
Patient Enrollment Commenced in Pivotal Phase 3 Trial of Rexlemestrocel-L for Chronic Low Back Pain

Patient Enrollment Commenced in Pivotal Phase 3 Trial of Rexlemestrocel-L for Chronic Low Back Pain

GlobeNewswire ·  07/21 20:45

NEW YORK, July 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mesoblast Limited (Nasdaq:MESO; ASX:MSB), global leader in allogeneic cellular medicines for inflammatory diseases, announced today that the confirmatory Phase 3 trial of its allogeneic, immunoselected, and industrially manufactured stromal cell product rexlemestrocel-L in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) due to inflammatory degenerative disc disease of less than five years duration has commenced enrollment at multiple sites across the United States.

紐約,2024年7月21日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——炎症性疾病異基因細胞藥物的全球領導者Mesoblast Limited(納斯達克股票代碼:MSO;澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:MSB)今天宣佈,針對炎性退行性慢性腰痛(CLBP)患者的同種異體、免疫選擇和工業製造的基質細胞產品Rexlemestrocel-L的3期確認性試驗持續時間不到五年的椎間盤疾病已開始在美國多個地點註冊。

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has previously confirmed alignment with Mesoblast on the design of the 300-patient randomized, placebo-controlled trial and the 12-month primary endpoint of pain reduction as an approvable indication. Key secondary measures include improvement in quality of life, function, and reduced opioid usage.


FDA has designated rexlemestrocel-L a Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) for the treatment of chronic low back pain. RMAT designation provides all the benefits of Breakthrough and Fast Track designations, including rolling review and eligibility for priority review on filing of a Biologics License Application (BLA).

美國食品藥品管理局已將Rexlemestrocel-L指定爲再生醫學高級療法(RMAT),用於治療慢性下背部疼痛。RMat 認證具有突破性和快速通道認證的所有好處,包括滾動審查和提交生物製劑許可證申請 (BLA) 時優先審查的資格。

"This therapy has the potential to be groundbreaking and life changing for the low back pain population," said Dr. Alan Miller, MD, trial investigator at Coastal Health Specialty Care in Jacksonville, Florida.


Mesoblast Chief Medical Officer Dr. Eric Rose said "We are very excited to be actively enrolling our pivotal trial of rexlemestrocel-L across multiple sites and look forward to confirming the durable pain reduction previously observed in the first Phase 3 trial. There is a significant need for a safe, effective, and durable treatment in patients with CLBP and degenerative disc disease, in particular one that reduces or eliminates opioid use."


About Chronic Low Back Pain
Back pain is the leading cause of disability in Americans under 45 years,1 with an annual prevalence in the general US adult population of 10-30%.2 CLBP caused by inflammation and degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a serious condition with a prevalence of over 7 million people in the US alone.3,4 CLBP due to DDD is a leading cause of disability, and is associated with impaired quality of life, severe limitations in ability to perform activities of daily living, reduced ability to work, and negative impacts on mental health. CLBP accounts for approximately 50% of prescription opioid usage in the US,4 making the condition a significant contributor to the opioid epidemic.

背痛是45歲以下美國人的主要殘疾原因1,在美國普通成年人群中,年患病率爲 10-30%。2 由炎症和椎間盤退行性疾病 (DDD) 引起的CLBP是一種嚴重的疾病,僅在美國就有超過700萬人患病。3,4 由於 DDD 導致的 CLBP 是導致殘疾的主要原因,與生活質量受損、日常活動能力嚴重受限有關生活,工作能力下降以及對心理健康的負面影響。在美國,CLBP約佔處方阿片類藥物使用量的50%,4這使得該病成爲阿片類藥物流行的重要原因。

About Mesoblast
Mesoblast (the Company) is a world leader in developing allogeneic (off-the-shelf) cellular medicines for the treatment of severe and life-threatening inflammatory conditions. The Company has leveraged its proprietary mesenchymal lineage cell therapy technology platform to establish a broad portfolio of late-stage product candidates which respond to severe inflammation by releasing anti-inflammatory factors that counter and modulate multiple effector arms of the immune system, resulting in significant reduction of the damaging inflammatory process.

