
Puma Confirms 4 Km Extension of Lynx Gold Trend

Puma Confirms 4 Km Extension of Lynx Gold Trend

GlobeNewswire ·  07/11 08:00

RIMOUSKI, Canada, July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Puma Exploration Inc. (TSXV: PUMA, OTCQB: PUMXF) (the "Company" or "Puma") announces the results of its maiden scouting drilling program outside of the main Lynx Gold Zone ("LGZ") at its 100%-owned Williams Brook Gold Project in Northern New Brunswick.

加拿大里姆斯基,2024年7月11日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——彪馬勘探公司(TSXV:PUMA,OTCQB:PUMXF)(“公司” 或 “Puma”)公佈了其在新不倫瑞克省北部擁有100%股權的威廉斯布魯克金礦項目主山貓金礦區(“LGZ”)以外的首次勘探鑽探項目的結果。

The 2,270 metres shallow diamond drilling was devised as a follow-up to Puma's 2023 surface exploration program to confirm the presence of gold mineralization subsurface and determine the orientation and dip of the gold-bearing structure and alteration that was interpreted to extend 4 km northeast of the LGZ. The small, cost-effective program not only confirmed the presence of gold mineralization by intersecting anomalous gold at the Tiger Gold Zone ("TGZ"), located 350 m away, but the program also intersected several distinct styles of mineralization and alteration - some similar to those at the Lynx Gold Zone, as far as the Cheetah Gold Zone 3.5 km away and at a depth of over 150 metres downhole (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Location of scouting drilling over 2024 drone magnetic survey map

圖 1。在 2024 年無人機磁測地圖上進行偵察鑽探的位置

These results continue to validate Puma's successful discovery method. Grab samples are proving to be a reliable vector for discovering gold at depth. A quartz vein stripped at surface at the Tiger Gold Zone that graded 19.90 g/t Au in a grab sample* returned 2.0 g/t Au over 0.40 m in drilling (* the reader is cautioned that grab samples are selective by nature and may not represent the true metal content of the mineralized zone). Similarly, the holes drilled at the Tiger Gold Zone returned grades representative of the surface samples collected in this area in 2023 (see Table 1).

這些結果繼續驗證了Puma的成功發現方法。事實證明,採集樣本是深度發現黃金的可靠載體。Tiger Gold Zone 表面剝離的一條石英礦脈在採集樣本中金的分級爲 19.90 g/t * 在鑽探中返回 2.0 g/t Au,超過 40萬(* 讀者請注意,採集樣本質上是選擇性的,可能無法代表礦化區的真實金屬含量)。同樣,在 Tiger Gold Zone 鑽探的鑽孔返回的等級代表了 2023 年在該區域採集的地表樣本(見表 1)。

While the Tiger 2 zone appears to carry anomalous gold results, parallels can be drawn between these first drill holes at Tiger and the initial drilling at the Lynx Gold Zone when Puma started drilling there (see Figure 2). The Chubby gold zone, drilled in 2021, returned lower-grade intercepts but was found to be adjacent to a very high-grade gold zone. The current results at Tiger, with the observation of similar quartz veins and the same alteration and structures as those at Chubby, suggest that Tiger could also be proximal to a higher grade zone. This observation reinforces our confidence in the potential for future drilling targets at the TGZ, and further surface exploration and sampling will be undertaken to identify these.

儘管Tiger 2區域的金礦結果似乎異常,但可以將Tiger的第一個鑽孔與Puma開始鑽探時在Lynx Gold Zone的首次鑽探相提並論(見圖2)。2021年鑽探的Chubby金礦區返回了較低等級的截獲物,但被發現與一個非常高品位的金礦區相鄰。Tiger目前的研究結果表明,Tiger可能位於更高等級的區域附近,並觀察到類似的石英脈以及相同的變化和結構。這一觀察增強了我們對TGZ未來鑽探目標潛力的信心,並將進行進一步的地表勘探和採樣以確定這些目標。

