530萬美元的資金支持,併爲衛生指南項目的第2階段,即衛生指南II提供來自其他合作伙伴的研發和商業化專業技術。這筆巨額資金代表DIGITAL迄今爲止在任何資金類別中授予的最大項目,是醫療保健中人工智能和互操作性承諾和推進的重要里程碑。

Health Compass II, a collaborative effort with WELL Health, ORX, HEALWELL AI (TSX: AIDX, OTCQX: HWAIF), Tali AI, Phelix, and Simon Fraser University driving critical contributions. Health Compass II aims to further revolutionize the healthcare industry by enhancing interoperability and leveraging AI to reduce healthcare provider burdens. Building on the success of the initial Health Compass phase, Health Compass II will introduce an innovative suite of four AI-driven modules integrated through an EMR-agnostic mobile app, designed to engage patients, automate administrative tasks, assist healthcare providers with documentation, and enhance clinical decision-making.

WELL Health與ORX、HEALWELL AI(TSX:AIDX,OTCQX:HWAIF)、Tali AI、Phelix和Simon Fraser University合作推動卓越貢獻的衛生指南II。衛生指南II旨在通過增強互操作性和利用人工智能,減少醫療保健提供商的負擔,進一步革新醫療保健行業。在初始衛生指南階段的成功基礎上,衛生指南II將通過一個EMR-不可知移動應用程序集成四個基於人工智能的創新模塊套件,旨在吸引患者,自動化行政任務,協助醫療保健提供商進行文檔工作,並增強臨床決策制定。

The project's components include:


  • Decision Compass by HEALWELL AI: A clinical decision support module to identify opportunities for earlier diagnosis and/or improved care for rare and complex diseases.
  • Patient Compass by ORX: A user-friendly patient-facing virtual agent module that improves patient engagement by 30% by enabling patients to find, get and advance care with providers.
  • SMART Inbox by Phelix: A back-of-house automation module that leverages AI algorithms to streamline administrative tasks and reduce manual administrative efforts for clinics by 50% or more.
  • Voice Assistant by Tali: An AI Assistant that employs ambient sensing technology to capture medically relevant information from natural conversations, with patient consent, without taking provider focus away from their patient.
  • HEALWELL AI的Decision Compass:一個臨床決策支持模塊,用於識別罕見和複雜疾病的早期診斷和/或改善護理機會。
  • ORX的Patient Compass:一個用戶友好的面向患者的虛擬工具模塊,通過使患者能夠找到、獲取和促進護理與提供者之間的合作,將患者參與度提高了30%。
  • Phelix的SMARt Inbox:一種藉助人工智能算法來簡化行政任務和減少診所手動行政工作50%或更多的後臺自動化模塊。
  • Tali的語音助手:一種利用環境感應技術獲取與患者自然對話中與醫學相關的信息的人工助手,經過患者同意,而不會轉移提供者對患者的關注。

The combination of all four Health Compass II partner AI modules into WELL's Provider Compass will result in equipping healthcare providers with the automation of all non-billable patient interactions and outputs of the patient visit (patient referral letters, prescriptions, etc.); scribe the entirety of the provider-patient visit; and provide clinical suggestions based on the patient's medical record. Ultimately, enabling a reality for clinics and clinicians to focus more on patient care by automating the majority of day-to-day administrative tasks without having to turn on their computer.

將所有四個衛生指南II合作伙伴AI模塊集成到WELL's Provider Compass中,將使醫療保健提供者具備自動化的所有不計費患者交互和患者訪問輸出(患者轉診信,處方藥等)的能力;記錄提供者-患者訪問的全部過程;並根據患者的醫療記錄提供臨床建議。最終,通過自動化大部分日常行政任務,使診所和臨床醫生能夠更加專注於患者護理。

Hamed Shahbazi, CEO and Founder of WELL, shared his excitement and gratitude about this announcement: "This is a monumental milestone and we are honoured and grateful to DIGITAL and Minister Champagne's office for their commitment to supporting healthcare innovation and responsible AI research. At WELL, we are committed to leveraging technology to empower healthcare providers and reduce burnout by equipping them with responsible AI and other tools to assist in providing quality care and ultimately improve patient outcomes. Projects like Health Compass II directly support this mission and are essential in fuelling healthcare's digital transformation."

