
Regeneron Announces the 2024 Winners of the Regeneron Prize for Creative Innovation

Regeneron Announces the 2024 Winners of the Regeneron Prize for Creative Innovation

再生元製藥公司 ·  07/31 00:00

TARRYTOWN, N.Y., July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: REGN) today announced the winners of the 12th annual Regeneron Prize for Creative Innovation (the Regeneron Prize), an award that recognizes, celebrates and rewards outstanding talent and creativity from early-career scientists in biomedical research.


Each year, Regeneron asks leading research universities across the United States to nominate their top graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, who are then invited to conceptualize and propose "dream projects" within the realm of biomedical science. The finalists present their proposals to a selection committee comprised of Regeneron's leading scientists who evaluate the projects based on scientific merit, creativity and originality.


This year's winners are Christopher Giuliano and Julian Roessler, both Ph.D. candidates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. Each has been awarded $50,000, in addition to a $10,000 grant to their home institution to support its seminar series. Six other finalists each received $5,000 awards.

今年的獲獎者是來自麻省理工學院(MIT)白海研究所的博士候選人Christopher Giuliano和Julian Roessler。每個人都獲得了5萬美元的獎金,另外再生元將向獲獎者所屬機構授予1萬美元的支持基金,用於支持它的研討會系列活動。另外,六名入圍者也分別獲得了5,000美元的獎勵。

"We launched the Regeneron Prize twelve years ago to help encourage and reward 'blue sky' thinking in biomedicine," said George D. Yancopoulos, M.D., Ph.D., co-Founder, Board co-Chair, President and Chief Scientific Officer of Regeneron. "Every amazing medical breakthrough that exists today — from a vaccine for polio, to a treatment for Ebola, to technologies that can edit genes within a patient's body — was once just a crazy idea. Society needs more big ideas that could one day change lives, and these remarkable students have impressed and inspired us with their ability to think deeply, strategically and ambitiously."

"我們12年前推出再生元獎是爲了鼓勵和獎勵生物醫學界的'藍天'思考," 再生元的聯合創始人、董事會聯席主席、總裁兼首席科學家George D. Yancopoulos博士說。"所有驚人的醫學突破——從小兒麻痹症疫苗、埃博拉治療到可以編輯患者體內基因的技術,都曾經是瘋狂的想法。社會需要更多能夠改變人生的大膽構思,而這些出色的學生以他們深入、戰略性和雄心勃勃的思維能力給我們留下了深刻印象並激勵我們。"

Christopher Giuliano, a Ph.D. candidate in Biology at MIT, is working in the laboratory of Dr. Sebastian Lourido at the Whitehead Institute. As an undergraduate, Christopher simultaneously researched biochemistry in Dr. Steve Glynn's lab at State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook and cancer biology in Dr. Jason Sheltzer's lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York. Throughout his graduate career, he has pursued an interest in infectious disease and immunology studying the host response to Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. Christopher aims to repurpose the parasite's ability to manipulate muscle cells to improve the efficiency of muscle-directed gene therapies. Christopher's Regeneron Prize winning proposal leveraged insights from his focused studies on infectious agents to enhance broader therapeutic strategies, aiming to revolutionize how we design treatments for complex diseases.

Christopher Giuliano是MIT Whitehead研究所Sebastian Lourido博士實驗室的博士生。Christopher在State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook的Steve Glynn博士實驗室研究生物化學,在New York的Cold Spring Harbor實驗室的Jason Sheltzer博士實驗室研究腫瘤生物學。在讀研期間,他一直致力於感染性疾病和免疫學的研究,研究寄生蟲Toxoplasma gondii引起的病毒疾病和宿主反應。Christopher的目標是利用這種寄生蟲操縱肌肉細胞的能力,提高肌肉定向基因治療的效率。Christopher的再生元獎獲獎提案利用了他在感染性疾病研究和免疫學研究方面的深入研究所得出的見解,以增強更廣泛的治療策略,旨在徹底改變我們設計複雜疾病治療的方式。

Julian Roessler, a Ph.D. candidate in Biology at MIT, is working in the laboratory of Dr. Siniša Hrvatin from the Whitehead Institute. Julian earned his BA in Biochemistry from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was a Vagelos Molecular Life Sciences Scholar. He completed a Master's degree in Chemistry, also from the University of Pennsylvania, studying the heat shock response in ants with Dr. Shelley Berger. Since joining MIT, Julian has worked with Dr. David Sabatini studying the mTORC1 pathway before joining Dr. Hrvatin's laboratory in 2021 to study the hypothalamic basis of torpor, a hypometabolic state. His research focuses on understanding the neurocircuitry and organ systems that coordinate responses to environmental challenges. Julian's Regeneron Prize winning proposal applied ideas from his specialized research areas to broader systems, with the goal of understanding the brain circuitry required to deal with particular stressors to human survival.

