
PRA Group Celebrates 10 Years of Global Expansion

PRA Group Celebrates 10 Years of Global Expansion

pra group慶祝全球擴張10週年
PR Newswire ·  07/16 10:01

NORFOLK, Va., July 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, PRA Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: PRAA), a global leader in acquiring and collecting nonperforming loans, celebrates 10 years since acquiring Aktiv Kapital AS, a business that had been prominent in the same industry throughout Europe and Canada. As such, the milestone marked the start of significant global expansion for PRA Group.

2024年7月16日,美國澳洲(PRAA)全球債務回收業務領導者PRA Group慶祝自收購曾在歐洲和加拿大同行業中具有重要地位的Aktiv Kapital AS十週年。從此,這一里程碑標誌着PRA Group的全球擴張開始。

Members of the PRA Group Board of Directors and senior leaders gathered in London to commence the company's milestone celebration of global expansion.
PRA Group董事會成員和高級領導人聚集在倫敦,開始了公司全球擴張的里程碑慶典。

The anniversary festivities commenced with a reception in PRA Group's offices in London, during which members of PRA Group's Board of Directors and senior leaders who were involved in both sides of the acquisition shared their stories. Their perspectives were illustrative not only of the company's history, but also of its evolution into the global enterprise PRA Group has grown to become.

慶典在倫敦PRA Group辦公室的接待會上開始,與收購雙方有關的PRA Group董事會成員和高級領導人分享了他們的故事。他們的看法不僅說明了公司的歷史,也說明了它發展成爲全球企業PRA Group的演變過程。

PRA Group President and CEO Vik Atal reflected, "What I have seen over time on the board and leading the company, is that we no longer think of these as separate businesses—a signal that we've all come together. We are now at the next stage of leveraging our globality by sustaining and building upon our geographic differentiation and collaboration."

PRA Group總裁兼首席執行官Vik Atal深思熟慮地表示:“我在董事會和領導公司的時間內所看到的是,我們不再把這些看作是單獨的業務 - 這是我們都走在一起的信號。我們現在處於利用我們的全球化,通過維持和建立我們的地理差異和協作關係,邁向下一個階段。”

Celebrations of the 10-year milestone continued throughout the summer across other offices in Europe and North America that joined PRA Group with the acquisition, including those in Austria and Spain.

10週年慶典在夏季期間繼續在歐美其他與PRA Group收購一體的辦事處進行,其中包括奧地利和西班牙。

"One of the things I am most proud of is how well we integrated the two companies, not only by sharing knowledge, but also by leveraging the incredible talent PRA Group gained in 2014," said Chair of the Board Steve Fredrickson, one of PRA Group's co-founders. "That talent continues to be an asset to our teams, not to mention our global leadership."

PRA Group聯合創始人之一和董事會主席Steve Fredrickson表示:“我最自豪的事情之一就是我們如何很好地整合了兩家公司,不僅通過分享知識,而且通過利用PRA Group在2014年獲得的難以置信的人才。這些才華不僅是我們團隊的資產,也是我們全球領導力的資產。”

"Part of why the match worked so well is that both companies took a long-term approach to doing business," said President of PRA Group Europe Martin Sjölund, who was head of strategy and corporate development for Aktiv Kapital at the time of the acquisition. "Not only has the geographic diversity afforded by the acquisition provided balance for a cyclical business; it has also unlocked incredible career paths and opportunities for innovation on a global scale."

時任收購時的PRA Group歐洲戰略和企業發展負責人,現任PRA Group Europe總裁馬丁.斯約倫德(Martin Sjölund)表示:“之所以匹配得如此完美,部分原因是兩家公司都採取了長期的業務發展戰略。這種收購帶來的地理多樣性不僅帶來了一個週期性行業的平衡,而且還在全球範圍內開闢了令人難以置信的職業道路和創新機會。”

PRA Group Board Director Geir Olsen, who, 10 years ago, was CEO of Aktiv Kapital, added: "Remarkably, more than one third of the colleagues who joined PRA Group through the acquisition remain a part of the company to this day. That speaks volumes to the strength and unity of our culture worldwide."

PRA Group董事會成員Geir Olsen是10年前的Aktiv Kapital首席執行官,他說:“值得注意的是,通過收購加入PRA Group的同事中,超過三分之一至今仍是公司的一部分。這是我們整個公司團結力量的體現。”

In expanding its operations in Europe and North America, PRA Group gained teams in Austria, Canada, Finland, Germany, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K. in July of 2014.

2014年7月,PRA Group擴大其在歐洲和北美的業務,獲得了奧地利、加拿大、芬蘭、德國、挪威、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士和英國的團隊。

A decade since acquiring Aktiv Kapital, PRA Group has continued building upon its geographic diversity through additional acquisitions and office openings in Europe, South America and, most recently, Australia. Today, PRA Group employs more than 3,000 individuals and has portfolio operations in 18 countries.

自收購Aktiv Kapital以來的十年間,PRA Group通過在歐洲、南美和最近的澳洲進行其他收購和辦事處開設,繼續建立其地理多樣性。如今,PRA Group擁有三千多名員工,在18個國家運營債務回收業務。

About PRA Group
As a global leader in acquiring and collecting nonperforming loans, PRA Group, Inc. returns capital to banks and other creditors to help expand financial services for consumers in the Americas, Europe and Australia. With thousands of employees worldwide, PRA Group, Inc. companies collaborate with customers to help them resolve their debt. For more information, please visit .

關於PRA Group PRA Group是一個全球性的非執行貸款收購和回收公司,在美洲、歐洲和澳洲爲銀行和其他債權人返還資本以幫助拓展金融服務。PRA Group, Inc.在全球擁有成千上萬名員工,協助客戶解決其債務問題。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。
作爲收購和催收不良貸款的全球領導者,pra group公司向銀行和其他債權人返還資本,以幫助消費者擴大美洲、歐洲和澳洲的金融服務。在全球範圍內擁有數千名員工,pra group公司與客戶合作,幫助他們解決債務問題。如需更多信息,請訪問。

News Media Contact:
Elizabeth Kersey
Senior Vice President, Communications and Public Policy
(757) 641-0558
[email protected]

Elizabeth Kersey
(757) 641-0558
[email protected]

Investor Contact:
Najim Mostamand, CFA
Vice President, Investor Relations
(757) 431-7913
[email protected]

Najim Mostamand, CFA
(757) 431-7913
[email protected]

SOURCE PRA Group, Inc.

PRA Group,Inc.的消息來源。

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