
NowVertical Announces 2024 Shareholder Meeting Results

NowVertical Announces 2024 Shareholder Meeting Results

GlobeNewswire ·  07/30 16:56

TORONTO, July 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NowVertical Group Inc. (TSXV: NOW) (OTCQB: NOWVF) ("NOW" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the voting results from its Annual General and Special Meeting of Shareholders held on July 30, 2024 (the "Meeting"). Shareholders holding shares entitled to exercise approximately 33.722% of the votes attributable to all of NOW's outstanding shares attended the meeting.

NowVertical集團股份有限公司(TSXV: NOW)(OTCQB: NOWVF)(以下簡稱「NOW」或「公司」)很高興宣佈,公司於2024年7月30日召開了年度股東大會和特別股東大會(以下簡稱「股東大會」),並公佈了股東表決結果。參加會議的股東持有的股份約佔NOW全部流通股投票權的33.722%。

At the Meeting, all matters of business set out in the Company's management information circular dated June 27, 2024 (the "Circular") were approved. Each of the five (5) director nominees proposed by management of the Company were elected to serve as directors of the Company until the close of the next annual meeting of shareholders or until their successor is elected or appointed. Detailed results of the votes are set out below:


Votes For Votes Withheld/Abstained
Nominee Number (#) Percent (%) Number (#) Percent (%)
Sandeep Mendiratta 20,158,235 99.985% 3,000 0.015%
David Charron 20,148,235 99.936% 13,000 0.064%
David Doritty 20,148,235 99.936% 13,000 0.064%
Elaine Kunda 20,055,677 99.476% 105,558 0.524%
Chris Ford 20,148,235 99.936% 13,000 0.064%
已投票支持 棄權/棄權投票 數量(#) 數量(#) Sandeep Mendiratta 20,158,235 20,148,235 David Doritty 20,148,235 Elaine Kunda 20,055,677 105,558 Chris Ford 20,148,235 此外,NOW股東還投票贊成:(i)重新任命Ernst & Young LLP爲公司的核數師,並授權公司董事會確定其報酬;(ii)公司修訂後的全員激勵計劃。該全員激勵計劃已從定額轉變爲翻轉10%計劃,授權公司發行等同於公司已發行和未流通的普通股10%的股票獎勵。有關該計劃的進一步信息,請參見SEDAR+上的通知。
提名人 數字 (#) 百分數(%) 數字 (#) 百分數(%)
Sandeep Mendiratta 20,158,235 99.985% 3,000 0.015%
戴維·查隆 20,148,235 99.936% 13,000 0.064%
David Doritty 20,148,235 99.936% 13,000 0.064%
Elaine Kunda 20,055,677 99.476% 105,558 0.524%
Chris Ford 20,148,235 99.936% 13,000 0.064%

NOW's shareholders also voted in favour of: (i) re-appointing Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's auditors for the ensuing year and authorized the board of directors of the Company to fix their remuneration; and (ii) the amended and restated omnibus incentive plan of the Company. The omnibus incentive plan converted from a fixed plan to a rolling 10% plan authorizing the Company to issue awards equal to 10% of the Company's issued and outstanding common shares, from time to time. For further information regarding the plan, please see the Circular which is available on SEDAR+ at .

NOW股東還投票贊成:(i)重新任命Ernst & Young LLP爲公司的核數師,並授權公司董事會確定其報酬;(ii)公司修訂後的全員激勵計劃。該全員激勵計劃已從定額轉變爲翻轉10%計劃,授權公司發行等同於公司已發行和未流通的普通股10%的股票獎勵。有關該計劃的進一步信息,請參見SEDAR+上的通知。

About NowVertical Group Inc.

關於NowVertical Group Inc.

The Company is a data analytics and AI solutions company offering comprehensive solutions, software and services. As a global provider, we deliver cutting-edge data, technology, and artificial intelligence (AI) applications to private and public enterprises. Our solutions form the bedrock of modern enterprises, converting data investments into business solutions. NOW is growing organically and through strategic acquisitions. For further details about NOW, please visit .


