
McLean & Company Reveals New Agenda Details for McLean Signature, the Highly Anticipated Annual Industry Conference for HR Professionals

McLean & Company Reveals New Agenda Details for McLean Signature, the Highly Anticipated Annual Industry Conference for HR Professionals

PR Newswire ·  07/30 13:47

Global HR research and advisory firm and conference host McLean & Company has recently shared the full McLean Signature 2024 conference agenda. Set for October 27-29 in Las Vegas with speakers from Revvity, the Atlanta Braves, the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, and Partners Credit Union, a Walt Disney affiliate, conference attendees can look forward to learning from a diverse array of industry experts through a variety of keynote presentations and working sessions.

全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司兼會議主辦方McLean&Company最近分享了完整的McLean簽名2024年的會議日程。 本次會議定於10月27日至29日在拉斯維加斯舉行,演講嘉賓來自Revvity,亞特蘭大勇士隊,盧卡斯敘事藝術博物館和合作夥伴信用聯盟,迪士尼的附屬公司。 參加會議的人可以通過各種主題演講和工作會議學習來自各行各業的專家的廣泛經驗。

TORONTO, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - McLean & Company, the trusted partner of HR and leadership professionals around the world, has announced further agenda details for McLean Signature, the premier HR industry conference for future-focused HR teams and leaders. Held from October 27 to 29 at the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada, conference attendees can enjoy a full roster of keynotes, working sessions, peer-to-peer roundtables, fireside chief human resources officer (CHRO) interviews, and a CHRO panel inspired by the 2024 event theme, the Future of Work.

加拿大多倫多,2024年7月30日/美通社/ - McLean&Company是全球人力資源和領導專業人士值得信賴的合作伙伴,已宣佈McLean Signature的更多議程細節,這是面向未來的HR團隊和領袖的首要HR行業會議。 會議將於10月27日至29日在內華達州拉斯維加斯的紅石賭場度假村和水療中心舉行,與2024年會議主題未來的工作相關的衆多主題演講,工作會議,點對點圓桌討論,營火人力資源總裁面試,以及一場人力資源總裁面板。

From October 27 to 29, 2024, HR professionals from a variety of industries will convene at the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa to learn, network, and prepare for the future of work at McLean Signature, the premier industry event from global HR research and advisory firm McLean & Company. The diverse array of speakers and panelists will provide conference attendees with actionable tips and guidance that can be immediately applied to their HR organizations. (CNW Group/McLean & Company)
2024年10月27日至29日,來自各行各業的人力資源專業人士將齊聚內華達州拉斯維加斯的紅石賭場度假村與水療中心,參加全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司McLean&Company提供的行業頂級活動McLean Signature,了解、建立關係和爲未來工作做準備。演講者和小組成員的多樣性將爲會議參與者提供可立即應用於其人力資源組織的實用建議和指導。

"As HR leaders and their teams continue to seek ways to enable workplaces where everyone thrives, particularly in the face of the unknown future, we have designed this year's conference to offer both powerful keynotes and plentiful learning and working sessions for attendees," says McLean & Company President, Jennifer Rozon. "At McLean & Company, we strive to provide tools and tactics that can be implemented right away. So, in addition to the phenomenal keynote speakers presenting at McLean Signature this year, participants will also be able to take advantage of several hands-on learning opportunities. These opportunities include five facilitated peer-to-peer roundtables, which will each run twice to allow attendees to participate in more than one session. There are also two interactive working sessions that have been designed to equip HR professionals with the knowledge, skills, and tools to lead their organizations in the future of work."

“隨着人力資源領導者及其團隊繼續尋求各種方法以創造每個人都能茁壯成長的工作場所,特別是在未知的未來面前,我們將今年的會議設計爲既提供強大的主題演講,又爲參會者提供豐富的學習和工作會議,”McLean&Company總裁Jennifer Rozon說道。 “在McLean&Company,我們致力於提供可立即實施的工具和策略。因此,除了今年McLean Signature的卓越主題演講者外,參與者還將能夠利用幾個實踐性的學習機會。這些機會包括五個由專業人士主持的點對點圓桌討論,每個討論將運行兩次,以允許參與者參加超過一個會議。還有兩個互動的工作會議,旨在爲人力資源專業人士提供領導未來工作所需的知識、技能和工具。”

Following the announcement of partial agenda details in June, including speakers from the Atlanta Braves, the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, and Partners Credit Union, a Walt Disney affiliate, McLean & Company is pleased to share additional information regarding the sessions at this year's HR industry conference, as detailed below:


Magali Four, Senior Vice President & Chief People and Culture Officer at Revvity, will provide insights into shaping a company's identity and culture following a rebranding effort in the fireside discussion New Brand, New Beginnings: Shaping a Global Corporate Culture with Sally Cornet, Executive Counselor at McLean & Company.

Revvity的高級副總裁兼首席人員和文化官Magali Four將在營火討論節目“新品牌,新起點:與來自McLean&Company的執行顧問Sally Cornet共塑全球企業文化”中提供有關塑造公司身份和文化的見解。

Ray Kleeman, CHRO at Reinsurance Group of America, Inc. (RGA), and David McLean, Executive Counselor at McLean & Company, will examine the CHRO's role as a catalyst for accelerating cultural transformation and driving business outcomes in the case study session Leveraging Culture as a Source of Competitive Advantage: Shaping Mindset and Behavior.