WELL的CEO和創始人Hamed Shahbazi分享了他對這一消息的興奮和感激之情:“這是一個重要的里程碑,我們感到非常榮幸和感謝DIGITAL和Champagne部長辦公室對支持醫療保健創新和負責任的AI研究的承諾。在WELL,我們致力於利用技術賦予醫療保健提供者能力,通過提供負責任的人工智能和其他工具來協助提供優質的護理,並最終改善患者的結果。像衛生指南II這樣的項目直接支持了這一使命,是推動醫療保健數字轉型的關鍵。”

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry shared, "artificial intelligence presents a transformative opportunity for healthcare professionals to innovate and enhance patient experiences, and Canada is at the forefront of this pivotal field. Our government is proud to champion the Digital Technology Cluster as it collaborates with industry partners, like WELL Health, to reshape the delivery of healthcare services for Canadians."

創新、科學和產業部長François-Philippe Champagne表示:“人工智能爲醫療保健專業人士創新提供了轉型的機會,並增強了患者體驗,而加拿大正處於這一關鍵領域的前沿。我們的政府自豪地支持數字技術集群,與像WELL Health這樣的行業合作伙伴一起共同重塑加拿大醫療保健服務的交付。”

Taleeb Noormohamed, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage shared, "from helping health professionals take notes and assist in recording their diagnoses, to streamlining administrative paperwork and facilitating the patient care experience, this innovative project is using AI to build a better future for Canadians. The government looks forward to the success of the Health Compass II project and to other made-in-Canada innovations, that will unlock social and economic benefits for everyone."

聯邦遺產部兼議員秘書Taleeb Noormohamed表示:“通過幫助衛生專業人員記錄筆記,協助記錄診斷,並簡化行政文件工作並促進患者護理體驗,這項創新項目使用人工智能爲加拿大人建立更美好的未來。政府期待着衛生指南II項目的成功,以及其他加拿大的創新,這將爲每個人解鎖社會和經濟效益。”

"Canada has a significant opportunity and imperative to leverage our global leadership in AI research into accelerated commercialization of that research into Canadian AI applications and tools. These tools will help solve some of the world's biggest challenges while accelerating the growth of Canadian companies. DIGITAL's continued investment in the Health Compass initiative is supporting improved health outcomes for Canadians while also supporting Canadian innovators," said Sue Paish, CEO of DIGITAL. "Since 2018, DIGITAL has worked to foster innovation, help Canadian companies grow and spur private sector investment in digital solutions that are making a positive difference in the lives of Canadians."

DIGITAL公司首席執行官Sue Paish表示:“加拿大有一個重要的機會和必要,將我們在AI研究領域的全球領導地位轉化爲加速該研究在加拿大的應用和工具的商業化。這些工具將幫助解決世界上最大的挑戰,同時加速加拿大公司的增長。DIGITAL對衛生指南倡議的持續投資支持提高了加拿大人的健康結果,並支持了加拿大的創新者。”

Health Compass II is set to transform the way healthcare providers practice by replacing traditional exam room workstations with a clinician's preferred smartphone device, automating the majority of day-to-day tasks without the need for a computer. This initiative is expected to achieve a 25% reduction in healthcare delivery costs for clinics and a 20% improvement in patient satisfaction within the first two years post-implementation.


WELL Health will not only serve as the lead commercialization partner and first customer, but will also be continuing to build standards-based API interoperability, giving a competitive advantage to each SME AI module developed. The consortium will leverage WELL's extensive network, including their Provider Solutions platform that supports more than 3,400 clinics and over 34,000 healthcare providers, including the distribution channels of OceanMD (A WELL Health Company) and its' EMR assets, as well as WELL's own clinic network across Canada that includes over 175 clinics and greater than 1,600 healthcare providers including registered physicians and other healthcare professionals. WELL's Provider Solutions Platform is Canada's leader in healthcare provider products and services, AI healthcare solutions, and information security services, WELL is committed to ensuring that best-in-class privacy, cyber security and ethical AI implementation remains at the forefront of the commercialization of Health Compass II.

