
Village Farms Has Made a Submission to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to Support the Proposed Rescheduling of Cannabis in the US

Village Farms Has Made a Submission to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to Support the Proposed Rescheduling of Cannabis in the US

Village Farms已向美國藥物執法局(DEA)提交申請,以支持大麻股在美國的建議重新調度。
Village Farms國際 ·  07/23 00:00

Village Farms has made a submission to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to support the proposed rescheduling of cannabis in the US. Supporting our position is a decade of objective experience and observational data from Canada and 38 US states with either a medical and/or recreational cannabis program. Below are our comments penned by Michael DeGiglio, the CEO, President, and Founder of Village Farms International.

Village Farms已向美國藥品執法局(DEA)提交申請,以支持美國大麻的建議重劃。我們支持的立場來自於加拿大和38個擁有醫療和 / 或娛樂大麻計劃的美國州的十年客觀經驗和觀察數據。下面是我們的評論,由Village Farms International的CEO,總裁和創始人Michael DeGiglio撰寫。

July 15, 2024

Via Submission to: Federal Register,


Re: Public Comment to Docket No. DEA-1362, "Schedules of Controlled Substances: Rescheduling of Marijuana."

關於對Docket No. DEA-1362的公衆意見,“受控物質的時間表:大麻的重新規劃。”

To whom it may concern:


I am submitting these comments as the CEO, President, and Founder of Village Farms International, a public company, employer, taxpayer, and top-ranked producer of both fresh produce and cannabis. I strongly urge the DEA to support the effort to reschedule cannabis, thereby enabling the scientific community to generate the clinical data needed to guide and direct the creation of a permanent and sound cannabis policy at the Federal level. As a result of prohibition, cannabis' status as a Schedule I drug has created near-insurmountable barriers to academic research, particularly in a clinical (human) setting. As a direct result, we lack well-controlled clinical data that can inform the very questions being posed presently, such as the utility, efficacy and characterization of the many potential applications of cannabis in medicine, as well as risks such as abuse potential. Moving cannabis to a Schedule III classification would enable a measured process to gather data, adequately characterize the science of cannabis, and then use those lessons to develop a well-regulated industry.

我作爲上市公司、僱主、納稅人和頂級新鮮農產品和大麻生產商Village Farms International的CEO,總裁和創始人,強烈敦促美國藥品執法局支持重新規劃大麻的努力,從而使科學界能夠產生臨床數據,以指導並指導制定一個永久和合理的聯邦大麻政策。由於禁止,大麻被列爲I類藥物,創造了幾乎不可逾越的障礙,尤其是在臨床(人體)環境中的學術研究。直接的結果是,我們缺乏可以回答目前正在提出的很多問題的有良好控制的臨床數據,例如大麻在醫學中的許多潛在應用的效用、功效和表徵以及濫用潛力等。將大麻移到III類分類將使得度量過程可以收集數據,充分表徵大麻的科學,並利用這些經驗教訓來發展一個受良好監管的行業。

The paradox to cannabis' current Schedule I classification is, arguably, the legal status of both alcohol and tobacco. Objectively, both are exponentially more likely than cannabis to be abused, result in dependence, and/or lead to a terminal health condition. In addition, both objectively have no claim to medical use as a consumer good. Alcohol and tobacco are proof that we as a society are capable of designing a well-regulated cannabis industry, one that mitigates potential harms while still allowing consumer access. Schedule III is the first step in correcting these mistakes towards needed groundwork to allow the world's foremost health and wellness economy to lead both scientifically and commercially.

