
Earnings Call Summary | Rocky Brands(RCKY.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Rocky Brands(RCKY.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | rocky brands(RCKY.US) 2024財年第二季度業績會
moomoo AI ·  07/31 03:17  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Rocky Brands, Inc. (RCKY) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是rocky brands公司(RCKY)Q2 2024業績會的簡要摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Q2 net sales were $98.3 million, a slight decrease of 1.6% compared to $99.8 million in the previous year, but showing a 6.1% year-over-year increase when excluding nonrecurring items.

  • Gross margin improved to 38.7% from 37.6% in the previous year, driven by higher Wholesale margins and a higher percentage of Retail net sales.

  • Operating income grew to $4.5 million or 4.6% of net sales from $2.2 million or 2.2% compared to the previous year.

  • The company saw a decrease in total debt by 12% since the end of the previous year and inventories decreased by 20% year-over-year to $175 million.

  • Q2淨銷售額爲9830萬美元,與上一年的9980萬美元相比略有下降1.6%,但排除一次性項目後同比增長6.1%。

  • 毛利率從上一年的37.6%提高至38.7%。這歸功於更高的批發銷售利潤率和零售淨銷售額佔比的提高。

  • 營業利潤從220萬美元或淨銷售額的2.2%增長至450萬美元或淨銷售額的4.6%。

  • 自上一年末以來,公司的總負債減少了12%,存貨同比下降20%,達到17500萬美元。

Business Progress:


  • To support growth, Rocky Brands refinanced debt, simplifying the capital structure expected to save approximately $4.4 million annually in interest expense starting in 2025.

  • Durango and XTRATUF brands led with strong double-digit gains. Introduced new products and color ranges, expanding their market reach and distribution, particularly in niche markets like sport fishing and outdoor recreation.

  • Continued efforts in enhancing online presence and sales through branded e-commerce sites, achieving double-digit revenue gains.

  • Strategic realignment of sales organization improved sales pipeline and account growth, especially in the B2B Lehigh business.

  • 爲了支持增長,rocky brands進行了再融資以簡化資本結構,預計從2025年開始每年節省約440萬美元的利息支出。

  • Durango 和 XTRATUF品牌的強勁雙位數增長引領市場。推出了新產品和顏色系列,擴大了市場覆蓋和分銷,特別是在像運動釣魚和戶外運動等小衆市場。

  • 通過品牌電子商務網站持續改進網上銷售及推廣,實現了兩位數的營業收入增長。

  • 戰略性銷售組織的重組改進了銷售渠道和帳戶增長,特別是在億美元的Lehigh業務中。



  • Strategic debt refinancing enhances financial flexibility and potentially boosts profitability with reduced interest expenses projected from 2025.

  • Strong performance and growing demand in niche outdoor verticals present opportunities for further expansion and sales increases.

  • Continued positive reception and robust sales via branded e-commerce sites offer a significant channel for ongoing revenue growth.

  • 戰略性的債務再融資增強了財務靈活性,並有望通過從2025年開始降低利息支出來提高盈利能力。

  • 在小衆戶外市場表現強勁並有了不斷增長的需求,爲進一步擴張和增加銷售提供了機會。

  • 通過品牌電商網站持續得到肯定和強勁的銷售,爲持續的營業收入增長提供了重要渠道。



  • Challenged sectors like Work, hindered by over-inventory pressures at smaller accounts, necessitate careful inventory and sales channel management.

  • Possible continued margin pressure from elevated ocean freight rates, affecting overall profitability.

  • 受到較小帳戶庫存過多的壓力,像Work這樣具有挑戰性的領域需要仔細管理庫存和銷售渠道。

  • 可能會出現由於海運費率不斷上升而導致的持續毛利壓力,影響整體盈利能力。

More details: Rocky Brands IR

更多詳情:rocky brands IR

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