
Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. Merger With WestMountain Gold, Inc.

Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. Merger With WestMountain Gold, Inc.

Mayo Lake Minerals公司與WestMountain Gold公司合併。
newsfile ·  07/25 13:07

Estimated Terra Gold and Silver Resources Increased To:

估計 Terra 黃金和白銀資源增加到:

  • 880,000 ounces Au and 1,200,000 ounces Ag by narrow vein mining

  • a minimum of 1,933,400 ounces Au and 3,194,700 ounces Ag by bulk mining Unique Alaska - Yukon Merger

  • 通過窄礦脈開採獲88萬盎司金和120萬盎司銀

  • 通過批量開採 Unique Alaska-Yukon Merger,至少 1,933,400 盎司金和 3,194,700 盎司銀子

Ottawa, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 25, 2024) - Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. (CSE: MLKM) (Mayo or the Company) is pleased to update the market on its proposed merger (Merger) with WestMountain Gold Inc. (WestMountain or WMG). The Merger will create a highly prospective land position within the Tintina Gold Province (TGP), combining WestMountain's advanced-stage Terra Gold Project (Terra), consisting of 344 mining claims, 5 of which are leased, covering an area of 222 sq. km., some 210 km west of Anchorage with Mayo's four singularly promising properties consisting of 948 mining claims covering an area of 190 sq. km in the Mayo Mining District of the Yukon (north-central). To the best of our knowledge, the Merger will constitute one of the few transborder combinations in the TGP.

安大略省渥太華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年7月25日)——梅奧湖礦業公司(CSE:MLKM)(梅奧或公司)很高興向市場通報其與西山黃金公司(WestMountain或WMG)擬議合併(合併)的最新情況。此次合併將在丁蒂納黃金省(TGP)內創造一個極具前景的土地位置,將WestMountain處於後期階段的Terra Gold項目(Terra)合併,該項目由344份採礦權組成,其中5份是租賃的,佔地222平方千米,位於安克雷奇以西約210公里處,與梅奧的四處極具前景的房產,包括948份採礦權要求,佔地190平方公里,位於安克雷奇的梅奧礦區育空地區(中北部)。據我們所知,此次合併將構成TGP中爲數不多的跨境合併之一。

The TGP hosts a number of operating mines and advanced-stage intrusion-related metal deposits, predominantly gold. It boasts over 222 million ounces of gold endowments, including Donlin (in development, 39M ounces at 2.2 g Au/t), the Fort Knox mine (over 8.7M ounces produced) and, Livengood (advanced stage, 13.6M ounces at 0.6g Au/t) to name a few (Schedule A). Two projects, Whistler and Estelle, which are within 35 km of Terra, have each reported over 9 million ounces of gold. Please refer to Mayo's press release dated August 16, 2023 for locations and more on the sources of data.


The Merger is anticipated for completion in the next two quarters by which time the companies plan to close a C$7.5M± private placement (Merger Placement), concurrently with completion of a definitive merger agreement. The funds will be primarily applied to a diamond drill (DD) program at Terra, focussed on rapidly expanding resources.

合併 預計將在未來兩個季度內完成,屆時兩家公司計劃完成750萬加元的私募配售(合併配售),同時完成最終的合併協議。這些資金將主要用於Terra的鑽石鑽探(DD)項目,該項目側重於快速擴張的資源。

The final terms of the definitive agreement between Mayo and WMG as well as the Merger Placement will be determined by the market's evaluation of the combined value of both companies. Mayo believes that the increase in resources provided by Terra will boost its value by many fold. The Merger will be subject to the approval of all regulatory agencies as well as the shareholders of both companies.


Please refer to the Cautionary Statement at the end of this press release regarding all forward-looking statements.


Increased Gold and Silver Resources for Underground Mining at Terra.

增加了 Terra 地下采礦的黃金和白銀資源。

Dr. Vern Rampton Mayo's President & CEO (Dr. Rampton) is of the opinion that the historic indicated and inferred gold and silver resources set forth in R. J. Robinson's 2020 NI 43-101 Terra Technical Report 1 are understated for his narrow vein underground mining model; as they relate to the prevailing financial market prices for metals in 2020.

