


來自資源的更正 - DLP資源公司。
newsfile ·  07/16 21:58

In a news release issued July 16, 2024 by DLP Resources Inc., please note that certain of the highlighted mineralized intervals of drillhole A24-015 listed under the heading "Highlights" were erroneously stated. The correct figures are as follows (changes underlined):

在 DLP Resources Inc. 於 2024 年 7 月 16 日發佈的新聞稿中,在 “亮點” 標題下列出的某些突出顯示的 A24-015 鑽孔礦化間隔是錯誤的。正確的數字如下(下劃線的更改):

  • 0.19% CuEq* over 966.50m (0.13% Cu, 0.0084% Mo and 1.43g/t Ag) from 6.00m to 972.50m.
  • 0.31% CuEq* over 32.00m (0.27% Cu, 0.0021% Mo and 3.62g/t Ag) from 36.00m to 68.00m.
  • 0.41% CuEq* over 431.00m (0.20% Cu, 0.0388% Mo and 1.75g/t Ag) from 362.00m to 793.00m.
  • 0.70% CuEq* over 179.50m (0.05% Cu, 0.1244% Mo and 0.50g/t Ag) from 793.00m to 972.50m.
  • 0.19% CUeQ* 超過 96650萬(0.13% Cu, 0.0084% Mo 和 1.43g/t Ag) 從 600萬到 97250萬。
  • 0.31% CUeQ* 超過 3200萬(0.27% 銅, 0.0021% Mo 和 3.62g/t Ag) 從 3600萬到 6800萬。
  • 0.41% CUeQ* 超過 43100萬(0.20% Cu, 0.0388% Mo 和 1.75g/t Ag) 從 36200萬到 79300萬。
  • 0.70% CUeQ* 超過 17950萬(0.05% Cu、0.1244% Mo 和 0.50g/t Ag) 從 79300萬到 97250萬。

In addition, in Figure 3, the word "geological" has been removed from the figure description, with the molybdenum values shown on the left of the drillhole graphic and the copper values shown within the drillhole graphic.

此外,在圖 3 中,“地質” 一詞已從圖中刪除,鉬值顯示在鑽孔圖形的左側,銅值顯示在鑽孔圖形中。

No other changes were required in the body or the tables, and the full release follows below:


DLP Resources intersects 431m of 0.41% CuEq* on the Aurora Project in Southern Peru.

在秘魯南部的奧羅拉項目中,DLP Resources與0.41%的CUeQ*的43100萬相交。

Cranbrook, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 16, 2024) - DLP Resources Inc. (TSXV: DLP) (OTCQB: DLPRF) ("DLP" or the "Company") announces receipt of complete drill results for drillhole A24-015 on the Aurora porphyry copper-molybdenum-silver project in southern Peru. (Figure 1).

不列顛哥倫比亞省克蘭布魯克--(新聞檔案公司,2024年7月16日)——DLP資源公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:DLP)(OTCQB:DLPRF)(“DLP” 或 “公司”)宣佈收到了秘魯南部奧羅拉斑岩銅鉬銀項目的 A24-015 鑽孔的完整鑽探結果。(圖 1)。

Results for the first fourteen drillholes, A22-001, A22-002, A22-003, A23-004, A23-005, A23-006, A23-007, A23-008, A23-009, A23-010, A23-011, A23-012, A23-013 and A24-014 were last released on January 04, 2024 and June 25th, 2024 (see DLP Resources Inc., news release of January 04, 2024 and June 25, 2024 for results for the previous fourteen drillholes).

前十四個鑽孔的結果,即 A22-001、A22-002、A22-003、A23-004、A23-005、A23-006、A23-007、A23-008、A23-009、A23-010、A23-011、A23-012 A23-013、和最後一次公佈於2024年1月4日和2024年6月25日(前十四個鑽孔的結果見DLP資源公司,2024年1月4日和2024年6月25日的新聞稿)。A24-014



Drillhole A24-015 was drilled approximately 220m east-southeast of drillhole A24-014 and intersected copper-molybdenum and silver mineralization throughout the hole to a depth of 793.00m. From 793.00m to end of hole at 972.50m molybdenum mineralization was intersected at the contact of the hornfels and early quartz-eye-feldspar-biotite porphyry. A24-015 ended in molybdenum mineralization and the most significant mineralized intervals included:

