


PR Newswire ·  07/30 06:00

CALGARY, AB, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd. (the "Company" or "ReconAfrica") (TSXV: RECO) (OTCQX: RECAF) (Frankfurt: 0XD) announces the filing of annual disclosure documents for the year ended March 31, 2024, including audited annual consolidated financial statements, management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A"), annual information form ("AIF"), annual statement of reserves data and other oil and gas information under National Instrument 51-101 ("NI 51-101 Report") and estimates of prospective resources to the Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd. interest in certain prospects and leads located in Petroleum Exploration Licence 73 ("PEL 73"), Kavango Basin, Namibia as of March 31, 2024 (the "NSAI Report").

2024年3月31日年度財務報表,管理層討論與分析(MD&A),年度信息表(AIF),儲量數據年度報表和國家工具51-101下的其他油氣信息(NI 51-101報告)和關於Reconnaissance Energy Africa有限公司在石油勘探許可證73(PEL 73)位於納米比亞卡萬戈盆地的某些前景和潛在資源的估計(NSAI報告)。





  • Sold Renaissance Oil Corporation, holder of the Mexican assets, for gross proceeds of approximately C$10.3 million (US$7.5 million), and discharged approximately C$100 million of related liabilities.
  • Granted approval for the Second Renewal Exploration Period by the Ministry of Mines and Energy ("MME") in Namibia, covering the period from January 30, 2024 to January 29, 2026.
  • Handed over an additional 10 solar powered community water wells drilled and completed by the Company to the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform ("MAWLR"), in Namibia, bringing the total number of 36 water wells handed over to date.
  • Increased technical capabilities of the Company by hiring Chris Sembritzky as Senior Vice President of Exploration and a team of former Anadarko Petroleum explorationists.
  • Enhanced internal controls and legal capabilities by hiring Adam Rubin as General Counsel, reducing third party legal expenses.
  • Increased governance structure at the Board of Directors level, adding the Honourable Diana McQueen ECA, ICD.D as Chair of the Board of Directors, the appointment of D. Jeffrey Harder, FCPA, FCA, FCBV, ICD.D as a new independent director and Chair of the Audit Committee and the appointment of Iman Hill as a new independent director.
  • Streamlined organization and relocated head office to Calgary, reducing G&A.
  • 售出墨西哥資產持有人--文藝復興石油股份公司,獲得約1030萬加幣(750萬美元)的毛收益,並償還約1億加幣收益相關的負債。
  • 獲得納米比亞礦業和能源部("MME")的第二個探礦期續訂批准,覆蓋了2024年1月30日至2026年1月29日。
  • 向納米比亞農業、水資源和土地改革部("MAWLR")移交了公司鑽完並完成的10個太陽能社區水井,累計移交數量達到了36個水井。
  • 僱傭了Chris Sembritzky作爲高級副總裁,領導一支前安達科石油勘探團隊,增強了公司的技術能力。
  • 僱傭了Adam Rubin擔任總法律顧問,增強了公司的內部控制和法律能力,降低了第三方法律費用。
  • 董事會增強治理結構,任命Diana McQueen ECA,ICD.D擔任董事會主席,任命獨立董事D. Jeffrey Harder,FCPA,FCA,FCBV,ICD.D擔任董事會審計委員會主席和獨立董事Iman Hill爲新的獨立董事。
  • 優化組織架構並將總部遷至卡爾加里,減少了一般和行政費用。



