
MedGenome Boosts Omic Insights Capabilities as the First Commercial Provider in the San Francisco Bay Area of California to Bring PacBio Revio In-house With Full Service Capability

MedGenome Boosts Omic Insights Capabilities as the First Commercial Provider in the San Francisco Bay Area of California to Bring PacBio Revio In-house With Full Service Capability

作爲加利福尼亞州舊金山灣區首家將PacBio Revio完全內部化並提供全套服務能力的商業供應商,MedGenome提升了其生物信息學洞察力。
PR Newswire ·  07/18 09:00

FOSTER CITY, Calif., July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MedGenome, a leading provider of multiomics solutions, today announced the acquisition of a PacBio Revio sequencing system. This latest addition to MedGenome's technology portfolio will significantly bolster their long-read sequencing capabilities, enabling researchers to delve deeper into the complexities of the genome and advance scientific discoveries.

美國加利福尼亞州福斯特城,2024年7月18日 /美通社/-- 多組學解決方案提供商MedGenome今日宣佈收購PacBio Revio測序系統。此次收購是MedGenome技術組合的新成員,將大力增強其長讀測序能力,讓研究人員更深入地挖掘基因組的複雜性並進一步推進科學發現。

PacBio's platforms are known for their ability to deliver highly accurate long-read sequencing data, providing crucial insights into complex genomic regions previously inaccessible with short-read technologies. This acquisition allows MedGenome to offer end-to-end solutions for applications including:


  • Improved genome assembly: Generating complete and contiguous de novo genome assemblies, even for organisms with complex genomes.
  • Enhanced transcriptome profiling: Uncovering novel transcripts and isoforms, providing a more detailed view of gene expression, even down to the single-cell level.
  • Comprehensive variant detection: Detecting a wider range of genetic variations, including structural variants and repeat expansions for understanding diseases, including cancer.
  • 改進的基因組組裝:爲具有複雜基因組的生物體生成完整而連續的原始基因組組裝。
  • 增強轉錄組分析:揭示新穎的轉錄本和異構體,提供對基因表達的更詳細視圖,甚至達到單細胞水平。
  • 全面的變異檢測:檢測更廣泛的遺傳變異,包括結構變異和擴增重複序列,以了解包括癌症在內的疾病。

This announcement comes on the heels of MedGenome's recent SMRT Grant award to sequence the genome of the Dune Scorpion in collaboration with PacBio and the California Academy of Sciences. The project highlights the growing demand for highly accurate long-read sequencing in biodiversity studies, and the Revio system will play a key role in enabling such research.

這一消息是在MedGenome最近與PacBio和加利福尼亞科學院合作對Dune Scorpion的基因組進行測序的SMRt Grant獲獎之後公佈的。該項目凸顯了生物多樣性研究中對高精度長讀測序日益增長的需求,Revio系統將在支持此類研究方面發揮關鍵作用。

"We are excited to add the PacBio Revio system to our suite of cutting-edge genomic technologies," said Dr. Felix Olale, Chairman of the Board at MedGenome. "This investment underscores our commitment to providing researchers with the most advanced end-to-end solutions to drive groundbreaking discoveries in healthcare, personalized medicine, and beyond."

MedGenome董事長菲利克斯-奧拉萊博士表示:“我們很高興將PacBio Revio系統列入我們的前沿基因組技術中。此項投資彰顯了我們提供最先進端到端解決方案來推動衛生保健、個性化醫療等領域突破性進展的承諾。”

"We're thrilled to partner with MedGenome as the first commercial service provider in the San Francisco Bay Area of California to offer Revio's advanced long-read sequencing capabilities in-house," said Jeff Eidel, Chief Commercial Officer at PacBio. "Their commitment to advancing scientific discovery aligns perfectly with our mission at PacBio, and we're confident that this collaboration will empower researchers with the tools they need to make groundbreaking discoveries."

PacBio首席商業官 Jeff Eidel 聲稱:“我們很高興與MedGenome合作,成爲加利福尼亞舊金山灣區首家在室內提供Revio的先進長讀測序能力的商業服務提供商。”他表示:“MedGenome在推進科學發現方面的承諾與我們在PacBio的使命完美契合,我們確信這種合作將爲研究人員提供必要的工具,以便進行突破性發現。”

This acquisition further solidifies MedGenome's position as a leader in the multiomics solutions industry. MedGenome's extensive expertise across multiomics workflows enables them to push the envelope on clients' research and provide project consultation, bundled assays for robust experimentation, and deep analysis capabilities to bring insights from data. By integrating the PacBio Revio system with their existing portfolio of next-generation sequencing (NGS), bioinformatics, and data analytics platforms, MedGenome offers a comprehensive and powerful solution for researchers seeking to unravel the complexities of the genome and accelerate scientific breakthroughs.

此次收購進一步確立了MedGenome在多組學解決方案行業的領先地位。MedGenome在多組學工作流程領域的廣泛專業知識,使他們能夠推動客戶研究的發展並提供項目諮詢、捆綁測評以進行可靠的實驗和深度分析功能,以從數據中獲取見解。通過將PacBio Revio系統與其現有的新一代測序(NGS)、生物信息學和數據分析平台相結合,MedGenome爲尋求揭示基因組複雜性並加快科學突破的研究人員提供了全面而強大的解決方案。

About MedGenome:


MedGenome is a genomics-driven research and diagnostics company devoted to improving global health by decoding the genetic information contained in an individual's genome. As a global partner for comprehensive multiomics solutions, MedGenome helps advance precision medicine that can reduce healthcare disparities and improve patient outcomes. Our unique access to the world's most diverse genomic database and deep scientific expertise enables researchers to accelerate their research, find cost efficiencies, and bring drugs to market faster. MedGenome is backed by a global investor base spanning Europe, Asia, and Africa, including support from Novo Holdings, one of the world's leading life sciences investors. MedGenome's high-throughput next-generation sequencing lab is in Foster City, California. Follow us on LinkedIn.

MedGenome是一家以基因組驅動的研究和診斷公司,致力於通過解碼個體基因組中包含的遺傳信息來改善全球健康。作爲全面多組學解決方案的全球夥伴,MedGenome幫助推動可減少醫療衛生差距和改善患者預後的精準醫學。我們與全球最多樣化的基因數據庫擁有獨特的接近和深厚的科學專業知識,使研究人員能夠加速他們的研究、找到成本效益並更快地將藥物推向市場。MedGenome得到了歐洲、亞洲和非洲的全球投資者支持,包括世界領先的生命科學投資者之一 Novo Holdings。MedGenome的高通量新一代測序實驗室位於加州福斯特城。關注我們的領英主頁。



SOURCE MedGenome


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