A24-015 鑽孔在 A24-014 鑽孔東南偏東南方向鑽了大約 22000萬,並將銅鉬和銀礦化層貫穿了整個鑽孔,深度爲 79300萬。從79300萬到97250萬的孔洞盡頭,鉬礦化在角巖和早期石英眼長石-黑雲母斑岩斑岩的接觸處相交。A24-015 以鉬礦化結束,最重要的礦化間隔包括:

  • 0.19% CuEq* over 966.50m (0.13% Cu, 0.0084% Mo and 1.43g/t Ag) from 6.00m to 972.50m.
  • 0.31% CuEq* over 32.00m (0.27% Cu, 0.0021% Mo and 3.62g/t Ag) from 36.00m to 68.00m.
  • 0.41% CuEq* over 431.00m (0.20% Cu, 0.0388% Mo and 1.75g/t Ag) from 362.00m to 793.00m.
  • 0.70% CuEq* over 179.50m (0.05% Cu, 0.1244% Mo and 0.50g/t Ag) from 793.00m to 972.50m.
  • 從 600萬到 97250萬(0.13% 銅、0.0084% 鉬和 1.43g/t Ag)超過 96650萬(0.13% CU、0.0084% Mo 和 1.43g/t Ag)的 cueQ* 爲 0.19%。
  • 從 3600萬到 6800萬(0.27% 銅、0.0021% 鉬和 3.62g/t Ag)超過 3200萬(0.27% Cu、0.0021% Mo 和 3.62g/t Ag)的 0.31% CUEq*。
  • 從 36200萬到 79300萬(0.20% 銅、0.0388% 鉬和 1.75g/t Ag)超過 43100萬(0.20% Cu、0.0388% Mo 和 1.75g/t Ag)的 0.41% CUEq*。
  • 從 79300萬到 97250萬(0.05% 銅、0.1244% 鉬和 0.50g/t Ag)超過 17950萬(0.05% CU、0.1244% Mo 和 0.50g/t Ag)的 0.70% CUEq*。

The complete set of results for A24-015 are summarized in Table 1 below.

A24-015 的完整結果彙總在下表 1 中。

Mr. Gendall, President and CEO, commented: "A24-015 was the first step-out hole to the east to extend copper mineralization another 220m east-southeast of A24-014. We continue to expand the footprint of copper-molybdenum and silver mineralization at Aurora and have two drill rigs currently drilling A24-016 and A24-017 in this east-northeast zone. We look forward to receiving further results in August."

總裁兼首席執行官根德爾先生評論說:“A24-015 是第一個將銅礦化向東延伸到 A24-014 東南偏東南方向再延伸22000萬的出口。我們繼續擴大奧羅拉銅鉬和銀礦化的足跡,目前有兩臺鑽機在這個東北偏東北地區鑽探 A24-016 和 A24-017。我們期待在八月份獲得更多成果。”