Julian Roessler是MIT Whitehead研究所Siniša Hrvatin博士實驗室的博士候選人。Julian獲得賓夕法尼亞大學的生物化學學士學位,併成爲Vagelos Molecular Life Sciences Scholar。他還在賓夕法尼亞大學攻讀化學碩士學位,與Shelley Berger博士一起研究螞蟻的熱休克反應。自加入MIT以來,Julian一直與David Sabatini博士一起研究mTORC1通路,然後在2021年加入了Hrvatin博士實驗室,研究昏迷的下丘腦基礎,即一種低代謝狀態。他的研究重點是了解調節對環境挑戰的響應的神經電路和器官系統。Julian的再生元獎獲獎提案把他專門研究領域的想法應用到更廣泛的系統中,旨在理解處理對人類生存具有特定壓力因素所需的大腦電路。

"Regeneron's Prize encourages early career scientists to work independently to solve a problem that is important to them. We look for originality and creativity on the one hand, and practicality on the other," said David Glass, M.D., Vice President of Research and Chair of the Postdoctoral Program at Regeneron.

"Regeneron獎鼓勵早期職業科學家獨立工作,解決他們認爲重要的問題。我們 on the one hand 尋找原創性和創造力, on the other hand,尋找實用性." Regeneron Regeneron的研究副總裁、博士後計劃主席 David Glass博士說。

A key focus of Regeneron's social impact work is to inspire and prepare young people to pursue STEM careers. As a company founded and led by physician-scientists, Regeneron is committed to fostering the next generation of scientific innovators who can help solve society's greatest challenges. Since its inception in 2013, the Regeneron Prize has supported early-career scientists with more than $1.7 million in awards. Additionally, since 2020, our STEM efforts and partnerships have supported over 2.4 million students, including through premier high school science competitions, such as the Regeneron Science Talent Search (Regeneron STS) and the Regeneron International Science & Engineering Fair (Regeneron ISEF).

再生元社會影響工作的主要重點是激勵和準備年輕人追求STEm職業生涯。作爲一家由醫生和科學家創立、領導的公司,Regeneron致力於培養下一代能夠幫助解決社會最大挑戰的科學創新者。自2013年成立以來,Regeneron獎已爲早期職業科學家提供了超過170萬美元的獎勵。此外,自2020年以來,我們的STEm 努力和合作夥伴支持了240萬名學生,包括通過Regeneron Science Talent Search(Regeneron STS)和Regeneron International Science & Engineering Fair(Regeneron ISEF)等頂級高中科學競賽。

Requests for applications for the Regeneron Prize are distributed to academic institutions each December. Regeneron asks institutions to nominate two graduate students and two postdoctoral fellows. In addition to the dream project proposals, submissions must include a curriculum vitae and samples of publications that enable the selection committee to review each nominee's scholarly productivity. For more information, please email


About Regeneron
Regeneron (NASDAQ: REGN) is a leading biotechnology company that invents, develops and commercializes life-transforming medicines for people with serious diseases. Founded and led by physician-scientists, our unique ability to repeatedly and consistently translate science into medicine has led to numerous approved treatments and product candidates in development, most of which were homegrown in our laboratories. Our medicines and pipeline are designed to help patients with eye diseases, allergic and inflammatory diseases, cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, neurological diseases, hematologic conditions, infectious diseases, and rare diseases.


Regeneron believes that operating as a good corporate citizen is crucial to delivering on our mission. We approach corporate responsibility with three goals in mind: to improve the lives of people with serious diseases, to foster a culture of integrity and excellence and to build sustainable communities. Regeneron is proud to be included on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the Civic 50 list of the most "community-minded" companies in the U.S. Throughout the year, Regeneron empowers and supports employees to give back through our volunteering, pro bono and matching gift programs. Our most significant philanthropic commitments are in the area of early science education, including the Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS) and the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).

再生元相信作爲一家負責任的企業公民對實現我們的使命至關重要。我們的企業社會責任立足於三個目標:改善患有嚴重疾病患者的生活、促進誠信和卓越文化,以及建設可持續社區。再生元是納斯達克和Civic 50美國最“關注社區”的企業名單之一。一年中,再生元賦予員工力量和支持,通過我們的志願服務、無償服務和捐款計劃回饋社會。我們最重要的慈善承諾是在早期科學教育領域,包括Regeneron Science Talent Search(STS)和Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair(ISEF)等項目。

For more information, please visit or follow Regeneron on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook or X.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 或關注LinkedIn、Instagram、Facebook或X上的再生元。

Media Contacts:
Joseph Brown, Regeneron

Joseph Brown,再生元


Source: Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


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