維爾恩·蘭普頓·梅奧博士的總裁兼首席執行官(Rampton Dr. Rampton)認爲,R.J. Robinson的2020年NI 43-101 Terra技術報告1中提出的歷史指示和推斷的黃金和白銀資源因其狹窄的地下采礦模式而被低估了;因爲它們與2020年當前的金屬金融市場價格有關。

Robinson had also considered the possibility of bulk mining to extract more gold and silver at Terra; indicated and inferred - 1,775,119 ounces of gold and 2,771,560 ounces of silver at a cut-off of 1g Au/t,in 2020, however he did not advance bulk mining as the preferred method to mine efficiently at that time. He later recognized that the bulk mining scenario needed re-examination and in 2023 he addressed Terra's resources at a number of cut-offs ranging from 0.10g Au/t to 10.0g Au/t. He concluded based on open pit mining that a cut-off of 0.35g Au/t was applicable and reported combined indicated and inferred resources of 2,511,480 ounces Au and 4,356,437 ounces Ag. (Schedule B).


It is Dr. Rampton's opinion that open pitting would be dangerous and cost inefficient at Terra's Ben Zone and that underground mining in a manner approaching open pitting efficiencies would be most practicable at a cut-off of grade of 1.0g Au/t. Dr. Rampton commented, "I am optimistic that the Merger will be completed in the next two quarters. To date, the process has been prolonged for many reasons, most particularly due to overall market conditions for junior explorers. However, the teams at WestMountain and Mayo are working diligently to complete the final steps leading completion of the Merger, including the Merger Placement."

蘭普頓博士認爲,在Terra的Ben Zone進行露天開採既危險又成本低下,以接近露天開採效率的方式進行地下采礦最爲可行。蘭普頓博士評論說:“我樂觀地認爲,合併將在未來兩個季度內完成。迄今爲止,由於許多原因,這一過程已經延長,特別是由於初級探險家的整體市場狀況。但是,WestMountain和Mayo的團隊正在努力完成包括合併配售在內的最後步驟。”

He further stated, "The resources derived by Robinson in his 2020 NI 43-101 Technical Report understate the resources in the drilled-out area for underground mining of a vein deposit because the cut-off grade of 5g/Au/t is outdated. A present day cut-off of grade of 2.5g/Au/t, increases Robinson's indicated & inferred resources from 703,300 ounces of gold to 880,000 ounces.

他進一步表示:“羅賓遜在2020年NI 43-101技術報告中提取的資源低估了鑽探區用於礦脈礦牀地下開採的資源,因爲5g/AU/T的臨界等級已經過時。目前的臨界品位爲2.5克/澳元/噸,這使魯濱遜的指示和推斷資源從703,300盎司黃金增加到88萬盎司。

I concur with Robinson that bulk mining will lead to the successful extraction of much more gold and silver than can be obtained by the narrow vein model. I do however disagree on the precise mining methodology in that the terrain at the Ben Zone is inappropriate for open pitting. Because of the nature and geometry of the Ben Zone, it leaves us with the potential for profitable underground bulk mining at a cut-off grade of 1g Au/t. Data extracted from Robinson1 suggests to me that mining by open pit at the smaller Fish Zone and underground at the larger Ben Zone could result in the extraction of an estimated 1,933,400 ounces of gold and 3,194,700 ounces of silver. Mayo's internal analysis has also determined that Terra has both the geology and geometry that will allow a rapid expansion of resources with a well structured DD program."