  • Completed the acquisition of enhanced full tensor gravity surveys totaling over 5,000 km2 and phase 2 extension of the 2D seismic program bringing the total acquired 2D seismic to 2,767 km.
  • Received an Environmental Clearance Certificate ("ECC"), from the Environmental Commissioner, Ministry of the Environment, Forestry and Tourism, covering PEL 73, for the drilling of 12 exploration and appraisal wells.
  • Completed the technical evaluation of the entire exploration inventory to understand the potential of the Damara Fold Belt and Kavango Rift Basin plays.
  • Re-opened the virtual data room which included a comprehensive assessment of the entire exploration inventory, including drill ready prospects and an integration of that work into the farm out joint venture process.
  • Selected the first two drilling locations and began the process required for well site preparation and procurement for operations.
  • Spud the Naingopo exploration well in the Damara Fold Belt on July 7, 2024. The Naingopo well is targeting 181 million barrels of unrisked prospective oil resources on a 100% working interest basis, based on the NSAI Report(1).
  • Civil works associated with Prospect P continue, including debushing, demining and road construction activities. Prospect P is expected to spud in the fourth quarter of 2024, following the completion of the Naingopo exploration well.
  • NSAI Report highlighting over 19.6 billion barrels of undiscovered original oil-in-place, consisting of 3.4 billion barrels of unrisked prospective oil resources in the Damara Fold Belt basin from 19 prospects on a 100% working interest basis and 0.5 billion barrels of unrisked prospective oil resources in the Kavango Rift Basin from 6 prospects on a 100% working interest basis (1).
  • 完成了超過5,000平方公里的增強全張力重力勘測和2D地震計劃第2階段的收購,使收購的2D地震總量達到2,767公里。
  • 獲得了環境事務、林業和旅遊部("環境部")頒發的環境清理證明書("ECC"),涵蓋了PEL 73的12口勘探和評價井的鑽探。
  • 完成了整個勘探庫存的技術評估,以了解Damara Fold Belt和Kavango Rift Basin plays的潛力。
  • 重新開放了虛擬數據室,幷包括對整個勘探清單的全面評估,包括隨時準備好的勘探前景,並將這項工作整合到農場聯營合作伙伴關係過程中。
  • 選擇了前兩個鑽井地點,並開始進行井場準備和採購等工作。
  • 在2024年7月7日在達馬拉卷帶(Damara Fold Belt)鑽探Naingopo勘探井。Naingopo井的目標是基於NSAI報告(1),以100%的工作權益爲基礎,針對18100萬桶未經風險前景油氣資源。
  • Prospect P附屬的土木工程正在進行,包括清除灌木、排雷和道路施工等活動。Prospect P預計將在2024年第四季度開始鑽探,這是繼Naingopo勘探井完成後的下一步行動。
  • NSAI報告強調,卷帶(Fold Belt)盆地中有超過196億桶的未被發現的原始原油庫存,其中包括基於100%工作權益的19個前景的34億桶未經風險的前景油氣資源和來自Kavango Rift Basin的6個前景油氣資源,共計5億桶的未經風險前景油氣資源(1)。


There is no certainty that any portion of the resources will be discovered. If discovered, there is no certainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the resources. Prospective resources are those quantities of oil estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations by application of future development projects. Prospective resources have both an associated chance of discovery and a chance of development. For the purposes of the NSAI Report, the volumes and parameters are associated with the best estimate scenario of prospective resources. Prospective resources are the arithmetic sum of multiple probability distributions. Unrisked prospective resources are estimates of the volumes that could reasonably be expected to be recovered in the event of the discovery and development of these prospects.