Figure 2. Initial stripping work and drilling at LGZ in 2021

圖 2。2021 年在 LGZ 進行了初步的剝離工作和鑽探

Marcel Robillard, President and CEO, commented, "Our program accomplished what we set out to do – show that the Lynx Gold trend extends 4 km along strike. We didn't intercept high-grade gold, but our observations confirm the potential for higher-grade zones along the trend. Also, we confirmed that our discovery method works – grab sampling typically reflects what's in the ground. We know that broad zones of lower-grade gold surround very high-grade gold shoots at Lynx and that some quartz veins do not contain gold at all - this likely also applies along the 4km trend. These results help us refine our model, and the drone mag survey has identified some zones we're currently exploring to identify targets for future drilling. In the meantime, our new 3D model of the Lynx Gold Deposit mineralization has been updated, and we plan to resume drilling deeper at Lynx in the fall."

總裁兼首席執行官馬塞爾·羅比拉德評論說:“我們的計劃完成了我們的計劃——表明Lynx Gold趨勢在罷工期間延伸了4千米。我們沒有截獲高品位的黃金,但我們的觀察證實了趨勢中可能出現更高品位的區域。此外,我們還證實了我們的發現方法行之有效——採集採樣通常反映了地下的情況。我們知道,Lynx的極高品位金礦脈周圍有許多低品位的金礦,而且有些石英礦脈根本不含金——這可能也適用於4km的走勢。這些結果幫助我們完善了模型,無人機彈道測量已經確定了我們目前正在探索的一些區域,以確定未來鑽探的目標。同時,我們對Lynx金礦牀礦化的新三維模型已經更新,我們計劃在秋季恢復在Lynx的更深層次的鑽探。”

2024 Scouting Drilling along the Lynx Gold Trend ("LGT")

2024 年沿着山貓黃金趨勢(“LGT”)進行偵察鑽探

The 2024 scouting drilling program outside the central Lynx Gold Zone consisted of thirty (30) short holes (Figure 1) for 2,270 metres. Twenty-two (22) holes (1,500 metres) were drilled at the centre of the Tiger Gold Zone (200 m x 400 m area) located about 350 metres north-east of the Lynx Gold Zone where four (4) small stripped areas uncovered four (4) auriferous quartz veins (Figures 3 to 5). The other holes were spread over more than 3.5 kilometres along strike with step-out holes located up to 1 kilometre apart.

2024 年在山貓金礦區中部以外的偵察鑽探計劃包括三十 (30) 個短孔(圖 1),長度爲 2,270 米。在位於山貓金區東北約350米處的虎金區(20000萬×40000萬面積)的中心鑽了二十二(22)個洞(1,500米),那裏有四(4)個小小的剝離區域發現了四(4)個金銀石英礦脈(圖3至5)。其他洞沿着走向分佈在 3.5 公里以上,步出洞的距離可達 1 千米。

The gold mineralization at the TGZ (Tiger 1 to 4) occurs in quartz veins with limonite alteration similar to those at the LGZ. However, here, the quartz veins occur not only at the rhyolite/sediment contact but also at a rhyolite/gabbro contact. The presence of veining reflects the competency contrast between the geological units, allowing for the upwelling of hydrothermal fluids.

TGZ(Tiger 1至4)的金礦化發生在石英礦脈中,褐鐵礦的變化與LGZ的相似。但是,在這裏,石英脈不僅出現在流紋岩/沉積物接觸處,還出現在流紋岩/輝長岩接觸處。脈絡的存在反映了地質單元之間的能力對比,從而允許熱液體向上湧入。

At Tiger 1 and 3, the presence of a large gabbro sill, altered at its margins, suggests a major intrusion that strikes parallel to the primary gold trend-oriented NE (Figures 2 and 3). The recent magnetic drone survey has outlined a long positive anomaly that could indicate the presence of several mafic dikes within the favourable corridor, which could be positive according to our expert advisor, Dr. Gregg Morrison "The genetic model is a mesozonal part of an orogenic system with mantle magma derived metals—the mineralization formed in the transition from Early Devonian transpression to relaxation and emplacement of mafic dikes. The ore control is the extensional veins and cavities formed in the ENE veins with higher grade at the intersection with the NNE shears and veins. The structure model is the best guide to ore location, and the metal zoning, especially concentrations of Cu-Zn-Pb-Te-Bi beneath the surface As-Sb, is the best guide to high-grade discovery".