我同意羅賓遜的觀點,即批量開採將導致成功開採的黃金和白銀比窄礦脈模型所能獲得的要多得多。但是,我確實不同意精確的採礦方法,因爲本區的地形不適合露天開採。由於 Ben Zone 的性質和幾何形狀,它爲我們提供了在臨界品位爲 1g Au/t 的情況下進行盈利的地下批量開採的潛力。數據從羅賓遜提取1 向我表明,在較小的魚區和較大的本區通過露天礦開採估計可以開採1,933,400盎司的黃金和3,194,700盎司的白銀。 梅奧的內部分析還確定,Terra具有地質和幾何形狀,可以通過結構良好的DD計劃快速擴展資源。”

Twenty-five Percent Increase in Gold Ounces for Narrow Vein Mining. The historical resources reported for narrow vein underground mining by Robinson (2020)[1] utilized a cut-off of 5.0g Au/t, presuming a reference price[2] for gold of US$1,400 per ounce. Presently, a standard industry cut-off of 2.5g Au/t is utilized regionally in most circumstances when assessing gold deposits, inferring a higher reference price of between US$1,800 and US$2,000. The resulting increase in resources is shown in Table 1 and Schedule B. The increase in resources totals 178,212 oz Au resulting in a 25 percent gain due to the lowering of the cut-off grade from 5.0g Au/t to 2.5g Au/t.

窄礦脈開採的黃金盎司增長了25%。 Robinson(2020年)[1] 報告的狹礦脈地下采礦歷史資源使用了5.0克澳元/噸的臨界值,假設黃金的參考價格 [2] 爲每盎司1,400美元。目前,在評估黃金礦牀時,各區域使用2.5g Au/t的標準行業臨界值,推斷出更高的參考價格,介於1,800美元至2,000美元之間。由此產生的資源增長見表1和附表b。由於臨界品位從5.0克澳元/噸降至2.5克澳元/噸,資源總量增加178,212盎司金元,增長了25%。

Table 1

表 1

Terra; narrow vein underground, cut-off 5.0g Au/t, reported in 2020
Indicated Resources 485,360 oz Au
Inferred Resources 267,943 oz Au
Total Resources 703,303 oz Au
Terra; narrow vein underground, cut-off 2.5g Au/t, present resources
Indicated Resources 504,799 oz Au
Inferred Resources 376,716 oz Au
Total Resources 881,515 oz Au
Resources at Terra; narrow vein underground mining based on data extracted from Robinson's reports, which are deemed historical for Mayo's purposes (for more details see Schedule B). The "present resources" are forward-looking and based on Dr. Rampton's opinion.
Terra;地下狹窄礦脈,截止 5.0g Au/t,2020 年報告
指示的資源 485,360 盎司金
推斷的資源 267,943 盎司金
資源總量 703,303 盎司金
Terra;地下狹窄礦脈,截止 2.5g Au/t,現有資源
指定資源 504,799 盎司金幣
推斷的資源 376,716 盎司金
資源總量 881,515 盎司金幣
Terra的資源;根據從羅賓遜報告中提取的數據,進行狹窄的地下采礦,就梅奧而言,這些報告被認爲是歷史性的(更多細節見附表B)。“目前的資源” 是前瞻性的,基於蘭普頓博士的觀點。

Underground Bulk Mining Resources Approach 2M Ounces.


Should underground bulk mining or some similar efficient mode of mining be applicable at Terra, there is the potential to increase the combined resources well above 1,933,400 ounces Au and 3,194,680 ounces Ag. The nature and geometry of the gold bearing rock at Terra bodes well for increasing the gold and silver resources with well structured drill programs, potentially to 5 or 7 million ounces gold plus silver credits. The current drilled sections bottom out near 250m below surface. The nature of the deposit shows potential for the probability of doubling resources by doubling the depth of the drilled section.


Table 2

表 2

Terra; bulk mining; cut-off 0.35g Au/t, reported in 2023
Indicated Resources 1,661,348 oz Au
Inferred Resources 840,132 oz Au
Total Resources 2,511,480 oz Au
Terra; bulk mining; cut-off at Fish 0.35g Au/t, at Ben 1.0g Au/t, present resources
Indicated Resources 1,344,643 oz Au
Inferred Resources 588,789 oz Au
Total Resources 1,933,432 oz Au
Bulk mining resources at Terra (for more details see Schedule B). All resources based on data extracted from Robinson reports, which are deemed historical for Mayo's purposes. The "present resources" are forward looking and based on Dr. Rampton's opinion.
Terra;批量開採;截止 0.35g Au/t,2023 年報告
指示的資源 1,661,348 盎司金
推斷的資源 840,132 盎司金
資源總量 2,511,480 盎司金
Terra;批量開採;Fish 的截止點 0.35g Au/t,Ben 1.0g Au/t,現有資源
指定資源 1,344,643 盎司金
推斷的資源 588,789 盎司金
資源總量 1,933,432 盎司金
Terra 的批量採礦資源(更多詳情見附表 B)。所有資源均基於從羅賓遜報告中提取的數據,就梅奧而言,這些報告被視爲歷史數據。“現有資源” 是前瞻性的,以蘭普頓博士的觀點爲基礎。

