
Fortescue Metals Group Recovers After Setbacks

Fortescue Metals Group Recovers After Setbacks

sharecafe ·  07/25 01:23

Fortescue Metals Group (ASX:FMG) managed to recover most of the tonnage lost due to December's derailment and adverse weather in the first quarter of this year, according to its 2023-24 production and sales report released on Thursday.

根據週四發佈的2023-24生產和銷售報告,Fortescue Metals Group(ASX:FMG)成功恢復了大部分在去年12月發生的脫軌和惡劣天氣中失去的貨物噸位。

Fortescue reported shipping 191.6 million tonnes of iron ore, including a small contribution from its 69% Iron Bridge magnetite mine for the 12 months to June 30, compared to 192.0 million tonnes the previous year.

Fortescue報告稱,在截至6月30日的12個月內運輸了19160萬噸鐵礦石,包括其69%持股的Iron Bridge磁鐵礦礦山的小貢獻,較上一年的19200萬噸有所減少。

A record-breaking 53.7 million tonnes (including a small tonnage from Iron Bridge) were shipped in the three months to June, allowing Fortescue to catch up and nearly surpass 2022-23's record performance.

在截至6月份的三個月內,創下了紀錄的5370萬噸(包括從Iron Bridge運來的小噸位),這使得Fortescue幾乎超越了2022-23年的紀錄表現。

This June quarter effort represented a 10% increase from the previous year and occurred despite rivals BHP and Rio Tinto reporting solid but steady performances during their latest reporting periods.

儘管競爭對手BHP和Rio Tinto在最新的報告期內報告了堅實但穩定的業績,但這次6月季度努力代表了去年同期的10%增長。

Fortescue had previously forecast total iron ore shipments of between 192 million and 197 million tonnes for the 12-month period, including approximately 2 million tonnes from its Iron Bridge project. As anticipated, Iron Bridge fell short with just 1.2 million tonnes.

Fortescue之前預測在12個月內總鐵礦石出貨量爲19200萬至19700萬噸,其中約有200萬噸來自其Iron Bridge項目。正如預期的那樣,Iron Bridge僅出貨了120萬噸。

In April, the company indicated it expected annual iron ore shipments at the lower end of its forecast range due to an ore car derailment and wet weather affecting its operations. Leaks in a water pipeline also slowed production at its Iron Bridge site, though some issues may have been mitigated by changes in water management.

4月份,該公司表示由於礦車脫軌和潮溼天氣影響了其運營,預計年度鐵礦石出貨量將處於預測範圍的下限。水管泄漏也減緩了其Iron Bridge項目的生產,但一些問題可能已經得到了水資源管理的改變緩解。

Nevertheless, Fortescue remained optimistic about its performance in the latest quarter, which saw iron ore shipments reach a new all-time high of 53.7 million tonnes, up 10% from the same period a year ago.


"This record result demonstrated the efficiencies gained through our recovery plan following the ore car derailment in December 2023," CEO Dino Otranto said in Thursday's statement.

“這一創紀錄的業績證明了我們自去年12月的礦車脫軌後採取的恢復計劃所取得的效益,”首席執行官Dino Otranto在週四的聲明中說。

Fortescue's quarterly and full-year production and sales report followed news of a significant restructuring, announced 8 days earlier, which will result in 700 job losses and the merger of the company's energy and iron ore businesses.


Looking ahead to 2024-25, Fortescue expects to ship between 190 million and 200 million tonnes of iron ore in the 12 months through June 2025, including 5 million to 9 million tonnes of magnetite from Iron Bridge.

展望2024-25年,Fortescue預計在截至2025年6月的12個月內運輸19000萬至20000萬噸鐵礦石,其中包括來自Iron Bridge的500萬至900萬噸磁鐵礦。

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