關於 Mesoblast
Mesoblast(以下簡稱 “公司”)是開發用於治療嚴重和危及生命的炎症性疾病的同種異體(現成)細胞藥物的全球領導者。該公司利用其專有的間充質譜系細胞療法技術平台建立了廣泛的後期候選產品組合,這些產品通過釋放抗炎因子對抗和調節免疫系統的多個效應分支來應對嚴重炎症,從而顯著減少破壞性炎症過程。

Mesoblast has a strong and extensive global intellectual property portfolio with protection extending through to at least 2041 in all major markets. The Company's proprietary manufacturing processes yield industrial-scale, cryopreserved, off-the-shelf, cellular medicines. These cell therapies, with defined pharmaceutical release criteria, are planned to be readily available to patients worldwide.

Mesoblast 擁有強大而廣泛的全球知識產權組合,在所有主要市場的保護範圍至少可延伸至 2041 年。該公司的專有製造工藝可生產工業規模、冷凍保存、現成的細胞藥物。這些具有明確的藥物釋放標準的細胞療法計劃隨時可供全球患者使用。

Mesoblast is developing product candidates for distinct indications based on its remestemcel-L and rexlemestrocel-L allogeneic stromal cell technology platforms. Remestemcel-L is being developed for inflammatory diseases in children and adults including steroid refractory acute graft versus host disease, and biologic-resistant inflammatory bowel disease. Rexlemestrocel-L is being developed for advanced chronic heart failure and chronic low back pain. Two products have been commercialized in Japan and Europe by Mesoblast's licensees, and the Company has established commercial partnerships in Europe and China for certain Phase 3 assets.

Mesoblast正在基於其remestemcel-L和rexlemestrocel-L異基因基質細胞技術平台爲不同適應症開發候選產品。Remestemcel-L正在開發用於兒童和成人的炎症性疾病,包括類固醇難治性急性移植物抗宿主病和生物耐藥性炎症性腸病。Rexlemestrocel-L 正在開發用於晚期慢性心力衰竭和慢性下背痛。Mesoblast的被許可人已在日本和歐洲將兩種產品商業化,該公司已在歐洲和中國就某些第三階段資產建立了商業合作伙伴關係。

Mesoblast has locations in Australia, the United States and Singapore and is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (MSB) and on the Nasdaq (MESO). For more information, please see , LinkedIn: Mesoblast Limited and Twitter: @Mesoblast

Mesoblast在澳大利亞、美國和新加坡設有分支機構,並在澳大利亞證券交易所(MSB)和納斯達克(MESO)上市。欲了解更多信息,請參閱 LinkedIn:Mesoblast Limited 和 Twitter:@Mesoblast

References / Footnotes


  1. American Academy of Pain Medicine - Get the Facts on Pain. The American Academy of Pain Medicine. Accessed on June 28, 2017.
  2. Urits I, Burshtein A, Sharma M, et al. Low Back Pain, a Comprehensive Review: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Current Pain and Headache Reports. 2019;23(3):1-10. doi:10.1007/s11916-019-0757-1.
  3. Navigant: Commercial Assessment for a Proprietary Cell-Based Therapy for DDD in the U.S. and the EU3 – August 2014.
  4. Decision Resources: Chronic Pain December 2015.
  1. 美國疼痛醫學學會-了解疼痛事實。美國疼痛醫學學會。於 2017 年 6 月 28 日訪問。
  2. Urits I、Burshtein A、Sharma m 等腰痛,綜合綜述:病理生理學,診斷和治療。最新疼痛和頭痛報告。2019 年;23 (3): 1-10。doi: 10.1007/s11916-01916-019-0757-1。
  3. Navigant:美國和歐盟三國專利的基於細胞的DDD療法的商業評估——2014年8月。
  4. 決策資源:2015 年 12 月的慢性疼痛。

