
Workdry International Announces Strategic Expansion Into North America With the Acquisition of Regional Market-leading US Pump Rental Specialist Holland Pump Company

Workdry International Announces Strategic Expansion Into North America With the Acquisition of Regional Market-leading US Pump Rental Specialist Holland Pump Company

Workdry International宣佈通過收購區域型市場領先的美國泵租賃專家Holland Pump Company,戰略性地擴展至北美市場。
PR Newswire ·  07/17 08:00

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., July 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Workdry International ("Workdry"), the parent company of engineered pump rental solutions and wastewater treatment asset rental providers Selwood, Siltbuster, and Vanderkamp, has announced a strategic expansion into the North American market through the acquisition of Holland Pump Company ("HPC") a regional market-leading water handling and pump rental services provider in the United States.

2024年7月17日,佛羅里達州西棕櫚灘/新華社/——工程泵租賃解決方案和廢水處理資產租賃提供商Selwood,Siltbuster和Vanderkamp的母公司Workdry International(“Workdry”)通過收購美國區域市場領先的水處理和泵租賃服務提供商Holland Pump Company(“HPC”)進入北美市場。

The deal is backed by independent fund manager Arcus Infrastructure Partners ("Arcus"), through Arcus European Infrastructure Fund 3 ("AEIF3") as Workdry's majority shareholder. The acquisition will see Workdry immediately establish a market-leading presence in the East and Gulf Coast regions of the US, strengthening the combined group's offering to the infrastructure, construction, municipal, and manufacturing sectors.

這筆交易由獨立基金管理公司Arcus Infrastructure Partners(“Arcus”)支持,通過Arcus European Infrastructure Fund 3(“AEIF3”)作爲Workdry的大多數股東。此次收購將使Workdry立即在美國東部和海灣海岸地區建立市場領先地位,加強合併集團在基礎設施、建築、市政和製造業等領域的服務。

Workdry is acquiring the Florida-based business from a shareholder group led by XPV Water Partners. Since taking ownership in 2019, it has supported a series of strategic acquisitions to grow Holland Pump into one of the largest pure-play pump rental and service providers in the US, with over 1,000 pump assets, across 15 locations, and over 120 employees.

Workdry從XPV Water Partners領導的股東小組手中收購了這家位於佛羅里達州的企業。自2019年接管以來,通過一系列戰略性收購,支持Holland Pump成長爲美國最大的純泵租賃和服務提供商之一,在15個地點擁有超過1,000個泵資產和120多名員工。

The company has a diversified and long-standing customer base, with its core end markets including municipal water infrastructure, core industrial segments, and broader transport infrastructure across its geographical footprint. HPC has a strong family and entrepreneurial heritage, with the founding family still active in the business, which aligns with Workdry's history as a family business founded in the UK in 1946.


This move aligns with Workdry's strategic expansion goals and follows its acquisition of the leading Dutch engineered pump rental solutions business, Vanderkamp Group, announced earlier this year. It establishes Workdry as a formidable player in engineered pump rental solutions on a global scale. Workdry plans to support the existing HPC management team, operating as the North American division of Workdry, in pursuing a high-growth strategy in its core markets, expanding through organic pump rental solutions growth, further M&A and leveraging its base of operations and Workdry's expertise and asset solutions to introduce a modular wastewater treatment offering in the US market.

此舉符合Workdry的戰略擴張目標,也是今年早些時候宣佈收購荷蘭領先的工程泵租賃解決方案企業Vanderkamp Group後的一項舉措,將Workdry在全球範圍內確立爲領先的工程泵租賃解決方案供應商。Workdry計劃支持現有的HPC管理團隊,作爲Workdry在北美的分支機構,通過組織內部的泵租賃解決方案增長、進一步的併購以及利用其業務基礎和Workdry的專業知識和資產解決方案,在美國市場推出模塊化廢水處理方案,實現高增長戰略。

Holland Pump CEO, Tom Vossman, will continue to lead the US business, working closely alongside Workdry's leadership team to integrate best practices and share expertise across the group. Tom, based in Texas, is an experienced leader in growing manufacturing, infrastructure and asset rental businesses who has delivered Holland Pump's strategic plan over the past three years. He was appointed after XPV acquired Holland Pump from former owner and President, Win Blodgett.