在Tiger 1和3處,邊緣發生了變化的大型輝長岩的存在,這表明發生了重大入侵,該入侵與以原金趨勢爲導向的NE平行(圖2和3)。最近的磁性無人機調查概述了一個長期的正反常現象,這可能表明有利的走廊內存在幾個基鐵質堤壩,根據我們的專家顧問格雷格·莫里森博士的說法,這可能是積極的。“遺傳模型是造山系統的中帶部分,地幔岩漿衍生金屬是從早期泥盆紀穿越到鎂鐵質堤壩鬆弛和安置過渡期間形成的礦化。礦石控制是在 ENE 礦脈中形成的延伸靜脈和空腔,在與 NNE 剪刀和礦脈的交叉點處等級更高。結構模型是礦石位置的最佳指南,而金屬分區,尤其是As-Sb地表下Cu-Zn-Pb-Te-Bi的濃度,是高品位發現的最佳指南”。

The Pb-Ag ratio in assays has been a vector for the discovery of high-grade gold mineralization at Lynx. Although drilling at Tiger 2 returned no gold, the ratios of Pb-Ab at Tiger 2 are similar to those in some areas of Lynx, namely at the Chubby zone, where the gold levels were low, but that is proximal to a very high-grade zone. The same could be true of the Tiger 2 zone. The recent mag survey has identified several areas of interest at Tiger 2 that will be further investigated.

化驗中的鉛銀比率一直是Lynx發現高品位金礦化的載體。儘管在Tiger 2的鑽探沒有返回黃金,但Tiger 2的Pb-Ab比率與Lynx某些地區的Pb-Ab比率相似,即Chubby區,那裏的黃金含量很低,但接近一個非常高品位的區域。Tiger 2區域可能也是如此。最近的雜誌調查確定了Tiger 2的幾個興趣領域,將對其進行進一步調查。

Figure 3. Drillhole location over the trenched Tiger Gold structures

圖 3.在挖溝的 Tiger Gold 建築物上方的鑽孔位置

Figure 4. Drill section at Tiger 1

圖 4.Tiger 1 的鑽探部分

Figure 5. Drill section at Tiger 3

圖 5.Tiger 3 的演習部分

Table 1. Drilling highlights of 2024 scouting drilling

表 1。2024 年偵察鑽探的鑽探亮點

DDH # From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t) ZONE
WB24-146 7.80 10.65 2.85 0.13 Tiger 1
WB24-147 15.65 24.30 8.65 0.12 Tiger 1
21.00 24.30 3.30 0.28
23.55 24.30 0.75 0.86
WB24-148 25.90 26.45 0.55 0.32 Tiger 1
WB24-149 16.40 25.65 9.25 0.11 Tiger 1
18.25 25.30 7.05 0.14
18.80 24.40 5.60 0.16
18.80 19.40 0.60 0.77
WB24-150 34.00 35.00 1.00 0.10 Tiger 1
WB24-151 13.00 15.00 2.00 0.74 Tiger 3
13.60 14.40 0.80 1.44
13.60 14.00 0.40 2.06
WB24-152 34.70 42.85 8.15 0.14 Tiger 3
37.05 37.70 0.65 0.34
42.50 42.85 0.35 0.42
WB24-153 4.50 6.00 1.50 0.44 Tiger 3
4.50 4.90 0.40 1.28
WB24-156 13.55 14.00 0.45 0.18 Tiger 3
WB24-160 9.75 13.80 4.05 0.42 Tiger 3
9.75 10.25 0.50 0.88
12.60 13.80 1.20 0.95
13.30 13.80 0.50 1.55
WB24-167 15.60 16.05 0.45 1.33 Tiger 3
WB24-170 159.55 159.95 0.40 0.87 Cheetah
WB24-174 34.60 35.05 0.45 0.34 Tiger 3
39.80 40.20 0.40 0.62
DDH # 從 (m) 到 (m) 長度 (m) 金 (g/t) 區域
WB24-146 7.80 10.65 2.85 0.13 老虎 1
WB24-147 15.65 24.30 8.65 0.12 老虎 1
21.00 24.30 3.30 0.28
23.55 24.30 0.75 0.86
WB24-148 25.90 26.45 0.55 0.32 老虎 1
WB24-149 16.40 25.65 9.25 0.11 老虎 1
18.25 25.30 7.05 0.14
18.80 24.40 5.60 0.16
18.80 19.40 0.60 0.77
WB24-150 34.00 35.00 1.00 0.10 老虎 1
WB24-151 13.00 15.00 2.00 0.74 老虎 3
13.60 14.40 0.80 1.44
13.60 14.00 0.40 2.06
WB24-152 34.70 42.85 8.15 0.14 老虎 3
37.05 37.70 0.65 0.34
42.50 42.85 0.35 0.42
WB24-153 4.50 6.00 1.50 0.44 老虎 3
4.50 4.90 0.40 1.28
WB24-156 13.55 14.00 0.45 0.18 老虎 3
WB24-160 9.75 13.80 4.05 0.42 老虎 3
9.75 10.25 0.50 0.88
12.60 13.80 1.20 0.95
13.30 13.80 0.50 1.55
WB24-167 15.60 16.05 0.45 1.33 老虎 3
WB24-170 159.55 159.95 0.40 0.87 獵豹
WB24-174 34.60 35.05 0.45 0.34 老虎 3
39.80 40.20 0.40 0.62

