
NDAY Security Enhances Single Pane of Glass Offensive Security Platform, ATTACKN

NDAY Security Enhances Single Pane of Glass Offensive Security Platform, ATTACKN

PR Newswire ·  07/17 09:00

The Groundbreaking AI/ML Platform Empowers Organizations to Proactively Identify Critical Exploitable Security Vulnerabilities in Seconds.


MIAMI, July 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NDAY Security, a pioneer in offensive cybersecurity solutions, today unveiled the latest release to its automated offensive security platform, ATTACKN. This all-in-one platform enables organizations to deploy, monitor, and manage critical offensive security measures, including:

2024年7月17日,邁阿密 /美通社/ - NDAY Security。作爲進攻性網絡安全解決方案的先驅,NDAY Security今天推出了最新版本的自動攻擊性安全平台ATTACKN。該全能平台使組織能夠部署、監控和管理關鍵的進攻性安全措施,包括:點對點滲透測試、滲透測試即服務(PTaaS)、連續滲透測試、網絡資產攻擊面管理(CAASM)和持續威脅暴露管理(CTEM)。ATTACKN平台安全地提供一鍵生成的人工智能滲透測試報告、證明函以及針對網絡釣魚和簡訊攻擊的強大測試,同時爲外部和內部系統提供單玻璃窗口 - 無論是在企業內部還是在雲端。連續360度的安全測試 - 這確保了面向外部系統(如網站和應用程序、雲和內部網絡)的易受攻擊性的全方位覆蓋面達到了24x7x365。

  • Point-in-time Penetration Testing.
  • Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS).
  • Continuous Penetration Testing.
  • Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM).
  • Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM).
  • 一鍵式報告+證明函 - 只需一個接觸,用戶就可以爲內部和外部系統生成詳細的滲透測試結果報告以及符合性證明函。便捷的報告可以讓測試人員更多地側重於目標。
  • 易受攻擊焦點 - 常見的漏洞和暴露(CVEs)從2020年的18,350個飆升至超過
  • CISO們面臨着明顯的現代挑戰,包括不斷增長的網絡安全成本、不斷擴展的技術堆棧以及縮減的預算。同時,不良行爲者迅速加速其攻擊和漏洞利用時間表,使用創新和低成本的技術,如GenAI和犯罪網絡服務。截至2024年,企業漏洞的平均修復時間(MTTR)仍爲270天,而威脅行爲者則可以在不到22分鐘的時間內識別和利用這些漏洞。
  • 攻擊合成關鍵的安全基礎設施,傳統上由各種專業服務和點解決方案提供給企業 - 這些是ATTACKN綜合了經過驗證的自動滲透測試方法、由人工智能支持的攻擊性測試和報告以及全天候人工監管的關鍵安全基礎設施的關鍵安全基礎設施。依靠ATTACKN的企業以一小部分成本獲得了全面的漏洞檢測和消除能力,從而使其能夠有效地分配寶貴的安全資源到其他戰略倡議中。
  • ATTACKN的關鍵功能包括:

The ATTACKN platform safely offers one-touch AI-generated penetration test reporting, attestation letters, and robust testing for phishing and smishing attacks, all while delivering a single-pane-of-glass for external and internal systems — whether on-prem or in the cloud.


CISOs face distinctly modern challenges, from growing cybersecurity costs and sprawling tech stacks to shrinking budgets. Meanwhile, bad actors rapidly accelerate their attack and vulnerability exploitation timelines using innovative and low-cost technologies like GenAI and cybercrime as a service. As of 2024, the average mean time to remediation (MTTR) for enterprise vulnerabilities remains 270 days — while threat actors can identify and exploit these same vulnerabilities in 22 minutes, according to recent research.


Combining proven automated pen-testing methodologies, AI-powered offensive testing and reporting, and the option for 24/7 human oversight, ATTACKN synthesizes critical security infrastructure traditionally provided by various point solutions and professional services — into a single platform. Enterprises relying on ATTACKN attain comprehensive vulnerability detection and elimination capabilities at a fraction of the cost, allowing them to efficiently allocate precious security resources to other strategic initiatives.


Key features of ATTACKN include:

用戶數關鍵特性 - 這一點確保了對外部系統(如網站和應用程序、雲和內部網絡)的覆蓋面達到了24x7x365,側重於易利用性。

  • Continuous 360 Degree Security Testing - This ensures 24x7x365 comprehensive coverage focused on exploitability for external-facing systems, such as websites and applications, the cloud, and internal networks.
  • One-Touch Reporting + Attestation Letter - With just a single touch, users can generate detailed reports on penetration testing results for external and internal systems along with a compliance attestation letter. Ease of reporting allows testers more time on target.
  • Exploitability Focus - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) continue to skyrocket from 18,350 in 2020 to more than 55,000 in 2030. ATTACKN delivers real-world exploitable results unique to your environment.
  • Phishing and Smishing Simulations - The platform includes phishing (PHISHN) and smishing (SMISHN) capabilities targeting internal employees, enabling organizations to more cost-effectively educate against social engineering threats.
  • Multi-Tenant Visibility - Users and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) gain complete control no matter their vantage point.
  • 連續的威脅暴露管理(CTEM)。
  • 持續的滲透測試。
  • 普通漏洞和暴露(CVEs)的數量 - 從2020年的18,350個升至更多。2030年達到55,000ATTACKN提供了適合您環境的實際可利用結果。
  • 網絡釣魚和短信釣魚模擬——該平台包括面向內部員工的網絡釣魚(PHISHN)和短信釣魚(SMISHN)功能,使組織能夠更具成本效益地進行社會工程入侵威脅方面的教育。
  • 多租戶可見性——用戶和託管安全服務供應商(MSSP)無論他們的視角如何,都可以完全控制。

NDAY Security ensures comprehensive deployment, support, and global accessibility through its robust partner ecosystem, including leading solution providers, MSSPs, and top-tier professional services providers, all powered by NDAY. Through its partners, NDAY is available to all state, local, and federal government customers.

NDAY Security通過其強大的合作伙伴生態系統提供全面的部署、支持和全球訪問權限,包括領先的解決方案提供商、MSSP和頂級專業服務提供商,所有這些都由NDAY提供支持。通過其夥伴,NDAY適用於所有州、地方和聯邦政府客戶。

"When battle-tested against leading competitors, ATTACKN produced superior results five times faster than the competing professional services solution and at a fraction of the cost," said Mark Whitehead, CEO and co-founder of NDAY Security. "ATTACKN is this effective because it compiles and streamlines offensive security measures in one platform, with a single pane of glass, eliminating interdepartmental silos and enabling CISOs to take swift and significant action toward reducing their organization's MTTR. In today's unpredictable cybersecurity environment, we believe ATTACKN will become a critical competitive differentiator."

NDAY Security的首席執行官兼聯合創始人Mark Whitehead表示:“在與領先的競爭對手進行對比測試時,ATTACKN的效果比競爭對手的專業服務解決方案快五倍,成本也只有一小部分。攻擊能夠產生如此優異的效果,因爲它將攻擊性安全措施編譯和簡化爲一個平台,具有單一的玻璃窗口,消除了各部門之間的障礙,並使CISO能夠迅速而重要的行動,以減少其組織的MTTR。在今天不可預測的網絡安全環境中,我們相信ATTACKN將成爲一種關鍵的競爭優勢。”

"NDAY security's offensive platform has given us a fighting chance to prevent external threats from successfully attacking our enterprise. Now with their new capabilities, we can focus on internal threat vectors as well. Coupled with their partner ecosystem, NDAY is creating a greater return on investment for our offensive security purchase." said Eric Sanchez, Global Head of Cybersecurity and IT Risk Management at Kyowa Kirin.

京都製藥全球網絡安全和IT風險管理負責人Eric Sanchez表示:“NDAY Security的攻擊性平台爲我們防止外部威脅成功攻擊企業提供了一次機會。現在有了他們的新能力,我們還可以關注內部威脅向量。與他們的合作伙伴生態系統一起,NDAY正在爲我們的攻擊性安全採購創造更高的回報率。”

For more information about NDAY Security and its automated attack platform, visit .

有關NDAY Security及其自動化攻擊平台的更多信息,請訪問.

About NDAY Security
NDAY Security, named after the "n-day" vulnerability, fortifies the human element of cybersecurity by addressing known vulnerabilities and social engineering attacks before they become liabilities.

關於NDAY Security
NDAY Security以"n-day"漏洞命名,通過解決已知漏洞和社會工程攻擊來加強網絡安全的人爲因素,避免它們變成負資產。

Through education, awareness, and testing, NDAY Security focuses on offensive security measures developed by industry experts and generative AI to simulate even the most complex social engineering and attack schemes of today's threat actors.

通過教育、意識和測試,NDAY Security專注於由行業專家和生成型AI開發的攻擊性安全措施,以模擬當今威脅行爲者最複雜的社會工程和攻擊計劃。

Our proactive approach reduces the risk of costly breaches, transforms users into informed defenders, and enables CISOs to allocate precious dollars and resources elsewhere. Strengthen your cybersecurity posture, unlock your budget's value, and stay one step ahead with NDAY Security.

我們的積極應對方法降低了昂貴的違規風險,將用戶轉變爲知情的捍衛者,並使CISO能夠在其他地方分配寶貴的資金和資源。加強您的網絡安全態勢,釋放您預算的價值,與NDAY Security保持同步。

Media Contact
Alyssa Rinehart
PANBlast for NDAY Security
[email protected]

Alyssa Rinehart
NDAY Security的PAN口號
[email protected]


NDAY Security來源

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