Aurora Cu-Mo Project - Summary of Drill Results for A24-015

Aurora 銅鉬項目-A24-015 鑽探結果摘要

  • Drill hole A24-015 (Figures 2 and 3) commenced on May 23 on an azimuth of 245 degrees with an inclination of -70 degrees and ended on June 17 at 972.50m due to faulting in the hole. Summary geology is as follows:
    • 0 - 6.00m: Leached hornfels.
    • 6.00m -36.00m: Partially leached zone of hornfels.
    • 36.00m - 68.00m: Mineralized hornfels with chalcopyrite, chalcocite and covellite - weak enrichment zone.
    • 68.00m - 362.00m: Mineralized hornfels with disseminated and veined sulphides of chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and minor molybdenum.
    • 362.00 - 734.35m: Mineralized hornfels with intermineral porphyry from 435.10m to 447.00m and occasional E-type veins with chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrite and galena.
    • 734.00 - 972.50m: Molybdenum mineralized intermineral and early quartz-eye-feldspar-biotite porphyry with minor chalcopyrite and faulting at 957.00 to 972.50m. End of hole on June 17, 2024.
  • A24-015 鑽孔(圖 2 和 3)於 5 月 23 日開始,方位角爲 245 度,傾角爲 -70 度,由於鑽孔斷層,於 6 月 17 日以 97250萬。地質概要如下:
    • 0-6.00 米:浸泡過的牛角油。
    • 600萬 -36.00m:角質部分浸出區域。
    • 3600萬-68.00m:含有黃銅礦、輝石和方晶巖的礦化角燃料——弱富集區。
    • 6800萬-362.00m:礦化角塊,含有黃銅礦、黃鐵礦、黃鐵礦、鐵礦和少量鉬的浸染和脈狀硫化物。
    • 362.00-734.35m:礦化角巖,礦物間斑岩從43510萬到44700萬不等,偶爾會有含有黃銅礦、閃鋅礦、黃鐵礦和方鉛礦的E型礦脈。
    • 734.00-972.50m:鉬礦化礦化間礦物和早期的石英眼長石-黑雲母斑岩斑岩,有少量黃銅礦,斷層位於957.00至97250萬。2024 年 6 月 17 日洞結束。

Table 1. Summary of Drill Results for Diamond Drillhole A24-015. All grades are length-weighted averages of samples within the interval reported.

表 1。鑽石鑽孔 A24-015 的鑽孔結果摘要。所有成績均爲報告間隔內樣本的長度加權平均值。

Hole From To Interval1 Description Cu (total) Mo Ag Cueq*
ID m m m
% % g/t %
A24-015 0.00 6.00m 6.00m Leached Hornfels 0.05 0.0031 0.90 0.07

6.00 972.50 966.50 Mineralized hornfels and porphyry 0.13 0.0084 1.43 0.19
Includes 6.00 36.00 36.00 Partially leached zone within hornfels 0.13 0.0030 1.00 0.15
Includes 36.00 68.00 32.00 Hornfels with copper enrichment 0.27 0.0021 3.62 0.31
Includes 68.00 362.00 294.00 Mineralized hornfels 0.08 0.0023 0.70 0.10
Includes 362.00 793.00 431.00 Mineralized hornfels with early and intermineral quartz-eye-feldspar-biotite porphyry 0.20 0.0388 1.75 0.41
Includes 793.00 972.50 179.50 Mineralized early quartz-eye-feldspar-biotite porphyry 0.05 0.1244 0.50 0.70
來自 間隔 1 描述 銅(總計) Mo Ag Cueq*
身份證 m m m
% % g/t %
A24-015 0.00 6.00 米 6.00 米 浸泡過的霍恩費爾斯 0.05 0.0031 0.90 0.07

6.00 972.50 966.50 礦化角質和斑岩 0.13 0.0084 1.43 0.19
包括 6.00 36.00 36.00 霍恩費爾斯內有部分浸出區域 0.13 0.0030 1.00 0.15
包括 36.00 68.00 32.00 富含銅的霍恩費爾斯 0.27 0.0021 3.62 0.31
包括 68.00 362.00 294.00 礦化牛角 0.08 0.0023 0.70 0.10
包括 362.00 793.00 431.00 含有早期和礦物間石英眼長石黑雲母斑岩斑岩的礦化角巖 0.20 0.0388 1.75 0.41
包括 793.00 972.50 179.50 礦化的早期石英眼長石黑雲母斑岩 0.05 0.1244 0.50 0.70

Note: *Copper equivalent grades (CuEq) are for comparative purposes only. Mo, Cu and Ag values are uncut, and core recovery is assumed to be 100% for the entire drilled length of A24-015 except for intervals from 10.00m to 12.00m, 86.00m to 90.00m, 118.00m to 120.00m, 957.00m to 961.00m, 967.00m to 969.00m and 971.00m to 972.50m where core recovery was below 50% due to faulting. The project is at an early stage of exploration and conceptual recoveries of Cu 85%, Mo 82%, and Ag 75% are assigned to the CuEq calculations. Conversion of metals to an equivalent copper grade based on these metal prices is relative to the copper price per unit mass factored by conceptual recoveries for those metals normalized to the conceptualized copper recovery. The metal equivalencies for each metal are added to the copper grade. The formula for this is: CuEq % = Cu% + (Mo% * (Mo recovery / Cu recovery) * (Mo $ per lb / Cu $ per lb) + (Ag g/t * (Ag recovery / Cu recovery) * (Ag $ per oz/ 31.1034768) / (Cu $ per lb* 22.04623)).