The main objective of short scouting drill holes at Cheetah was to prove that the favourable contact with supergene alteration and gold mineralization extends to 4 km away from the LGZ. An intercept of 0.87 g/t gold over 0.40 m was intersected where a grab sample had graded up to 6.69 g/t gold. Initial grab sampling at Cheetah had only returned 0.20 g/t gold. It's important to note that since 2020, more than 5,000 samples have been collected at the Lynx Gold Zone, which led to the discovery of high-grade gold zones at depth. The same successful exploration method will be deployed to develop the zones from Tiger to Cheetah.

在 Cheetah 進行短程偵察鑽孔的主要目的是證明與超級基因蝕變和金礦化的有利接觸延伸到距離 LGZ 4 km 的地方。截取了超過40萬克/噸的0.87克/噸黃金,其中一個採集樣本的黃金分級高達6.69克/噸。獵豹公司最初的採樣僅返回了0.20 g/t的黃金。值得注意的是,自2020年以來,在Lynx黃金區已經收集了5,000多個樣本,這導致了深度高品位金區的發現。同樣成功的探索方法將用於開發從老虎到獵豹的區域。

Figure 6. Core from the Cheetah Gold Zone located 3.25 km northeast of the Lynx Gold Zone

圖 6.位於山貓金區東北 3.25 公里處的獵豹金區的核心

Table 2. Technical information for 2024 scouting drill holes

表 2.2024 年偵察鑽孔的技術信息

DDH # Target/Area East North Elev. Az. Dip Length
WB24-146 Tiger 1 660855.0 5259952.7 398.9 159 -45 53.0
WB24-147 Tiger 1 660854.7 5259953.6 398.9 159 -65 149.5
WB24-148 Tiger 1 660847.0 5259961.0 399.6 145 -45 62.0
WB24-149 Tiger 1 660822.8 5259956.4 397.6 155 -45 77.0
WB24-150 Tiger 1 660874.0 5259984.1 400.8 150 -45 74.0
WB24-151 Tiger 3 660906.1 5259832.9 414.6 130 -45 56.0
WB24-152 Tiger 3 660905.4 5259833.4 414.6 130 -65 65.0
WB24-153 Tiger 3 660921.8 5259854.4 416.2 155 -45 71.0
WB24-154 Tiger 3 660936.0 5259824.1 415.3 335 -45 32.0
WB24-155 Tiger 3 660936.3 5259823.2 415.3 335 -65 35.0
WB24-156 Tiger 3 660919.4 5259818.6 414.3 340 -45 32.5
WB24-157 Tiger 3 660919.7 5259817.8 414.2 340 -65 39.5
WB24-158 Tiger 3 660910.7 5259806.9 413.4 335 -45 52.0
WB24-159 Tiger 3 660967.8 5259838.1 415.5 335 -45 35.0
WB24-160 Tiger 3 660981.4 5259831.1 415.3 335 -50 41.0
WB24-161 Tiger 2 660778.5 5259876.1 395.0 150 -45 62.0
WB24-162 Tiger 2 660778.1 5259877.0 395.0 150 -65 56.0
WB24-163 Tiger 2 660776.3 5259877.9 394.8 200 -45 80.0
WB24-164 Tiger 2 660800.0 5259900.8 396.3 155 -45 59.0
WB24-165 Tiger 4 661018.9 5260115.7 416.7 155 -45 27.0