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Investor Relations and Communications
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Glen Nelson

This news release contains forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws (together "forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties, and contingencies. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but instead reflect the Company's expectations, estimates or projections concerning future results or events based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates of management considered reasonable at the date the statements are made. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release include, without limitation, statements with respect to the TSXV acceptance of the Amended Plan. Forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "may", "should", "will", "could", "intend", "estimate", "plan", "anticipate", "expect", "believe" or "continue", or the negative thereof or similar variations. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause future results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from the estimated future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements and the forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, such statements involve risks and uncertainties, and undue reliance should not be placed thereon, as unknown or unpredictable factors could have material adverse effects on future results, performance or achievements of the Company. Among the key factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements are the following: timing and receipt of regulatory approvals, including final acceptance of the TSXV for the Amended Plan and other risk factors identified in documents filed by the Company under its profile at , including the Company's managements' discussion and analysis for the year ended December 31, 2023 dated May 6, 2024 and the prospectus supplement (including all documents incorporated by reference therein) dated February 22, 2023. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, believed, estimated or expected. Although the Company has attempted to identify important risks, uncertainties and factors which could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be others that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended and such changes could be material. All of the forward-looking statement contained in this press release are qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements, and there can be no guarantee that the results or developments that we anticipate will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences or effects on our business, financial condition or results of operation. Unless otherwise noted or the context otherwise indicates, the forward -looking statements contained herein are provided as of the date hereof, and the Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update the forward-looking statements except as otherwise required by applicable law. Investors are cautioned that, trading in the securities of the Company should be considered highly speculative.

本新聞發佈包含前瞻性信息和前瞻性聲明,均屬於適用加拿大證券法的前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明必須基於估計和假設的基礎上,並且儘管管理層認爲這些估計和假設是合理的,但它們本身 inherently 是重大的業務、經濟和競爭不確定性和變數。投資者應該注意到,前瞻性聲明不是基於歷史事實,而是反映了公司對未來業績或事件的期望、估計或預測,這些期望、估計或預測基於管理層在發表聲明時認爲是合理的意見、假設和估計結果。此新聞發佈中的前瞻性聲明包括但不限於關於TSXV接受修訂後的計劃的聲明。前瞻性聲明通常可以通過使用前瞻性詞彙來識別,例如「可能」、「應該」、「將」、「可以」、「意味着」、「估計」、「計劃」、「預計」、「相信」、「繼續」,或者其他否定形式或類似變化。前瞻性聲明涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致未來結果、業績或成就與前瞻性聲明所預計的結果、業績或成就有實質不同,前瞻性聲明不是未來業績或成就的保證。儘管公司認爲此類前瞻性聲明所反映的期望是合理的,但該類聲明包含風險和不確定性,且不應過度依賴它們,因爲未知或不可預測的因素可能對公司未來業績、表現或成就產生重大的不利影響。導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明中預測的結果不同的關鍵因素包括以下幾點:監管部門批准的時間和接收情況,包括TSXV最終接受修改後計劃所需的最終接受,並在公司檔案下標明的風險因素,包括公司2023年12月31日止的管理層討論與分析文件,日期爲2024年5月6日的概要說明書(包括所有引用文件),以及日期爲2023年2月22日的說明書補充說明。如果這些風險或不確定性中的一個或多個出現實際情況,或前瞻性聲明底層假設被證明是錯誤的,實際結果可能與預期的結果有實質不同。雖然公司已盡力識別可能導致實際結果與預期結果實質不同的重要風險、不確定性和影響因素,但也可能存在其他因素導致結果未能如預期、估計或旨在的效果發生變化的情況,而這些變化可能是實質性的。除非另有說明或情境另有說明,否則此處所包含的前瞻性聲明是指在此發佈之日起提供,公司沒有意圖也沒有承擔任何義務更新前瞻性聲明,除非適用法律另有規定。投資者應當注意到,交易公司證券屬於高度投機性的行爲。 包括日期爲2024年5月6日的公司管理層對截至2023年12月31日的討論和分析,以及日期爲2023年2月22日的招股說明書補充(包括所有援引的文件)。如果這些風險或不確定因素中的一個或多個材料化,或者基本前瞻性陳述的假設被證明不正確,實際結果可能會與此處所述的原意、計劃、預期、相信、估計或預期有所不同。儘管公司已試圖確定重要風險、不確定性和可能導致實際結果與預期、估計或意圖不同的因素,但可能還存在其他因素導致結果與預期、估計或意圖不同,這種變化可能是重大的。本新聞稿所包含的所有前瞻性陳述均受到上述警示性聲明的限制,我們並不能保證我們預期的結果或發展將實現,即使實現的規模相當大,它們將對我們的業務、財務狀況或經營結果產生預期的後果或影響。除非另有註明或上下文表示,本文中包含的前瞻性聲明是從本日期提供的,公司不打算也不承擔任何義務更新前瞻性聲明,除非適用法律另有規定。投資者應該注意,交易該公司證券應視爲高度投機性。

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