  • Raised gross proceeds of C$8.7 million from equity offerings in 2023.
  • Raised gross proceeds of C$17.3 million via bought deal public offering in April 2024.
  • Announced an underwritten public offering of C$35.0 million in July 2024.
  • Entered into a memorandum of understanding ("MOU") with BW Energy Limited ("BW Energy") (OSE:BWE), for a 20% working interest in PEL 73, including a US$16 million (C$22 million), equity investment to support a multi-well exploration program, and additional contingent payments of up to US$125 million (C$171 million), based on certain development, production and cash flow milestones. Total potential exposure of the deal is US$141 million (C$193 million).
  • Net income of C$41 million, C$0.20 per share, for the year ended March 31, 2024, driven by the sale of Renaissance Oil Corporation in the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • 於2023年通過股權發行募集了870萬加幣。
  • 於2024年4月通過公開出售的形式,買入了1730萬加幣。
  • 在2024年7月宣佈了一份3,500萬加元的公開認購發行。
  • 與BW Energy Limited(OSE:BWE)簽署了諒解備忘錄("MOU"),獲得了PEL 73的20%工作權益,其中包括1,600萬美元(2,200萬加元)的股權投資,以支持多口井勘探計劃,以及最高爲1,2500萬美元(1,7100萬加元)的附加有條件付款,根據達到某些開發、生產和現金流里程碑。交易的總潛在風險爲1.41億美元(1.93億加元) 。
  • 淨利潤爲4100萬加元,每股0.20加元,截至2024年3月31日的年度銷售收入推動了Renaissance Oil Corporation在2023年第四季度的銷售。

Brian Reinsborough, President and CEO of the Company stated: "2023 marked a turning point for ReconAfrica. Since I joined the Company a year ago, we have delivered on several major strategic objectives that I set out last fall. One of those objectives was to generate a portfolio of high impact drill ready prospects. This goal was achieved and has led us to the recent spud of the highly anticipated Naingopo exploration well, the first well in our multi-well exploration to test the Damara Fold Belt. Operationally, the well is drilling as expected with results anticipated in October. We recently executed a MOU from our farm-out joint venture process with BW Energy. The MOU provided for BW Energy to make a strategic equity investment into ReconAfrica for US$16 million while also investing directly at the asset level, with a 20% working interest in PEL 73 in exchange for US$125 million in payments based on achieving certain milestones with respect to commerciality, first production and cash flow milestones. This transaction maximizes cash up front for exploration drilling and provides significant cash for development expenditures on success, while still retaining a high level of working interest for ReconAfrica and its shareholders. Our financing strategy has been executed as planned with two successful equity financings undertaken in 2024 positioning us to execute our fully funded planned exploration program. We streamlined our portfolio with the sale of the Mexican assets and are now positioned as an onshore pure play in West Africa. Additionally, we have executed on some of our corporate objectives by streamlining our organization to be fit for purpose and we have welcomed new members to the Board of Directors who add a more diversified skill and competency set. Overall, I am very pleased with the performance of the Company over the past 12 months."

公司總裁兼首席執行官布賴恩·萊因斯伯勒(Brian Reinsborough)表示:“2023年標誌着ReconAfrica的轉折點。自一年前加入公司以來,我們已經實現了去年秋天設定的幾個主要戰略目標。其中之一是產生一系列高衝擊物鑽孔前景。該目標已經實現,並促使我們最近對備受期待的Naingopo勘探井進行了一次組合開發,這是我們測試坦噶納河折皺帶多口井勘探的第一口井。在操作上,井的鑽探與預期相符,預計在十月份獲得結果。我們最近爲與德國能源BW Energy的合資公司過程簽署了諒解備忘錄。 MOU要求BW Energy對ReconAfrica進行戰略性股權投資,投資額爲1,600萬美元,同時直接在資產級別上投資,獲得PEL 73的20%工作權益,以換取獲得某些與商業化、首次生產和現金流里程碑相關的付款,總額爲1.25億美元。此交易最大化了探測鑽井的現金量,併爲成功的開發支出提供了顯著的資金,同時仍保留了ReconAfrica及其股東的高水平工作權益。 我們的融資策略已按計劃執行,我們在2024年進行了兩次成功的股權融資,以使我們完全資助計劃中的探測方案。我們通過出售墨西哥資產來精簡我們的組合,現在被定位爲西非陸上的純玩公司。此外,我們已經實現了一些公司目標,通過重新規劃組織,使其適應目標,並歡迎添加了一組更具多樣化技能和能力的董事會成員。總的來說,我對公司在過去12個月的表現非常滿意。”



The Company has filed its annual audited consolidated financial statements, MD&A, AIF, and NI 51-101 Report for the year ended March 31, 2024, as well as estimates of prospective resources to the Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd. interest in certain prospects and leads located in PEL 73, Kavango Basin, Namibia as of March 31, 2024, available on SEDAR+ at .

