
I-STEAM Pathways: Melding Mainstream Science, Indigenous Perspectives

I-STEAM Pathways: Melding Mainstream Science, Indigenous Perspectives

I-STEAm Pathways:融合主流科學與土著視角
Accesswire ·  07/10 14:30

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 10, 2024 / Enbridge
University of Alberta program cultivates student interest in environmental education through summer research internships


The University of Alberta may have one of the best summer gigs going.


Forget office jobs. Since being launched in 2020, Indigenous students hired onto one of the research projects through the U of A's I-STEAM Pathways (I-STEAM) program could spend their summer studying water toxicity, regenerative agriculture, environmental policy or flood forecasting tools-just to name a few.

忘記辦公室工作。自2020年開始,通過阿爾伯塔大學的I-STEAm Pathways(I-STEAM)計劃的其中一個研究項目聘用的土著學生可以花費他們的暑期研究水毒性、再生農業、環境政策或洪水預測工具,僅舉幾個例子。

"Many of our interns are actually hired out of non-STEM-related fields of study," says Dr. Makere Stewart-Harawira, professor at Edmonton-based University of Alberta and original co-founder of the I-STEAM Pathways program. "They might be enrolled in a health or psychology program, but this internship offers an opportunity to explore an enormous variety of other fields in engineering, biology or agriculture."

“我們的許多實習生實際上是在非STEm相關領域的學習,”阿爾伯塔大學的教授、I-STEAm Pathways計劃的原合作者Makere Stewart-Harawira博士說。“他們可能在健康或心理學專業上註冊,但是這個實習機會可以讓他們探索工程、生物學或農業等其他領域的機會。”

The I-STEAM program is the first of its kind in Canada, and is dedicated to giving Indigenous students the opportunity to engage in environmental research, ideally leading them to consider it as a future career path.


"There is a real call in both the research community and within Indigenous communities to increase the number of Indigenous people in positions of authority in environmental policy," says Dr. Stewart-Harawira.


Open to students in their first year of undergraduate studies and upwards, I-STEAM matches students with carefully selected research projects and a dedicated mentor for a four-month paid internship over the summer.


Last year, the program hired 18 students to environmental research projects, up from 16 in 2022. While the upward trend is encouraging, the program's ability to accept research proposals and facilitate summer internships is entirely donor dependent.


In 2023, Alliance Pipeline donated $60,000 to the I-STEAM Pathways program as part of its commitment to communities. The funding facilitated internships for the program and contributed to research costs and student wages. After a 24-year span, Enbridge sold its ownership interest in Alliance to Pembina Pipeline Corporation in April 2024.

2023年,Alliance Pipeline向I-STEAm Pathways計劃捐贈了6萬加元,作爲對社區的承諾的一部分。這筆資金促進了該計劃的實習,併爲研究成本和學生工資做出了貢獻。在過去的24年裏,恩橋公司將其在Alliance的所有權益出售給了Pembina Pipeline Corporation。

The research projects are not just confined to labs-they often have real-world impact.


Jordan Eleniak, a 2023 I-STEAM program participant and Metis student hailing from Lac La Biche, AB, developed a device that helps predict algae blooms during his internship. Eleniak is also the president of the U of A's Indigenous in STEM Students Association.

約旦·埃騰尼克(Jordan Eleniak)是2023年I-STEAm計劃的參與者,也是來自阿爾伯塔拉克拉比奇(Lac La Biche)的梅蒂斯學生,他在實習期間開發了一種有助於預測水藻暴發的設備。Eleniak還是阿爾伯塔大學土著STEm學生協會的主席。

"Jordan's work is exactly the type of hands-on research that we get excited about," says. Dr. Stewart-Harawira. "I am constantly moved by the interchange of knowledge and witnessing as students build a passion and interest in their environment."


Dr. Stewart-Harawira, who is New Zealand Maori, arrived in Alberta in 2004 with the intention of spending "four or five" in Alberta, and ultimately to launch a program around Indigenous environmental education.


But 20 years later, she's still here, with I-STEAM Pathways programming running strong, thanks at least in part to the good work of her co-leads in the program, Navajo environmental engineer Dr. Chelsea Benally and biological scientist Dr. Greg Goss, both at the University of Alberta and equally dedicated to the program.

但20年後,她依然在此,I-STEAm Pathways編程仍然強勁,至少部分得益於該計劃的合作領導人之一Navajo環境工程師Chelsea Benally博士和生物科學家Greg Goss博士等人的良好工作。

"I guess I've just been having so much fun," she says.


TOP PHOTO: I-STEAM program participants work on their projects at the University of Alberta.


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