
Safe And Green Development Corporation Joins $400M Pigmental Studio Development

Safe And Green Development Corporation Joins $400M Pigmental Studio Development

PR Newswire ·  07/22 09:00

MIAMI, July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Safe and Green Development Corporation (NASDAQ: SGD) ("SG Devco" or the "Company") is thrilled to announce their participation in the $400M Pigmental Studios Development project set in St Mary's, coastal Georgia. While the property is currently in the process of closing, SG Devco is committed to collaborating closely with Pigmental Studios to ensure the success of this groundbreaking endeavor.

2024年7月22日,邁阿密/美通社——Safe and Green Development Corporation(納斯達克股票代碼:SGD)(“SG Devco”或“公司”)非常高興地宣佈,他們將參與位於喬治亞州海岸城市聖瑪麗的4000萬美元Pigmental Studios開發項目。雖然該物業目前正在交易過程中,但SG Devco致力於與Pigmental Studios密切合作,確保這項開創性的事業的成功。

The Pigmental Studios Development project is intended to impact the entertainment industry by providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and resources for the production of high-quality media content in the live action, visual effects, animation, and immersive storytelling experiences. SG Devco will bring their expertise in sustainable construction practices, aligning with Pigmental's vision for this development project.

Pigmental Studios開發項目旨在通過提供最先進的基礎設施和資源,爲現場製作、視覺特效、動畫和沉浸式敘事體驗等高質量媒體內容的製作產業帶來影響。SG Devco將爲這個開發項目帶來他們在可持續建築實踐方面的專業知識,與Pigmental的願景相符。

David Villarreal, CEO of SG Devco, expressed his excitement about this collaboration, stating, "We are honored to participate with Pigmental Studios in this venture. As a significant part of the team, we will participate in creating this world-class production studio that will not only contribute to the growth of the entertainment industry in Georgia but specifically prioritize sustainability. This collaboration showcases the strong working relationship we have built with Pigmental and our shared commitment to responsible excellence."

SG Devco的首席執行官David Villarreal對此次合作表示了興奮之情,他說:“我們很榮幸能夠與Pigmental Studios參與這個項目。作爲團隊的重要成員,我們將參與創建這個世界級的製作工作室,這將不僅有助於促進喬治亞的娛樂業發展,而且我們還將優先考慮可持續性。這項合作展示了我們與Pigmental建立的緊密合作關係以及我們共同致力於負責任卓越的承諾。”

Marina Martins, CEO of Pigmental Studios, also shared her enthusiasm for the collaboration, saying, "Adding SG Devco to our team is a crucial step towards realizing our vision for the Pigmental Studios Development. With SG Devco's experience in sustainable practices, we are confident that this project will set thoughtful standards in the industry. We are excited to work together to provide a viable, sustainably aesthetic and collaboratively functional campus for artists and storytellers."

Pigmental Studios的首席執行官Marina Martins也分享了她對此次合作的熱情,她表示:“將SG Devco加入我們的團隊是實現Pigmental Studios Development計劃的關鍵一步。在SG Devco的可持續實踐經驗下,我們相信這個項目將會在業內設置思考性的標準。我們非常高興能夠攜手爲藝術家和敘事者提供一個可行的、可持續美學和協作性功能的校園。”

As the collaboration between SG Devco and Pigmental Studios continues to flourish, both companies look forward to the eminent commencement of construction for the Pigmental Studios Development. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting collaboration.

隨着SG Devco和Pigmental Studios的合作不斷深入,兩家公司期待Pigmental Studios Development的建設即將開始。敬請期待關於這一激動人心合作的進一步更新。

About Safe and Green Development Corporation (SG Devco)

關於Safe and Green Development Corporation(SG Devco)

Safe and Green Development Corporation is a real estate development company. Formed in 2021, it focuses on the development of sites using purpose-built, prefabricated modules built from both wood and steel. The thesis of development is to build strong, innovative and green, single or multifamily projects across all income and asset classes. Additionally, a majority owned subsidiary of SG DevCo, Majestic World Holdings LLC, is a prop-tech company that has created the XENE Home Platform. It is powered by advanced AI technology which aims to decentralize the real estate marketplace, creating an all-in-one solution that brings banks, institutions, home builders, clients, agents, vendors, gig workers, and insurers into a seamlessly integrated and structured AI-driven environment. MyVONIA Innovations LLC, a wholly own subsidiary, is the owner of MyVONIA which is an AI-powered personal assistant designed to help simplify daily tasks and improve productivity for individuals and businesses. MyVONIA aims to assist with managing both personal and professional tasks.


