
Brixton Metals Options Its Atlin Goldfields Project to Eldorado Gold

Brixton Metals Options Its Atlin Goldfields Project to Eldorado Gold

Brixton Metals將其Atlin Goldfields項目期權轉讓給埃氏金業
GlobeNewswire ·  07/16 07:30

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brixton Metals Corporation (TSX-V: BBB, OTCQB: BBBXF) (the "Company" or "Brixton") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a definitive option agreement (the "Option Agreement") with Eldorado Gold Corporation ("Eldorado"), whereby Eldorado has been granted the option to acquire 100%-ownership (the "Option") of the Company's Atlin Goldfields Project (the "Project"). The Project is a road accessible, 579 square kilometer mineral claim group located near the town of Atlin, British Columbia and is located within the traditional territory of the Taku River Tlingit First Nation. All dollar figures are in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated.

溫哥華,2024年7月16日(環球社)——Brixton Metals Corporation(tsx-v:BBb,OTCQB:BBBXF)(以下簡稱“公司”或“Brixton”)很高興宣佈,公司已與Eldorado Gold Corporation(“Eldorado”)簽訂了一份明確的期權協議(“期權協議”),Eldorado被授予了100%所有權的選擇權(“選項”)其Atlin Goldfields項目(“項目”)。該項目是一組大小爲579平方公里的礦物索賠群,毗鄰不列顛哥倫比亞省的Atlin鎮,位於Taku River Tlingit First Nation傳統領土內,可通過公路到達。除非另有說明,否則所有貨幣數字均爲加元。

Highlights of the Option Agreement


  • During the 5-year option period (the "Option Period"), Eldorado shall fund $1,000,000 in exploration expenditures per year beginning September 30th, 2024, for an aggregate spend of $5,350,000; including an additional minimum commitment to fund $350,000 of exploration expenditures on or before September 30th, 2024;
  • Eldorado shall make cash payments to Brixton of $250,000 per year for aggregate payments of $1,100,000 during the Option Period; including an additional minimum payment of $100,000 within 10 days of signing the Option Agreement;
  • In addition, at the end of the Option Period, Eldorado shall have the right to exercise the Option to acquire 100%-ownership of the Project by making a cash payment to Brixton in the amount of $7,000,000; where Brixton, at its election, may receive up to 50% of such payment in the form of common shares of Eldorado, subject to the prior attainment of the customary requisite regulatory approvals;
  • Eldorado may, in its sole discretion, elect at any time during the option period to accelerate the payments or funding timetables for any of the earn-in requirements of the Option;
  • Upon exercise of the Option by Eldorado, Brixton shall be granted a 1.0% (one percent) net smelter return royalty ("NSR"), with Eldorado retaining an option to purchase half (0.5%) of Brixton's NSR for $2,000,000 prior to the commencement of commercial production at the Project; and
  • During the Option Period, Brixton shall be the Operator of the Project with Eldorado approving all work programs and budgets relating to the Project. Eldorado will also work closely and support Brixton with respect to ongoing environmental monitoring and community engagement efforts.
  • 在5年的選擇期內(“選擇期”),Eldorado應該從2024年9月30日開始,每年資助100萬美元的勘探支出,共計535萬美元,包括在2024年9月30日或之前至少承諾再資助35萬美元的勘探支出;
  • 在選擇期內,Eldorado將向Brixton支付25萬美元的現金,以支付總額爲110萬美元,包括在簽署選擇協議後的10天內額外支付10萬美元;
  • 此外,在選擇期結束時,Eldorado應有權行使該選擇權,以向Brixton支付700萬美元的現金購買該項目的100%所有權,其中Brixton可以選擇以Eldorado的普通股形式獲得50%的該款項,前提是事先獲得慣常必備的監管批准;
  • Eldorado可以自行決定,在選擇期內的任何時間加快選擇權的掙錢要求的支付或資助時間表;
  • 在Eldorado行使選擇權後,Brixton將獲得1.0%(一)純冶煉廠回報(“NSR”),其中Eldorado有權在項目開始商業生產之前以200萬美元的價格購買Brixton的NSR的一半(0.5%)
  • 在選擇期內,Brixton將是該項目的運營商,Eldorado將批准與該項目相關的所有工作程序和預算。 Eldorado還將密切合作並支持Brixton,以便進行持續的環境監測和社區參與工作。

Chairman and CEO, Gary R. Thompson stated, "We are delighted to have attracted Eldorado Gold, a well-established miner, to the Atlin Goldfields Project. We look forward to working with Eldorado in advancing this exciting gold project."