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes forward-looking statements that relate to future events or our future financial performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. We make such forward-looking statements pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results, and actual results may differ from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements, and the differences may be material and adverse. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about: the initiation, timing, progress and results of Mesoblast's preclinical and clinical studies, and Mesoblast's research and development programs; Mesoblast's ability to advance product candidates into, enroll and successfully complete, clinical studies, including multi-national clinical trials; Mesoblast's ability to advance its manufacturing capabilities; the timing or likelihood of regulatory filings and approvals (including any future decision that the FDA may make on the BLA for remestemcel-L for pediatric patients with SR-aGVHD), manufacturing activities and product marketing activities, if any; the commercialization of Mesoblast's product candidates, if approved; regulatory or public perceptions and market acceptance surrounding the use of stem-cell based therapies; the potential for Mesoblast's product candidates, if any are approved, to be withdrawn from the market due to patient adverse events or deaths; the potential benefits of strategic collaboration agreements and Mesoblast's ability to enter into and maintain established strategic collaborations; Mesoblast's ability to establish and maintain intellectual property on its product candidates and Mesoblast's ability to successfully defend these in cases of alleged infringement; the scope of protection Mesoblast is able to establish and maintain for intellectual property rights covering its product candidates and technology; estimates of Mesoblast's expenses, future revenues, capital requirements and its needs for additional financing; Mesoblast's financial performance; developments relating to Mesoblast's competitors and industry; and the pricing and reimbursement of Mesoblast's product candidates, if approved. You should read this press release together with our risk factors, in our most recently filed reports with the SEC or on our website. Uncertainties and risks that may cause Mesoblast's actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those which may be expressed or implied by such statements, and accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. We do not undertake any obligations to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.

本新聞稿包括與未來事件或我們未來財務業績相關的前瞻性陳述,涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致我們的實際業績、活動水平、業績或成就與這些前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、活動水平、業績或成就存在重大差異。我們根據1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》和其他聯邦證券法的安全港條款做出此類前瞻性陳述。不應將前瞻性陳述視爲對未來業績或業績的保證,實際業績可能與這些前瞻性陳述中的預期結果有所不同,差異可能是重大和負面的。前瞻性陳述包括但不限於以下方面的陳述:Mesoblast的臨床前和臨床研究以及Mesoblast的研發計劃的啓動、時機、進展和結果;Mesoblast推進候選產品進入、註冊和成功完成臨床研究(包括多國臨床試驗)的能力;Mesoblast提高其製造能力的能力;監管機構申報和批准(包括任何未來決定)的時機或可能性美國食品和藥物管理局可能會在 BLA 上規定Remestemcel-L(適用於患有 sr-AGVHD 的兒科患者)、生產活動和產品營銷活動(如果有);Mesoblast候選產品的商業化(如果獲得批准);監管或公衆對使用幹細胞療法的看法和市場接受度;Mesoblast的候選產品(如果有)因患者不良事件或死亡而退出市場的可能性;戰略合作協議的潛在好處以及 Mesoblast 進入和維持已建立的能力戰略合作;Mesoblast建立和維護其候選產品的知識產權的能力以及Mesoblast在涉嫌侵權的情況下成功爲這些候選產品進行辯護的能力;Mesoblast能夠確立和維護涵蓋其候選產品和技術的知識產權的保護範圍;對Mesoblast支出、未來收入、資本需求及其額外融資需求的估計;Mesoblast的財務業績;與Mesoblast競爭對手和競爭對手相關的發展工業;以及如果獲得批准,Mesoblast候選產品的定價和報銷。您應該在我們最近向美國證券交易委員會提交的報告中或我們的網站上閱讀本新聞稿以及我們的風險因素。可能導致Mesoblast的實際業績、業績或成就與此類陳述可能明示或暗示的不確定性和風險存在重大差異,因此,您不應過分依賴這些前瞻性陳述。我們不承擔任何義務公開更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來發展還是其他原因。

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