
Household Energy Bills Rose Over 50% In 3 States Over Past 5 Years But Remained Stable In This Region

Household Energy Bills Rose Over 50% In 3 States Over Past 5 Years But Remained Stable In This Region

Benzinga ·  07/30 11:42

Energy prices have soared over the past five years as climate change-induced extreme weather has hit several regions of the United States; meanwhile, record-high temperatures have kept Americans indoors.


A new report contradicts the narrative that the switch to green energy is the sole factor impacting power costs.


The Data: S&P Global released a report on Monday recapping five-year trends in household power costs. According to the report, average US household electricity prices rose 21.9% between 2018 and 2023.

數據:S&P Global於週一發佈了一份報告,回顧了家庭電費五年來的趨勢。根據報告,美國家庭平均電費從2018年到2023年上漲了21.9%。

Prices rose the most in the following states during that period:


  • Maine — a 65.6% increase.
  • New Hampshire — a 51.3% increase.
  • Massachusetts — a 50.5% increase.
  • Connecticut — a 49% increase.
  • California — a 47.8% increase.
  • 緬因州——漲幅65.6%。
  • 新罕布什爾州——漲幅51.3%。
  • 馬薩諸塞州——漲幅50.5%。
  • 康涅狄格州——漲幅49%。
  • 加利福尼亞州——漲幅47.8%。

The states mentioned above are concentrated in the U.S. Northeast. Maine had the highest power cost increase of any state — the Maine Public Utilities Commission told S&P Global that the figure was driven by deferred costs of imported natural gas, deferred storm costs and stranded assets from a net metering program.

上述州集中在美國東北部。馬因州是所有州中電力成本增長最高的——該州公用事業委員會告訴S&P Global,這一數字是由進口天然氣的拖欠成本、拖欠的風暴費用和淨計量項目的滯留資產所推動的。

California stands as an outlier given its West Coast geography. According to California's Public Utilities Commission, nearly 13% of the monthly bill that PG&E Corp's (NYSE:PCG) residential customers paid in 2023 goes toward wildfire mitigation. In 2023, California regulators allowed PG&E to raise $2.6 billion through multiyear rate increases to risk-proof the San Francisco-based company's operations.


Appalachian states also saw substantial price hikes — West Virginia household power rates rose 26% between 2018 and 2023, S&P Global's data shows.

阿巴拉契亞州也看到了大幅上漲的電價——S&P Global的數據顯示,西弗吉尼亞家庭供電費用從2018年到2023年上漲了26%。

However, prices remained stable or even declined in the following Middle American states:


  • North Dakota — a 6.6% increase.
  • South Dakota — a 4.8% increase.
  • Nebraska — a 4.4% increase.
  • Wyoming — a 1.2% decline.
  • Kansas — a 2.1% decline.
  • 北達科他州——漲幅6.6%。
  • 南達科他州——漲幅4.8%。
  • 內布拉斯加州——漲幅4.4%。
  • 懷俄明州——下降1.2%。
  • 堪薩斯州——下降2.1%。

Why it Matters: Households have had difficulty keeping up with the rising cost of living.


Nearly 24% of U.S. households said they were unable to pay at least one energy bill in the past 12 months, according to a report from the National Energy Assistance Directors Association and the Center for Energy Poverty and Climate.


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Image: Shutterstock


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