與目前的I類藥物分類相比,大麻的悖論是酒精和菸草的合法地位。客觀地說,兩者的濫用可能性都要比大麻大得多,並且 / 或會導致終末健康狀況。此外,兩者客觀上都沒有醫療用途作爲消費品。酒精和菸草證明了我們作爲一個社會能夠設計一個良好監管的大麻行業,既可以減輕潛在的危害,同時也允許消費者訪問。第三類是糾正這些錯誤、爲允許世界上最重要的健康和福祉經濟在科學和商業方面發揮領導作用所需的基礎。

While we lack high quality clinical data in humans, we do now have a decade of objective experience and observational data from both Canada and 38 US states with either a medical and / or recreational cannabis program. For example:

雖然我們缺乏高質量的人體臨床數據,但我們現在有加拿大和38個擁有醫療和 / 或娛樂大麻計劃的美國州的十年客觀經驗和觀察數據。例如:

  • States like Colorado are reporting a decrease in use among high schoolers over the past 10 years, from 19.7% to 12.8%, likely as a result of legalization and normalization.
  • In twin studies, which provide some of the most powerful studies in science, there was no correlation between a state legalizing cannabis and a heightened risk of cannabis use disorder, cannabis addition, or addiction to other illicit drugs. In addition, those in legal states showed a reduction alcohol-related problems.
    Our own Health and Human Services Department concluded: "[A]s a relative finding on abuse liability, when comparing marijuana to heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, fentanyl, cocaine, ketamine, benzodiazepines, zolpidem, tramadol, and alcohol in various epidemiological databases that allow for some or all of these comparisons, marijuana is not typically among the substances producing the most frequent incidence of adverse outcomes or severity of substance use disorder."
  • Canadians have seen a dramatic shift in citizens moving from the black market to the regulated market, with only 3% of people reported purchasing from an illegal source (illegal store, illegal website or dealer), down from 2018 (28%), the inception of the regulated market.
  • Fewer Canadians operated a vehicle after cannabis use in the past 12 months. Seventeen percent (17%) of people who had used cannabis in the past 12 months reported driving after cannabis use, a decrease from 27% in 2018.
  • 科羅拉多州等州報告稱,過去10年中,在高中生中使用率下降,從19.7%降至12.8%,很可能是由於合法化和正常化的結果。
  • 在孿生研究中,這些研究在科學上提供了最有力的研究之一,在州份合法化大麻和增加使用障礙、大麻成癮或其他非法毒品成癮之間沒有相關性。此外,合法州的人都減少了酒精相關問題。
  • 加拿大人看到公民從黑市向受監管市場的過渡發生了巨大變化,只有3%的人從非法來源(非法商店、非法網站或經銷商)購買,比2018年(28%)的監管市場誕生時少了很多。
  • 在過去12個月內,在使用大麻後駕駛汽車的加拿大人數量減少了。過去12個月中使用過大麻的人中,有17%報告使用後駕駛,這一數字較2018年(27%)有所下降。

The US has long been the world's greatest innovator and beneficiary of free market capitalism, yet we have failed completely on the issue of cannabis due to half-measures and a lack of political leadership to take the right, and very publicly supported action: rescheduling, or descheduling, cannabis from a Schedule 1 controlled substance. We are at very real risk of becoming a tertiary player on the world market for what seems, objectively, a foregone conclusion that cannabis legalization is inevitable.


Personally, as a proud former aviator, officer and squadron leader for the US Navy (retiring as a Captain after 26 years active and reserve service) who has proudly served these great United States, I am often asked why we pivoted Village Farms into cannabis and cannabinoids given the immense regulatory challenges. We did so because we see the great opportunity for the cannabis plant to deliver incredible benefits to complement the human endocannabinoid system. I believe that in my lifetime, with proper regulation, and research-supported opportunities, we can finally unlock and understand the power and potential of this plant. The people of this great country deserve nothing less.

個人而言,作爲一名自豪的美國海軍前飛行員,軍官和中隊領袖(退役後擔任26年現役和預備役軍官),我經常被問及爲什麼我們將Village Farms轉向大麻和大麻素,而面臨着巨大的監管挑戰。我們這樣做是因爲我們看到了大麻植物爲補充人體內源性大麻素系統所提供的令人難以置信的益處。我相信,在我的有生之年,藉助適當的監管和研究支持的機會,我們終於可以解鎖和理解這種植物的力量和潛力。這個偉大國家的人民一無所有。



Michael DeGiglio
President & CEO
Village Farms International

Michael DeGiglio
village farms國際

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