Holland Pump的首席執行官Tom Vossman將繼續領導美國業務,並與Workdry的領導團隊密切合作,在集團內分享最佳實踐和專業知識。總部位於德克薩斯州的Tom是一位經驗豐富的行業領袖,擅長髮展製造業、基礎設施和資產租賃業務,並在過去三年中推動了Holland Pump的戰略計劃。自XPV從前任業主和總裁Win Blodgett手中收購了Holland Pump之後,他被任命爲公司首席執行官。

Dan Lee, Group CEO of Workdry International, said: "Our acquisition of Holland Pump brings a well-established and respected business into our group, providing us with a strong entry point into North America which is the largest pump rental market in the world.

Workdry International集團首席執行官Dan Lee表示:“我們收購Holland Pump將會把一家成熟、受人尊敬的企業引入我們的集團,爲我們在全球最大的泵租賃市場北美打造一個強有力的進入點。

"I am delighted to welcome Tom and his team into the Workdry family. Our colleagues already know Holland Pump very well, having worked with them over many years to supply Selwood equipment to US customers. We know they share our vision and ambition and have a similarly strategic and acquisitive approach to growth, along with a passion for delivering outstanding solutions through exceptional people.

“我很高興歡迎Tom及其團隊加入Workdry大家庭。我們的同事們很熟悉Holland Pump,多年來一直與他們合作向美國客戶提供Selwood設備。我們知道他們與我們分享願景和抱負,具有類似的戰略和收購增長方式,以及通過卓越人才提供出色解決方案的熱情。

"Holland Pump brings huge value to the Workdry group, and we are looking forward to further adding to that value through continued investment, using our core business expertise, knowledge and capability to supercharge growth and success on both sides of the pond."

“Holland Pump爲Workdry集團帶來巨大的價值,我們期待通過持續投資、利用我們的核心業務專業知識、技術和能力,加速兩岸的增長和成功。”

Tom Vossman, CEO, Holland Pump, said: "We are excited to join the Workdry organisation. It's clear we share a common vision for growth and expanding both our footprint and service offering looking into the future. I am very confident this will be a great combination of businesses to grow a global platform with the Workdry team."

Holland Pump首席執行官Tom Vossman表示:“我們很高興加入Workdry組織。很明顯,我們對於未來的增長和擴大我們的市場地位和服務項目有共同的願景。我非常有信心,這將是兩家企業合作成長爲全球平台的一段很好的合作歷程。與Workdry團隊密切合作,與組內分享最佳實踐和專業知識。總部位於德克薩斯州的Tom是一位經驗豐富的行業領袖,擅長髮展製造業、基礎設施和資產租賃業務,並在過去三年中推動了Holland Pump的戰略計劃。

Jordan Cott, Partner at Arcus and Chair of Workdry, said: "Tom and his management team, together with the support of XPV and Win Blodgett, have built a hugely successful market leader in the US. We could not be more pleased that they have decided to partner with us to accelerate their growth trajectory through this next chapter.

Arcus合夥人、Workdry主席Jordan Cott表示:“Tom和他的管理團隊,以及XPV和Win Blodgett的支持,共同打造了一家在美國取得巨大成功的市場領導者。我們非常高興他們決定與我們合作,通過下一章節的加速增長軌跡開啓在北美的新機遇。我們將能夠利用我們的核心租賃方案,包括全球領先的工程專業知識和資產創新,大幅度擴展和加強HPC在美國的產品規劃並加深與其長期珍視客戶的關係。

"This acquisition continues Workdry's impressive growth trajectory and opens new exciting opportunities in North America as Workdry continues to expand its mission-critical, rental-based solutions offering to support the maintenance, expansion, and delivery of sustainable water and wastewater infrastructure globally. We will be able to leverage our core rental proposition, including global market-leading engineering expertise and asset innovation, to significantly expand and strengthen HPC's offering in the US and deepen its relationships with its valued long-standing customers.


"It fits perfectly within the Arcus value-add mid-market strategy of supporting market-leading businesses like Workdry on long-term value creation initiatives and builds on our successful track record of partnering with world-class entrepreneurs and family businesses."

Arcus Infrastructure Partners合夥人Sam Saintonge表示:“我們爲Holland Pump在過去幾年取得的增長和成功感到自豪。我們也非常欣喜地看到公司及其團隊與Workdry合併,Workdry得到了Arcus的大力支持,這一過程中我們一直對Workdry讚不絕口。”

Sam Saintonge, Investment Partner with XPV Water Partners, said: "We are proud of the growth and success Holland Pump has had over the last several years. We are also thrilled to see the company and its team land with Workdry, an organisation with great support from Arcus that we have been very impressed with throughout the process."


