
Q2/H1 2024 Results

Q2/H1 2024 Results


Paris, France (July 25, 2024 - 6:00 pm) – The Board of Directors of EssilorLuxottica met on July 25, 2024 to approve the condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended June 30, 2024. The Statutory Auditors have performed a limited review of these financial statements.


Francesco Milleri, Chairman and CEO, and Paul du Saillant, Deputy CEO at EssilorLuxottica commented: "In the first half of the year, EssilorLuxottica's strategy continued to pay off with all regions and businesses contributing to positive results. With top line growth, margin expansion and record cash flow, the last six months further solidified our long-term outlook, made possible thanks to the unique talent and engagement of our 200,000 colleagues worldwide.

EssilorLuxottica的主席兼CEO Francesco Milleri和副CEO Paul du Saillant評論說:“上半年,EssilorLuxottica的策略繼續取得成功,所有地區和業務都爲積極業績做出了貢獻。在收入增長、利潤率擴張和創紀錄的現金流的推動下,過去的六個月進一步鞏固了我們的長期前景,這得益於我們全球20萬名員工的獨特才華和投入度。”

Today, our commitment to the two strategic pillars of med-tech and smart eyewear is taking shape, with Stellest seeing exponential growth, the success of Ray-Ban Meta and Nuance Audio set to establish a new category in the market. Announced just last week, the acquisition of Heidelberg Engineering will give us a new foothold in the clinical ophthalmology space.

今天,我們對醫療技術和智能眼鏡這兩個戰略支柱的承諾正在形成,Stellest正在經歷指數級增長,Ray-Ban Meta和Nuance Audio的成功將建立市場上的一個新類別。就在上週宣佈,收購Heidelberg Engineering將使我們在臨床眼科醫療領域獲得一個新立足點。

The third strategic pillar, our iconic brands, will make the first two more accessible, consumer-friendly and relevant. With new collections coming from all our house and licensed brands, including our first-ever for Moncler, and the announced acquisition of Supreme, we are exactly what we need to be: a tech-driven and brand-rich company caring for and connecting with hundreds of millions of people globally."




As table totals are based on unrounded figures, there may be discrepancies between these totals and the sum of their rounded component.


1 Constant exchange rates: figures at constant exchange rates have been calculated using the average exchange rates in effect for the corresponding period in the relevant comparative year.

1 固定匯率:指已用相應時段內的平均匯率計算的數值。

2 Adjusted measures or figures: adjusted from the expenses or income related to the combination of Essilor and Luxottica (the "EL Combination"), the acquisition of GrandVision (the "GV Acquisition"), other strategic and material acquisitions, and other transactions that are unusual, infrequent or unrelated to the normal course of business as the impact of these events might affect the understanding of the Group's performance. A description of those other transactions that are unusual, infrequent or unrelated to the normal course of business is provided in the half-year and year-end disclosure (see dedicated paragraph Adjusted measures).

2 調整後的數據或數值:因Essilor和Luxottica組合(“EL組合”)、GrandVision收購(“GV收購”)、其他重大策略性收購和其他非常規、偶發或與業務正常活動不相關交易的支出或收入而調整,因這些事件的影響可能會影響對集團績效的理解。這些與業務正常活動不相關的其他交易的說明提供在半年和年報中(請參見“調整後數據”段)。

3 Comparable-store sales: reflect, for comparison purposes, the change in sales from one period to another by taking into account in the more recent period only those stores already open during the comparable prior period. For each geographic area, the calculation applies the average exchange rate of the prior period to both periods.

3 可比銷售額:爲了比較而反映在較新時間段銷售額的變化,僅考慮在較早時間段已開放的那些店鋪。對於每個地理區域,計算將前一時期的平均匯率應用於兩個時間段。

4 Comparable or pro forma (revenue): comparable revenue includes the contribution of GrandVision's revenue to EssilorLuxottica as if the combination between EssilorLuxottica and GrandVision (the "GV Acquisition"), as well as the disposals of businesses required by antitrust authorities in the context of the GV Acquisition, had occurred at the beginning of the year (i.e. January 1). Comparable revenue has been prepared for illustrative purpose only with the aim to provide meaningful comparable information.

4 可比或同期(收入):可比收入指GrandVision的收入對艾司洛倫集團的貢獻,即GV收購以及與GV收購相關的反壟斷當局要求的業務出售,如果這些事項發生在當年的開始(即1月1日),那麼這些收入將按照相應的方式計算。同比收入僅旨在提供有意義的可比信息。

5 Free Cash Flow: Net cash flow provided by operating activities less the sum of Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets and Cash payments for the principal portion of lease liabilities according to the IFRS consolidated statement of cash flow.

5 自由現金流:根據IFRS合併現金流量表計算的,營業活動產生的淨現金流量減去購買的土地、房屋和設備和無形資產,再減去租賃負債本金支付的現金,總和爲自由現金流。

6 Net debt: sum of Current and Non-current borrowings, Current and Non-current lease liabilities, minus Short-term investments, Cash and cash equivalents and the Financial debt derivatives at fair value as disclosed in the IFRS consolidated financial statements.

6 淨債務:包括流動負債和非流動負債、流動租賃負債和非流動租賃負債,減去短期投資、現金及現金等價物以及IFRS合併財務報表中披露的公允價值的金融債務衍生工具之和。



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