公司已經提交了其2024年3月31日年度審計的合併財務報表、 MD&A,AIF和NI 51-101報告,以及根據2024年3月31日沿PEL 73,卡萬戈盆地,納米比亞地區的前景和潛力對Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd的估計資源的估計,可在SEDAR+上查。

About ReconAfrica


ReconAfrica is a Canadian oil and gas company engaged in the exploration of the Damara Fold Belt and Kavango Rift Basin in the Kalahari Desert of northeastern Namibia and northwestern Botswana, where the Company holds petroleum licences comprising ~8 million contiguous acres. In all aspects of its operations ReconAfrica is committed to minimal disturbance of habitat in line with international standards and will implement environmental and social best practices in all of its project areas.


Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:


Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information under applicable Canadian, United States and other applicable securities laws, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, statements with respect to enhanced internal controls, reducing third party legal fees, the drilling of 12 exploration and appraisal wells, the potential of the Damara Fold Belt and Kavango Rift Basin plays, estimates of unrisked prospective oil resources, the timing of the spud of Prospect P, estimates contained in the NI 51-101 Report, estimates of original oil-in-place, completion of the underwritten financing announced in July 2024, completion of the MOU with BW Energy, the Company's commitment to minimal disturbance of habitat, in line with best international standards and its implementation of environmental and social best practices in all of its project areas. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on ReconAfrica's current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as the Company's actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of the factors discussed in the "Risk Factors" section in the Company's annual information form dated July 29, 2024, available under the Company's profile at . Actual future results may differ materially. Various assumptions or factors are typically applied in drawing conclusions or making the forecasts or projections set out in forward-looking information. Those assumptions and factors are based on information currently available to ReconAfrica. The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof and ReconAfrica undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.

本新聞稿中的某些聲明構成適用的加拿大,美國和其他適用證券法律,規則和法規下的前瞻性信息,包括但不限於增強內部控制,降低第三方法律費用,鑽探12口勘探和評估井的時間,坦噶納河折皺帶和卡萬戈裂谷盆地油氣勘探的潛力,在NI 51-101報告中包含的無風險潛在油資源的估計以及Prospect P的初始探測時間等等。這些聲明涉及將來的事件或將來的業績。使用“能”,“打算”,“期望”,“相信”,“將”,“預計”和類似表達以及與不是歷史事實相關的事項相關的陳述旨在識別前瞻性信息,並基於ReconAfrica的當前信念或假設,作爲未來事件的結果和計時的結果。不能保證此類聲明將證明準確,因爲該公司的實際結果和未來事件可能與這些前瞻性聲明所預期的有所不同,因爲所討論的“風險因素”在“風險因素”部分中因爲在2024年7月29日日期的公司的年度信息表中有所涉及,並在公司的檔案配置文件下的可用於。實際未來結果可能存在差異。通常在制定包含前瞻性信息的結論或做出預測或投射時應用各種假設或因素。這些假設和因素基於目前可供ReconAfrica的信息。本發佈中包含的前瞻性信息截至此時,並且ReconAfrica不承擔更新或修訂任何前瞻性信息的義務,無論是因爲獲得新信息,未來事件或其他原因,除非適用的證券法律要求。由於存在風險,不確定性和假設的原因,投資者不應過度依賴前瞻性信息。本新聞稿中包含的NSAI報告的報告("NSAI報告")中所述的NSAI(無瑕疵)有限責任公司的《對石油和天然氣活動披露的標準NI 51- 101)的《加拿大石油和天然氣評估手冊》的定義和指南。爲了進一步了解詳細信息並在2024年3月31日的有效日期前與PEL 73,卡萬戈盆地,納米比亞,位於Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd.的NSAI報告中詳細介紹的前景和潛力的恢復相關風險和不確定性的水平,與前景有關的正面和負面因素和應用於有前途的資源所述項目的描述,均包含在《NSAI_Report》中,該報告的副本已經向加拿大證券管理者提交,並可在SEDAR+上查看。

