
New IBM SkillsBuild Cybersecurity Certificate and Data Analytics Certificates to Be Deployed in Community College Systems Across Alabama, California Bay Area, Colorado and Louisiana

New IBM SkillsBuild Cybersecurity Certificate and Data Analytics Certificates to Be Deployed in Community College Systems Across Alabama, California Bay Area, Colorado and Louisiana

IBM SkillsBuild網絡安全證書和數據分析證書將在阿拉巴馬州、加利福尼亞灣區、科羅拉多州和路易斯安那州的社區大學系統部署。
IBM Corp ·  07/22 00:00

WASHINGTON, July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IBM (NYSE: IBM) today unveiled two new IBM SkillsBuild certificates in cybersecurity and data analytics, which have been piloted and designed with community colleges. These new IBM SkillsBuild certificates will be available to students across the Alabama Community College System, Bay Area Community College Consortium, Colorado Community College System, and Louisiana Community and Technical College System this fall.

2019年7月22日,IBm (紐交所:IBM)今天推出了兩個新的IBm SkillsBuild證書:網絡安全和數據分析,這些證書已經在社區大學進行了試點和設計。這些新的IBm SkillsBuild證書將於今年秋季在Alabama社區大學系統,灣區社區大學聯盟,科羅拉多社區大學系統以及路易斯安那州社區和技術大學系統向學生提供。


Cybersecurity and data analytics skills are essential for artificial intelligence (AI) innovation, enabling professionals to extract insights, secure critical information, drive informed decisions, and create value across industries in an increasingly data-centric and security-conscious world. According to a global study conducted by IBM Institute of Business Value, executives estimate that implementing AI and automation will require 40% of their workforce to reskill over the next three years, mostly those in entry-level positions. This underscores the importance of creating public-private partnerships to help close the skills gap.


"Community colleges play a critical role in advancing the adoption of essential technology skills for the workforce," said Lydia Logan, Vice President for Global Education and Workforce Development, IBM Corporate Social Responsibility. "With these new credentials, IBM is helping learners gain the in-demand skills employers are seeking in a new AI-enabled workplace."

“社區大學在推進促進勞動力擁有關鍵技術技能方面發揮着關鍵作用,” IBm企業社會責任全球教育和勞動力發展副總裁Lydia Logan表示。 “通過這些新證書,IBm正在幫助學習者獲得AI-enabled新工作場所中僱主正在尋求的需求技能。”

The certificates are designed to meet the needs of learners and have been developed with academic and industry experts. Community college programs can integrate them into existing curriculums for students to earn credits.


  • Designed to meet the needs of learners: These certificates are accessible for first-time degree seekers, upskillers, or career changers who hold a high school degree or GED, associate degree, or a bachelor's degree in a non-technical field. Self-paced, experiential learning across all levels helps effectively prepare learners for potential job opportunities such as junior information security analyst, network security technician, data visualization specialist, and entry-level marketing analyst.
  • Developed together with academic and industry experts: Jobs for the Future (JFF) and a coalition of industry experts contributed to and validated the new competency-based IBM SkillsBuild certificates to align coursework and learnings with current employer demand as well as trends and expectations in the market to maximize job opportunities for students upon completion. The experts included representatives from employers including banks and tech firms, as well as schools and education nonprofits nationwide.
  • Integrate into existing community college programs for college credits: Each certificate learning plan is 60-65 hours in length and can be integrated into a community college's curriculum. The American Council on Education (ACE) has conducted a Learning Evaluation Review of the certificates and recommends 12 credits for completion of the IBM SkillsBuild Cybersecurity Certificate and 8 credits for the IBM SkillsBuild Data Analytics Certificate. The coursework also aligns with CompTIA SEC+ certification topics and skills and is recognized by potential employers.
  • 旨在滿足學習者的需求:這些證書適用於首次獲得學位者、提升技能者或轉行者,他們擁有高中學位或GED、副學位或非技術領域的學士學位。跨越各個層面的自學式體驗式學習有助於有效地爲學習者準備潛在的工作機會,如初級信息安全分析師、網絡安全技術人員、數據可視化專家和初級市場分析師等。
  • 與學術和行業專家一起開發:Jobs for the Future(JFF)和一群行業專家爲新的基於能力的IBm SkillsBuild證書做出了貢獻,並對其進行了驗證,以將課程和學習與目前的僱主需求、市場趨勢和預期相一致,以最大化學生的就業機會。這些專家包括來自銀行和科技公司的代表,以及全國的學校和教育非營利組織。
  • 將其整合到社區大學課程以獲得大學學分:每個證書學習計劃的長度爲60-65小時,並可整合到社區大學的課程中。美國大學理事會(ACE)對證書進行了學習評估審查,並推薦獲得IBm SkillsBuild網絡安全證書完成12個學分,獲得IBm SkillsBuild數據分析證書完成8個學分。課程還與CompTIA SEC +認證主題和技能相一致,並得到潛在僱主的認可。