董事長兼首席執行官Gary R. Thompson表示:“我們很高興能吸引到一個有實力的礦商Eldorado Gold來參與Atlin Goldfields項目。我們期待與Eldorado共同推進這個激動人心的黃金項目。”

Figure 1. Atlin Goldfields Project Location Map


About the Atlin Goldfields Project

關於Atlin Goldfields項目

The Atlin Goldfields Project is road accessible near the town of Atlin, BC and about a 2-hour drive from Whitehorse, Yukon. Since 2016, and over a 3-year period, Brixton has consolidated its wholly owned 579 square kilometer claim group with a focus on locating the hard rock source of the placer gold within the mining camp. The Atlin Goldfields Project covers several orogenic and intrusion-related gold targets. The Atlin gold camp has been producing gold for 125 years and is the second largest placer gold producer in British Columbia with a reported 600,000 ounces of gold produced between 1898 and 1945. An estimated additional 400,000 ounces of gold have been produced since the record keeping ceased in 1946 (Ash 2001). The two major placer producing creeks (Pine and Spruce) and many of the other productive creeks are located within the Atlin Goldfields Project. The Atlin gold camp holds the provincial record for the largest gold nugget, which weighed 2.6 kg (85 ounce) and was discovered on Spruce Creek (BCGS Paper 2017-1, p.179-193).

Atlin Goldfields項目靠近不列顛哥倫比亞省的Atlin鎮,可通過公路抵達,距離育空市約兩小時車程。自2016年以來,Brixton集中了其全部擁有的579平方公里礦權集團,以定位採礦營地內砂狀金礦的硬巖源。 Atlin Goldfields項目涵蓋了幾個造山和侵入相關的金靶標。 Atlin金礦營地已經生產了125年,是不列顛哥倫比亞省產量第二大的砂狀金生產商,在1898年至1945年間產出了報告達60萬盎司的金。自1946年停止報告以來,估計還生產了400,000盎司的黃金(Ash 2001)。兩個主要的砂狀滋生溪(Pine和Spruce)和許多其他有生產力的小溪都位於Atlin Goldfields項目內。阿特林金礦營地保持省級最大的金塊記錄,在Spruce Creek發現了重2.6千克(85盎司)的金塊(BCGS Paper 2017-1,第179-193頁)。

Brixton's rock samples of coarse-grained quartz veins have returned values of up to 293 g/t gold from the LD Showing in 2017 and 53.60 g/t gold from the Union Mountain Showing in 2020. Historical diamond drilling at the Yellowjacket Target has returned up to 509.96 g/t gold (16.39 oz/ton gold) over 5.57m. Brixton's drilling in 2023 returned 35.00m of 0.77 g/t gold including 19.00m of 1.34 g/t gold including 0.45m of 38.10 g/t gold at the Yellowjacket Target. In 2019, Brixton drilled 8.53 g/t gold over 2.00m at the LD showing.

Brixton對粗顆粒石英脈的岩石樣品進行的測量,在2017年的LD展示區返回了293 g/t黃金的值,在2020年的Union Mountain展示區則返回了53.60 g/t的金。在Yellowjacket目標的歷史鑽孔中,回報了最高達557萬的509.96 g/t黃金(16.39盎司/噸金)。 Brixton在2023年的鑽井結果爲3500萬的0.77 g/t黃金,包括1900萬的1.34 g/t黃金和45萬的38.10 g/t黃金,全部於Yellowjacket目標。 Brixton在2019年的LD展示區進行了8.53 g/t黃金的鑽探,投資200萬美元。

The Atlin Goldfields Project is located on the margin of a deep-seated structural and terrane boundary. The Project is underlain primarily by Mississippian to Triassic-aged volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Cache Creek Complex, including quartz-carbonate-mariposite-altered ultramafic to listwanite and mafic rocks, which are commonly associated with the gold mineralization in the region. The Cache Creek Complex is intruded by the Middle Jurassic Fourth of July batholith and the Late Cretaceous Surprise Lake batholith.

Atlin Goldfields Project位於深層結構和地域邊界的邊緣,主要由Cache Creek Complex的二疊紀到三疊紀的火山岩和沉積岩構成,包括經變質的石英-碳酸鹽-蝴蝶石-變性的超鎂鐵質和鎂鐵質岩石以及經常與該地區金礦化相關的鎂鐵質巖,Cache Creek Complex被中侏羅世的4月四日巖混巖和晚白堊世的Surprise Lake花崗岩體所侵入。

Over 39,500m of drilling has been completed across the property including 1,599m in 2019 at LD and Pictou (22 collars), 292m in 2022 at Yellowjacket (2 collars), and 350m in 2023 at Yellowjacket (1 collar)


Brixton has collected and compiled thousands of surface samples: 2,140 rock samples, 12,650 soil samples, 210 silt samples and 23 associated bulk leach extractable gold samples (BLEG) and 161 biogeochemical samples.


