
SandboxAQ Helps Unlock the Next Generation of AI-Driven Chemistry With NVIDIA Technology

SandboxAQ Helps Unlock the Next Generation of AI-Driven Chemistry With NVIDIA Technology

PR Newswire ·  07/23 09:00

SandboxAQ's Quantitative AI models combined with the CUDA-DMRG algorithm accelerates computational chemistry calculations by 80x and catalyzes a new wave of breakthrough applications across industries


PALO ALTO, Calif., July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SandboxAQ announced today a groundbreaking advancement that pushes the limits of computational chemistry, impacting fields such as biopharma, chemicals, materials science and other industries. Collaborating with NVIDIA, SandboxAQ leverages Large Quantitative Models (LQMs) and the NVIDIA CUDA-accelerated Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) algorithm. This allows scientists to perform highly accurate Quantitative AI simulations of real-life systems with exacting accuracy, going beyond what Large Language Models (LLMs) and other AI models can currently do.

加利福尼亞州帕洛阿爾託,2024年7月23日 / PRNewswire / - 宣佈了一項具有突破性的進展,突破了計算化學的極限,影響到了生物製藥、化學、材料科學和其他行業領域。與此同時,SandboxAQ與英偉達合作,並利用大型量化模型(LQMs)和英偉達加速的密度矩陣重整化組(DMRG)算法,從而允許科學家在精度上進行高度準確的量化人工智能模擬,超越了目前大型語言模型(LLMs)和其他人工智能模型的能力範圍。SandboxAQSandboxAQ宣佈與各種機構合作,旨在進一步推動創新。在塑造新的突破應用領域方面,英偉達量子平台和加速計算與CUDA-DMRG算法相結合,可以將高度準確的計算速度提高80倍,而將系統可計算的催化劑和酶活性中心的大小擴大了一倍以上。通過與技術領袖(包括NVIDIA)的合作,飛利浦繼續將AI迅速集成到其心血管超聲成像產品組合中,以幫助提高效率和生產力,並緩解員工短缺問題,同時爲越來越多的患者提供高質量的心臟病學護理。應用大量的物理數據訓練大型人工智能模型,以在物理世界中開創新局面,是一種新型量化人工智能的核心。SandboxAQ的LQM可以對世界進行準確預測,因爲它們建立在精確的、基於物理的數據上。而LLMs則僅限於互聯網或其他現有來源的數據。

Combining the CUDA-DMRG algorithm, the NVIDIA Quantum platform, and NVIDIA accelerated computing speeds up these highly accurate calculations more than 80x, compared with traditional 128-core CPU computations. At the same time, it more than doubles the sizes of computable catalysts and enzyme active sites calculated by the system. SandboxAQ researchers use these computational results to train AI networks to optimize for the desired treatment or catalyst as outlined in the preprint available at .


"Advanced computing is opening new frontiers in scientific research. Our use of NVIDIA technology has allowed us to address some of the most challenging problems in chemistry," said Dr. Martin Ganahl, senior staff scientist at SandboxAQ. "We are not only advancing our understanding of material science and chemistry, but also paving the way for the next wave of innovations in drug discovery and catalysis to tackle currently-untreatable conditions and find safer and cheaper ways to synthesize molecules and materials."

“先進的計算機技術正在打開科學研究的新領域。我們使用英偉達技術,已經能夠解決化學領域的一些最具挑戰性的問題,“SandboxAQ的高級科學家Martin Ganahl博士表示。“我們不僅正在推進我們對材料科學和化學的理解,還爲探索新型藥物和催化劑的下一波創新鋪平道路,以應對當前不可治療的病症,並尋找更安全便宜的合成分子和材料的方法。”

"AI supercomputing is helping to solve critical problems in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries," said Tim Costa, director of high-performance and quantum computing at NVIDIA. "SandboxAQ's use of the NVIDIA Quantum platform is facilitating simulations at an unprecedented scale, enabling scientists to rethink what's possible in computational chemistry."

