
Upwork Study Finds Employee Workloads Rising Despite Increased C-Suite Investment in Artificial Intelligence

Upwork Study Finds Employee Workloads Rising Despite Increased C-Suite Investment in Artificial Intelligence

Upwork ·  07/23 00:00
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Data reveals 96% of C-suite leaders expect AI to boost worker productivity, but 77% of employees report AI has increased their workload


SAN FRANCISCO, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Upwork Inc. (Nasdaq: UPWK), the world's work marketplace that connects businesses with independent talent, today released a new study from The Upwork Research Institute revealing that AI is increasing the workloads of full-time employees, hampering productivity, and contributing to employee burnout.

加州舊金山,2024年7月23日(環球新聞社) - upwork公司。聯合與工作場所情報研究機構(Workplace Intelligence)發佈了一個關於所有板塊商業對人工智能的影響的新研究。新的題爲“隨機對照試驗:kefir對患有ADHD兒童的行爲、睡眠和微生物組的影響:研究方案”的研究協議,由英國醫學雜誌(BMJ)開放雜誌發表。 該試驗將測試以飲食爲基礎的干預來針對腸道健康,以支持ADHD患兒的健康,因爲以前的研究表明,每日食用乳製品kefir中的益生菌能夠積極改變微生物組的組成,從而導致ADHD症狀減少和睡眠改善。上週,許多顧問參加了位於得克薩斯州奧斯汀的共識2024活動。我在Ask an Expert中強調了從活動中出現的關鍵主題。期待明年在加拿大多倫多舉行的會議。-S.M。upwork研究所。研究表明,人工智能增加了全職員工的工作負擔,阻礙了生產力,並促成了員工疲勞。

While business leaders are investing heavily in AI, the study shows that most organizations are currently failing to unlock the full productivity value of the technology. Despite 96% of C-suite leaders expressing high expectations that AI will enhance productivity, 77% of employees using AI say these tools have added to their workload, and nearly half (47%) of employees using AI report they do not know how to achieve the expected productivity gains.


"Our research shows that introducing new technologies into outdated work models and systems is failing to unlock the full expected productivity value of AI," said Kelly Monahan, managing director of The Upwork Research Institute. "While it's certainly possible for AI to simultaneously boost productivity and improve employee well-being, this outcome will require a fundamental shift in how we organize talent and work."

upwork研究所的董事總經理凱利·莫納漢(Kelly Monahan)表示:“我們的研究表明,將新技術引入過時的工作模式和系統未能釋放出AI的全部生產力預期價值。儘管AI可以同時提高生產力並改善員工福利,但要實現這一目標,就需要在如何組織人才和工作方面進行基本轉變。”

Key findings from the report include:


  • Workers are feeling the strain from rising productivity demands, with 1 in 3 full-time employees saying they will likely quit their jobs in the next six months: 81% of global C-suite leaders acknowledge they have increased demands on their workers in the past year. Consequently, 71% of full-time employees are burned out, and 65% report struggling with their employer's demands on their productivity. Alarmingly, 1 in 3 employees say they will likely quit their jobs in the next six months due to burnout or being overworked.
  • C-suite leaders have high hopes that AI will help boost productivity, but employees are experiencing the opposite, with AI making their jobs harder: 96% of C-suite leaders expect the use of AI tools to increase their company's overall productivity levels. Already, 85% of companies are using AI, including 39% mandating the use of AI tools and 46% encouraging their use. However, 77% of employees report that these tools have added to their workload. Employees report spending more time reviewing or moderating AI-generated content (39%), investing more time learning how to use these tools (23%), and being asked to do more work as a direct result of AI (21%).
  • 工人正在感受到由於生產力要求的上升而產生的壓力,其中三分之一的全職員工表示他們可能會在未來六個月內辭職:81%的全球高管承認他們在過去一年中增加了對他們工人的需求。因此,71%的全職員工感到疲勞,65%的員工報告他們難以滿足僱主對他們的生產力要求。令人警惕的是,三分之一的員工表示,由於過度疲勞或超負荷工作,他們可能在未來六個月內辭職。
  • 高管對AI將有助於提高生產力持有很高的期望,但員工卻經歷了相反的情況,發現AI讓他們的工作更加艱難:96%的高管希望使用AI工具來提高公司的整體生產力水平。目前,已有85%的公司正在使用AI,其中39%的公司強制使用AI工具,46%的公司鼓勵使用AI工具。然而,77%的員工報告這些工具增加了他們的工作量。員工表示花費更多的時間審查或審定AI生成的內容(39%),花費更多的時間學習如何使用這些工具(23%),以及因AI直接增加了更多的工作而被要求做更多的工作(21%)。
  • For many workers, the path to achieving the productivity gains that employers expect is not clear: Nearly half (47%) of employees using AI say they have no idea how to achieve the productivity gains their employers expect, and 40% feel their company is asking too much of them when it comes to AI.
  • Freelancers unlock productivity with AI, outpacing full-time employees: Nearly half (48%) of freelancers say they're "somewhat" or "highly" skilled at using AI, and over a third (34%) use AI tools at least 1-2 days per week. Additionally, more than half (56%) of freelancers say they do not experience struggles keeping pace with productivity demands of clients, as compared to just 35% of their full-time employee counterparts.
  • 對於許多工人來說,實現僱主預期中的生產力收益之路並不清晰:近半數(47%) 使用AI的員工表示他們不知道如何實現僱主期望的生產力收益,40%的員工認爲他們的公司在AI方面要求過於苛刻。
  • 自由職業者使用AI實現的生產力收益遠遠超過全職員工:近一半(48%)的自由職業者表示他們“有點”或“非常”擅長使用人工智能,超過三分之一(34%)的自由職業者每週至少使用一到兩天的AI工具。此外,超過一半(56%)的自由職業者表示他們不會遇到與客戶生產力要求無法跟上的困難,而只有35%的全職員工會出現這種情況。
  • Many C-suite leaders have doubled organizational agility as well as well-being and engagement among full-time employees as a result of bringing in freelance talent: C-suite leaders leveraging freelancers say they have at least doubled the following outcomes for their business: organizational agility (45%), quality of work being produced (40%), innovation (39%), scalability (39%), revenue and bottom line (36%), and efficiency (34%). More than a third (35%) report also doubling the level of well-being and engagement among their full-time employees as a result of bringing in freelance talent. Nearly half (48%) of C-suite executives even report hiring freelancers to execute delayed AI projects over the past year.
  • 通過引入自由職業者,許多高管已經在完全職工中實現了組織敏捷性以及福利和參與度的翻倍效果:利用自由職業者的高管表示,他們已將以下業務結果的翻倍情況,以及其它的業務結果提高到了至少兩倍以上:組織敏捷性(45%),生產質量(40%),創新(39%),可擴展性(39%),營業收入(36%)以及效率(34%)。超過三分之一(35%)的高管還表示,通過引入自由職業者,他們已經將全職員工的福利和參與度提高了一倍以上。甚至有近一半(48%)的高管在過去一年中表示他們已經聘請自由職業者來執行延遲實施的人工智能項目。

"In order to reap the full productivity value of AI, leaders need to create an AI-enhanced work model," Monahan continued. "This includes leveraging alternative talent pools that are AI-ready, co-creating measures of productivity with their workforces, and developing a deep understanding of and proficiency in implementing a skills-based approach to hiring and talent development. Only then will leaders be able to avoid the risk of losing critical workers and advance their innovation agenda."


For full study findings and insights, visit: .


For more research from The Upwork Research Institute, visit: .


About the Survey

該調查在2024年4月25日至29日在美國境內通過Harris On Demand多功能調查產品的在線方式進行,共有2,058名18歲及以上的成年人蔘加,代表了人口的實際比例,已根據年齡、性別、種族/族裔、地區、教育、婚姻狀況、家庭規模、家庭收入、就業和政黨從屬關係進行加權處理。

Research findings are based on a survey conducted by Walr, on behalf of Upwork and Workplace Intelligence, between April 16 and May 5, 2024. The survey targeted respondents in the U.S., UK, Australia, and Canada. In total, 2,500 global workers completed the survey, including 1,250 C-suite executives, 625 full-time, salaried employees, and 625 freelancers. The survey sampled a mix of male and female respondents, as well as a mix of respondents from different generations (Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers). All respondents were between the ages of 18-78, were required to have at least a high school diploma, and were required to use a laptop or computer for their work at least "sometimes."


About Upwork


Upwork is the world's work marketplace that connects businesses with independent talent from across the globe. We serve everyone from one-person startups to large, Fortune 100 enterprises with a powerful, trust-driven platform that enables companies and talent to work together in new ways that unlock their potential. Our talent community earned over $3.8 billion on Upwork in 2023 across more than 10,000 skills in categories including website & app development, creative & design, data science & analytics, customer support, finance & accounting, consulting, and operations.


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Christine Kim


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