WB24-166 Tiger 4 661018.9 5260115.7 416.7 210 -45 80.0
WB24-167 Tiger 3 660962.1 5259917.2 419.1 155 -45 53.0
WB24-168 T20-09 661176.8 5260329.6 425.3 155 -45 53.0
WB24-169 Cheetah 662318.6 5261636.9 454.2 155 -45 131.0
WB24-170 Cheetah 662318.4 5261637.6 454.0 155 -65 191.0
WB24-171 Cheetah 662470.6 5261858.6 433.3 155 -45 127.0
WB24-172 Cheetah 662252.4 5261633.6 448.9 155 -45 119.0
WB24-173 Zone 40 661901.5 5261130.9 457.0 155 -65 149.0
WB24-174 Tiger 3 660927.3 5259841.9 415.6 215 -45 86.0
WB24-175 Tiger 2 660806.2 5259884.7 398.5 230 -45 119.0
Total Final 2 266.5
DDH # 目標/區域 東方 北方 Elev。 Az。 長度
WB24-146 老虎 1 660855.0 5259952.7 398.9 159 -45 53.0
WB24-147 老虎 1 660854.7 5259953.6 398.9 159 -65 149.5
WB24-148 老虎 1 660847.0 5259961.0 399.6 145 -45 62.0
WB24-149 老虎 1 660822.8 5259956.4 397.6 155 -45 77.0
WB24-150 老虎 1 660874.0 5259984.1 400.8 150 -45 74.0
WB24-151 老虎 3 660906.1 5259832.9 414.6 130 -45 56.0
WB24-152 老虎 3 660905.4 5259833.4 414.6 130 -65 65.0
WB24-153 老虎 3 660921.8 5259854.4 416.2 155 -45 71.0
WB24-154 老虎 3 660936.0 5259824.1 415.3 335 -45 32.0
WB24-155 老虎 3 660936.3 5259823.2 415.3 335 -65 35.0
WB24-156 老虎 3 660919.4 5259818.6 414.3 340 -45 32.5
WB24-157 老虎 3 660919.7 5259817.8 414.2 340 -65 39.5
WB24-158 老虎 3 660910.7 5259806.9 413.4 335 -45 52.0
WB24-159 老虎 3 660967.8 5259838.1 415.5 335 -45 35.0
WB24-160 老虎 3 660981.4 5259831.1 415.3 335 -50 41.0
WB24-161 老虎 2 660778.5 5259876.1 395.0 150 -45 62.0
WB24-162 老虎 2 660778.1 5259877.0 395.0 150 -65 56.0
WB24-163 老虎 2 660776.3 5259877.9 394.8 200 -45 80.0
WB24-164 老虎 2 660800.0 5259900.8 396.3 155 -45 59.0
WB24-165 老虎 4 661018.9 5260115.7 416.7 155 -45 27.0
WB24-166 老虎 4 661018.9 5260115.7 416.7 210 -45 80.0
WB24-167 老虎 3 660962.1 5259917.2 419.1 155 -45 53.0
WB24-168 T20-09 661176.8 5260329.6 425.3 155 -45 53.0
WB24-169 獵豹 662318.6 5261636.9 454.2 155 -45 131.0
WB24-170 獵豹 662318.4 5261637.6 454.0 155 -65 191.0
WB24-171 獵豹 662470.6 5261858.6 433.3 155 -45 127.0
WB24-172 獵豹 662252.4 5261633.6 448.9 155 -45 119.0
WB24-173 第 40 區 661901.5 5261130.9 457.0 155 -65 149.0
WB24-174 老虎 3 660927.3 5259841.9 415.6 215 -45 86.0
WB24-175 老虎 2 660806.2 5259884.7 398.5 230 -45 119.0
總決賽 2 266.5