The new certificates from IBM SkillsBuild require completion of the following courses:

IBm SkillsBuild的新證書需要完成以下課程:

IBM SkillsBuild Cybersecurity Certificate: governance, risk, compliance and data privacy, vulnerability management, system and network security, cloud security, security operations management, and incident response and system forensics.

IBm SkillsBuild網絡安全證書:治理、風險、合規和數據隱私、漏洞管理、系統和網絡安全、雲安全、安全運營管理以及事故響應和系統取證。

IBM SkillsBuild Data Analytics Certificate: data classification, data usability for organizations, inferential and descriptive statistics, data collection and analysis, data preparation for analysis, and data visualization and presentation.

IBm SkillsBuild數據分析證書:數據分類、組織的數據可用性、推斷性和描述性統計、數據收集和分析、分析前的數據準備,以及數據可視化和演示。

Additionally, students will have access to IBM SkillsBuild including other credentials and more than 1,000 free courses such as AI, sustainability, cybersecurity, data analytics, cloud computing, and workplace skills.

此外,學生將可以訪問IBm SkillsBuild,包括其他證書以及超過1,000門免費課程,如人工智能、可持續性、網絡安全、數據分析、雲計算和職場技能。

The new certificates were piloted successfully with students in Alabama, Colorado, California, and Louisiana in 2023.


"Alabama community college worked with IBM to pilot the Cybersecurity Certificate because of the strong need for entry-level competency-based credentials that help students start on a pathway for an IT career," said Dr. Courtney Monette, Special Programs Project Director, Alabama Community College System. "In 2021, Alabama adopted a skills-based workforce training program called Mobilizing Alabama Pathways, or MAPs, that allows new and returning adult education and career pathway students an opportunity to earn a credential like the IBM SkillsBuild Cybersecurity or Data Analytics Certificate; thus building confidence and basic employability skills for all high demand high wage career clusters."

“阿拉巴馬社區學院系統的特別項目項目主任Courtney Monette博士表示:“與IBm合作試點網絡安全證書,是因爲我們需要入門水平的基於能力的證書,幫助學生開始IT職業生涯的道路。在2021年,阿拉巴馬州採用了一個名爲Mobilizing Alabama Pathways或MAPs的基於技能的勞動力培訓計劃,允許新的和回歸的成人教育和職業道路學生獲得像IBm SkillsBuild網絡安全或數據分析證書這樣的證書;從而爲所有高需求、高薪的職業群體建立信心和基本的就業技能。”

"Using the IBM SkillsBuild Cybersecurity credential for my two community education Cybersecurity Fundamentals courses that I piloted at Diablo Valley College during last fall and spring semesters, proved to be a rewarding experience for the student participants, for me, and for the college," said Richard Grotegut, Computer Network Technology Faculty at Diablo Valley College, part of the Contra Costa Community College District and a member of the Bay Area Community College Consortium. "It confirmed the college's decision to offer the course as part of their academic offerings beginning this coming school year. The credential proved to be a very good entry-level introduction to cybersecurity. While most of the participants enhanced their academic credentials and are pursuing further study, several of the course "career-changers" used their success in the class to gain employment in technical support positions with local companies. The rich course content and approach, with a strong focus on oral and written communication skills, was a key factor in building the confidence that helped the students land those jobs."

Diablo Valley College的計算機網絡技術教師Richard Grotegut表示:“在過去的秋季和春季,我在Diablo Valley College進行的兩門社區教育網絡安全基礎課程中使用了IBm SkillsBuild網絡安全證書,這對於學生參與者、我和學院來說都是一次有益的經驗。”它證實了學院的決定,從明年開始在學術提供中開設課程。證書證明是網絡安全的一個很好的入門介紹。雖然大多數參與者都增強了他們的學術證書並繼續深造,但幾個“職業轉型者”利用他們在課程中的成功來獲得本地公司的技術支持職位。豐富的課程內容和方法,專注於口頭和書面交流技能,是建立有助於學生獲得這些工作的信心的關鍵因素。

"Front Range Community College is thrilled to have been selected as one of four colleges nationally to collaborate in designing and launching the new IBM SkillsBuild data analytics credential," said Colleen Simpson, EdD, Front Range Community College President. "This collaboration with renowned technology leader IBM provides our students the opportunity to develop critical skill sets in this rapidly growing field."

