
Northern Star Projects Modest Rise in Gold Production

Northern Star Projects Modest Rise in Gold Production

sharecafe ·  07/25 21:23

Northern Star (ASX:NSM) is anticipating another modest rise in gold production this financial year, according to the guidance issued in Thursday's June quarter and full-year production and sales report.

根據週四發佈的6月季度和全年生產銷售報告,Northern Star (ASX:NSM)預計該財年黃金產量將再次適度增長。

The coming financial year will see substantial investment in expanding output, particularly in and around the Super Pit near Kalgoorlie, which continues to benefit the company.


However, the company has warned investors that the current September quarter will involve maintenance shutdowns (and likely lower gold output) at its three major producing hubs: Kalgoorlie (KCGM), Thunderbox (Yandal), and Pogo in Alaska.


The company reported gold production of 1.621 million ounces, just within guidance, and importantly, higher than the 1.563 million ounces produced in 2022-23.


For 2024-25, the company is projecting a range of 1.650 million to 1.800 million ounces, a notably wide range.


The cost range for this financial year is equally broad, from $A1,850 to $A2,100 per ounce. This range indicates a potential increase from no change on 2023-24 costs to a significant 13%+ jump at the top end. The top end rise would be much higher than 2023-24's All-in Sustaining Cost (AISC) of $A1,853 per ounce, which was up 5.3% from $A1,759 per ounce in 2022-23, a period when inflation was higher than it is now.

本財年的成本範圍同樣很廣,從每盎司1850澳元到每盎司2100澳元。這個範圍表明從2023-24年成本不變到本範圍的頂端可能會有13%以上的增長。 頂端的上漲幅度將比2023-24年的全套維持成本(AISC)達到1853澳元/盎司高得多,後者比2022-23年的1759澳元/盎司上漲了5.3%,後者是通貨膨脹比現在更高的時期。

Looking ahead, Northern Star indicated that gold production will be weighted towards the June half-year due to increased production from higher grades at KCGM and improved mill availability at Thunderbox and Pogo. In the September quarter, planned major shutdowns will occur across all three production centers.

Northern Star表示,展望未來,由於KCGM的更高等級生產和Thunderbox和Pogo的改善磨機可用性,黃金產量將在6月半年度有所增加。在9月季度,所有三個生產中心都將進行計劃的大規模停產。

The company will be spending heavily on expansion, with 2024-25 growth capital expenditure forecasted to be in the range of $A950 to $A1,020 million, plus the KCGM Mill Expansion capex of $A500 to $A530 million, which is in the second year of its build phase. Sustaining capital expenditure is forecasted to be in the range of $A200 to $A250 per ounce.

公司將大量投入於擴張,其中2024-25年的成長資本支出預計在區間爲A950到A102000萬澳元,再加上KCGm Mill Expansion capex的A500到A53000萬澳元,該項目正在建設第二年。可持續的資本支出預計在A200到A250每盎司的區間。

After spending $A140 million on exploration (down from the budgeted $A150 million), Northern Star reported a significant increase in Mineral Resources to 61.3 million ounces, up 3.9 million ounces, and Ore Reserves to 20.9 million ounces, up 700,000 ounces after mining depletion (as of March 31, 2024).

在勘探投入A14000萬澳元后(低於預算的A15000萬澳元),Northern Star的礦產資源顯著增加至6130萬盎司,增加390萬盎司,礦石儲量經過採礦耗竭後爲2090萬盎司,增加了70萬盎司(截至2024年3月31日)。

The KCGM operation is the focus of Northern Star's expansion over the next five or so years.

在未來五年左右的時間裏,KCGm操作是Northern Star擴張的焦點。

The company stated that in the coming year, "an increasing high-grade proportion of mill feed is expected to drive production growth over FY25 to be positioned to deliver 650koz in FY26."


"Increased high-grade volumes will be sourced from the Golden Pike North open pit area and from the ongoing ramp-up of both the Mt. Charlotte and Fimiston undergrounds. Scheduled planned shutdowns at KCGM will occur in 1Q and 3Q. Carosue Dam and Kalgoorlie Operations are expected to deliver consistent production over FY25 and FY26."

“來自黃金派克北部露天礦區和Mt. Charlotte和Fimiston地下礦井持續提升的高品位量將增加。計劃中的KCGm停工將在1Q和3Q進行。 Carosue Dam和Kalgoorlie Operations預計將在FY25和FY26期間提供一致的產量。”

At KCGM, growth capital spending on projects to deliver mill feed and infrastructure for the expanded mill is forecasted at $A460 to $A485 million. "These projects include the development and ramp-up of the underground mines to achieve 8 million tonnes per annum (with planned increases of half a million tonnes a year), open pit material movement, and infrastructure requirements (including underground services and tailings dam facilities with investment over FY25-27).

在KCGm,用於爲擴建磨坊提供磨料和基礎設施的成長資本支出預計爲A460到A48500萬澳元。 “這些項目包括地下礦開發和升級以達到每年800萬噸(計劃每年增加50萬噸),露天礦料移動和基礎設施需求(包括地下服務和尾礦壩設施,投資覆蓋FY25-27)。”

"Growth expenditure at Carosue Dam will establish both Wallbrook and Enterprise open pits, and at Kalgoorlie Operations to advance Crossroads and Joplin."

“在Carosue Dam的成長支出將建立Wallbrook和Enterprise露天礦,並在Kalgoorlie Operations推進Crossroads和Joplin。”

"The Company is now in the second build year of the KCGM Mill Expansion Project. Forecast FY25 growth capital expenditure is $A500 to $A530 million, or approximately 34% of the total $A1,500 million estimated spend. FY25 major works include the delivery and installation of major equipment (grinding, crushing, and flotation cells) as well as commissioning of service infrastructure (power lines, concentrate loadout facilities)."

“公司現在正在KCGm Mill擴建項目的第二個建設年度。預測FY25的成長資本支出爲A500到A53000萬澳元,約佔總預計支出A150000萬澳元的34%。FY25的重要工程包括交付和安裝主要設備(研磨、碎石和浮選池)以及服務基礎設施的調試(電力線路、濃縮裝載設施)。”

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