Follow-up trenching and mapping are underway to understand the different styles of gold mineralization within the large gold trend (high-grade quartz veins vs disseminated ) and further enhance our geological model. Also, the recent drone magnetic survey identified several targets within an area of 2 km X 6 km that are currently being stripped, mapped, trenched and sampled to identify priorities for future drilling.

正在進行後續挖溝和測繪,以了解大型金礦趨勢(高品位石英礦脈與浸染礦脈)中不同類型的金礦化,並進一步增強我們的地質模型。此外,最近的無人機磁力調查在2 km X 6km的區域內確定了幾個目標,目前正在對這些目標進行剝離、測繪、挖溝和採樣,以確定未來鑽探的優先事項。

2024 Plans

2024 年計劃

Puma is focused on growing the volume, scale, and grade of the Williams Brook Gold Project. Its 2024 plans include:

Puma 專注於提高威廉姆斯布魯克黃金項目的數量、規模和等級。其 2024 年計劃包括:

  • Prove the continuity of the gold mineralization sampled at the Tiger Gold Zone along the 4.0km strike extension of the Lynx Gold Trend with drilling.
  • Complete a detailed drone magnetic survey over the Lynx Gold Trend, including the recently drilled 3.5 km extension.
  • Drill high-grade targets at the Lynx Gold Zone and expand to depth the high-grade mineralized intercepts drilled in 2023.
Fall 2024
  • Expand regional exploration to new areas of the property and newly acquired land packages to identify additional priority targets and add to the project's gold inventory.
  • Demonstrate and continue to improve the gold recoveries at Williams Brook with conventional processing techniques.
  • 通過鑽探,證明在虎金礦區沿山貓黃金趨勢4.0公里走向延伸部分採樣的金礦化的連續性。
  • 完成對Lynx Gold Trend的詳細無人機磁力測量,包括最近鑽探的3.5公里延伸部分。
  • 在 Lynx Gold Zone 鑽探高品位目標,並將 2023 年鑽探的高品位礦化截面擴大到深度。
2024 年秋季
  • 將區域勘探擴展到該物業的新區域和新收購的一攬子土地,以確定其他優先目標並增加該項目的黃金庫存。
  • 演示並繼續使用傳統加工技術提高威廉斯布魯克的黃金回收率。

About the Williams Brook Gold Project


Puma's flagship Williams Brook Gold Project comprises four properties covering over 50,000 ha in Northern New Brunswick—an established and mining-friendly jurisdiction near paved roads and excellent infrastructure. The land package is located near the Rocky Brook Millstream Fault ("RBMF"), a major regional structure formed during the Appalachian Orogeny and a significant control for gold deposition in the region.

Puma 的旗艦 Williams Brook 黃金項目包括四處地產,佔地超過 50,000 公頃,位於新不倫瑞克省北部,這是一個成熟且適合採礦的司法管轄區,靠近鋪設的道路和完善的基礎設施。該地塊位於洛基布魯克米爾斯特里姆斷層(“RBMF”)附近,該斷層是阿巴拉契亞造山運動時期形成的主要區域結構,也是該地區金沉積的重要控制因素。

