
Signal Gold Receives Mineral Lease for the Goldboro Project From the Government of Nova Scotia

Signal Gold Receives Mineral Lease for the Goldboro Project From the Government of Nova Scotia

Signal Gold從Nova Scotia政府獲得Goldboro項目的礦物特許權
Accesswire ·  07/30 07:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / July 30, 2024 / Signal Gold Inc. ("Signal Gold" or the "Company") (TSX:SGNL)(OTCQB:SGNLF) is pleased to announce that it has received the Mineral Lease for the Goldboro Project. The Mineral Lease was issued by the Nova Scotia Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables, in accordance with the Mineral Resources Act and Mineral Resources Regulations and has a term of 20 years. The receipt of the Mineral Lease marks an important milestone in the regulatory approval process, while the Company continues to progress other main project permits.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2024年7月30日/Signal Gold Inc.(「Signal Gold」 或 「公司」)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SGNL)(OTCQB: SGNLF)欣然宣佈,它已收到戈德伯勒項目的礦產租約。礦產租賃由新斯科舍省自然資源和可再生能源部長根據《礦產資源法》和《礦產資源條例》簽發,有效期爲20年。礦產租賃的獲得標誌着監管審批過程中的一個重要里程碑,同時公司繼續推進其他主要項目許可。

"We are extremely pleased to have received the Mineral Lease for the Goldboro Project, an important milestone that reflects seven years of exploration work and analysis culminating in a mineral resource estimate that underpins this significant project. This approval marks a critical step towards the development of Goldboro, which will have a meaningful socio-economic impact on the region and the Province. We are grateful for the support this project has received from the Honourable Tory Rushton, Nova Scotia Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables, as well as the many stakeholders, Rightsholders, and community members who continue to support us through the permitting process."


~Kevin Bullock, President and CEO, Signal Gold Inc.

~凱文·布洛克,Signal Gold Inc.總裁兼首席執行官

Signal Gold is advancing the Goldboro Gold Project in Nova Scotia, a significant growth project subject to a positive Feasibility Study which demonstrates an approximately 11-year open pit life of mine with average gold production of 100,000 ounces per annum and an average diluted grade of 2.26 grams per tonne gold. (Please see the 'NI 43-101 Technical Report and Feasibility Study for the Goldboro Gold Project, Eastern Goldfields District, Nova Scotia' on January 11, 2022, for further details). On August 3, 2022, the Goldboro Project received its environmental assessment approval from the Nova Scotia Minister of Environment and Climate Change, a significant regulatory milestone, and the Company has now submitted all key permits including the Industrial Approval, Fisheries Act Authorization and Schedule 2 Amendment, and the Mining and Crown Land Leases. The Goldboro Project has significant potential for further Mineral Resource expansion, particularly towards the west along strike and at depth, and the Company has consolidated 28,525 hectares (~285 km2) of prospective exploration land in the Goldboro Gold District.

Signal Gold正在推進位於新斯科舍省的戈德伯勒黃金項目,這是一個重要的增長項目,有待進行積極的可行性研究,該項目表明該礦的露天礦壽命約爲11年,平均黃金產量爲100,000盎司,每噸黃金的平均稀釋品位爲2.26克。(更多詳情請參閱2022年1月11日發佈的 「新斯科舍省東金礦區戈德伯勒黃金項目的NI 43-101技術報告和可行性研究」)。2022年8月3日,戈德伯勒項目獲得了新斯科舍省環境和氣候變化部長的環境評估批准,這是一個重要的監管里程碑,該公司現已提交所有關鍵許可證,包括工業批准、漁業法授權和附表2修正案以及採礦和公有土地租賃。戈德伯勒項目具有進一步擴張礦產資源的巨大潛力,尤其是沿着走向西和深度擴張,該公司已在戈德伯勒金區整合了28,525公頃(約285平方公里)的潛在勘探用地。

This news release has been reviewed and approved by Kevin Bullock, P. Eng., President and CEO with Signal Gold Inc., a "Qualified Person", under National Instrument 43-101 Standard for Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

根據國家儀器43-101礦產項目披露標準,本新聞稿已由Signal Gold Inc. 總裁兼首席執行官凱文·布洛克工程師凱文·布洛克審查和批准,他是 「合格人士」。



Signal Gold Inc.
Kevin Bullock
President and CEO
(647) 388-1842

Reseau ProMarket Inc.
Dany Cenac Robert
Investor Relations
(514) 722-2276 x456

Signal Gold 公司
(647) 388-1842

Resau ProMarket Inc
(514) 722-2276 x456

SOURCE: Signal Gold Inc.

來源:Signal Gold Inc.

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