注意:*銅當量等級 (CueQ) 僅用於比較目的。鉬、銅和銀值未切割,假設 A24-015 整個鑽探長度的岩心回收率爲 100%,但從 1000 萬到 1200萬、8600萬到 9000萬、11800萬到 12000萬、95700萬到 96100萬、96700萬到 96900萬和97100萬到 97250萬的間隔除外,其核心回收率因故障而低於 50%。該項目處於勘探初期,概念回收率爲 85%,鉬含量 82%,銀 75% 被分配給 CueQ 計算。根據這些金屬價格將金屬轉換爲同等銅品位是相對於單位質量銅價格的相關的,該價格是按概念化銅回收率標準化的金屬的概念回收率計算得出的。將每種金屬的金屬當量添加到銅等級中。計算公式爲:CueQ% = Cu% +(Mo% *(鉬回收率/銅回收率)*(每磅鉬美元/每磅銅美元)+(Ag g/t *(銀回收率/銅回收率)*(每盎司銀美元/ 31.1034768)/(每磅銅美元* 22.04623))。

*Copper equivalent calculations use metal prices of Cu - US$3.34/lb, Mo - US$18/lb and Ag - US$21.87/oz.


1 Intervals are downhole drilled core lengths. Drilling data to date is insufficient to determine true width of mineralization. Mo, Cu and Ag values are uncut.

1 間隔是指井下鑽孔的岩心長度。迄今爲止的鑽探數據不足以確定礦化的真實寬度。Mo、Cu 和 Ag 值未切割。

Table 2: A24-015 Diamond drillhole location, depth, orientation and inclination.

表 2:A24-015 金剛石鑽孔的位置、深度、方向和傾角。

Hole Easting Northing Elevation Length Azimuth Inclination
ID m m m m Degrees Degrees
A24-015 190,326 8,566,022 2856 972.50 245 -70
向東 北方 海拔 長度 方位角 傾角
身份證 m m m m 學位 學位
A24-015 190,326 8,566,022 2856 972.50 245 -70

Co-ordinates are in WGS84 Zone 19S.

座標位於 WGS84 區域 19S 中。

Quality Control and Quality Assurance


DLP Resources Peru S.A.C, a subsidiary of DLP Resources Inc., supervises drilling and carries out sampling of HTW, NTW and BTW core. Logging and sampling are completed at a secured Company facility situated on the project site. Sample intervals are nominally 1m to 3m in length. Drill core is cut in half using a rotary diamond blade saw and samples are sealed on site before transportation to the ALS Peru S.A.C. sample preparation facility in Arequipa by Company vehicles and staff. Prepared samples are sent to Lima by ALS Peru S.A.C. for analysis. ALS Peru S.A.C. is an independent laboratory. Samples are analyzed for 48 elements using a four-acid digestion and ICP-MS analysis (ME-MS61). In addition, sequential copper analyses are done where secondary copper mineralization is observed and reports, soluble copper using sulphuric acid leach, soluble copper in cyanide leach, residual copper and total copper. ALS meets all requirements of International Standards ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and ISO 9001:2015 for analytical procedures.

DLP Resources Peru S.A.C是DLP資源公司的子公司,負責監督鑽探並對HTW、NTW和BTW岩心進行採樣。記錄和採樣工作在位於項目現場的公司安全設施中完成。樣本間隔的長度名義上爲100萬到300萬。使用旋轉式金剛石刀片鋸將鑽芯切成兩半,樣品在現場密封,然後由公司的車輛和工作人員運送到位於阿雷基帕的ALS Peru S.A.C. 樣品製備設施。ALS Peru S.A.C. 將製備好的樣本送往利馬進行分析。ALS 秘魯 S.A.C. 是一家獨立實驗室。使用四酸消解和 ICP-MS 分析 (ME-MS61) 對樣品中有 48 種元素進行分析。此外,對銅進行連續分析,觀察並報告銅的二次礦化,使用硫酸浸出液進行可溶性銅,氰化物浸出液中的可溶性銅,殘留的銅和總銅。ALS 符合國際標準 ISO/IEC 17025:2005 和 ISO 9001:2015 對分析程序的所有要求。