Puma's successful exploration model returned, amongst others, 5.50 g/t gold over 50.15 m in hole WB21-02 (see Sept.15, 2021, News Release), 2.77 g/t gold over 42.80 m in hole WB 22-66 (see June 8, 2022, News Release), 2.49 g/t gold over 63.05 m in WB23-139 (see Oct. 31, 2023 News Release), 5.15 g/t gold over 23.15 m in WB23-142 and 1.24 g/t gold over 98.05 m in WB23-145 (see Nov. 16, 2023 News Release). Since 2021, with less than C$15 M of exploration investment, Puma has made multiple gold discoveries at the Williams Brook property and believes it hosts an extensive orogenic gold system. Puma's ongoing exploration programs are focused on building a gold camp in Northern New Brunswick, Canada. Dr. Gregg Morrison, a leading expert on intrusion-related, porphyry and epithermal gold systems, stated: "I believe Williams Brook is part of the same family of gold systems as Fosterville and Sunday Creek in Australia and Valentine Lake in Newfoundland. These other deposits are known for their structure-controlled mineralization, metal zoning, free gold in bonanza shoots and kilometre scale depth extent. The similarities to these more comprehensively explored deposits gives real confidence to deeper drilling in the Lynx Zone and continued exploration around the feeder structures in the Williams Brook District."

Puma 成功的勘探模式在 WB21-02 孔中回報了 5.50 克/噸超過 5015萬(見 2021 年 9 月 15 日,新聞稿),在 Wb 22-66 孔中回收了 2.77 克/噸的黃金(見 2022 年 6 月 8 日,新聞稿),超過 6305萬 2.49 克/噸的黃金(見 2023 年 10 月 31 日新聞稿),WB23-142 中超過 2315萬 WB23-145 中超過9805萬克/噸的黃金價格爲1.24克/噸(見2023年11月16日新聞稿)。WB23-139自2021年以來,憑藉不到1500萬加元的勘探投資,彪馬在威廉姆斯布魯克地產發現了多處黃金,並認爲它擁有廣泛的造山金系統。Puma 正在進行的勘探計劃側重於在加拿大新不倫瑞克省北部建造一個金礦營地。入侵相關、斑岩和超熱液金系統的領先專家格雷格·莫里森博士表示:“我相信威廉姆斯布魯克與澳大利亞的福斯特維爾和桑德克里克以及紐芬蘭的瓦倫丁湖屬於同一個金系家族。這些其他礦牀以其結構控制的礦化、金屬分區、富礦枝條中的自由金和千米級深度範圍而聞名。與這些更全面勘探的礦牀的相似之處爲在Lynx區進行更深入的鑽探以及在威廉斯布魯克區的支線結構周圍繼續勘探提供了真正的信心。”

Qualified Person


Dominique Gagné, P.Geo, a consultant of Puma and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101—Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, reviewed and approved this release's technical information.


About Puma Exploration

關於 Puma 探險

Puma Exploration is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company with precious metals projects in New Brunswick, near Canada's Famous Bathurst Mining Camp ("BMC"). Puma has a long history in Northern New Brunswick, having worked on regional projects for over 15 years. As a first mover, the Company quickly and strategically accumulated an impressive portfolio of prospective gold landholdings in the area. Puma's successful exploration methodology combines old prospecting methods with detailed trenching and up-to-date technology such as Artificial Intelligence ("AI") to facilitate an understanding of the geology and associated mineralized systems.

Puma Exploration是一家總部位於加拿大的礦產勘探公司,在新不倫瑞克省開展貴金屬項目,靠近加拿大著名的巴瑟斯特礦業營地(“BMC”)。Puma 在新不倫瑞克省北部有着悠久的歷史,參與區域項目已超過 15 年。作爲先行者,該公司迅速戰略性地在該地區積累了可觀的潛在黃金土地投資組合。Puma 成功的勘探方法將舊的勘探方法與詳細的挖溝和人工智能(“AI”)等最新技術相結合,以促進對地質和相關礦化系統的理解。

Armed with geophysical surveys, geochemical data and consultants' expertise, Puma has developed a perfect low-cost exploration tool to discover gold at shallow depths and maximize drilling results.

憑藉地球物理調查、地球化學數據和顧問的專業知識,Puma 開發了一種完美的低成本勘探工具,可以在淺層發現黃金並最大限度地提高鑽探結果。

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Marcel Robillard, President and CEO.
(418) 750-8510;

(418) 750-8510;

Mia Boiridy, Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Development.
(250) 575-3305;

(250) 575-3305;

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