
Earnings Call Summary | Cementos Pacasmayo(CPAC.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Cementos Pacasmayo(CPAC.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | cementos pacasmayo(CPAC.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
moomoo AI ·  07/23 22:23  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A. (CPAC) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A.(CPAC)2024年第二季度業績會議電話交易記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Cementos Pacasmayo reported a revenue increase of 3.4% in Q2 2024 to $457.1 million, mainly driven by concrete, mortar, pavement, and precast sales related to the Piura airport project.

  • Gross profit in Q2 2024 rose 5.9% primarily due to lower production costs and the cessation of imported clinker use.

  • Consolidated EBITDA increased by 6.1% in Q2 2024, attributed to operational efficiencies and increased sales.

  • Net profit decreased by 15.4% in Q2 2024 compared to the same period last year, mainly due to a one-off exchange rate gain in Q2 2023.

  • Cementos Pacasmayo報告,2024Q2營業收入增長3.4%至45710萬美元,主要由於與Piura機場項目相關的混凝土,砂漿,鋪裝和預製銷售的增加。

  • 2024年第二季度毛利潤增長5.9%,主要由於生產成本的降低和進口熟料使用的停止。

  • 2024年第二季度綜合稅息折舊及攤銷前利潤(EBITDA)增長6.1%,歸因於公司的經營效率和銷售增加。

  • 2024年第二季度淨利潤同比下降15.4%,主要由於2023年Q2的一次匯率收益。

Business Progress:


  • Cementos Pacasmayo completed phase 1 of the Piura airport project in Q2 2024 with the construction of a temporary runway.

  • The company started phase 2, the main runway reconstruction, expected to complete by December 2024.

  • Introduced a temporary housing service and an intelligent purchasing method (AYU) to aid low-income families and support their construction needs over time.

  • Cementos Pacasmayo在2024年第二季度完成了皮烏拉機場項目第一階段的施工,並建造了一個臨時跑道。

  • 公司啓動了第2階段,主跑道重建,預計將於2024年12月完成。

  • 引入了臨時住房服務和智能採購方式(AYU),以幫助低收入家庭並支持其長期的施工需求。



  • Continued growth in public investment projects.

  • Increased sales participation in infrastructure projects such as the Piura airport project as well as the potential rise in precast sales from accelerated public sector projects.

  • 公共投資項目持續增長。

  • 參與基礎設施項目的銷售增加,如Piura機場項目以及加速公共部門項目的預製銷售潛力的上升。



  • Decreased sales from the self-construction segment, which saw a 3.6% drop in cement volumes in Q2 2024.

  • Minor reduction in gross margins for concrete and pavement despite increased sales, attributed to the project mix which while diluting fixed costs, provided a lower margin.

  • 自建領域銷售額下降,2024年第二季度水泥銷量減少3.6%。

  • 儘管銷售增加,但混凝土和鋪裝的毛利率略有降低,歸因於項目組合,雖然稀釋了固定成本,但提供了較低的利潤率。

More details: Cementos Pacasmayo IR

更多詳情:Cementos Pacasmayo IR

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