Historical Highlights, Observations and Assets at Terra

Terra 的歷史亮點、觀察結果和資產

Thirty diamond drill holes (DDHs) were completed during drilling in 2018 and 2019. Of the thirty DDHs, twenty-five cored quartz veins assaying over 10g Au/t; with multiple veins being cored in fifteen DDHs. The gold values ranged from 10g Au/t up to 246g Au/t with widths ranging from 0.2 to 1.5m in a total of sixty-four intercepts, averaging 36.3g Au/t.

在2018年和2019年的鑽探過程中,完成了三十個金剛石鑽孔(DDH)。在三十個 DDH 中,有二十五條有芯石英脈的測定值超過 10g Au/t;在 15 個 DDH 中對多條礦脈進行了取芯。黃金價值從10克金/噸到246克金/噸不等,寬度從0.2到150萬不等,共有六十四個截距,平均爲36.3克金/噸。

As of August, 2023, a total of 4,500 ounces of gold have been extracted from ~ 3,000 tonnes of excavated ore; equating to a gold grade of ~ 46g Au/t. On-site pilot studies determined that most of the gold and silver could be extracted by crushing and pulverizing followed by gravity separation without the use of chemicals.

截至2023年8月,共從約3,000噸挖掘的礦石中提取了4500盎司的黃金;相當於黃金品位約爲46g Au/t。現場試點研究確定,大多數金和銀可以通過破碎和粉碎,然後進行重力分離來提取,而無需使用化學品。

The Ben and Fish zones lie within a 2.5 km N-S trending, mineralized corridor. The two zones contain numerous multi-phased high-grade veins up to 1m in width and consist of various strike lengths. These veins parallel the primary vein within each zone.

Ben 和 Fish 區域位於一條長達 2.5 千米的南北向礦化走廊內。這兩個區域包含許多多相位的高級礦脈,寬度可達 100萬,並且具有不同的打擊長度。這些靜脈與每個區域內的主靜脈平行。

The narrow high-grade veins, typically 0.5 to 2m wide, are commonly within an envelope of quartz stringers and stockwork silification here deemed to be structures or panels. The width of the mineralized structures range up to 10m plus.


Terra's Ben and Fish zones are open along strike and at depth, having only been tested to approximately 250m below surface. Parallel high-grade veins and adjacent low grade mineralization enveloping the high-grade veins offer the opportunity for a rapid upgrade in the resources with strategically located drill holes.


Terra has advantageous infrastructure and facilities at the site including: a 25-person camp with a mess tent, showers, water wells, laundry facilities, and privies, plus an office, core shack, storage area, mill, storage shed, fuel depot, bulldozers, vehicle equipment, a road network and a ~1.5km airstrip.

Terra 在現場擁有有利的基礎設施和設施,包括:一個可容納 25 人的營地,裏面有食堂帳篷、淋浴、水井、洗衣設施和私人房間,以及辦公室、核心小屋、存儲區、磨坊、儲藏棚、燃料庫、推土機、車輛設備、道路網絡和約 1.5 公里的簡易機場。

Services are available at Anchorage some 210 km to the east. A winter road from the Alaska Highway network presently ends within 65 km of Terra and an all-weather road is planned by the state to replace the winter road in the near future. There appears to be no significant fish, wildlife, wetlands or environmental issues; no indigenous land claims and no federal permits required for exploration.


Private Placement Information Mayo has extended its on-going $1.4 million private placement @ $0.06 per Unit. Each Unit consists of one common share and a full warrant exercisable at $0.09 into one share for 4 years from closing. Further particulars can be found at .