Selwood, Siltbuster and Vanderkamp currently deliver rental-based engineered solutions for water handling and wastewater treatment from 25 sites around the UK and Europe, with a fleet of over 6,000 pump assets and over 1,000 modular wastewater treatment assets.

Houlihan Lokey Inc.擔任Workdry的財務顧問。Catalyst Strategic Advisors LLC擔任Holland Pump的獨家財務顧問。

Houlihan Lokey Inc. acted as financial advisor to Workdry. Catalyst Strategic Advisors LLC acted as exclusive financial adviser to Holland Pump.


For more information about Workdry see .

Workdry International通過其Selwood、Siltbuster和Vanderkamp業務提供領先的水處理和處理解決方案。

Notes to editors


Workdry International delivers market-leading water handling and treatment solutions through its Selwood, Siltbuster and Vanderkamp businesses.


Selwood has a head office and manufacturing facility in Hampshire, 21 pump rental solutions branches around the UK, and relationships with a global network of partners and distributors.


Siltbuster, based in Monmouth, Wales, operates across the UK as number one solutions provider for on-site water treatment, wastewater processing and the prevention of waterborne pollution.


Vanderkamp has a head office in Zwolle, The Netherlands, and delivers leading tailor-made temporary pumping solutions all over the world through state-of-the-art engineering.


Arcus Infrastructure Partners is an independent fund manager focused solely on long-term investments in European infrastructure. Arcus invests on behalf of institutional investors through discretionary funds and specialist co-investment vehicles and, through its subsidiaries, currently manages investments with an aggregate enterprise value of c. €23bn (as of 31 March 2024). Arcus targets mid-market, value-add infrastructure investments, with a particular focus on businesses in the digital, transport, logistics & industrials, and energy sectors. Further information on Arcus Infrastructure Partners can be found on

Arcus Infrastructure Partners是一家獨立的基金管理公司,專注於長期投資於歐洲基礎設施領域。Arcus代表機構投資者通過自營基金和專門的共同投資工具進行投資,並通過其子公司目前管理的投資總企業價值約230億歐元(截至2024年3月31日)。Arcus的投資目標是中市場,價值增值基礎設施投資,特別關注數字、交通、物流、工業和能源行業公司。有關Arcus Infrastructure Partners的更多信息,請訪問

Holland Pump Company has been a leader in the manufacture, sale, distribution, rental and service of speciality pumps and dewatering solutions for over 40 years.

Holland Pump公司在製造、銷售、分銷、租賃和服務專業泵和排水解決方案方面擁有40多年的領先地位。

With a relentless focus on customer service and enabling its customers to complete their projects faster and with less hassle, Holland Pump has gained a reputation for its expertise in the United States.

憑藉對客戶服務的不懈關注和幫助其客戶更快地完成項目且更少麻煩的能力,Holland Pump公司已贏得了在美國的專業技術聲譽。

From their headquarters in West Palm Beach, Holland Pump operates 15 branch operations across Florida, Louisiana, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Texas and South Carolina.

Holland Pump從其位於西棕櫚灘的總部出發,在佛羅里達、路易斯安那、紐約、賓夕法尼亞、馬里蘭、德克薩斯和南卡羅來納等地擁有15個分支機構。

For more information, visit


XPV Water Partners is a team of experienced operators and investors who are committed to making a difference in water. The firm manages investment capital from some of the world's top institutional investors, and partners with emerging water-related companies to help them rapidly expand and achieve their strategic goals.

XPV Water Partners是由一支經驗豐富的運營商和投資者團隊組成,致力於改善水資源。該公司管理來自世界上一些頂尖機構投資者的投資資本,並與新興的水相關公司合作,幫助它們快速擴張並實現其戰略目標。

XPV aims to generate strong, risk-adjusted returns for its investors by leveraging its trusted ecosystem, deep industry knowledge and its water centric company scaling platform.


XPV is committed to building partnerships that contribute to growing people, sustainable businesses, prosperous communities, and a better planet for everyone.


For more information, visit


SOURCE Holland Pump Company

源自Holland Pump Company

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