
MT Sobek Winner Newsweek's #1 Best Adventure Travel Company

MT Sobek Winner Newsweek's #1 Best Adventure Travel Company

Mt Sobek獲勝者,Newsweek的#1最佳探險旅行公司。
PR Newswire ·  07/11 10:15

EMERYVILLE, Calif., July 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mountain Travel Sobek, the pioneering adventure travel company renowned for its global expeditions, has been honored as the #1 Best Adventure Travel Company by Newsweek in its annual Readers' Choice Awards. This accolade recognizes MT Sobek's exceptional dedication to delivering extraordinary travel experiences and unwavering commitment to guest satisfaction.

美國加利福尼亞州埃默維爾,2024年7月11日 /美通社/ -- Mountain Travel Sobek(簡稱“Mt Sobek”),其背靠全球探險而聞名的開創性的探險旅遊公司,榮獲 Newsweek 讀者選擇大獎中的“最佳探險旅遊公司”稱號。這一殊榮表彰了 Mt Sobek 在提供非凡旅遊體驗和始終如一的客戶滿意度方面的卓越貢獻。

"Our mission has always been to inspire and empower travelers to explore the world's most amazing places."


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MT Sobek voted #1 Adventure Tour Company by Newsweek 2024. Guest on MT Sobek's Alps Village to Village Hiking Adventure. Photo Credit: Julie Klein.
Newsweek於2024年評選Mt Sobek爲#1探險旅遊公司。Mt Sobek阿爾卑斯村莊徒步探險之旅的客人。相片來源:Julie Klein。

Since its founding in 1969, MT Sobek has set the gold standard in adventure travel. The company's diverse portfolio includes over 200 meticulously curated itineraries spanning more than 80 countries. From the rugged landscapes of Patagonia and the Alps to the cultural and natural treasures of Japan, MT Sobek's adventures cater to a wide range of interests and fitness levels, ensuring that every traveler can find their perfect journey.

自1969年創立以來,Mt Sobek已經成爲冒險旅遊業的黃金標杆。該公司的多元化產品組合包括超過200個經過精心策劃的行程,涵蓋80多個國家。從秘魯的荒野景觀和阿爾卑斯山到日本文化和自然的珍寶,Mt Sobek的探險活動適合各種興趣和健身水平,確保每個旅行者都能找到他們的完美旅程。

"Receiving Newsweek's #1 Best Adventure Travel Company award is a testament to the dedication and passion of our entire team," said Massimo Prioreschi, CEO of MT Sobek. "Our mission has always been to inspire and empower travelers to explore the world's most amazing places, and this recognition validates our efforts to provide unparalleled experiences while maintaining our commitment to responsible travel."

"獲得 Newsweek 的 #1 最佳探險旅遊公司獎是我們整個團隊的奉獻和熱情的證明," Mt Sobek的CEO Massimo Prioreschi說道。"我們的使命始終是激勵和賦予旅行者探索世界上最美妙的地方的能力,這個榮譽證明了我們爲提供無與倫比的體驗而不斷努力同時保持我們對負責任旅行的承諾所做的努力。"

MT Sobek's success can be attributed to its emphasis on quality and authenticity. Each trip is designed by experts and led by local professional guides who possess deep regional knowledge and a passion for the destinations they explore. This ensures that travelers not only see the sights but also gain a profound understanding of the culture, history, and natural beauty of each location.

Mt Sobek的成功應歸功於其對質量和真實性的強調。每個旅行都由專家設計,並由當地的專業導遊帶領,他們擁有深厚的區域知識和對所探索目的地的熱情。這確保旅行者不僅可以看到景點,而且還可以深刻了解每個地點的文化,歷史和自然美景。

Sustainability is a core value for MT Sobek. The company is dedicated to minimizing its environmental footprint and promoting conservation efforts. Initiatives include supporting local communities, reducing waste, and partnering with organizations that protect natural habitats and wildlife.

可持續性是Mt Sobek的核心價值觀。該公司致力於最大程度地減少其對環境的影響並促進保護工作。在這方面的舉措包括支持當地社區,減少浪費,並與保護自然棲息地和野生動物的組織合作。

Guest feedback played a crucial role in Newsweek's evaluation. MT Sobek consistently receives high marks for its exceptional service, seamless logistics, and life-changing experiences. Travelers frequently commend the company for its attention to detail, personalized approach, and the transformative impact of its journeys.

客人的反饋在Newsweek的評估中起着至關重要的作用。Mt Sobek一直以來得到高分,並受到旅行者的稱讚,認爲其服務卓越,物流無縫,並具有改變人生的經歷。旅行者經常讚揚公司對細節的關注,個性化的服務以及旅程的變革性影響。

As the travel industry continues to evolve, MT Sobek remains at the forefront, continually innovating and expanding its offerings to meet the needs of modern adventurers. With this prestigious award, MT Sobek solidifies its position as the premier choice for those seeking unforgettable, responsible, and expertly guided adventures.

隨着旅遊業的不斷髮展,Mt Sobek始終處於前沿,不斷創新和擴大其產品組合,以滿足現代冒險家的需求。通過這一重要榮譽,Mt Sobek穩固了其作爲尋找令人難忘、負責任和專業引導的探險的首選地位。

For more information about MT Sobek and its award-winning adventures, please visit .

有關Mt Sobek及其屢獲殊榮的冒險旅遊的更多信息,請訪問.

SOURCE Mountain Travel Sobek

SOURCE Mountain Travel Sobek

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