再保險集團美國的首席人力資源官(CHRO)Ray Kleeman和McLean&Company的執行顧問David McLean將在案例研究項目“以文化爲競爭優勢的利用:形成心態和行爲”中探討CHRO在加速文化轉型和推動業務結果中的角色。

William Howard, Director, HR Research & Advisory Services at McLean & Company, will explore the differing perspectives of organizational leaders and employees regarding the future of work. This will provide attendees with the tools they need to chart a course toward a future in which employee and leadership expectations are aligned to create resilient, agile, and people-centric organizations in the keynote session The Future of Work.

麥克林公司的人力資源研究與諮詢服務主任William Howard將探討組織領導者和員工對未來工作的不同看法。這將爲與會者提供必要的工具,幫助他們制定一條未來之路,使員工和領導期望保持一致,創造出具有彈性、靈活性和以人爲本的組織,主題演講《未來的工作》。

Maureen Cahill, Senior Managing Partner at McLean & Company, will facilitate the DEI Panel Discussion: Navigating DEI Resistance, informed by the HR research and advisory firm's own research. Attendees will learn from diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and legal experts about the underlying causes that contribute to DEI resistance in today's legal and sociopolitical landscape. This panel is for those seeking to evolve their DEI strategies with practical actions that will help organizations navigate a path forward to an inclusive future for all.

McLean&Company的高級合夥人Maureen Cahill將主持DEI小組討論會:“解決DEI阻力的導航”,該小組討論會以該HR研究和諮詢公司自己的研究爲基礎。參會者將向多樣性、平等和包容性(DEI)和法律專家學習,了解在當今的法律和社會政治環境中,什麼是導致DEI阻力的根本原因。該小組討論旨在爲那些希望通過實際行動來發展其DEI策略,並幫助組織走向未來,向所有人開放的,包容性的未來。

Lisa Highfield, Principal Director, HR Technology and AI; Adrienne Go, Director, HR Advisory Services; and Sharon R. Grant, Executive Advisor at McLean & Company, will guide participants through the organizational opportunities and challenges of AI and its impacts on HR service delivery. Next, they'll touch on best practices and strategies to prepare for an augmented (human and AI) workforce in the working session HR's Role in Managing an Augmented (Human + AI) Workforce.

麥克林公司的人力資源技術與人工智能負責人Lisa Highfield,人力資源諮詢服務主任Adrienne Go,以及執行顧問Sharon R. Grant將指導參與者了解人工智能帶來的機遇和挑戰,以及其對人力資源服務交付的影響。接下來,他們將在工作會議《人力資源在管理增強(人類+人工智能)勞動力中的作用》中討論人力資源爲增強(人類+人工智能)勞動力做好準備的最佳實踐和策略。

Lexi Hambides, Director, HR Research & Advisory Services; Sheri Blades, Director, HR Workshops & Advisory Services; and Sally Cornet, Executive Counselor at McLean & Company, will explore methods for enhancing HR's credibility as a strategic partner capable of driving and influencing organizational success. They'll also examine marketing the value and ROI of HR initiatives in a way that resonates with key organizational audiences in the working session Take HR's Strategic Influence and Credibility to the Next Level.

麥克林公司的人力資源研究與諮詢服務主任Lexi Hambides,人力資源研究與諮詢服務主任Sheri Blades,以及執行顧問Sally Cornet將探討提高人力資源作爲戰略合作伙伴的可信度,幫助組織成功的方法。他們還將在工作會議《將人力資源的戰略影響力和可信度提升到新的水平》中研究如何以與組織重要利益相關者產生共鳴的方式來推廣人力資源倡議的價值和回報率。

Jen Waxman, Associate Vice President, HR Advisory Services & Workshops, and Tamara Heimonen, Senior Executive Advisor at McLean & Company, will facilitate the discussion surrounding how HR organizations' current goals and workloads are impacting HR teams, how to help HR teams navigate difficult and emotionally charged situations, and methods and behaviors to manage HR's workload and team stress levels in the roundtable Reducing HR Stress Levels: Aligning HR and Organizational Priorities.

麥克林公司的人力資源諮詢服務和工作坊副總裁Jen Waxman和高級執行顧問Tamara Heimonen將主持討論,探討當前的工作目標和工作量如何影響人力資源團隊,如何幫助人力資源團隊應對困難和情緒化的情況,以及管理人力資源工作負荷和團隊壓力水平的方法和行爲,在圓桌會議《降低人力資源壓力水平:協調人力資源和組織優先事項》中。

Stacey Shepherd and Louis Ansara, Executive Counselors at McLean & Company, will guide participants through the roundtable C-Suite/Executive Succession. The roundtable discussion will focus on the importance aligning both the process and level of transparency with those involved, how to successfully identify, assess, and prepare candidates for succession, as well as common missteps and pitfalls of executive succession to avoid.