Disclosure of Oil and Gas Information:


The report of Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc. ("NSAI") entitled "Estimates of Prospective Resources to the Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd. Interest in Certain Prospects and Leads located in PEL 73, Kavango Basin, Namibia as of March 31, 2024" (the "NSAI Report") and the prospective resource estimates contained therein and in this press release were prepared by NSAI, an independent qualified reserves evaluator, with an effective date of March 31, 2024. The NSAI Report was prepared in accordance with the definitions and guidelines of the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook prepared jointly by the Society of Petroleum and Engineers (Calgary Chapter) (the "COGE Handbook") and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum and National Instrument 51-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities ("NI 51-101"). For additional information concerning the risks and the level of uncertainty associated with recovery of the prospective resources detailed herein and in the NSAI Report, the significant positive and negative factors relevant to the prospective resources estimates detailed herein and in the NSAI Report and a description of the project to which the prospective resources estimates detailed herein and in the NSAI Report applies are contained within the NSAI Report, a copy of which has been filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and is available under the Company's issued profile on SEDAR+ at .

Netherland, Sewell&Associates,Inc.("NSAI")的報告名爲"Estimates of Prospective Resources to the Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd. Interest in Certain Prospects and Leads located in PEL 73,Kavango Basin,Namibia as of March 31,2024"("NSAI報告")和NSAI報告中包含的前瞻性資源估計以及本新聞稿中的前瞻性資源估計是由NSAI獨立的合格儲量評估師製作的,具有2024年3月31日的生效日期。NSAI報告是根據加拿大石油和天然氣評估手冊和51-101規範-適用於石油和天然氣活動的披露標準("NI 51-101")。有關關於恢復此處詳述的前景資源的風險以及不確定性水平,涉及於此處和NSAI報告中詳述的前景資源估計的顯著正面和負面因素以及應用於具有前瞻性資源估計的項目的說明,在NSAI報告中包含,其副本已經向加拿大證券管理者提交,並可在SEDAR+上查看公司的發行檔案。 .

The prospective resources shown in the NSAI Report have been estimated using probabilistic methods and are dependent on a petroleum discovery being made. If a discovery is made and development is undertaken, the probability that the recoverable volumes will equal or exceed the unrisked estimated amounts is 90 percent for the low estimate, 50 percent for the best estimate, and 10 percent for the high estimate. Low estimate and high estimate prospective resources have not been included in the NSAI Report. For the purposes of the NSAI Report, the volumes and parameters associated with the best estimate scenario of prospective resources are referred to as 2U. The 2U prospective resources have been aggregated beyond the prospect and lead level by arithmetic summation; therefore, these totals do not include the portfolio effect that might result from statistical aggregation. Statistical principles indicate that the arithmetic sums of multiple estimates may be misleading as to the volumes that may actually be recovered.

NSAI報告中顯示的潛在資源估計是使用概率方法估算的,具體取決於石油發現。如果找到石油並進行開發,那麼可回收的體積與未經風險評估的估計數額相等或超過其可能性分別爲90%、50%和10%的最低估算,最佳估算和最高估算。 NSAI報告中未包括最低估算和最高估算的潛在資源。 就NSAI報告而言,與潛在資源的最佳估計情景相關的體積和參數稱爲2U。 2U潛在資源已經通過算術累積在前景和引導水平之上; 因此,這些總數不包括可能因統計累積而產生的組合效應。統計原則表明,多個估計數的算術和可能在實際恢復的體積方面是具有誤導性的。

SOURCE Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd.

Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd.的消息來源。

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