
Singapore Changi Airport Orders Additional LRAD Systems

Singapore Changi Airport Orders Additional LRAD Systems

GlobeNewswire ·  07/11 08:00

Surge in Bird Strikes Driving LRAD Interest and Orders from APAC Airports


SAN DIEGO, July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS), the global leader in Protective Communications, today announced a new LRAD systems order from Singapore Changi Airport (Changi). Changi has used Genasys' Long Range Acoustic Devices since 2021 to prevent birds from hitting planes and passenger jets during takeoffs and landings when aircraft are most vulnerable to bird strikes.

2024年7月11日,美國Genasys公司(NASDAQ: GNSS),全球領先的保護性通信技術提供商,宣佈新加坡樟宜機場對其長距離聲學裝置(LRAD)系統下訂單。樟宜機場自2021年以來一直使用Genasys的LRAD系統,在起飛和降落時飛機最容易受到鳥擊時,利用該系統避免鳥兒撞擊飛機及客機。

Aircraft bird strikes cause $1.2 billion in estimated damage annually. The Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) recently issued a safety alert due to a surge in bird strikes at Malaysia's airports. CAAM's chief executive officer urged Malaysian airport operators to explore the use of modern technologies, including radar systems and acoustic devices, to detect and deter birds.


"In addition to LRAD deployments at Changi and other APAC airports, we are working several pipeline opportunities to protect jets, passengers and wildlife in the APAC and European regions," said David Schnell, VP Global Hardware Sales at Genasys. "Manually operated or integrated with remote command and control centers, LRAD is a humane bioacoustic deterrent that has proven highly effective in preventing aircraft bird strikes near runways.

"除了在樟宜機場和其他亞太地區機場部署LRAD外,我們還正在與數個在歐洲地區和亞太地區保護飛機、乘客和野生動物的管道機會展開合作。" Genasys全球硬件銷售副總裁David Schnell表示。"手動操作或與遠程命令和控制中心相結合,LRAD是一種人道的生物聲學威懾裝置,在跑道附近防止飛機鳥擊方面效果顯著。

"When integrated with millimeter band avian radar, LRAD systems automatically detect and deter birds entering runway control zones by broadcasting a wide variety of intense, directional sounds and predator calls to safely steer birds away from aircraft during takeoffs and landings," continued Mr. Schnell.

"與毫米波鳥類雷達相結合後,LRAD系統能自動檢測和遏制進入跑道控制區的鳥類,通過播放各種強烈、指向性和掠食者的呼叫聲,安全地將鳥兒引離起降飛機。" Mr. Schnell繼續道。

Long Range Acoustic Devices are in use around the world preserving wildlife, controlling bird incursions, and cost effectively protecting assets. LRAD systems are easily programmed to broadcast a near infinite variety of tones and predator calls to ensure against habituation and safely deter wildlife up to 3,000 meters away.


About Genasys Inc.


Genasys Inc. (NASDAQ: GNSS) is the global leader in Protective Communications. The Genasys Protect platform, the most comprehensive portfolio of preparedness, response, and analytics software and systems, as well as the Company's Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD), are designed around one premise: ensuring organizations and public safety agencies are "Ready when it matters." Protecting people and saving lives for over 40 years, Genasys covers more than 70 million people in over 100 countries worldwide, including more than 500 U.S. cities. For more information, visit

Genasys Inc.(NASDAQ: GNSS)是全球領先的保護性通信技術提供商。Genasys Protect平台是最全面的應急、響應和分析軟件與系統組合,公司的長距離聲學裝置(LRAD)也是以確保組織機構和公共安全機構"關鍵時刻隨時準備好"爲宗旨而設計的。Genasys在保護人民和挽救生命方面擁有超過40年的經驗,在全球100多個國家和地區以及500多個美國城市保護了超過7000萬人口。詳情請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements


Except for historical information contained herein, the matters discussed are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You should not place undue reliance on these statements. We base these statements on particular assumptions that we have made in light of our industry experience, the stage of product and market development as well as our perception of historical trends, current market conditions, current economic data, expected future developments and other factors that we believe are appropriate under the circumstances. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those suggested in any forward-looking statement. The risks and uncertainties in these forward-looking statements include without limitation the business impact of geopolitical conflicts, epidemics or pandemics, and other causes that may affect our supply chain, and other risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond the Company's control. Risks and uncertainties are identified and discussed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements are based on information and management's expectations as of the date hereof. Future results may differ materially from our current expectations. For more information regarding other potential risks and uncertainties, see the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023. Genasys Inc. disclaims any intent or obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, except as otherwise specifically stated.

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CONTACT: Investor Relations Contact

Brian Alger, CFA
SVP, IR and Corporate Development
(858) 676-0582

Genasys Media Contact

Lauren Ames
Aircover Communications

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(858) 676-0582


Lauren Ames
Aircover Communications

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