DLP Resources independently monitors quality control and quality assurance ("QA/QC") through a program that includes the insertion of blind certified reference materials (standards), blanks and pulp duplicate samples. The company is not aware of any drilling, sampling, recovery or other factors that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of the data reported from 0m to 972.50m in A24-015 except for intervals from 10.00m to 12.00m, 86.00m to 90.00m, 118.00m to 120.00m, 957.00m to 961.00m, 967.00m to 969.00m and 971.00m to 972.50m where core recovery was below 50% due to faulting.

DLP Resources 通過一項計劃獨立監控質量控制和質量保證(“QA/QC”),該計劃包括插入盲目認證參考材料(標準)、空白樣本和紙漿副本。該公司沒有發現任何可能對 A24-015 中從0萬到97250萬的數據的準確性或可靠性產生重大影響的鑽探、採樣、回收或其他因素除外,從1000萬到1200萬、8600萬到9000萬、11800萬至12000萬、95700萬至96900萬、96700萬至97250萬的間隔以及核心回收率爲97100萬至97250萬的間隔除外由於故障,低於 50%。

Aurora Project


Aurora Project is an advanced stage porphyry copper-molybdenum exploration project in the Province of Calca, SE Peru (Figure 1). The Aurora Project was previously permitted for drilling in 2015 but was never executed. Thirteen historical drillholes, drilled in 2001 and 2005 totaling 3,900m were drilled over an area of approximately 1000m by 800m, cut significant intervals of copper and molybdenum mineralization. From logging of the only three remaining holes DDA-01, DDA-3A and DDA-3 and data now available, it appears that only three of the thirteen holes tested the enriched copper zone and only one hole drilled deep enough to test the primary copper and molybdenum zone (see DLP Resources Inc. news release of May 18, 2021).

Aurora 項目是秘魯東南部卡爾卡省的後期斑岩銅鉬勘探項目(圖 1)。Aurora項目此前曾在2015年獲准鑽探,但從未執行。在 2001 年和 2005 年鑽探了 13 個歷史鑽孔,總計 3,900 米,在大約 1000 米 x 800 米的區域內鑽探了大量的銅和鉬礦化。從僅存的三個孔 DDA-01、DDA-3A 和 DDA-3 的記錄以及現在可用的數據來看,十三個孔中似乎只有三個測試了富集銅區,只有一個鑽得足夠深以測試初級銅和鉬區(見DLP Resources Inc. 2021年5月18日發佈的新聞稿)。

Salient historic drillhole data of the Aurora Project are:


  • 190m @ 0.57% Cu, 0.008% Mo in DDA-1 with a high-grade intercept of 20m @ 1.01% Cu related to a supergene enrichment zone of secondary chalcocite;

  • 142m @ 0.5% Cu, 0.004% Mo in DDA-3;

  • 71.7m @ 0.7% Cu, 0.007% Mo in DDA-3A (see historical Focus Ventures Ltd. news release July 11, 2012); and

  • One of the historical holes ABC-6 drilled on the edge of the system intersected 78m @ 0.45% Cu and 0.107% Mo (Figure 2).

  • DDA-1 中的 190m @ 0.57% Cu,0.008% Mo,高級截距爲 20m @ 1.01% Cu,與次生方解石的超基因富集區有關;

  • DDA-3 中的 142m @ 0.5% Cu,0.004% Mo;

  • DDA-3A 中的 7170 萬 @ 0.7% Cu,0.007% Mo(見 Focus Ventures Ltd. 2012 年 7 月 11 日發佈的歷史新聞稿);以及

  • ABC-6 在系統邊緣鑽出的一個歷史洞與 78 米 @ 0.45% 銅和 0.107% 鉬相交(圖 2)。

A review of the historical drilling indicates that the majority of the thirteen holes were drilled in the leached and partially leached zones of the porphyry system. Ten of the thirteen holes never fully tested the oxide and secondary enrichment zone and/or the primary copper zone at depth encountered in DDA-01. Copper-molybdenum mineralization is hosted by quartz-feldspar porphyries intruded into slates-hornfels and pelitic sandstones belonging to the Ordovician (439 - 463 ma) Sandia Formation.

