
Air Products Trials First Mercedes-Benz Genh2 Trucks as Part of Pioneering Project With Daimler Truck and Announces Plans for a European Hydrogen Refuelling Network

Air Products Trials First Mercedes-Benz Genh2 Trucks as Part of Pioneering Project With Daimler Truck and Announces Plans for a European Hydrogen Refuelling Network

空氣產品試用戴姆勒卡車的第一款Mercedes-Benz Genh2卡車,宣佈計劃在歐洲建立一個氫燃料加註網絡。
PR Newswire ·  07/25 09:00

LEHIGH VALLEY, Pa., July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Air Products (NYSE: APD) unveiled plans to build a network of permanent, commercial-scale hydrogen refuelling stations (HRSs), strategically located along major transportation corridors near the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). This vital infrastructure will help connect key locations across Europe and support the advancement of a safe and resilient hydrogen ecosystem.

今天,Air Products(紐交所:APD)公佈了計劃,在歐洲大陸交通網(TEN-T)附近的主要交通走廊沿線建設一系列氫氣氣體加註站(HRS),旨在建立關鍵位置之間的聯繫,支持安全、有彈性的氫氣生態系統的推進。這項重要基礎設施將助力於歐洲乃至全球氫氣能源的發展。

Air Products' commercial-scale stations will deliver enhanced fueling technology, multiple pressure fuelling options and ultimately, onsite liquid hydrogen storage, which enables liquid fueling. As part of a robust European hydrogen network, they will help ensure reliability and convenience for heavy-duty transportation powered by hydrogen.

Air Products的商業級別加註站將提供先進的加油技術、多種加油壓力選項,並最終提供現場的液態氫儲存,實現液態加註。作爲強大的歐洲氫氣網的一部分,它們將有助於確保氫氣驅動重型運輸的可靠性和便利性。

Industrial-scale liquid hydrogen in Europe


Air Products' HRSs will be supplied with renewable hydrogen from its global hydrogen supply chain network, providing a dependable energy supply to heavy-duty transportation. This includes a second hydrogen liquefaction plant the company is building in Rotterdam, which – once operational – will double Europe's total liquid hydrogen capacity.

Air Products的HRS將通過其全球氫氣供應網絡供應可再生氫氣,爲重型運輸提供可靠的能源供應。這包括公司正在鹿特丹建造的第二個氫氣液化工廠,一旦投入運營,將使歐洲的液態氫氣總產能翻倍。

Progressing from plans to action


Air Products is already making progress. A number of current and planned stations have already been awarded subsidies by the European Commission through their Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding programme. These include:

Air Products已經取得了進展。當前和計劃中的許多加註站已經獲得了歐盟通過Connecting Europe Facility(CEF)資助計劃提供的資助。這些包括:

  • HRS's in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and Hürth Germany currently in commissioning phase
  • An HRS located at the Volvo Group site in the port of Ghent, Belgium
  • Europe's first commercial-scale HRS with liquid hydrogen in the port of Zeebrugge, Belgium
  • 位於荷蘭鹿特丹和德國Hürth的HRS目前處於投產階段
  • 比利時根特港的沃爾沃集團工廠內的HRS
  • 比利時Zeebrugge港口的歐洲第一個商業規模的液態氫氣加註站

In addition to CEF-funding, the company has also been awarded funding from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, to build two high-capacity, publicly accessible HRSs in Meckenheim and Duisburg, Germany.


Driving hydrogen-powered trucks adoption with Daimler Truck


In collaboration with Daimler Truck, a leader in heavy-duty transportation and decarbonization, Air Products' latest mobile fuelling station in Duisburg is being used in their pioneering hydrogen truck pilot project. As part of customer-trials, five Mercedes-Benz GenH2 trucks can refuel at the station enabling it to operate under real, heavy-duty fueling conditions. This will offer vital insights into the liquid hydrogen fueling interface and help inform the ongoing development of a future-ready hydrogen ecosystem.

Air Products正在與戴姆勒卡車合作,在杜伊斯堡的最新移動加註站正在用於其先進的氫氣卡車試點項目。作爲客戶試驗的一部分,五輛梅賽德斯-奔馳GenH2卡車可以在該加油站進行加油,從而在實際的重型加油條件下運行。這將爲液態氫加油接口提供重要見解,並有助於信息未來可靠可用的氫氣生態系統的持續發展。

Aligned with Air Products' commitment to convert its distribution fleet to hydrogen-powered vehicles, it is also trialling one of the GenH2 trucks as part of the project. The vehicle will be deployed in Air Products' existing fleet to transport cylinder gases, allowing it to gain valuable experience in the field of industrial gas transportation.

與Air Products承諾將其分銷車隊轉爲氫氣動力車相一致,它還在該項目中試驗了一輛GenH2卡車。該車輛將被銷往Air Products的現有車隊,用於運輸氣瓶氣體,從而在工業氣體運輸領域獲得寶貴的經驗。

The Mercedes-Benz GenH2 trucks will be fuelled with liquid hydrogen, which enables a range of over 1,000 kilometers. In this aggregate state the energy carrier has a significantly higher energy density and as a result, more hydrogen can be carried, which significantly increases the range and enables comparable performance of the vehicle with that of a conventional diesel truck. Transportation can be significantly reduced with liquid hydrogen, and liquid hydrogen tanks also offer advantages in terms of cost and weight compared to compressed gaseous hydrogen. Thus, the use of liquid hydrogen enables a higher payload. This makes the Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck just as suitable for flexible and demanding long-haul road transportation as conventional diesel trucks.


Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Air Products: "With thousands of trucks delivering industrial gases to our customers every day, logistics is an integral part of our business. Trialling a Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck under real conditions is a critical step in our work to convert our distribution fleet to hydrogen-powered vehicles. On the pathway to sustainable transportation, safe and reliable production, transportation and distribution of renewable hydrogen across the entire value chain is also essential. This is Air Products' proven area of expertise, and we're proud to be providing critical refuelling infrastructure and liquid hydrogen as part of this project."

Air Products的主席、總裁兼首席執行官Seifi Ghasemi表示:"每天有數千輛卡車向我們的客戶交付工業氣體,物流是我們業務的重要組成部分。在真實條件下試驗梅賽德斯-奔馳GenH2卡車是我們將分銷車隊轉向氫氣動力車的工作中的關鍵一步。在可持續交通的道路上,安全可靠的可再生氫氣生產、運輸和分銷在整個價值鏈上同樣至關重要。這是Air Products的專業領域,我們很自豪能夠作爲這個項目的重要補充,提供關鍵的加註基礎架構和液態氫氣。"

Martin Daum, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler Truck AG: "It is important to note that high-performance CO2-neutral vehicles alone will not be enough to make sustainable transportation successful. This also requires a corresponding charging and refuelling infrastructure, as well as cost parity with conventional vehicles. Although policymakers and energy companies are already active here, we urgently need even more momentum, across the entire Europe!"

Daimler Truck管理委員會主席Martin Daum表示:"需要注意到的是,僅高性能、CO2中性的車輛並不足以使可持續交通成功。這還需要相應的充電和加油基礎設施,以及與傳統車輛成本相當的費用競爭力。儘管政策制定者和能源公司在此領域已經採取行動,但整個歐洲仍急需更多的推動力!"

Accelerating the energy transition around the world


The announcement of a European hydrogen refuelling station network follows Air Products' recently shared plans to build a network of permanent, commercial-scale, multi-modal hydrogen refuelling stations stretching from Northern California to Southern California, U.S. and also between Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

宣佈在歐洲建立氫氣加註站網絡後,Air Products最近分享了該公司計劃在美國加利福尼亞州北部、加利福尼亞州南部和加拿大阿爾伯塔省埃德蒙頓和卡爾加里之間建立一系列永久性、商業級別、多模式氫氣加油站。

As the world's largest supplier of hydrogen, Air Products has hands-on operating experience with over 250 hydrogen fueling station projects in 20 countries, and the company's technologies are used in over 1.5 million fueling operations annually.

作爲全球最大的氫氣供應商,Air Products在20個國家擁有250個以上的氫氣加油站項目的實際運營經驗,該公司的技術每年用於超過150萬次加油操作。

To learn more about Air Products' hydrogen fueling solutions and expertise, visit Air Products' Hydrogen Fueling website.

了解更多Air Products的氫氣加註解決方案和專業知識,請訪問Air Products的氫氣加註網站。

*Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


About Air Products


Air Products (NYSE:APD) is a world-leading industrial gases company in operation for over 80 years focused on serving energy, environmental, and emerging markets. The Company has two growth pillars driven by sustainability. Air Products' base business provides essential industrial gases, related equipment and applications expertise to customers in dozens of industries, including refining, chemicals, metals, electronics, manufacturing, and food. The Company also develops, engineers, builds, owns and operates some of the world's largest clean hydrogen projects supporting the transition to low- and zero-carbon energy in the heavy-duty transportation and industrial sectors. Additionally, Air Products is the world leader in the supply of liquefied natural gas process technology and equipment, and provides turbomachinery, membrane systems and cryogenic containers globally.

Air Products(NYSE:APD)是一家在行業中運營80多年的世界領先的工業氣體公司,專注於服務能源,環保和新興市場。該公司有兩個支撐可持續發展的增長架構。Air Products的基礎業務爲數十個行業的客戶提供必需的工業氣體、相關設備和應用專業知識,其中包括煉油、化學品、貴金屬、電子、製造和食品等。公司還開發、設計、建造、擁有和運營一些世界上最大的清潔氫能項目,支持重型運輸和工業領域向低碳、零碳能源的轉型。此外,Air Products是液化天然氣工藝技術和設備的全球領先供應商,並在全球範圍內提供渦輪機械,膜系統和低溫容器。

The Company had fiscal 2023 sales of $12.6 billion from operations in approximately 50 countries and has a current market capitalization of over $50 billion. Approximately 23,000 passionate, talented and committed employees from diverse backgrounds are driven by Air Products' higher purpose to create innovative solutions that benefit the environment, enhance sustainability and reimagine what's possible to address the challenges facing customers, communities, and the world. For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, X, Facebook or Instagram.

公司在約 50 個國家/地區運營,2023 財年銷售額達 126 億美元,當前市值超過 500 億美元。來自不同背景、充滿激情、才華橫溢的約 23,000 名員工,受燃料幣高層的號召,創新化解客戶、社區和世界面臨的挑戰。要了解更多信息,請訪問網站,或在領英、X、Facebook或Instagram上關注我們。

This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on management's expectations and assumptions as of the date of this release and are not guarantees of future performance. While forward-looking statements are made in good faith and based on assumptions, expectations and projections that management believes are reasonable based on currently available information, actual performance and financial results may differ materially from projections and estimates expressed in the forward-looking statements because of many factors, including the risk factors described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023 and other factors disclosed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Except as required by law, we disclaim any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in the assumptions, beliefs or expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances upon which any such forward-looking statements are based.


SOURCE Air Products

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