私募信息梅奧已延長其正在進行的140萬美元私募配售,每單位0.06美元。每個單位由一股普通股和一份全額認股權證組成,可按0.09美元的價格行使爲一股,期限爲自收盤之日起4年。更多細節可以在以下網址找到 。

For more information on WestMountain's properties, please visit: .

有關西山物業的更多信息, 請訪問:.

Mayo's Drill-ready Projects in Yukon. Mayo controls 4 properties covering 194 square kilometres where it has completed extensive exploration over the last 12 years. Independent of any activities proposed for Terra, Mayo plans to define further gold targets within its Anderson -Davidson project and to trench its Carlin West and AJ targets at its Carlin-Roop property. Mayo's Trail-Minto property, which may well host similar mineralization to that at Banyan Gold's AurMac or Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine (intrusion related with sheeted veining), will be the subject of additional groundwork before planned drilling.

梅奧在育空地區的鑽探就緒項目。梅奧控制着佔地194平方公里的4處房產,在過去的12年中,它已經完成了大規模的勘探。無論Terra的任何擬議活動如何,梅奧計劃在其安德森-戴維森項目中進一步確定黃金目標,並在其卡林-魯普地產挖掘其Carlin West和AJ的目標。梅奧的Trail-Minto地產很可能與悅榕金的AurMac或維多利亞黃金的鷹礦相似(與板狀礦脈有關的入侵),在計劃鑽探之前,將進行額外的基礎工作。

The reader can access a number of maps and Mayo's history in addition to property news and descriptions at .


Corporate Information Mayo will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2023 in Carp (Ottawa) on August 15, 2024. An update on the Merger will be presented at that time.


Qualified Person. The technical and scientific information contained within this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Vern Rampton, P.Eng., a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standard of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101). Rampton has relied upon: one, a NI 43-101 Technical Report, dated June, 2020 and a second technical report, dated August, 2023, plus data reported on . Both reports were prepared for WestMountain and authored by Jim Robinson, B.SC., P.Geo. (QP). Dr. Rampton accepts responsibility for any interpretations or projections based on the information contained within the two reports and on WestMountain's web-site. Dr. Rampton acknowledges that all work was completed in a professional manner and the information contained in these works is correct, based on the state of Robinson and WestMountain at the time. Rampton can not verify that the reported statements, interpretations or projections by Robinson or himself will result in development and mining.

合格人士。本新聞稿中包含的技術和科學信息已經過P.Eng. Vern Rampton博士的審查和批准,他是美國國家儀器43-101礦業項目披露標準(“NI 43-101)中定義的合格人士。蘭普頓依賴的是:一份是2020年6月的北愛爾蘭43-101技術報告和2023年8月的第二份技術報告,以及上報的數據。這兩份報告都是爲 WestMountain 編寫的,由吉姆·羅賓遜億.sc.、P.Geo 撰寫。(QP)。蘭普頓博士對根據兩份報告和WestMountain網站上包含的信息所作的任何解釋或預測承擔責任。蘭普頓博士承認,根據當時的羅賓遜和西山狀況,所有工作都是以專業的方式完成的,這些作品中包含的信息是正確的。蘭普頓無法證實魯濱遜或他本人報告的陳述、解釋或預測是否會導致開發和採礦。

For additional information, please contact:


Vern Rampton, Ph.D., P.Eng. President, CEO and Chairman; Tel. 613-836-2594

Vern Rampton,博士,P.Eng總裁、首席執行官兼董事長; 電話 613-836-2594

Darrell Munro, BB.A, LL.B Corporate Administrator Tel 613-836-2594

Darrell Munro,Bb.A,LL.B 企業管理員 電話 613-836-2594

Lee Bowles, Director: Tel 011 3462 466 9063 or 416-561 7474

李·鮑爾斯,導演。電話 011 3462 466 9063 或 416-561 7474

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains forward‐looking statements and forward‐looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. These statements relate to future events or future performance. All statements other than statements of historical fact may be forward‐looking statements or information. The forward‐looking statements and information are based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by management of Mayo and WestMountain. Although management of Mayo and WestMountain believe that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking statements and information are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward‐looking statements and information since no assurance can be given that they will prove to be correct.