WELL Health不僅將作爲首席商業化合作夥伴和第一位客戶,而且將繼續建立基於標準的API互操作性,爲開發的每個SME AI模塊提供競爭優勢。該貢獻者集團將利用WELL的廣泛網絡,包括支持3400多家診所和超過34,000名醫療保健提供者的Provider Solutions平台,包括OceanMD(WELL Health公司)的分銷渠道和其自己的網絡覆蓋加拿大的超過175家診所和超過1600名醫療保健提供者,包括註冊醫生和其他醫療保健專業人員的EMR資產。WELL's Provider Solutions Platform是加拿大醫療保健提供者產品和服務的領導者,AI醫療保健解決方案和信息安全服務,WELL致力於確保在衛生指南II商業化的最前沿,最佳隱私、網絡安全和道德的AI實施仍然是首要的。

The Health Compass II project is a testament to WELL Health's commitment to empowering healthcare providers and enhancing patient experiences across North America. With this significant investment, WELL Health and its partners are poised to set a new standard for the deployment of ethical AI in healthcare, interoperability and EMR innovation, healthcare provider workflows, and patient care. Health Compass II and other healthcare innovations from WELL and its partners, will undoubtedly contribute towards the improvement of health outcomes for Canadians and the reduction of healthcare provider burnout.

Health Compass II是WELL Health致力於賦予醫療保健提供者能力和增強北美患者體驗的明證。通過這筆巨額投資,WELL Health及其合作伙伴將爲醫療保健中的道德AI部署、互操作性和EMR創新、醫療保健提供者工作流程和患者護理樹立新的標準。衛生指南II及WELL及其合作伙伴的其他醫療保健創新,無疑將有助於改善加拿大的健康結果,減少醫療保健提供者的疲勞。

About WELL Health Technologies Corp.

WELL's mission is to tech-enable healthcare providers. We do this by developing the best technologies, services, and support available, which ensures healthcare providers are empowered to positively impact patient outcomes. WELL's comprehensive healthcare and digital platform includes extensive front and back-office management software applications that help physicians run and secure their practices. WELL's solutions enable more than 34,000 healthcare providers between the US and Canada and power the largest owned and operated healthcare ecosystem in Canada with more than 175 clinics supporting primary care, specialized care, and diagnostic services. In the United States WELL's solutions are focused on specialized markets such as the gastrointestinal market, women's health, primary care, and mental health. WELL is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "WELL" and on the OTC Exchange under the symbol "WHTCF". To learn more about WELL, please visit: .


Forward-Looking Statements

This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws, including, without limitation, statements regarding the future plans and objectives of WELL Health, the capabilities of Health Compass II, and future funding commitments from DIGITAL. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, although not always, identified by words such as "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "potential," and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could," or "should" occur. While these forward-looking statements represent WELL Health's current expectations, they are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially, such as the ability to develop and commercialize the Health Compass II amongst the consortium members, the expected improvements to workflow efficiency, physician uptake, and the utilization and deployment of the Health Compass II across WELL Health's network. WELL Health does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿可能包含適用的加拿大證券法中的"前瞻性聲明",包括但不限於WELL Health未來的計劃和目標、Health Compass II的能力以及來自DIGITAL的未來的資金承諾。前瞻性聲明是非歷史事實聲明,一般而言,儘管不總是這樣,會被諸如"預計"、"計劃"、"預期"、"相信"、"打算"、"估計"、"項目"、"潛力"等類似表達或事件或情況下"將"、"將會"、"可能"、"能夠"或"應該"發生的用語所識別。儘管這些前瞻性聲明代表WELL Health目前的期望,但它們存在多個可能導致實際結果發生重大差異的風險和不確定性,如在貢獻成員之間開發和商業化Health Compass II的能力、預計的工作流效率改善、醫生使用率、以及在WELL Health網絡中的應用和部署Health Compass II。WELL Health不承諾更新任何前瞻性聲明,除非依據適用證券法規定。

SOURCE WELL Health Technologies Corp.


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