對歷史鑽探的回顧表明,十三個孔中的大多數是在斑岩系統的滲濾區和部分滲濾區鑽探的。十三個孔中有十個從未全面測試過 DDA-01 中遇到的深度氧化物和二次富集區和/或初級銅區。銅鉬礦化是由侵入奧陶紀(439-463 ma)桑迪亞組的石板角巖和泥質砂岩中的石英長石斑岩主導。

Figure 1: DLP Project areas in Peru with Aurora Project Shown.

圖 1:秘魯的 DLP 項目區域,顯示了 Aurora 項目。

Figure 2: Aurora Project - Plan view showing historic drilling and drilling by DLP in 2022-2023 with A24-015 in yellow and proposed holes in red lettering. Blue = Mo >500ppm and Brown = Cu>0.2%.

圖 2:Aurora 項目——平面圖顯示了 DLP 在 2022-2023 年間的歷史鑽探和鑽探情況,A24-015 爲黃色,擬建的孔以紅色字母表示。藍色 = 鉬> 500ppm,棕色 = 銅> 0.2%。

Figure 3: Aurora Project - Simplified SW-NE section showing DLP and historic drillholes. Mo is on the left and the Cu is within the drillhole column.

圖 3:Aurora 項目-簡化的 SW-NE 部分,顯示了 DLP 和歷史鑽孔。鉬在左邊,銅在鑽孔柱內。

Qualified Person


David L. Pighin, consulting geologist and co-founder of DLP Resources, is the qualified person of the Company as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Pighin has reviewed and approved the technical contents of this news release.

根據國家儀器43-101的定義,諮詢地質學家兼DLP Resources聯合創始人大衛·皮金是該公司的合格人員。皮金先生已經審查並批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。

About DLP Resources Inc.

關於 DLP Resources Inc.

DLP Resources Inc. is a mineral exploration company operating in Southeastern British Columbia and Peru, exploring for Base Metals and Cobalt. DLP is listed on the TSX-V, trading symbol DLP and on the OTCQB, trading symbol DLPRF. Please refer to our web site for additional information.

DLP Resources Inc. 是一家礦產勘探公司,在不列顛哥倫比亞省東南部和秘魯開展業務,勘探基本金屬和鈷。DLP在TSX-V上市,交易代碼爲DLP,在OTCQB上市,交易代碼爲DLPRF。請參閱我們的網站以獲取更多信息。



Ian Gendall, CEO & President
Jim Stypula, Executive Chairman
Robin Sudo, Corporate Secretary and Land Manager
Maxwell Reinhart, Investor Relations
Telephone: 250-426-7808

DLP 資源公司
Jim Stypula,執行主席
Robin Sudo,公司秘書兼土地經理

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". This information and these statements, referred to herein as "forward‐looking statements", are not historical facts, are made as of the date of this news release and include without limitation, statements regarding discussions of future plans, estimates and forecasts and statements as to management's expectations and intentions with respect to drilling on the Aurora Project in Peru.

本新聞稿包括某些陳述和信息,這些陳述和信息可能構成適用的加拿大證券法所指的前瞻性信息。前瞻性陳述與未來事件或未來業績有關,反映了公司管理層對未來事件的期望或信念。通常,前瞻性陳述和信息可以通過使用諸如 “打算” 或 “預期” 之類的前瞻性術語來識別,或者某些行爲、事件或結果 “可能”、“應該”、“將” 或 “發生” 的此類詞語和短語的變體或陳述。這些信息和這些陳述(此處稱爲 “前瞻性陳述”)不是歷史事實,是截至本新聞稿發佈之日發佈的,包括但不限於有關未來計劃、估計和預測討論的聲明,以及關於管理層對秘魯奧羅拉項目鑽探的預期和意圖的陳述。

These forward‐looking statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties, and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things drill results expected from the Aurora Project in Peru.


Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. We seek safe harbor.


声明:本內容僅用作提供資訊及教育之目的,不構成對任何特定投資或投資策略的推薦或認可。 更多信息