
Austral Gold Agrees to Sell Additional Unico Shares to Related Parties

Austral Gold Agrees to Sell Additional Unico Shares to Related Parties

newsfile ·  07/25 08:15

Sydney, Australia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 25, 2024) - Established gold producer Austral Gold Limited (ASX: AGD) (TSXV: AGLD) (OTCQB: AGLDF) ("Austral" or the "Company") advises that its subsidiary Austral Gold Canada Limited ("AGCL") and the Company's largest shareholder, Inversiones Financieras del Sur SA Sociedad Anonima (IFISA), have entered into a share purchase agreement dated July 24, 2024 (the "Agreement"). This Agreement provides for a transaction substantially similar to a share sale transaction conducted by AGCL in late June, 2024, in which AGCL sold Unico Shares (defined below) to two of the Company's Directors.

澳大利亞悉尼-- (Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月25日) - 成立的黃金生產商澳大利亞黃金有限公司 (ASX: AGD) (tsxv: AGLD) (OTCQB: AGLDF)公司提醒其子公司澳大利亞黃金加拿大有限公司 (AGCL)和公司最大的股東Inversiones Financieras del Sur SA Sociedad Anonima (IFISA)已於2024年7月24日簽署了一份股份購買協議 (該協議),該協議爲AGCL於2024年6月底進行的一項類似於股份出售交易,即AGCL向公司的兩位董事出售Unico股份 。.

AGCL currently owns a total of 28,329,814 common shares ("Unico Shares") in the capital of Unico Silver Limited ("Unico"). Unico is a publicly traded Australian company and the Unico Shares are listed on the ASX.

AGCL目前擁有在Unico Silver有限公司(“Unico”)的共28,329,814股普通股(“Unico股票”)。Unico是一家在澳大利亞公開交易的公司,Unico股票在ASX上列出。

Under the Agreement, AGCL has agreed to sell 8,139,023 of its Unico Shares to IFISA. The price for these Unico Shares is to be the greater of:


a) A$0.1863 per share, which is equal to the five-day volume weighted average price (VWAP) for Unico Shares on the ASX for the five-trading day period ended 24 July, 2024, and


b) an amount equal to the closing price on the trading day immediately prior to the Closing Date.


As IFISA is the Company's largest shareholder, this transaction is a 'related party transaction" as defined in Multilateral Instrument 61-101, Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions (MI 61-101), as well as TSX Venture Exchange Policy 5.9, and is subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval. However, the transaction is exempt from the formal valuation and minority approval requirements of these regulatory instruments because the fair market value of the Unico Shares being sold to IFISA, together with the fair market value of the Unico Shares previously sold to the Company's two Directors on 25 June 2024, is less than 25% of the Company's market capitalization, and it is exempt from the ASX shareholder approval requirement because the transaction does not constitute the sale of a substantial asset under ASX Listing Rule 10.1. However, completion of the transaction remains subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval.

由於IFISA是公司最大的股東,因此此交易是《多邊儀器61-101》特殊交易中的“關聯方交易”,以及TSX Venture Exchange政策5.9,並接受TSX Venture Exchange批准。然而,該交易免除了這些監管工具的正式評估和少數股東批准要求的因爲Unico股票的公允市場價值,以及在2024年6月25日出售給公司兩位董事的Unico股票的公允市場價值,不超過公司市值的25%,並且免除了ASX股東批准要求,因爲該交易不構成根據ASX上市規則10.1售出重大資產。但是,該交易的完成仍取決於TSX Venture Exchange的批准。

The Agreement and the sale of these Unico Shares has been approved by the Board of Directors of AGCL and by the independent directors of the Company. Mr. Eduardo Elsztain and Mr. Saul Zang, both of whom are members of the Company's Board of Directors, are also shareholders of IFISA and both abstained from the discussion and vote on the resolution approving this transaction. The independent directors are of the view that the Agreement is on terms that would be reasonable - or better than - if AGCL and IFISA were dealing at arm's length. In particular the independent directors noted that the sale price for the Unico Shares is determined by ASX's independent market pricing reflecting unrelated third party trading activity. Upon completion of this transaction, AGCL intends to use the net proceeds of approximately A$1,516,300 (approximately US$1,000,000/CDN$1,381,000) as general working capital in the Company's operations.

