
Dizzion Recognized as a Major Player in IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Desktop as a Service 2024 Vendor Assessment

Dizzion Recognized as a Major Player in IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Desktop as a Service 2024 Vendor Assessment

Dizzion被認爲是IDC MarketScape:2024年全球桌面即服務供應商評估的重要參與者。
PR Newswire ·  07/18 10:30

DENVER, July 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dizzion, a leader in Desktop as a Service (DaaS), proudly announces it has been named a Major Player in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Desktop as a Service 2024 Vendor Assessment (doc #US51272024, June 2024). We believe this prestigious acknowledgment underscores Dizzion's dedication to delivering innovative, secure, and high-performing virtual desktop solutions.

Dizzion,一個桌面即服務(DaaS)領導者,自豪地宣佈它已經被評爲IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Desktop as a Service 2024 Vendor Assessment(doc#US51272024,2024年6月)的主要參與者。我們相信這個有聲望的認可強調了Dizzion致力於提供創新的、安全的、高性能的虛擬桌面解決方案的承諾。

According to the report, "Dizzion Frame (formerly Nutanix Frame) is a hybrid infrastructure, multitenant framework capable of providing application and desktop virtualization through any web browser. This can be combined with Dizzion's managed service capabilities, including endpoint management, antivirus management, and opinionated Windows and Linux configurations to provide a fully automated desktop-as-a-service product with multiple service levels." "We believe our recognition in the IDC 2024 MarketScape study is a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering the right solutions for our clients," said Rob Green, CEO of Dizzion. "We prioritize reliability, security, and user experience in all our offerings, ensuring our clients receive the best possible service."

據該報告, “Dizzion Frame(以前是Nutanix Frame)是一種混合基礎架構、多租戶框架,能夠通過任何Web瀏覽器提供應用和桌面虛擬化。這可以與Dizzion的託管服務功能相結合,包括終端點管理、防病毒管理和有見地的Windows和Linux配置,以提供具有多個服務級別的全自動桌面即服務產品。” “我們相信我們在IDC 2024 MarketScape研究中的認可證明了我們非常堅定地致力於爲客戶提供正確的解決方案,”Dizzion的首席執行官Rob Green表示。“我們在所有提供的服務中優先考慮可靠性、安全性和用戶體驗,確保我們的客戶獲得最佳服務。”

"The desktop-as-a-service market has evolved dramatically in the last few years, with customers moving from 'choose-your-own-adventure' style approaches to highly opinionated, highly automated, and focused frameworks which provide them with immediate value," said Shannon Kalvar, IDC Research Director. This recognition comes on the heels of Dizzion's successful launch of Dizzion DaaS on IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), further cementing their position as a trusted provider of cloud desktop solutions. Dizzion continues to innovate, leveraging advanced cloud capabilities to deliver scalable, secure desktop experiences to users worldwide.

“在過去幾年中,桌面即服務市場發生了巨大變化,客戶從“choose-your-own-adventure”風格的方式轉向了高度見解的、高度自動化的和專注的框架,以及提供他們即時價值,”IDC研究主任Shannon Kalvar表示。這一認可是在Dizzion在IBm Cloud Virtual Private Cloud(VPC)上成功推出Dizzion DaaS之後的成果,進一步鞏固了他們作爲信任的雲桌面解決方案提供者的地位。Dizzion繼續創新,利用先進的雲能力向全球用戶提供可擴展、安全的桌面體驗。

"For enterprises looking for NIST 800-53-compliant DaaS options, Dizzion has a long-standing relationship with IBM and IBM Cloud, leading to a fully automated and managed offering for IBM Cloud customers. IBM Cloud is consistently listed as a primary vendor in IDC's virtual client computing research, and a dedicated IBM Cloud virtualization solution is absolutely needed," the report noted.

“對於尋找NISt 800-53兼容的DaaS選項的企業,Dizzion已經與IBm和IBm Cloud保持長期合作關係,爲IBm Cloud客戶提供完全自動化和託管的解決方案。IBm Cloud在IDC的虛擬客戶端計算研究中一直被列爲主要供應商,專用的IBm Cloud虛擬化解決方案是必需的。”報告指出。

For more information about Dizzion's recognition in the IDC MarketScape study and to explore Dizzion's comprehensive DaaS solutions, please visit

有關Dizzion在IDC MarketScape研究中的認可以及探索Dizzion全面的DaaS解決方案的更多信息,請訪問。

About Dizzion


At Dizzion, we simplify Desktop as a Service (DaaS) for effortless workspace transformations. Our cloud-native platform and comprehensive services offer you a one-stop solution. As pioneers and visionaries, we're committed to making work accessible, secure, sustainable, and enjoyable. Choose from our Flex, Managed, or Complete offerings. Managed or Complete solutions can be enhanced with our specialized +Compliance add-on for the highest compliance standards. Experience the future of workspace technology with Dizzion.


About IDC MarketScape

關於IDC Marketscape

IDC MarketScape vendor assessment model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of technology and service suppliers in a given market. The research utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each supplier's position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of technology suppliers can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective suppliers.

IDC MarketScape供應商評估模型旨在提供給定市場中技術和服務供應商的競爭能力概述。研究利用一種基於定性和定量標準的嚴密評分方法,得出每個供應商在給定市場中位置的單個圖形說明。IDC MarketScape爲技術採購者提供了一個清晰的框架,可以在其中有意義地比較技術供應商的產品和服務提供、能力和策略、以及當前和未來的市場成功因素。該框架還爲技術購買者提供了一種360度評估當前和潛在供應商的優缺點的方式。

SOURCE Dizzion, Inc.

來源:Dizzion, Inc.

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