
Canter Resources Reports up to 840 Ppm Lithium and 4,700 Ppm Boron From Phase I Drilling at the Columbus Lithium-Boron Brine Project in Nevada

Canter Resources Reports up to 840 Ppm Lithium and 4,700 Ppm Boron From Phase I Drilling at the Columbus Lithium-Boron Brine Project in Nevada

newsfile ·  07/30 07:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 30, 2024) - Canter Resources Corp. (CSE: CRC) (OTC Pink: CNRCF) (FSE: 6O1) ("Canter" or the "Company") is pleased to report final drill results corresponding to the solid (clay/sediment) samples from the final nine (9) holes of its 15-hole Phase I drill program at the Columbus Lithium-Boron Project ("Columbus" or the "Project"), located near Tonopah, Nevada.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(新聞稿公司-2024年7月30日)-Canter Resources Corp.(CSE:CRC)(OTC Pink:CNRCF)(FSE:6O1)(以下簡稱“Canter”或“公司”)很高興地宣佈報告哥倫布鋰-硼項目(“哥倫布”或“項目”)第一階段鑽探方案的最終鑽探結果,這些結果對應於內華達州Tonopah附近的哥倫布固體(粘土/沉積物)樣品所得到的最終9個(9)孔位。

While Canter is focused on exploring the multi-tiered aquifer system and targeting mineral resources within the basin's brines at Columbus, sampling the sedimentary units provides valuable geochemical data for the Company to correlate with brine results to establish mineralization patterns and stronger predictive modeling. The final batch of solid assay results includes the highest-grade lithium and boron sedimentary values from Phase I.


New Assay Highlights (peak values over minimum 4.9 ft (1.5 metres) sample length)

新化驗亮點(最小4.9英尺(1.5米)樣品長度的峯值) CB24-011G:3,850 ppm B;710 ppm Li;3.3% K CB24-004G:4,700 ppm B;840 ppm Li;3.1% K CB24-005G:2,900 ppm B;740 ppm Li;3.7% K CB24-020G:2,550 ppm B;680 ppm Li;3.6% K CB24-021G:4,280 ppm B;680 ppm Li;3.6% K CB24-022G:3,160 ppm B;680 ppm Li;3.8% K 注意:m=米;ppm=百萬分之一;B=硼;Li=鋰;K=鉀

  • CB24-011G: 3,850 ppm B; 710 ppm Li; 3.3% K
  • CB24-004G: 4,700 ppm B; 840 ppm Li; 3.1% K
  • CB24-005G: 2,900 ppm B; 740 ppm Li; 3.7% K
  • CB24-020G: 2,550 ppm B; 680 ppm Li; 3.6% K
  • CB24-021G: 4,280 ppm B; 680 ppm Li; 3.6% K
  • CB24-022G: 3,160 ppm B; 680 ppm Li; 3.8% K
  • 請見圖1(平面圖),圖2(001G-005G孔的剖面圖)和表1,總結第一階段的所有固體化驗結果。
  • “第一階段鑽探的最終實物分析結果進一步證明了哥倫布從地表開始就具有重要和普遍的礦化作用,”Canter首席執行官Joness Lang評論道。“我們此前從最後的滷水結果中觀察到的隨着深度增加的濃縮趨勢在這裏再次表現出來,我們的實物樣品中的等級也在增加(見圖2)。我們很高興在8月中旬展開第二階段的鑽探,以擴展非常成功的首次方案。”
  • 圖1:顯示第一階段所有突出的粘土化學分析間隔的平面圖(紅色鑽孔ID標籤對應於新報告的結果)。
  • 第一階段的觀察和收穫 廣泛的鋰和硼礦化:第一階段地質探測結果確認了多個區域(滷水/固體)中鋰和硼的顯著濃度,支持該項目的礦產資源潛力。 發現兩個不同的淺層含水層:鑽探方案成功地確定了兩個深度不到100英尺的分開的含水層,具有高電導率和總溶解固體(TDS),每個顯示不同的地球化學標誌。 地球物理和歷史數據的驗證:結果與歷史核心數據,井下地球物理學和最近的HSAMt調查的解釋相符並加強了解釋。 更多滷水的高潛力:第一階段鑽探和地球物理數據的一致結果表明盆地內存在許多滷水的潛力。 更深,更高品位滷水的強有力證據:實物(粘土)和流體(滷水)的結果都表明在孔內進一步加深時其等級/濃度不斷增加(見圖2)。數據表明有一個可能在100-150英尺之間的第三個含水層將作爲第二階段鑽探的一部分得到測試。 礦化模式支持地質模型:含水層中鋰和硼濃度的分佈與滷水元素遷移和溶解度的已知趨勢相吻合,進一步驗證了勘探模型併爲更深的鑽探提供了洞察。
  • CB24-021G:4,280 ppm B;680 ppm 鋰礦;3.6% K
  • cse: cse

Notes: m=metres; ppm=parts per million; B=boron; Li=lithium; K=potassium


See Figure 1 (plan view), Figure 2 (section view of holes 001G-005G) and Table 1 for summary of all solid assay results from Phase I.