AGCL的董事會以及公司的獨立董事已經批准了該協議以及這些Unico股票的出售。Eduardo Elsztain先生和Saul Zang先生都是公司的董事會成員,並且都是IFISA的股東,並且都對批准該交易的決議的討論和投票進行了棄權。公司的獨立董事認爲,該協議的條款是合理的——或比處於同一地位的AGCL和IFISA要好。獨立董事特別指出,Unico股票的出售價格由ASX獨立的市場定價決定,反映了不相關的第三方交易活動。 AGCL計劃用大約A $1,516,300的淨收益(約相當於US $1,000,000 / CDN $1,381,000)作爲公司運營的一般工作資本。

There is no finder's fee for the transaction.


About Austral Gold


Austral Gold is a growing gold and silver mining producer building a portfolio of quality assets in the Americas based on three strategic pillars: production, exploration and equity investments. Austral continues to lay the foundation for its growth strategy by advancing its attractive portfolio of producing and exploration assets.

Austral Gold是一家快速成長的黃金和白銀採礦生產商,在美洲基於三個戰略支柱(生產、勘探和股權投資)建立優質資產組合。 Austral通過推進其有吸引力的生產和勘探資產組合爲其增長戰略打下基礎。

For more information, please visit the Company's website at .


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX tsx Venture交易所及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture交易所的政策中所定義的那樣)不承擔此發佈的充分性或準確性的責任。

Release approved by the Company's Chief Executive Officer of Austral Gold, Stabro Kasaneva. For additional information please contact:

該公告獲得Austral Gold的首席執行官Stabro Kasaneva的批准。欲了解更多信息,請聯繫:

Stabro Kasaneva
Chief Executive Officer
Austral Gold Limited
+56 9 9822 3563

Stabro Kasaneva
這份新聞稿中的陳述並非歷史事實,而是前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述不是歷史事實,主要包括預測 - 關於未來計劃,期望和發展的聲明。例如,"預計","打算","計劃","可能","可能","潛在","應該","預期","有可能","相信"等類似的措辭傾向於表明前瞻性聲明。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括:設備的安裝現在預計將在2024年6月底左右進行,2024年生產指導從24,000-28,000金當量盎司(GEOs)下調至18,000-20,000 GEOs,公司正在探索各種替代方案以獲得更多現金,以緩解延遲的影響,包括出售非核心資產,澳大利亞繼續通過推進其吸引人的生產和勘探資產組合爲其增長戰略奠定基礎。

Jose Bordogna
Chief Financial Officer
Austral Gold Limited
+61 466 892 307

Jose Bordogna

Forward Looking Statements


Statements in this news release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical, and consist primarily of projections - statements regarding future plans, expectations and developments. Words such as "expects", "intends", "plans", "may", "could", "potential", "should", "anticipates", "likely", "believes" and words of similar import tend to identify forward- looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this news release include the timing of the Closing of this transaction and Austral continues to lay the foundation for its growth strategy by advancing its attractive portfolio of producing and exploration assets.


All of these forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ from those expressed or implied, including, without limitation, uncertainty of exploration programs, development plans and cost estimates, commodity price fluctuations; political or economic instability and regulatory changes; currency fluctuations, the state of the capital markets especially in light of the effects of the novel coronavirus, uncertainty in the measurement of mineral resources and reserves and other risks and hazards related to the exploration of a mineral property, and the availability of capital. You are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive of all factors and assumptions which may have been used. Austral cannot assure you that actual events, performance or results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements, and management's assumptions may prove to be incorrect. Austral's forward-looking statements reflect current expectations regarding future events and operating performance and speak only as of the date hereof and Austral does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's beliefs, expectations or opinions should change other than as required by applicable law. For the reasons set forth above, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statement


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