Forward-looking statements and information are provided for the purpose of providing information about the current expectations and plans of management of Mayo and WestMountain relating to the future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such statements and information may not be appropriate for other purposes, such as making investment decisions. Since forwardlooking statements and information address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forwardlooking statements and information contained in this news release. BECAUSE MAYO AND WESTMOUNTAIN HAVE ENTERED INTO A NON-BINDING LETTER OF INTENT, THERE IS NO ASSURANCE WHATSOEVER THAT THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION WILL OCCUR. FURTHER, THERE IS NO ASSURANCE THAT MAYO WILL BE ABLE TO RAISE THE NECESSARY CAPITAL TO PROCEED WITH THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION. BOTH MAYO AND WESTMOUNTAIN HAVE LIMITED CAPITAL.


The forwardlooking statements and information contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and no undertaking is given to update publicly or revise any forwardlooking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws. The forward-looking statements or information contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Market Regulator accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Deposit and Owner Resources
Donlin (NovaGold Resources/Barrick Gold) Measured and Indicated: 39.0 million ounces at 2.2g Au/t 1.
Livengood (International Tower Gold) Measured and indicated resources: 13.6 million ounces gold at 0.6g Au/t 2.
Fort Knox (Kinross Gold) Estimated Production to 2020; 8.7 ± million ounces gold; continued production forecast to 2030 3.
Golden Summit (Freegold Ventures) Indicated: 12.7 million ounces at 6.90g Au/t; Inferred
8.6 million ounces at 0.86g Au/t 4.
Pogo (Northern Star Resources) Indicated: 3.4 million ounces at 10.9g Au/t; Inferred: 3.8 million ounces at 10.7g Au/t; Commenced production 2006. 5
Dublin Gulch Eagle (Victoria Gold) Measured and Indicated resources: 4.4 million ounces at 0.6g Au/t; Inferred 0.5 ounces at 0.5g Au/t 6.
Coffee (Newmont Gold) Measured and Indicated 2.1 million ounces at
1.2 g Au/t; Inferred 0.3 million ounces at 1.00g Au/t 7.
Rogue (Snowline Gold) DHV-23-034 -418.3m at 1.88g Au/t; inc. 216m at 3.1g Au/t and 121m at 4.1g Au/t ; DHV23-029-553.8m at 2.48g Au/t, inc. 132.0m at 4.89g Au/t 8.
Whistler (US Gold Mining) Indicated: 3.0 million ounces at 0.79g AuEq/t; Inferred: 6.5 million ounces at 0.63g AuEq/t 9.
Estelle (Nova Minerals) Measured & Indicated: 3.4 million ounces @ 0.52g Au/t;
Inferred: 6.5 million ounces at 0.3gAu/t 10.
AurMac (Banyan Gold) Inferred: 6.2 million ounces at 0.6g Au/t 11.
Casino (Western Copper and Gold) Measured and indicated: 14.8 million ounces at 0.18g Au/t; Inferred: 6.3 million ounces at 0.14g Au/t12.
日程安排 A.
TINTINA GOLD Belt 入侵相關的黃金礦牀
存款和所有者 資源
唐林(NovaGold Resources/Barrick Gold) 測量和顯示:在 2.2g Au/t 1 時爲 3900 萬盎司。
Livengood(國際塔金卡) 實測和指示的資源:1360萬盎司黃金,每噸0.6克。
諾克斯堡(金羅斯金) 預計到2020年的產量;870萬盎司黃金;將持續到2030年的產量預測3.
黃金峯會(Freegold Ventures) 顯示:在 6.90 g 澳元/噸時爲 1270萬盎司;推斷
860萬盎司按0.86g au/t 4.
Pogo(北極星資源) 標示:340萬盎司,按10.9g 澳元/噸計算;推斷:380萬盎司,按10.7g 澳元/噸計算;2006 年開始生產。5
都柏林峽谷之鷹(維多利亞金) 測得和指示的資源:0.6g Au/t 時爲 440 萬盎司;在 0.5 g Au/t 6 時推斷 0.5 盎司。