“超級人工智能計算正協助化學和製藥行業解決關鍵問題,”NVIDIA高性能和量子計算董事Tim Costa表示。“SandboxAQ使用英偉達量子平台,以前所未有的規模進行模擬,使科學家可以重新思考計算化學的可能性。”

"This work with NVIDIA underscores SandboxAQ's commitment to pushing the envelope of scientific discovery and technological innovation," said Jim Breyer, Founder and CEO of Breyer Capital and an early investor in SandboxAQ. "Unlocking the secrets of new compounds and catalysts makes possible a new era of LQM breakthroughs in various industries that take us beyond LLMs. This has significant implications for improving quality of life and driving economic growth."

“與英偉達的合作突顯了SandboxAQ推動科學發現和技術創新的承諾,”Breyer資本創始人兼首席執行官Jim Breyer表示。“揭示新化合物和催化劑的祕密,爲各行各業的大型量化模型突破開啓了新時代,超越了LLMs,這對改善生活質量和推動經濟增長具有重要意義”。

Last year, SandboxAQ announced AI collaborations with the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), NOVONIX, and Riboscience. In 2024, Flagship Pioneering, SPARK NS, and other organizations signed on to further their innovation pipelines.

去年,SandboxAQ宣佈了與加利福尼亞大學舊金山分校(UCSF),NOVONIX和Riboscience的AI合作。2024年,Flagship Pioneering,SPARk NS和其他組織簽署協議,以進一步推動創新。LQMs的應用範圍從生物製藥到農業、先進材料等領域。例如,在生物製藥方面,酶細胞色素P450在人體藥物代謝中起着核心作用,對了解藥物毒性至關重要。CUDA-DMRG可幫助解決精準建立細胞色素的催化活性的長期難題,並提供一種計算毒性預測的破局方向,允許計算模擬在臨床試驗之前進行風險評估。去年,SandboxAQ宣佈了與加利福尼亞大學舊金山分校(UCSF),NOVONIX和Riboscience的AI合作。2024年,Flagship Pioneering,SPARk NS和其他組織簽署協議,以進一步推動創新。

Applications for LQMs range from biopharma to agriculture to advanced materials. In biopharma for example, the enzyme Cytochrome P450s plays a central role in human drug metabolism and is central to understanding drug toxicity. CUDA-DMRG can help solve the long-standing problem of accurately modeling cytochromes' catalytic activity and provide a game-changing angle for computational toxicity prediction, allowing computational simulation to de-risk clinical trials before they happen.


Training large AI models with proprietary, generated data to unlock breakthroughs in the physical world is the heart of a new wave of Quantitative AI. LQMs can make accurate predictions about the world because they are grounded in exact, physics-based data. While LLMs are limited to the data available on the Internet or other existing sources, SandboxAQ's LQMs can access an unlimited supply of training data generated by physics-based Quantitative AI simulations.


About SandboxAQ
SandboxAQ is a B2B company delivering AI solutions that address some of the world's greatest challenges. The company's Large Quantitative Models (LQMs) deliver critical advances in life sciences, financial services, navigation, cyber and other sectors. The company emerged from Alphabet Inc. as an independent, growth capital-backed company in 2022, funded by leading investors including T. Rowe Price, Eric Schmidt, Breyer Capital, Guggenheim Partners, Marc Benioff, Thomas Tull, Paladin Capital Group, and others. For more information, visit .

SandboxAQ是一家企業級SaaS公司,提供處於AI和量子技術之交(AQ)的解決方案,以解決一些世界上最大的挑戰。該公司的核心團隊和靈感源於Alphabet Inc.,並在2022年成爲一家獨立的、獲得增長的資本支持的公司。SandboxAQ得到了T. Rowe Price、Eric Schmidt(SandboxAQ董事長)、Breyer Capital、Guggenheim Partners、Marc Benioff、Thomas Tull、Paladin Capital Group和其他領先投資者的支持。有關更多信息,請訪問
SandboxAQ是一家價值20億美元的公司,提供解決世界上一些最大挑戰的人工智能解決方案。該公司的大型量化模型(LQMs)在生命科學、金融服務、導航、網絡安全和其他領域取得了重大進展。該公司於2022年從Alphabet公司獨立出來,由普信集團、Eric Schmidt、Breyer Capital、古根海姆合夥公司、Marc Benioff、Thomas Tull、百利大資本集團等領先投資者提供資金支持。欲了解更多信息,請訪問.


來源 SandboxAQ

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