Canter Resources Corp.:Canter資源公司 Columbus Lithium-Boron Project:哥倫布鋰礦硼礦項目 solid(clay/sediment)samples:固體(粘土/沉積物)樣品 15-hole Phase I drill program:第一階段15孔鑽探方案 drill results:鑽探結果 corresponding to:對應於 the final nine (9) holes:最後9個孔的 pleased to report:很高興報道 located near Tonopah, Nevada:位於內華達州Tonopah附近 geochemical data:地球化學數據 brine results:滷水結果 establish mineralization patterns:建立礦化模式 solid assay results:固體化驗結果 highest-grade lithium and boron sedimentary values:最高級別的鋰和硼沉積物 peak values over minimum 4.9 ft (1.5 metres) sample length:最小4.9英尺(1.5米)樣品長度的峯值 m=metres:m=米 cb24-011g:cb24-011g cb24-004g:cb24-004g cb24-005g:cb24-005g cb24-020g:cb24-020g cb24-021g:cb24-021g cb24-022g:cb24-022g ppm=parts per million:ppm=百萬分之一 B=boron:B=硼 Li=lithium:Li=鋰 K=potassium:K=鉀 phase II drilling:第二階段鑽探 in mid-August:在八月中旬 Plan view:平面圖 section view:剖面圖 highlighted clay assay intervals:突出的粘土化學分析間隔 red drill hole ID labels:紅色鑽孔ID標籤 observational results:地質觀測研究結果 takeaways:結論 multi-tiered aquifer system:多層含水層系統 basin's brines:盆地滷水 sampling the sedimentary units:取樣沉積層 valuable geochemical data:有價值的地球化學數據 correlate with:相互關聯於 predictive modeling:預測模型 aquifers:含水層 conductivity:電導率 total dissolved solids:總溶解固體 geochemical signatures:地球化學標誌 deeper drilling:更深的鑽探 known trends:已知趨勢 validation of exploration model:勘探模型的驗證 insights:洞察 mineralization:礦化

"The final solid assay results from Phase I drilling further demonstrate the significant and widespread mineralization starting right from surface at Columbus," commented Canter CEO, Joness Lang. "The increasing concentration trends with depth we previously observed from the final brine results are reflected here again with our solid samples increasing in grade as well (see Figure 2). We are excited to get underway with Phase II drilling in mid-August to build on a very successful inaugural program."

“第一階段鑽探的最終實物分析結果進一步證明了哥倫布從地表開始就具有重要和普遍的礦化作用,”Canter首席執行官Joness Lang評論道。“我們此前從最後的滷水結果中觀察到的隨着深度增加的濃縮趨勢在這裏再次表現出來,我們的實物樣品中的等級也在增加(見圖2)。我們很高興在8月中旬展開第二階段的鑽探,以擴展非常成功的首次方案。”

Figure 1: Plan view showing all highlighted clay assay intervals from Phase I (red drill hole ID labels correspond to newly reported results).


Phase I Observations and Takeaways


  • Widespread Lithium and Boron Mineralization: Phase I Geoprobe results confirm the presence of significant concentrations of lithium and boron in multiple zones (brines/solids), supporting the Project's mineral resource potential.
  • 廣泛的鋰和硼礦化:第一階段地質探測結果確認了多個區域(滷水/固體)中鋰和硼的顯著濃度,支持該項目的礦產資源潛力。
  • Discovery of Two Distinct Shallow Aquifers: The drilling program successfully identified two separate aquifers less than 100 ft deep, with high conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) each showing distinct geochemical signatures.
  • 發現兩個不同的淺層含水層:鑽探方案成功地確定了兩個深度不到100英尺的分開的含水層,具有高電導率和總溶解固體(TDS),每個顯示不同的地球化學標誌。
  • Validation of Geophysical and Historical Data: Results align with and strengthen interpretations from historical core data, downhole geophysics and recent HSAMT surveys.
  • 結果與歷史核心數據,井下地球物理學和最近的HSAMt調查的解釋相符並加強了解釋。
  • High Potential for Additional Aquifers: Consistent findings across Phase I drilling and geophysical data, suggest the potential for numerous brine aquifers throughout the basin.
  • 第一階段鑽探和地球物理數據的一致結果表明盆地內存在許多滷水的潛力。
  • Strong Evidence for Deeper, Higher-Grade Brines: Solid (clay) and fluid (brine) results both demonstrate increasing grades/concentrations further downhole (see Figure 2). Data indicates a potential third aquifer between 100-150 ft that will be tested as part of Phase II drilling.
  • 實物(粘土)和流體(滷水)的結果都表明在孔內進一步加深時其等級/濃度不斷增加(見圖2)。數據表明有一個可能在100-150英尺之間的第三個含水層將作爲第二階段鑽探的一部分得到測試。
  • Mineralization Pattern Supports Geological Model: The distribution of lithium and boron concentrations within the aquifers aligns with known trends of element mobility and solubility in brines, further validating the exploration model and providing insights for deeper drilling.
  • 含水層中鋰和硼濃度的分佈與滷水元素遷移和溶解度的已知趨勢相吻合,進一步驗證了勘探模型併爲更深的鑽探提供了洞察。

Figure 2. Exaggerated long section view highlighting the grade/depth trends in sediments within the northern half of the Company's central drilling grid.