Stacey Shepherd和Louis Ansara,McLean&Company的高級顧問,將引導參與者通過圓桌討論C-Suite/Executive Succession。圓桌討論將重點討論與參與人整合流程和透明度水平的重要性,如何成功地識別、評估和爲繼任做準備的候選人,以及如何避免執行繼任的常見錯誤和陷阱。

Cara Danielson, Executive Advisor, and Mardi Walker, Executive Counselor at McLean & Company, will explore how organizations can assess their current level of effectiveness in storytelling, the key attributes of great stories, and how to effectively incorporate data into a narrative-based approach in workforce communications in the roundtable The Art and Science of Storytelling: Why HR Executives Need to Become Master Storytellers.

Cara Danielson和Mardi Walker,McLean&Company的高級顧問,將探索如何評估組織當前在敘述故事方面的有效性,偉大故事的關鍵屬性以及在工作環境中如何有效地將數據結合到基於故事的通信中的問題。圓桌討論“敘事的藝術和科學:爲什麼HR高管需要成爲高級故事大師”。

Shealyn Clare, Director, Learning Solutions, and Susanna Rothfuchs, Senior Executive Advisor at McLean & Company, will help attendees answer the following questions in the roundtable Reimagining the Role of People Leaders:

Shealyn Clare, Learning Solutions主任和Susanna Rothfuchs, McLean&Company的高級執行顧問,將幫助參與者回答以下問題:

  • Are we asking too much of people leaders?
  • Is it time to reevaluate the role of leaders?
  • How can HR ensure people leaders are prepared to manage the expectations of the future?
  • 人們領導要求過高嗎?
  • 是時候重新評估領導的角色了嗎?
  • 人力資源如何確保人們領導者準備好管理未來的期望?

Laura Hansen-Kohls, Vice President, Diagnostics, Advisory & Data Insights, and Amani Gharib, PhD, Director, HR Research & Advisory Services at McLean & Company, will highlight how different HR teams measure employee experience (EX) and customer experience (CX), how to use employee listening techniques to drive improved client experiences, and how to leverage positive customer feedback to drive a virtuous circle of EX and CX, retention, and loyalty in the roundtable Aligning the Employee Experience Strategy to Impact the Customer Experience.

麥克林公司的診斷、諮詢和數據洞察副總裁Laura Hansen-Kohls以及人力資源研究與諮詢服務的主任Amani Gharib博士將突出不同人力資源團隊如何衡量員工體驗(EX)和客戶體驗(CX),如何利用員工傾聽技術推動客戶體驗的改善,以及如何利用積極的客戶反饋推動EX和CX、保留率和忠誠度的良性循環,在圓桌會議《將員工體驗戰略與影響客戶體驗》方案相匹配。

Please note this is a non-exhaustive list of agenda items. For more information on previously announced keynote speakers Denise Huskins and Linda Nazareth, please click here. For more information regarding previously announced agenda details, click here.

請注意,這不是議程項目的詳盡列表。有關預先宣佈的主題演講者Denise Huskins和Linda Nazareth的更多信息,請單擊此處。有關先前公佈的議程詳細信息的更多信息,請單擊此處。

For the full conference agenda or to register for early bird tickets, available only until August 30, 2024, please visit the official Signature event page.


Media interested in connecting with McLean & Company analysts for exclusive, research-backed insights and commentary on generative AI in HR, HR trends in 2024, the future of work, and more can contact Senior Communications Manager Kelsey King at [email protected].

想與麥克林公司的分析師聯繫,獲取獨家的、研究支持的關於人工智能、2024年HR趨勢、未來工作的見解和評論,以及更多資訊,請聯繫高級通信經理Kelsey King,郵箱地址爲[email protected]。

About Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa

關於Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa

With an unrivaled aesthetic and attention to detail apparent at every turn, the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa offers a refined resort experience among Las Vegas' most striking environments, surrounded by the neighboring sandstone canyons. McLean Signature attendees can expect award-winning accommodations and service while sharpening their HR skills to better lead their organizations through the unknown future.


About McLean & Company

McLean & Company將基於證據的研究和立即可用的工具與深刻的人力資源專業知識相結合,爲組織定位以滿足當今的需求,併爲未來做好準備。全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司的會員組織享有全面的資源、全套診斷、研討會、行動計劃和諮詢服務,可爲各級人力資源專業人士塑造一個每個人都能茁壯成長的工作場所。

McLean & Company pairs evidence-based research and immediately applicable tools with deep HR expertise to position organizations to meet today's needs and prepare for the future. The global HR research and advisory firm's member organizations enjoy comprehensive resources, full-service diagnostics, workshops, action plans, and advisory services for all levels of HR professionals, from executive leadership to HR leaders to HR team members, that help shape workplaces where everyone thrives.


McLean & Company is a division of Info-Tech Research Group.


Media professionals can register for unrestricted access to research across IT, HR, and software and hundreds of industry analysts through the firm's Media Insiders program. To gain access, contact [email protected].

媒體專業人士可以通過該公司的媒體內部人計劃免費獲取跨IT、HR和軟件以及數百名行業分析師的研究。要獲取訪問權限,請聯繫[email protected]。

SOURCE McLean & Company


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