
NASA Ends VIPER Project, Continues Moon Exploration

NASA Ends VIPER Project, Continues Moon Exploration

PR Newswire ·  07/17 16:13

WASHINGTON, July 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Following a comprehensive internal review, NASA announced Wednesday its intent to discontinue development of its VIPER (Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover) project.


NASA's VIPER - short for the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover - sits assembled inside the cleanroom at the agency's Johnson Space Center. Credit: NASA
NASA的VIPER - Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover的簡稱 - 已在該機構的約翰遜航天中心的潔淨室內組裝完成。來源:美國國家航空航天局(NASA)

NASA stated cost increases, delays to the launch date, and the risks of future cost growth as the reasons to stand down on the mission. The rover was originally planned to launch in late 2023, but in 2022, NASA requested a launch delay to late 2024 to provide more time for preflight testing of the Astrobotic lander. Since that time, additional schedule and supply chain delays pushed VIPER's readiness date to September 2025, and independently its CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) launch aboard Astrobotic's Griffin lander also has been delayed to a similar time. Continuation of VIPER would result in an increased cost that threatens cancellation or disruption to other CLPS missions. NASA has notified Congress of the agency's intent.

NASA表示成本增加、發射日期延遲以及未來成本增長的風險是停止此任務的原因。 原計劃於2023年底發射的探測器,但在2022年,NASA請求將發射延遲到2024年底,以提供更多時間進行Astrobotic的着陸器的航前測試。 自那時以來,附加的日程安排和供應鏈延遲推遲了VIPER的可用性日期到2025年9月,在獨立的Astrobotic的Griffin着陸器上也將推遲到類似的時間。 繼續VIPER將導致成本增加,這可能導致其他CLPS任務的取消或中斷。 NASA已通知國會該機構的意圖。

"We are committed to studying and exploring the Moon for the benefit of humanity through the CLPS program," said Nicola Fox, associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters in Washington. "The agency has an array of missions planned to look for ice and other resources on the Moon over the next five years. Our path forward will make maximum use of the technology and work that went into VIPER, while preserving critical funds to support our robust lunar portfolio."

華盛頓NASA總部科學任務司副司長Nicola Fox表示:“我們正在通過CLPS計劃致力於爲人類研究和探索月球。在未來的五年中,該機構計劃開展一系列任務來尋找月球上的冰和其他資源。我們的前進道路將最大限度地利用VIPER所涉及的技術和工作,同時保留關鍵資金以支持我們強大的月球計劃組合。

Moving forward, NASA is planning to disassemble and reuse VIPER's instruments and components for future Moon missions. Prior to disassembly, NASA will consider expressions of interest from U.S. industry and international partners by Thursday, Aug. 1, for use of the existing VIPER rover system at no cost to the government. Interested parties should contact [email protected] after 10 a.m. EDT on Thursday, July 18. The project will conduct an orderly close out through spring 2025.

NASA計劃拆卸和重複使用VIPER的儀器和元件用於未來的月球任務。在將其拆卸之前,NASA將考慮自美國產業界和國際夥伴對現有VIPER巡視車系統的免費使用的表達興趣,截至8月1日星期四。感興趣的各方可以在美國東部時間7月18日星期四上午10點之後通過[email protected]聯繫。該項目將在2025年春季進行有序的關閉。

Astrobotic will continue its Griffin Mission One within its contract with NASA, working toward a launch scheduled for no earlier than fall 2025. The landing without VIPER will provide a flight demonstration of the Griffin lander and its engines.

Astrobotic將繼續在其與NASA的合同範圍內進行Griffin Mission One,以實現計劃於2025年秋季或之後開始的發射。在沒有VIPER的情況下,着陸將提供Griffin着陸器及其引擎的飛行演示。

NASA will pursue alternative methods to accomplish many of VIPER's goals and verify the presence of ice at the lunar South Pole. A future CLPS delivery – the Polar Resources Ice Mining Experiment-1 (PRIME-1) -- scheduled to land at the South Pole during the fourth quarter of 2024, will search for water ice and carry out a resource utilization demonstration using a drill and mass spectrometer to measure the volatile content of subsurface materials.

NASA將採取替代方法來實現VIPER的許多目標,並驗證月球南極水冰的存在。未來的CLPS交付 - 極地資源冰礦實驗1(PRIME-1) - 計劃於2024年第四季度在南極降落,將使用鑽頭和質譜計測量亞表面材料的揮發性物質含量並進行資源利用演示。

Additionally, future instruments as part of NASA's crewed missions – for example, the Lunar Terrain Vehicle -- will allow for mobile observations of volatiles across the south polar region, as well as provide access for astronauts to the Moon's permanently shadowed regions for dedicated sample return campaigns. The agency will also use copies of three of VIPER's four instruments for future Moon landings on separate flights.

此外,未來的NASA載人任務將攜帶的儀器 - 例如月球地形車 - 將允許對南極地區的不揮發物進行移動觀測,併爲宇航員提供進入月球永久陰影區的機會,以進行專門的樣品返回活動。該機構還將在未來的月球着陸時使用VIPER的3個儀器的副本。

The VIPER rover was designed to search Earth's Moon for ice and other potential resources – in support of NASA's commitment to study the Moon and help unravel some of the greatest mysteries of our solar system. Through NASA's lunar initiatives, including Artemis human missions and CLPS, NASA is exploring more of the Moon than ever before using highly trained astronauts, advanced robotics, U.S. commercial providers, and international partners.


For more information about VIPER, visit:




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