
Beauty Industry Pioneer Victoria Jackson Launches No Makeup Makeup - A New Era of Color Cosmetics

Beauty Industry Pioneer Victoria Jackson Launches No Makeup Makeup - A New Era of Color Cosmetics

PR Newswire ·  07/30 09:00

NEW YORK, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Victoria Jackson, entrepreneur, cosmetics pioneer, medical research catalyst, author and philanthropist, is putting her "less is best" philosophy at the forefront of the launch of her cosmetics brand, No Makeup Makeup which brings a true-to-your-skin approach to beauty, empowering the real you to feel confident in your own skin.

維多利亞·傑克遜是一位企業家、化妝品先驅、醫療研究催化劑、作家和慈善家。她將“少即是多”的理念置於她的化妝品品牌No Makeup Makeup的前沿。這種真實肌膚的美容方法,讓真正的你感覺自信。

No Makeup Makeup
No Makeup Makeup
No Makeup Makeup
No Makeup Makeup

A beauty industry trailblazer, Victoria trademarked her original philosophy, "no makeup makeup," in the 80's – a concept she coined during her many years as a makeup artist running her iconic namesake brand, Victoria Jackson Cosmetics. She made history by becoming the first cosmetics line sold on television, achieving a remarkable $1 million in sales in the first week alone. Her innovative approach continued with 13 groundbreaking infomercials and a decade-long run on QVC, resulting in over $1 billion in sales.

作爲美容行業的先驅者,維多利亞在80年代註冊了她的原始理念“無妝化妝” ── 一個由她經營她的標誌性同名品牌Victoria Jackson Cosmetics時所創造的概念。她創造歷史,成爲第一個在電視上出售化妝品線的品牌,僅在第一週就實現了驚人的100萬美元銷售額。她創新的方法持續了13個開創性的信息廣告和在QVC上長達十年的運行,造成超過10億美元的銷售額。

Victoria continued to smash records at the height of her beauty career, yet a mom first, she quickly pivoted her mission from mascara to medicine to save her child. She founded the Guthy-Jackson Foundation with husband Bill Guthy, funding millions for research and development that ultimately led to innovative new therapies for her daughter's rare autoimmune disease. While she temporarily stepped away from her beauty empire, she knew her journey in the cosmetics industry was far from over. Today, Victoria makes her debut back into the space with No Makeup Makeup proving the power of female friendship, resilience, and the potential for reinvention at any stage of life. "I've always felt beauty isn't about layers of makeup, but about the confidence that comes from within. No Makeup Makeup is the next evolution of clean, natural-looking makeup and effortless beauty that's truly close to my heart," said Victoria.


Working together for over 20 years, Victoria partnered with award-winning beauty industry innovator, Kim Wileman to launch the brand. "We've been waiting to launch until we were certain the formula was absolutely perfect, which took 24 months of research working with the industry's best chemists, and we're confident that it's ready. We've always been committed to deliver the best-in-class products to our customers," says Kim Wileman, Co-Founder & CEO of No Makeup Makeup. Manufactured in Italy, No Makeup Makeup will launch with two products: a cream-balm foundation specifically designed to deliver a featherweight formula that is, shade-adaptive, color-correcting, and blurring pigments for the skin, plus, The Perfect Brush, designed to deliver the perfect finish. The No Makeup Makeup formula is dermatologist-tested, allergy tested, safe for sensitive skin, 100% clean, vegan, non-hormone disrupting, and Leaping Bunny certified. Free from harmful chemicals and skin irritants, the product boasts a hydrating, velvety and skin-like texture, thanks to its proprietary blend of skin-nourishing emollients. The innovative shade-adaptive FlexShade technology ensures the foundation adapts to various skin tones and undertones, enhancing natural complexions seamlessly.

Victoria與獲獎的美容行業創新者Kim Wileman合作推出了這個品牌。KimWileman表示:“我們一直在等待推出,直到我們確定了配方絕對完美,這需要24個月的研究工作,與行業最優秀的化學家合作,我們相信現在已經準備好了。我們一直致力於爲我們的客戶提供最佳產品。”No Makeup Makeup在意大利製造,將推出兩款產品:一款特別設計的霜狀基礎,旨在提供輕盈的配方,同時爲皮膚提供着色適應,色彩校正和模糊顏色的顆粒,以及配備The Perfect Brush的組合,旨在提供完美的妝容效果。No Makeup Makeup配方經過皮膚科測試,過敏測試,對敏感肌膚安全,百分之百乾淨,素食主義者,不會干擾荷爾蒙,並獲得Leaping Bunny的認證。它不含有害化學品和刺激性成分,擁有保溼、絲綢般的肌膚感和舒適的質地,這得益於其獨特的滋養皮膚的乳化劑配方。創新的色彩適應FlexShade技術確保基礎適應各種膚色和底色,讓天然的膚色更加自然。

Enriched with jojoba oil, vitamin E, and a unique Magnesium compound, the cream-balm texture provides a lightweight, buildable, no-makeup feel, perfect for both everyday wear and full coverage occasions. Available in 13 shades, the No Makeup Makeup Foundation retails for $55, Foundation Brush for $30 and Set for $80 at and TikTok shop.