咖啡(紐蒙特金) 測量和指示爲 210萬盎司
1.2 g Au/t;在 1.00 g Au/t 時推斷 30 萬盎司 7。
盜賊(Snowline Gold) DHV-23-034 -41830萬以1.88g 澳元/噸計;包括 3.1g 澳元/噸時爲 21600萬,4.1g 澳元/噸時爲 12100萬;DHV2300-2900-55380萬爲2.48g 澳元/噸,含13200萬,4.89g 澳元/噸 8。
惠斯勒(美國金礦業) 標示:按0.79g aueq/t 計算 300萬盎司;推斷:按0.63g aueq/t 9計算,650萬盎司。
埃斯特爾(Nova Minerals) 測量和標示:340萬盎司 @ 0.52g Au/t;
推斷:在 0.3GAU/T 10 時爲 650 萬盎司。
AurMac(悅榕金) 推斷:在 0.6g au/t 11 時爲 620 萬盎司。
賭場(西方銅金) 測量和顯示:在 0.18g Au/t 時爲 1480萬盎司;推斷:在 0.14g au/t12 時爲 630萬盎司。
  1.; NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Donlin Gold Project, Alaska, U.S.A., prepared by Rick Hanson, Michael Woloschuk, Henry Kim, Wood Canada Ltd; June 1, 2023.
  2.; NI 43-101. Livengood Gold Project NI 43-101 Technical Report on Pre-feasibility Study, prepared by Colin Hardie, Jeffrey Cassoff, Melanie Turgeon, Ryan Baker, Michael Levy and Scott Wilson, Resource Development Associates; December 17, 2021.
  3. (2023); Wikipedia web-site. Estimates of produced ounces.
  4.; NI 43-101. Updated Mineral Resource Estimate, prepared by Greg Mosher and Maurice Marks, Tetra Tech Canada; February 21, 2023.
  5.; JORC Compiled Resource Estimate, prepared by Jabulin Machukera, Jeff Brown; November 2022.
  6.; NI 43-101 Technical Report, Eagle Gold Mine, Yukon Territory, Canada, prepared by Nico Harvey, Paul Gray, Jeff Winterton, Marc Jutras and Michael Levy; December 31, 2022.
  7.; news-release/news-detail/2023/Newmont-Annouras-increased-2022-Mineral Reserves-of-96- million-gold ounces-and-68-million-gold-equivalent ounces/default.aspx; December 31, 2022.
  9.; NI 43-101, Mineral Resource Estimate of the Whistler Project, prepared by Sue Bird, Kirstin Girdner and Arthur Baines, Moose Mountain Technical Services; June 11. 2021.
  10.; JORC. Robust Phase 2 Scoping Study for the Estelle Gold Project, prepared by Jonathan Abbott, Matrix Consultants, September 20, 2022.
  11.; NI 43-101. Technical Report AurMac Property, Mayo Mining District, Yukon, Canada, prepared by Marc Jutras (Gino Consulting), Tawnya Thornton (JDS Energy & Mining Inc) and Deepak Malhotra (Forte Dynamics); May 18, 2023.
  12.; For NI 43-101 F1 Technical Report Feasibility Study Yukon, Canada, prepared by Daniel Roth, Mike Hester, John M. Marek, Laurie M. Tahija, Carl Schulze, M3 Engineering & Technology Corp in association with Independent Mining Consultants, Knight Piesold Ltd., Aurora Geosciences and Hemmera; August 8, 2022
  1.;關於美國阿拉斯加唐林黃金項目的NI 43-101技術報告,由加拿大伍德有限公司的裏克·漢森、邁克爾·沃洛舒克、亨利·金編寫;2023年6月1日。
  2.;NI 43-101。Livengood Gold Project NI 43-101預可行性研究技術報告,由資源開發協會的科林·哈迪、傑弗裏·卡索夫、梅蘭妮·特金、瑞安·貝克、邁克爾·利維和斯科特·威爾遜編寫;2021年12月17日。
  3. (2023);維基百科網站。產量盎司的估計值。
  4.;NI 43-101。最新礦產資源估算,由加拿大利樂科技的格雷格·莫舍爾和莫里斯·馬克斯編寫;2023年2月21日。
  5.;JORC 彙編的資源估算,由 Jabulin Machukera、Jeff Brown 編寫;2022年11月。
  6.;NI 43-101技術報告,加拿大育空地區鷹金礦,由尼科·哈維、保羅·格雷、傑夫·溫特頓、馬克·尤特拉斯和邁克爾·利維編寫;2022年12月31日。
  7.;新聞稿/新聞詳情/2023/Newmont-Annouras-2022年礦產儲量增加9,600萬盎司金和6800萬黃金當量 ounces/default.aspx;2022年12月31日。
  9.;NI 43-101,《惠斯勒項目的礦產資源估算》,由蘇·伯德、柯斯汀·吉德納和亞瑟·貝恩斯編寫,《駝山技術服務部》;2021年6月11日。
  11.;NI 43-101。技術報告 AurMac Property,加拿大育空地區梅奧礦區,由 Marc Jutras(Gino Consulting)、Tawnya Thornton(JDS Energy & Mining Inc)和迪帕克·馬爾霍特拉(Forte Dynamics)編寫;2023年5月18日。
  12.;適用於加拿大育空地區的 NI 43-101 F1 技術報告可行性研究,由丹尼爾·羅斯、邁克·海斯特、約翰·馬雷克、勞裏·塔希亞、卡爾·舒爾茲、M3 工程與技術公司與獨立採礦顧問、奈特·皮索爾德有限公司、奧羅拉地球科學和海默拉聯合編寫;2022年8月8日