A total of 6,563-line kms of magnetic geophysical surveys have been completed across the project area.


Figure 2. Atlin Goldfields Project, Targets on Gold Geochemistry.

圖2:Atlin Goldfields項目,金屬地球化學靶標。

Qualified Person (QP)

本新聞稿中包含的技術性信息由Canter Resources的資格認證人(QP)Eric Saderholm P.Geo,董事和技術顧問審查並批准,其定義符合43-101號國家規範,即公告礦產項目的披露標準。

Mr. Corey A. James, P.Geo., is a Senior Project Geologist for the Company who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. James has verified the referenced data disclosed in this press release and has approved the technical information presented herein.

Brixton Metals是一家專注於開發其採礦項目的加拿大勘探公司。Brixton完全擁有四個勘探項目:Brixton旗艦Thorn銅-金-銀-鉬項目,位於美國蒙大拿州西北部的Hog Heaven銅-銀-金項目,已授權給Ivanhoe Electric Inc.,安大略省的Langis-HudBay銀-鈷-鎳項目以及位於BC西北部的Atlin Goldfields項目。Brixton Metals Corporation股票在TSX-V上交易,股票代碼爲BBB,在OTCQB上交易,股票代碼爲BBBXF。有關Brixton的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站。

About Eldorado Gold Corporation

Eldorado Gold Corporation簡介

Eldorado is a gold and base metals producer with mining, development and exploration operations in Turkiye, Canada, and Greece. Eldorado has a highly skilled and dedicated workforce, safe and responsible operations, a portfolio of high-quality assets, and long-term partnerships with local communities. Eldorado's common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: ELD) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: EGO).

Eldorado是一家黃金和貴金屬生產商,在土耳其,加拿大和希臘開展采礦,開發和勘探業務。 Eldorado擁有高技能和敬業的員工,安全和負責任的運營,高質量資產組合以及與當地社區的長期合作伙伴關係。 Eldorado的普通股在多倫多證券交易所(TSX:ELD)和紐約證券交易所(NYSE:EGO)上交易。

About Brixton Metals Corporation

關於Brixton Metals Corporation

Brixton Metals is a Canadian exploration company focused on the advancement of its mining projects. Brixton wholly owns four exploration projects: Brixton's flagship Thorn copper-gold-silver-molybdenum Project, the Hog Heaven copper-silver-gold Project in NW Montana, USA, which is optioned to Ivanhoe Electric Inc., the Langis-HudBay silver-cobalt-nickel Project in Ontario and the Atlin Goldfields Project located in northwest BC which is optioned to Eldorado Gold Corporation. Brixton Metals Corporation shares trade on the TSX-V under the ticker symbol BBB, and on the OTCQB under the ticker symbol BBBXF. For more information about Brixton, please visit our website at .

Brixton Metals是一家加拿大勘探公司,專注於推進其採礦項目。 Brixton完全擁有四個勘探項目:Brixton的旗艦Thorn銅-金-銀-鉬項目,位於美國蒙大拿州西北部的Hog Heaven銅-銀-金項目,已授權給Ivanhoe Electric Inc.的Langis-HudBay銀-鈷-鎳項目,以及位於不列顛哥倫比亞省西北部,授權給Eldorado Gold Corporation的Atlin Goldfields項目。Brixton Metals Corporation股票在TSX-V上交易,股票代碼爲BBb,在OTCQb上交易,股票代碼爲BBBXF。有關Brixton的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站。.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


Mr. Gary R. Thompson, Chairman and CEO

Gary R. Thompson先生,主席兼首席執行官

For Investor Relations inquiries please contact: Mr. Michael Rapsch, Senior Manager, Investor Relations. email: or call Tel: 604-630-9707

如有投資者關係問題,請聯繫:Michael Rapsch先生,投資者關係高級經理。郵箱 或在604-630-9707進行諮詢。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Information set forth in this news release may involve forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that relate to future, not past, events. In this context, forward-looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect", and "intend", statements that an action or event "may", "might", "could", "should", or "will" be taken or occur, including statements that address potential quantity and/or grade of minerals, potential size and expansion of a mineralized zone, proposed timing of exploration and development plans, or other similar expressions. All statements, other than statements of historical fact included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding the use of proceeds. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, the following risks: the need for additional financing; operational risks associated with mineral exploration; fluctuations in commodity prices; title matters; and the additional risks identified in the annual information form of the Company or other reports and filings with the TSXV and applicable Canadian securities regulators. Forward-looking statements are made based on management's beliefs, estimates and opinions on the date that statements are made and the Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if these beliefs, estimates and opinions or other circumstances should change, except as required by applicable securities laws. Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements.




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