No Makeup Makeup Foundation含有荷荷芭油、維生素E和獨特的鎂化合物,奶油霜質地提供了輕盈、可建造、無妝感,非常適合日常或全面覆蓋的場合。No Makeup Makeup Foundation有13種色調,售價爲55美元,Foundation Brush售價爲30美元,Set售價爲80美元,可在nomakeupmakeup.com和TikTok店鋪購買。

"Victoria's philosophy of the beauty of natural-looking skin has endured for decades. As she puts it 'Less is best, more is too much, and No Makeup Makeup is just right'."

“維多利亞有一種持久的自然肌膚美麗的理念。正如她所說的,“簡簡單單,自然就是美”, NoMakeupMakeup 非常完美”

About No Makeup Makeup:
The Victoria Jackson Cosmetics foundation that Victoria introduced in the 80's was so loved that even 30 years later, women still ask about it. The original developer of the concept "no makeup makeup," Victoria advocated and believed in the ease, simplicity and enhancing attributes of makeup, that it should be an extension of the real you, not heavy or mask-like. Victoria's original "no makeup makeup" foundation that was loved and purchased by thousands of women has finally gotten a next-generation upgrade. Featherlight, ultra-natural, blurring, color-correcting yet hydrating, our No Makeup Makeup Foundation has been redeveloped to the highest standards and expectations of our founders.

關於No Makeup Makeup:
Victoria Jackson Cosmetics在80年代推出的維多利亞珍愛的基礎太受歡迎,以至於即使30年後,女性仍然詢問它。“無妝化妝”的概念的原始開發者維多利亞提倡並相信化妝品的便捷性、簡單性和增強屬性,它應該是真實的你的延伸,而不是厚重或面具一樣的東西。維多利亞親自開發的“無妝化妝”基礎,被成千上萬的女性所喜愛和購買,現已獲得了下一代升級。我們的NoMakeupMakeup Foundation是輕盈、超自然、模糊、色彩校正、保溼的產品,已根據我們創始人的最高標準和期望進行重構。

About Victoria Jackson:
Victoria Jackson started a makeup company called Victoria Jackson Cosmetics, and it changed the beauty industry forever. Jackson first rose to prominence in the 1980s, founding her global powerhouse brand Victoria Jackson Cosmetics. Ahead of her time, she pioneered the "no makeup makeup" aesthetic that repositioned makeup as empowerment and celebrated natural beauty, irrevocably revolutionizing an industry that had been stuck in the past. Today, she continues to be a recognized beauty industry trailblazer, leading her namesake brand and cosmetics empire, in addition to being a best-selling author, award-winning medical researcher, and super mom of three. Victoria's many awards include being inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame in 2016 by Gloria Steinem and she also received the Pontifical Key Advocacy Award in 2018 at the Vatican by Pope Francis for her work to improve health for patients around the world.

Victoria Jackson成立了一家名爲Victoria Jackson Cosmetics的化妝品公司,它永遠改變了美容業。Jackson在20世紀80年代首次嶄露頭角,創立了她的全球品牌Victoria Jackson Cosmetics。她領先於時代,倡導“無妝化妝”的審美,重新定位了化妝品爲賦權並讚揚自然美,不可逆轉地革新了一個停滯不前的產業。今天,她仍然是一個公認的美容行業先鋒,領導她的同名品牌和化妝品帝國,同時也是一位暢銷書作家、屢獲殊榮的醫學研究人員和三個孩子的超級媽媽。維多利亞獲得了許多獎項,包括2016年被格洛麗亞•斯泰納姆(Gloria Steinem)選中入選國家婦女名人堂,以及2018年在梵蒂岡(Pontifical)被教皇方濟各授予積極宣傳獎,以表彰她改善全球患者健康的作品。

About Kim Wileman:
Called the "CEO Whisperer" of the beauty industry, Kim Wileman has worked with some of the most successful founders, A-list celebrities, investors, and private equity groups aspiring to expand their brand's vision and opportunities. She founded Galla Beauty, a multi-award-winning agency that works with beauty and wellness brands looking to scale their brands through big ideas and visionary product innovation. Kim is a trusted beauty industry authority whose award-winning product innovation is on the shelves of favorite beauty destinations worldwide. Partnering with Victoria Jackson, Kim forms the other half of this powerhouse female-founder duo, bringing her deep knowledge of consumer needs and industry white space to bear on the creation of their proprietary No Makeup Makeup Foundation.

關於Kim Wileman:
被稱爲美容行業的“CEO背後的靈魂人物”,金·維爾曼曾爲一些最成功的創始人、A-list名人、投資者和私募股權團體工作,旨在擴大他們品牌的願景和機會。她創立了Galla Beauty,這是一個屢獲殊榮的多項獎項機構,與尋求通過大膽創意和充滿遠見的產品創新擴大其品牌的美容和健康品牌合作。金是一位值得信賴的美容行業權威,在全球最喜愛的美容目的地的貨架上獲得了頗具影響力的產品創新獎。與維多利亞·傑克遜合作,金成爲這個強大的女性創始人二人組的另一半,將她對消費者需求和行業空白的深入了解用於創造他們專有的無妝妝底妝。

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SOURCE No Makeup Makeup

來源:No Makeup Makeup

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