[1] N.I . 43-101 Technical Report on the Geophysical Surveying, Diamond Drilling, Soil and Rock Sampling, and Resource Estimates of the Terra Property, Lime Hill Quadrangle, McGrath Mining District, Mt. McKinley Recording District, Alaska, USA; June 20, 2020, and a revision of the June 20, 2020 N.I. 43-101 Technical Report dated August 7, 2023. Reports prepared by Mr. Ronald James (Jim) Robinson, B.Sc., P. Geo. Of Aurora Geoscience Ltd., 1901 Davis Ave. Unit B1, Juneau, AK99801, USA for WestMountain Gold, Inc. 1001-A East Harmony Road, Suite 340, FT Collins, VO80525, USA. All results are considered as being historic for the purposes of Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. and any projections are considered to be forward-looking. Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. has found the reports have been prepared in a professional and responsible manner and accepts their contents as being valid. Dr. Rampton can not verify that the results and projections will necessarily lead to the development of a profitable mine.

[1] N.I. 43-101《關於地球物理測量、鑽石鑽探、土壤和岩石採樣以及資源估算的技術報告》,山州麥格拉思礦區萊姆希爾四邊形美國阿拉斯加州麥金萊唱片區;2020年6月20日,以及2023年8月7日對2020年6月20日N.I. 43-101技術報告的修訂版。由羅納德·詹姆斯先生(吉姆)Robinsonelbonelribo.Sc.、P. Geo 編寫的報告。位於戴維斯大道 1901 號的奧羅拉地球科學有限公司旗下美國 AK99801 朱諾市 B1 單元,適用於 WestMountain Gold, Inc. East Harmony Road 1001-A,340 號套房,柯林斯堡,美國 VO80525。就梅奧湖礦業公司而言,所有結果都被視爲歷史性的,任何預測都被視爲前瞻性。Mayo Lake Minerals Inc.發現這些報告是以專業和負責任的方式編寫的,並承認其內容是有效的。蘭普頓博士無法證實結果和預測必然會導致盈利礦山的開發。

[2] Reference price means the price of gold, generally somewhat lower than the spot price, that is used to assess the resources in a deposit.

[2] 參考價格是指黃金的價格,通常略低於現貨價格,用於評估礦牀中的資源。



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