圖2. 誇張的剖面圖展現了公司中央鑽探網格北半部沉積物的品位/深度趨勢。

Table 1. Phase I Geoprobe Drill Results from Solids/Clays

表1. 固體/粘土相I期地質探測鑽孔結果

Notes: All holes completed were vertical and utilized a direct push Geoprobe 6620DT drilling rig. Peak value highlights range from 1.52 m to 1.7 m in length.


Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC)
Sediment samples are analyzed by ALS using the Analysis Method ME-ICP61, a four-acid digestion with ICP-AES finish. This method, while acquiring near-total values, may not quantitatively extract all elements in some sample matrices. It is suitable for intermediate-level lithium analysis in the exploration of Li-bearing sediments. To address boron loss during the four-acid digestion process, the Company includes the analysis of a single acid digestion (B-ICP41) to retain boron values. The Company is implementing a QA/QC protocol for sediment sampling to include Li and B CRMs sourced from Shea Clark Smith/MEG, Inc. and blank material.

質量保證 / 質量控制(QA / QC)
通過ALS分析法ME-ICP61分析沉積物樣品,採用四酸消化,配合ICP-AES完成。雖然該方法獲得了接近全量值,但在某些樣品基質中可能無法定量提取所有元素。該方法適用於鋰礦物探勘中的中等級別鋰分析。爲解決四酸消化過程中的硼損失問題,公司將包括單酸消化(b-ICP41)進行硼值保留的分析。公司正在實施沉積物採樣的質量保證/質量控制方案,包括來自Shea Clark Smith/MEG公司的鋰和硼CRM和空白材料。

Qualified Person (QP)
The technical information contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Eric Saderholm P.Geo, Director and Technical Advisor of Canter Resources, a Qualified Person (QP), as defined under National Instrument 43- 101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中包含的技術性信息由Canter Resources的資格認證人(QP)Eric Saderholm P.Geo,董事和技術顧問審查並批准,其定義符合43-101號國家規範,即公告礦產項目的披露標準。
Canter Resources Corp.是一家加拿大的初級礦產勘探公司,正在推進美國內華達州的哥倫布鋰硼項目和蒙大拿州的比弗克里克鋰礦物產權。本公司正在進行哥倫布項目的第一階段勘探活動,以測試一個高度有前景的鋰硼滷水目標,並計劃利用公司的關鍵金屬針對數據庫,進而建立支持北美清潔新能源供應鏈的高品質項目組合,並定義足夠支持相關能源供應鏈的礦產資源。

For more information about boron and lithium, please visit the Company's Boron 101 and Lithium 101 pages on the Company's website.

有關硼和鋰的更多信息,請訪問公司網站的 Boron 101 和 Lithium 101 頁面。

About Canter Resources Corp.

Canter Resources Corp.是一家加拿大的初級礦產勘探公司,正在推進美國內華達州的哥倫布鋰硼項目和蒙大拿州的比弗克里克鋰礦物產權。

Canter Resources Corp. is a junior mineral exploration company advancing the Columbus Lithium-Boron Project in Nevada, USA and the Beaver Creek Lithium Property in Montana, USA. The Company is completing a phased drilling approach at Columbus to test highly prospective brine targets at varying depths for lithium-boron enrichment and plans to leverage the Company's critical metals targeting database to generate a portfolio of high-quality projects with the aim of defining mineral resources that support the domestic technology and clean energy supply chains in North America.

Canter Resources Corp.是一家初創的礦產勘探公司,在美國內華達州推進哥倫布鋰硼項目和蒙大拿州的河石鋰礦物業。該公司正在哥倫布進行分階段鑽探,以測試深度不同的高潛水平滷水靶點,爲鋰硼富集做鋪墊,並計劃利用公司的重要金屬期貨定位數據庫,生成高質量的項目組合,以定義支持北美國家技術和清潔能源供應鏈的礦產資源。

For further information contact:


Joness Lang
Chief Executive Officer
Canter Resources Corp.
Tel: 778.382.1193

Joness Lang
Canter Resources公司。

For investor inquiries contact:


Kristina Pillon, High Tide Consulting Corp.
Tel: 604.908.1695

Kristina Pillon,High Tide Consulting Corp。

The Canadian Securities Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release. The Canadian Securities Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


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