
Dominion Energy Spotlights Local College Student For National Intern Day on July 25

Dominion Energy Spotlights Local College Student For National Intern Day on July 25

Dominion Energy能源化工公司在7月25日國家實習日點亮了當地的大學生
道明尼資源 ·  07/24 00:00

CAYCE, S.C. (July 24, 2024) – Summer intern Chloe Quinton has made a powerful impact at Dominion Energy in just two months.

CAYCE, S.C.(2024年7月24日)-實習生Chloe Quinton在短短兩個月內在Dominion Energy留下了深刻的影響。

Since joining the company's system control and operations planning group in early June, the rising University of South Carolina junior has tackled several projects to support the continued delivery of safe, reliable energy to Dominion Energy's customers. The System Control Center, which is staffed 24/7, 365 days a year, is where highly trained Dominion Energy operators monitor and control the electric transmission system and dispatch generation sources to meet the demand of more than 800,000 customers in South Carolina.

自從6月初加入該公司的系統控制和運營規劃小組以來,南卡羅來納大學的大三學生Quinton已經完成了多個項目,以支持Dominion Energy爲客戶提供持續安全可靠的能源。系統控制中心全年365天,每天24小時都有訓練有素的Dominion Energy操作員在此監控和控制電力傳輸系統,並調度發電來源以滿足南卡羅來納州800,000多名客戶的需求。

"It's exciting getting to see everything I'm learning in school executed on a daily basis here at the company," Quinton said. "Learning how to forecast how much energy customers will need and understanding the needs of our community has helped me develop a deeper appreciation of the hard work it takes to keep the power running every day."


A graduate from Spring Hill High School in the Lexington-Richland 5 district, the Irmo, South Carolina, native said her knack for physics is what drives her hard work.

Cayce的Spring Hill High School畢業、南卡羅來納Irmo的本地人說她對物理的特長推動了她的努力工作。

"I knew I wanted to be an engineer," Quinton said. "I studied biomedical engineering and aerospace engineering, but once I landed as a mechanical engineering major, I knew this is where I'm supposed to be."

"我知道我想成爲一名工程師。" Quinton說:"我學習了生物醫藥工程和航空航天工程,但一旦成爲機械工程專業,我就知道了這是我的歸宿。"

Her projects at Dominion Energy have included assisting with a plan to determine the maximum amount of electricity that can flow through power lines based on weather conditions. She also worked on enhanced data collection protocols and computer-based training for new system control employees.

她在Dominion Energy的項目中包括協助制定根據天氣條件確定電力線路所能承載的最大電力量的計劃。她還參與了改進的數據收集協議和麪向新系統控制員的基於計算機的培訓。

Quinton's outstanding performance led to the company extending her summer internship throughout the school year.


"She works like a full-time employee and has been a tremendous help since becoming a part of our team," said John Wiggins, a power supply reliability specialist with Dominion Energy South Carolina. "We're excited to watch her develop her skills and see what she'll bring to the team this upcoming year."

「她工作起來就像全職員工一樣,自加入我們團隊以來一直給予巨大幫助,」Dominion Energy South Carolina的電力供應可靠性專家John Wiggins說。「我們迫不及待地期待看到她發展自己的技能,並期待她在明年爲團隊帶來什麼。」

Dominion Energy's best-in-class internship program helps cultivate a skilled workforce to provide the reliable, affordable and increasingly clean energy that powers customers every day. More than 70% of Dominion Energy's interns return for multiple summers, and 75% of seniors receive offers of employment. For more information visit

Dominion Energy的最佳實習計劃有助於培養高技能的員工隊伍,以提供可靠、經濟實惠且越來越清潔的能源,爲客戶每天提供動力。超過70%的Dominion Energy實習生多次回歸,75%的大四學生獲得就業機會。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Dominion Energy

關於Dominion Energy

More than 4.5 million customers in 13 states energize their homes and businesses with electricity or natural gas from Dominion Energy (NYSE: D), headquartered in Richmond, Va. The company is committed to providing reliable, affordable, and increasingly clean energy every day and to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050. Please visit to learn more.

位於弗吉尼亞里士滿市的Dominion Energy(紐交所:D)爲13個州的450萬客戶提供家庭和商業用電或天然氣。公司致力於提供可靠、經濟、越來越清潔的能源,並致力於在2050年之前實現淨零排放。請訪問DominionEnergy.com了解更多信息。

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