“Front Range Community College非常高興能夠成爲與其他三所大學合作設計和推出新的IBm SkillsBuild數據分析證書的四個大學之一,” Colleen Simpson,EdD,Front Range Community College院長表示。 “與著名的技術領導者IBm的合作爲我們的學生提供了在這個快速增長的領域中發展關鍵技能的機會。”

"Baton Rouge Community College was excited to work with IBM in piloting this initiative last year," said BRCC Chancellor Dr. Willie E. Smith. "We look forward to continuing this collaboration and working with IBM to expand the initiative and offer it to Louisiana citizens through the Louisiana Community and Technical College System. Through this collaboration, we are demonstrating a commitment to equipping our residents with the skills and practical experience required to excel in the high demand fields of cybersecurity and data analytics. Together, we are paving the way for Louisiana to emerge as a national leader in these rapidly growing sectors, ensuring our talent is prepared to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities of the future."

“路易斯安那社區和技術大學系統很高興去年能夠與IBm合作試點此項倡議,” BRCC校長Willie E. Smith博士表示。 “我們期待繼續這種合作,並與IBm合作通過Louisiana Community and Technical College System向路易斯安那州公民提供該倡議。通過這種合作,我們展示了裝備我們的居民具備現在和未來需要的技能和實踐經驗的承諾,以在網絡安全和數據分析等快速增長的領域中脫穎而出。我們正在一起爲路易斯安那州打造一個國家領先者,確保我們的人才準備好應對未來的挑戰並抓住機遇。”

"In an increasingly dynamic economy shaped by fast-evolving technology, employers, learners, and workers need nimble and trusted ways to acquire and validate skills that will lead to quality jobs of the future," said Joel Vargas, Vice President of JFF's Education Practice. "JFF is proud to work with IBM and these innovative colleges to lead the charge on creating scalable solutions to meet this growing need."

“在一個由快速演變的技術所塑造的日益動態的經濟中,僱主、學習者和工人需要靈活和可信賴的方式來獲得和驗證將導致未來優質工作的技能,” JFF教育實踐副總裁Joel Vargas表示。 “JFF很自豪能夠與IBm和這些創新的學院合作,率先創建可擴展的解決方案,以滿足這種日益增長的需求。”

IBM's work with community colleges is an important component of the company's pioneering skills-first approach and part of IBM's commitment to providing 30 million people with new skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow by 2030.


About IBM SkillsBuild

關於IBm SkillsBuild

IBM SkillsBuild is a free education program aimed at increasing access to technology education. Through the program, IBM supports adult learners, and high school and university students and faculty, to develop valuable new skills and access career opportunities. The program includes an online platform that is complemented by customized practical learning experiences delivered in collaboration with a global network of partners.

IBm SkillsBuild是一個免費的教育計劃,旨在增加對科技教育的接觸。通過該計劃,IBm支持成年學習者,高中和大學的學生和教職員工發展有價值的新技能,並獲得職業機會。該計劃包括一個在線平台,它與全球合作伙伴網絡中的定製實踐學習經驗相結合。

The open version of IBM SkillsBuild is an online platform offering over 1,000 courses in 20 languages on AI, sustainability, cybersecurity, data analysis, cloud computing, and many other technical disciplines — as well as in workplace skills such as design thinking. Participants can earn IBM-branded digital credentials that are recognized by the market.

IBm SkillsBuild的開放版本是一個在線平台,在人工智能、可持續性、網絡安全概念、數據分析、雲計算服務商和許多其他技術領域以及設計思維等職場技能方面提供超過1,000門課程,參與者可以獲得市場認可的IBm品牌數字證書。

The enhanced version of IBM SkillsBuild may also include workshops, expert conversations with IBM coaches and mentors, project-based learning, access to IBM software, specialized support from partners through the learning process, and connection to career opportunities. Visit to learn more.

IBm SkillsBuild的增強版還可能包括研討會、與IBm教練和導師進行的專家交談、基於項目的學習、對IBm軟件的訪問、合作伙伴在學習過程中的專業支持以及職業機會的聯繫。請訪問skillsbuild.org了解更多信息。

Media Contact:


Estefania Sanchez
IBM Media Relations

Estefania Sanchez
IBM 媒體關係



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