About Pigmental Studios:

關於Pigmental Studios:

Pigmental Studios is a visionary production company dedicated to pushing the boundaries of creative immersive storytelling. By nurturing talented storytellers, artists and technicians, Pigmental Studios creates captivating experiences that captivate worldwide audiences, transporting them to extraordinary universes. By combining immersive technology, artistry, and storytelling, Pigmental Studios is the leading edge of the creative focused entertainment industry.

Pigmental Studios是一家致力於推動創意沉浸式敘事的遠見生產公司。通過培養才華橫溢的敘事者、藝術家和技術人員,Pigmental Studios創建了引人入勝的體驗,將全球觀衆帶入非凡的宇宙。通過結合沉浸式科技、藝術和敘事,Pigmental Studios是創意性娛樂行業的領先端。

Safe Harbor Statement


This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements other than statements of historical fact are, or may be deemed to be, forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "may," "should," "potential," "continue," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," and similar expressions, and include statements regarding collaborating closely with Pigmental Studios to ensure the success of the Pigmental Studios Development project in St Mary's, Georgia while the closing of the property sale is pending, the Pigmental Studios Development project impacting the entertainment industry by providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and resources for the production of high-quality media content in the live action, visual effects, animation, and immersive storytelling experiences, creating a world-class production studio that will not only contribute to the growth of the entertainment industry in Georgia but specifically prioritize sustainability, the project setting thoughtful standards in the industry with SG Devco's experience in sustainable development practices, working together to bring creative ideas to life and provide a viable, sustainably aesthetic and collaboratively functional campus for artists and storytellers from around the world, working with the Development team led by Holder Properties, based on design work by architects, Gensler, to fulfill the joint mission of creating a nature forward, technologically cutting-edge production studio, the eminent commencement of construction for the Pigmental Studios Development and providing further updates on the collaboration with Pigmental Studios.

本新聞稿可能包含根據1933年證券法修正案第27A條和1934年證券交易法修正案第21E條的前瞻性聲明。除歷史事實陳述外,所有陳述均或將被視爲前瞻性聲明。在某些情況下,前瞻性聲明可以通過如“可能”、“應該”、“潛在”、“持續”、“預期”、“預計”、“打算”、“計劃”、“認爲”、“估計”等詞彙來辨識,幷包括與與Pigmental Studios緊密合作確保聖瑪麗(St Mary's)的Pigmental Studios開發項目成功,儘管物業銷售正在等待關閉,Pigmental Studios Development項目通過提供先進的基礎設施和資源——包括現場製作、視覺特效、動畫和沉浸式敘事體驗等高質量媒體內容的製作產業,打造一個世界級的製作工作室,不僅有助於促進喬治亞的娛樂業發展,而且優先考慮可持續性,這項合作展示了我們與Pigmental建立的緊密合作關係以及我們共同致力於負責任卓越的承諾,藉助SG Devco在可持續發展實踐方面的經驗,在喬治亞創造一個可行的、可持續的美學和具有合作性的校園,與Holder Properties領導的開發團隊一起工作,根據由建築師Gensler設計的設計工作,實現面向自然、技術前沿的製片工作室的聯合使命,Pigmental Studios Development的建設將很快開工以及提供與Pigmental Studios合作的進一步更新有關管理的聲明,參見我們在2023年12月31日結束的年度報告中,以及我們隨後向證券交易委員會提交的文件。警告讀者不要對這些前瞻性聲明過分依賴,因爲這些聲明僅在此之時有效。本新聞稿的所有前瞻性聲明均受到本警告聲明的限制,並且公司無義務修訂或更新本新聞稿以反映今後事件或情況。

These forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by us in light of our experience and our perception of historical trends, current conditions, and expected future developments, as well as other factors we believe are appropriate in the circumstances. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, among others, the Company's ability to commence construction and work together with Pigmental Studios to complete the development of the Pigmental Studios Development project in St Mary's, Georgia as planned, the ability of the Pigmental Studios Development project to impact the entertainment industry, the Company's ability to contribute to the growth of the entertainment industry in Georgia by creating a world-class production studio and prioritizing sustainability, the Company's ability to provide a viable, sustainably aesthetic and collaboratively functional campus for artists and storytellers from around the world, the Company's ability to obtain the capital necessary to fund its activities, the Company's ability to attract relevant stakeholders to join the project, the Company's ability to monetize its real estate holdings, and other factors discussed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and its subsequent filings with the SEC. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and the Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof.

這些前瞻性聲明是我們根據我們的經驗和我們對歷史趨勢、當前情況和預期未來發展以及我們認爲在這種情況下適當的其他因素所作出的某些假設和分析的基礎上作出的。導致實際結果與當前期望不一致的重要因素包括,但不限於,公司能否按計劃開始施工並與Pigmental Studios緊密合作完成聖瑪麗(St Mary's)的Pigmental Studios開發項目、Pigmental Studios Development項目對娛樂產業的影響,公司能否通過創建一個世界級的製作工作室並優先考慮可持續性,進一步促進喬治亞的娛樂產業的增長,公司能否爲來自世界各地的藝術家和敘事者提供一個可行的、可持續美學和協作性功能的校園,公司能否獲得必要的資本來資助其活動,公司能否吸引相關利益攸關方加入項目,公司能否實現其房地產持有的貨幣化,以及其他在公司2023年12月31日結束的年度報告Form 10-k以及其後提交的文件中討論的因素。讀者被警告不要過分依賴這些前瞻性聲明,在這裏僅限制此聲明的全部前瞻性聲明,公司不承擔修訂或更新本新聞稿反映事件或情況的義務。

SOURCE Safe and Green Development Corporation

本新聞稿可能包含根據《1933年證券法》及其修訂版本第27A條和《1934年證券交易法》及其修訂版本第21E條作出的前瞻性陳述。除歷史事實陳述外,所有其他陳述均爲或可能被視爲前瞻性陳述。在某些情況下,前瞻性陳述可能會被識別爲“可能”、“應該”、“潛在”、“持續”、“預計”、“期望”、“預期”、“計劃”、“信任”、“估計”和類似表達式,幷包括關於MyVonia簡化個人和企業的日常任務,MyVonia協助管理個人和專業任務,利用人工智能實現實際日常使用的任務,MyVonia滿足並超越用戶的期望,爲他們的日常工作帶來前所未有的效率和樂趣,將MyVonia整合到Xene作爲人工智能輔助工具,整合將通過在房地產交易、互動方面提供支持和幫助用戶更高效地瀏覽平台,增強用戶體驗,向廣大觀衆介紹MyVonia的獨特優勢和變革潛力,鼓勵用戶親身體驗人工智能如何簡化和增強他們的日常生活,Xene Home創建一種將銀行業、機構、家庭建設者、客戶、代理商、供應商、零工和保險公司納入無縫集成和結構化的人工智能驅動環境中的全方位解決方案。這些前瞻性聲明基於我們根據歷史經驗和對歷史趨勢、當前情況和預期未來發展的感知所做的某些假設和分析,以及我們認爲在這種情況下合適的其他因素。重要因素可能會導致實際結果與當前預期有所不同,包括但不限於MyVonia簡化個人和企業的日常任務能力,公司將MyVonia整合到Xene中作爲人工智能輔助工具並增強用戶體驗的能力,公司將MyVonia介紹給廣泛觀衆的能力,公司獲得籌集資金所需的資本的能力,公司吸引銀行業、機構、家庭建築商、客戶、代理商、供應商、零工和保險公司加入Xene Home平台的能力,公司從其房地產持有中獲利的能力,以及公司2023年12月31日年報和其隨後提交給SEC的其他文件中討論的其他因素。讀者應當注意不要對這些前瞻性聲明過度依賴,這些聲明僅適用於今天的日期。所有前瞻性聲明均得到本警告聲明的完全限制,並且本公司不承諾修訂或更新本新聞稿以反映今天之後發生的事件或情況。

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